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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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Unfortunately, since this is my first time on first page, it's no big deal here! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

I love FCA and the people who make it up. :F_05BL17blowkiss: We actually had a discussion on religion yesterday and it was civil and interesting and diverse and no one tried to ram anything down anyone's throat by repeating it twenty million times. I am soooo proud! :clap:

I think this cd is going to be awesome! Kipper seems like an outside the box kinda guy and Clay seems willing to go outside the box a bit, so I'm excited to see what their collaboration has yielded artistically. I think his management team is being more effective this time and that Clay is getting more positive press this time.

I feel happy! :cryingwlaughter:

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So, is it a big deal to be on page 1 here? I'm pretty sure this is my first time.

Is it? If so then eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I made first page. :clap::fca::DoClay:

Couchie I hope your mom is doing better and your nurse maid role gets to ease up a bit. Care giving does take it's toll on people. I've been there done that and still am.

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Along with this....



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Reality TV on OMWH

Y'all have probably all seen this . . .

Maybe I've missed some of the previous articles, but this is the longest version of Album News I've read.

I LOVE this article!!!

Y'all have probably read all this. I didn't go read some of the other stuff because I was waiting for the track list to show up at Amazon - fearing some incorrect info might be published like some that happened after ATDW.

What a great read! I love hearing him talk about how things have developed - and his "two families"!

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Good grief... does no one proofread???? Both the RCA bio and the new Reality TV site have the same typo. "with" instead of "without." Geesh! It's pretty cool to have this showing up, tho, typo and all. :clap:

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EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I've been lurking and have really nothing to add....

But I sure love that Clay Aiken guy!!


(and the first page!)


Cool emoticon!!! May 6th, just in time for my birthday on the 8th. Thank you Clay for the best gift I will probably get. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I lurve the CD cover art......it's artsy. With NYC in the background, it says it all to me. I love the pensive look on his face. The pic on the floor is just a tease, that man is no innocent. :hubbahubba: So far, I am liking what I hear of the new CD, but I cannot wait until we can finally get the final cuts with Clay's voice.

I really, really hope that RCA can get off of their collective asses and do some promo this time around. I refuse to worry about it, but Clay deserves to have his CD heard by more than NJU. He just looks so happy in the videos and pics, I will not get to see him until May 1st for the first time in Spamalot.....can.not.wait!

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This is sooooooo CUTE, cha cha!

Will somebody please make me clean? :cry4: I have done some cleaning today, but I keep getting side-tracked.....

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I do think RCA is already off their collective asses... so far. Clay isn't doing all of this on his own as I doubt they'd let their million dollar property that far off the leash. I know some management teams are more involved than others but it's the record company that holds the purse strings and the say so..at least at my cousin's major record label. It will be interesting to see what comes next and how they choose to promote Clay. I think many of the old paradigms are meaningless. Anybody feel like starting a thread to track developments. Maybe I'll do it but I'll need help filling in what's happened so far. ATDW just crash landed out of the sky a few days before the release so I'm much happier this time around.

Nice to see you Gloch!!

I'm babysitting tonight and lord knows I don't feel like it. And I've got to take one to their piano lesson and the other one wants a freaking pedicure cuz her mom is at a pamper party and she couldn't go. A PEDICURE? She's 5! And I didn't see anything by the way of snacks cross my doorway when they dropped them off either. OH GOD and five minutes here and they're hungry. I'm gonna hurt somebody.

Any reports from the afternoon show?

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From Tiggy at CV:

Just got off the phone with ClaysFayevorite (a looooong call but we talked about a lot of Clay stuff other than Spamalot, too)

No stage door today but it was really funny because the barricades weren't set up and people had lined up as though they were there, knowing right where to stand and how much room to leave by the stage door. Jerome, you have trained the fandom well! LOL! This is probably the reason Clay didn't make it outside this afternoon. CF had gone down to the bathroom and realized on her way upstairs that she had lost her ear muffs that were hooked on her purse. She told an usher who took her back into the theater to try to find them. When she got back in she heard voices and saw people in street clothes up on the stage. She quickly realized that it was the cast and quickly scanned the line and found Clay. He was wearing a navy and yellow hoodie. The theater was empty except for a handful of people down front who seemed to be asking questions. Someone on stage seemed to be explaining something about the production but she couldn't hear very well. The usher directed her to the door but she loitered as long as she could to watch and listen. Good job, CF! Finally she had to leave and I never did find out if she found her ear muffs! LOL! Think she even cared at that point?

Random impressions and rememberances: The Knights of Ni sang "Invisible!" I haven't heard them do that in a long time! Clay never changed his expression but it was a great treat for the 'mates in the house! Clay took a while to "fall down dead" today but still landed off mark with the spear landing on the lights again. Up and down went the spear every time the lights opened and closed. This time though Clay slid his hand off of it when it went up; last night he held on. She absolutely loves the Guard scene where Clay laughs hysterically at Herbert's father and says, "He's a guard; it would be daft to guard 'im!" He laughs in this really high pitched tone that adds to the hilarity of this already "wet your pants laughing" scene. The faces he pulls are just so stupid looking and they change constantly. I think he really plays off the audiences reaction to him.

The LOTL sang Posh Spice and not Britney Spears. IBG said that the look on her face last night kind of looked to her that she sang BS by mistake. Not sure. She really is liking the new Gallahad and she was a great fan of Chris's so he must be really coming along. I'm sure as he gets more used to the cast and their reactions to the scene, he will find his niche. In size he is perhaps just a tad shorter than Chris but she wasn't positive. I'll see him for the first time this coming Saturday and am anxious to see the different delivery. I will miss Chris though. Loved him! She thinks at the beginning of the show in the mud scene that Brad delivers his lines a bit slower and more conversationally than Chris. She liked that.

The bottle dance has been perfected since opening night and she loved it. She said before he knelt he kind of tried to make sure the tunic was out of the way and sort of stands back on his heels and turns his feet out like a duck and whatever he does, the tunic flies up and out of the way. I like the visual! (Irishbookgal is in the background saying "It's HOT. He had me at the duck feet!!!" ) So CF is in the middle of 44th St. sitting on a fire hydrant demonstrating this like I could see it from here! She finally noticed that people were looking at her and stopped because they were in front of the the theater where Gypsy is playing and she was afraid people would think she was a part of the chorus! I am hysterical listening to this on the phone.

IBG got an unusual souvenier! When they shot the confetti out of the "confetti shooter" (?) the lid or a piece of it hit her in the head. She has it in her purse! No harm to head and another souvenier (of the bizarre variety!)

She loved Tom in the Swamp Castle scene and doesn't know how he can bend so far backward without falling in a heap! He cracked Lancelot up and that makes the audience laugh even harder.

Clay was tugging away at the white pants again and she said they need to get hold of Shannon and fix them. I told her that they are just fine the way they are! Gives a whole new meaning to "tighty whiteys"!!! LOL! She noticed that Clay and Hannah had some kind of exchange during the final bow. Clay is so cute giving the salute with his head bent down and being very dramatic about it. The stone faced woman by IBG finally clapped after Clay's big number. CF is still loving how he is so tickled and cheering for himself during his big number and then has to kind of snap out of it because he is, after all, in front of the King. It's just a riot! She is so impressed with how much better his dancing has gotten and how smooth it is. Just flawless. I asked her how she liked the part where he clicks the coconuts behind his back and she got this low voice and said slowly, O-M-G!!! Yep, he will turn you to jelly with that look he gets! She said she laughed even more during the show today than yesterday. She said she would NEVER get tired of watching this show.You really do need to see the show more than once because it is non-stop funny and you do tend to miss things. I've seen it 9 times now and I'm STILL finding new things every time. Amazing!

They were at John's pizza getting a bite to eat before they head back for the show tonight. She'll call me at intermission. I am having SOOOOO much fun listening to the joy and excitement coming over the phone! Back in awhile!

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I'm babysitting tonight and lord knows I don't feel like it. And I've got to take one to their piano lesson and the other one wants a freaking pedicure cuz her mom is at a pamper party and she couldn't go. A PEDICURE? She's 5! And I didn't see anything by the way of snacks cross my doorway when they dropped them off either. OH GOD and five minutes here and they're hungry. I'm gonna hurt somebody.

:cryingwlaughter: I know the feeling- my son's best friend has been staying with us since Good Friday. He just went home today! I couldn't believe how many side trips to the grocery store I had to make over the past week! It's amazing how much two teenaged boys can eat!

Any reports from the afternoon show?

aikim beat me to it above! I was just going to bring over that same one! So how about this one...

From Linluvsclay at CB:


Just got home from this afternoon's show. The other recaps were so detailed that there isn't much left for me to say! I can tell you that the guy who came out and announced that Clay wasn't coming out said that when there are two shows in a day, the cast likes to have something to eat and many take a nap before the next show. Makes sense, but I would have loved to have seen him out there. This was the 4th time I've seen the show, and have had different perspectives each time based on where I sat. Opening night I was 7th row right orchestra, second time 4th row third seat in, then second row second seat in from the left (that seat was to die for if you wanted to be close to Clay, still haven't recovered from that one) and today was row K dead center. Today I saw things I've missed before, mostly from the other cast members and probably because all the other times I never took my eyes off of Clay (still did that, but managed to avert my eyes to others a few times!).There is so much going on that it's impossible to see it all. So many facial expressions from everyone. So many little changes from show to show. Clay continues to change it up with every performance. The tower scene always cracks me up--the facial expressions, the playing with the strap, etc. Camelot scene--what can I tell you. He has perfected looking up skirts. When he did it for the first time a week ago, he bent forward slightly and bent his head and lookekd up. Today he totally bent down at his waist--til his head almost touched the floor and then looked up. Kind of an inverted V position if you know what I mean. The look on his face was priceless. So funny! He is so into the scene, so into interacting with everyone on stage. and so into the dancing and flirting. At one point he was on the left side of the stage, and shimmied while doing the "come to me" finger wiggle that I love, and said "come to daddy" while doing all that. Whoa is all I can say. The guard scene is one of my favorites. Clueless doesn't begin to describe it. The facial expressions are superb and the new Sir Gallahad really let him take his time doing the expressions and Clay milked it for all it was worth. Every time you thought he couldn't possibly make a new and more hilarious face, he did. The audience howled and I loved it because they "got it" and thought he was funny. I thought the audience was very subdued today; curious to see what others who were there thought. But they did laugh out loud during that scene. What can I say about YWSOGB. Superb. Stupendous. Glorious. The notes he hits while standing precariously on the piano are not to be believed. He exudes confidence in this scene, and really, in every scene. The difference since opening night really is in his showmanship and confidence. He owns this role now. Totally. I truly feel sorry for the person who replaces him on May 6th because he is so amazing up there. I know that many talk about the white tuxedo pants, and yup, there was some tugging going on, and that needed to be going on. I'm really surprised that Clay hasn't made someone fix them by now! They look as though they are uncomfortable for him to wear. But it doesn't stop him, nope, not at all!

This post has been rambling as I'm just typing things as I think of them. The bottom line is that Clay is superb in this show; his confidence has soared, his facial expressions are matched by no one except perhaps Tom Deckman (the rescue scene makes you wish you wore Depends to the show), and that doing this show was a brilliant decision. Brilliant. He has proved to the world that he can do anything, and do it extraordinarily well, and more importantly, I think he proved to himself that he can. This man is amazing, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him. There is nothing he can't do. And I truly think he knows that now.

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I do think RCA is already off their collective asses... so far. Clay isn't doing all of this on his own as I doubt they'd let their million dollar property that far off the leash. I know some management teams are more involved than others but it's the record company that holds the purse strings and the say so..at least at my cousin's major record label. It will be interesting to see what comes next and how they choose to promote Clay. I think many of the old paradigms are meaningless. Anybody feel like starting a thread to track developments. Maybe I'll do it but I'll need help filling in what's happened so far. ATDW just crash landed out of the sky a few days before the release so I'm much happier this time around.

Nice to see you Gloch!!

I'm babysitting tonight and lord knows I don't feel like it. And I've got to take one to their piano lesson and the other one wants a freaking pedicure cuz her mom is at a pamper party and she couldn't go. A PEDICURE? She's 5! And I didn't see anything by the way of snacks cross my doorway when they dropped them off either. OH GOD and five minutes here and they're hungry. I'm gonna hurt somebody.

Any reports from the afternoon show?

couchtomato, I guess what I mean is I hope he gets some National promo, not just the internet fans. I love that they are including ads for his CD in the Playbill. I agree that we are miles ahead than with ATDW, but I haven't seen any real national promo that would include a national awareness. I am excited about Kipper and he couldn't have come cheap, so that is a great thing that is different this time around. I hope we get a PR this week that will be picked up nationally. I would love to see some radio spots. I wonder too if because of Spamalot, there will be more promo the week the CD drops? This time around is so much better, it has a different feel to it than the depressing, nothing we had last time. Anyway, what will be will be and I can't wait to get that CD in my hands.

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This is sooooooo CUTE, cha cha!

Will somebody please make me clean? :cry4: I have done some cleaning today, but I keep getting side-tracked.....

annabear -- Far be it from me to make you do something you don't want to do!!! :cryingwlaughter:

btw - I think gerwhisp make that CD animation.

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Cleaning! Blech! I have to do it, too. We have steam cleaners coming tomorrow to clean the carpets, which means that I have to get my daughters to pick up all of their stuff. That ain't easy! Then we have to keep it picked up, because on Thursday we're paying a cleaning service to clean everything the steam cleaners didn't clean.

All of this cleaning is in preparation for my mother-in-laws visit this coming weekend. There's another blech! I wish I liked her, but I really don't. Even hubby isn't particularly looking forward to her visit. Oh, well. It's only a few days, and we don't see her very often. And we will have a really nice-looking house after she leaves, since everything will be all picked up, cleaned and in order. She's really coming to see our girls, not us!


(I'm laughing, cuz if I didn't, I'd be crying about this . . . )

This post is brought to you by two words - clean and blech.

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Since it was a quiet Sunday evening, I was looking around at stuff I hadn't seen for awhile. I just watched the Anonymous xvid from GFI of At This Moment, I am toast. The look he was sporting then is not too unlike the recent AP photos. I was one who always loved ATM on AI, but this is a grown up version, I need to see if there is a version out there to put on my IPod.

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