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#30: Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!


FCA Thread Title  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title for FCA?

    • The Very Handsome Sir Clay of Aiken
    • "If I hear the term 'radio-friendly' one more time, I'm going to scream"
    • I'm ridiculously in love with the man & that's all there is to it.
    • "That will be an extra $50 for the butt squeeze!"
    • A snippet of Clay beats the hell out of the whole damn thing of anyone else!
    • Slovenia...who would a thunk it? I love Slovenia.
    • And if you strip away the friendly sweaters and smooth hair and charming smile, there's a feral creature underneath waiting to BITE you.
    • We've climbed on Mr. Aiken's Wild Ride!!!! Only this time it's an A Ticket!!!!
    • "You're doing GREAT!"
    • Clay Aiken is my high.
    • Clay Aiken is more punk then any of these groups.
    • "I still don't understand why people like my ass, I'm sorry!"

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Awwww poor tired Clay...and yesterday was his only off day...back on stage tonight and its his last week? SNIFF SNIFF...it will be an emotional time for him and with no time to adjust back to his usual DAY job...recording superstar...hee

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We really have no idea how many CD's he sold last night. Sure, the initial shipment sold out during the show. But do we really think the sales stopped the minute the show ended? I doubt it!

I still basking in the afterglow.... *le sigh* :DoClay:

ETA: Didn't the guy say at one point yesterday that QVC is all live, all the time? I don't think they do re-broadcasts.

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Ok, I just started to post and I am a post whore already!

Just got out of the shower and I was singing "Everything I Don't Need" and I realized two things. Maybe I like that song better than I thought and secondly I wrote the wrong name of the song when I was posting my impressions.

I did read that post on CV. It might have been the all caps but I found myself a tad uncomfortable (at least the way the poster described it) with her response to nephew's friend. First he seemed excited to post some of it on youtube and she threw a wet blanket on it. And who cares if the fans knew the answers to the questions a zillion years ago? You tube is not just about the current fans. Her reponse to him seemed dismissive. I did hear that some of the questions were beyond idiotic but still, i love to watch Clay talk. And cg said that his hair looked amazing. Did not have a chance to read the recap from cg's point of view as of yet.


ETA Edited for stupid typos. I do that alot.

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Ok, I just started to post and I am a post whore already!

Just got out of the shower and I was singing "Everything I Don't Need" and I realized two things. Maybe I like that song better than I thought and secondly I wrote the wrong name of the song when I was posting my impressions.

I did read that post on CV. It might have been the all caps but I found myself a tad uncomfortable (at least the way the poster described it) with her response to nephew's friend. First he seemed excited to post some of it on youtube and she threw a wet blanket on it. And who cares if the fans knew the answers to the questions a zillion years ago? You tube is not just about the current fans. Her reponse to him seemed dismissive. I did hear that some of the questions were beyond idiotic but still, i love to watch Clay talk. And cg said that his hair looked amazing. Did not have a chance to read the recap from cg's point of view as of yet.


ETA Edited for stupid typos. I do that alot.

ITA... I thought that was unfortunate too cos we have to start thinking beyond the fanbase. Its interesting to see what questions non fans would have for him and if it is info we already know...then what of it...maybe the reason they asked the employees is so that they will see what non fans are interested in. I do hope they put it up... at this point its not all about us now...

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ok now I know what people are talking about when they say that the TV broadcast didn't sound as good as the online version. That you tube version of WIDTL sounded much rougher than what I heard online last night. The sound was not as loud on the stream. But I still like it...the roughness in his voice actually sounded sexy at some point. This is going to be one of my fave songs and I think is very very radio friendly....

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I am finally home (my friend and I went out to dinner and then I had to drive her home and while I live close to QVC, she doesn't, and then she doesn't live all that close to me either!).

I would like to KILL whoever messed with his near perfect hair from this afternoon!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

I do want to say he wasn't scheduled to sing TRM, The show host said she begged him to and he said they would if they had time. They didn't really, but I think he sang it mostly for her. She told us before it started she had listened to the whole CD (lucky bitch!) and she LOVED it, especially OMWH. TRM, SAU and WOTW and I think EIDN. She didn't even look at the CD for the titles and since there was at least one song he wasn't singing, I think she was genuine.

Muski did a great job recapping the afternoon event so I don't have to!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

As for tonight...... I think I need to sleep on it and watch the clack as the sound was TERRIBLE in the studio. Just not sure what to say.

I will say this. IMO Clay was off his game. I would bet it was because he was tired - maybe he bit off more than he could chew? He seemed to drag - not his usual sparkling personality and razor sharp wit. I thought the show host was great with him and he seemed to lean on her a lot (both fugitive and literally - lucky bitch!). Maybe he was tired. Maybe he had a headache. Maybe he hated what he saw out in the audience! I don't know. It was just kind of weird.

I am glad I didn't listen to the snippets beforehand because I think if I LOVED one of the snippets of the songs he sang I would have been very disappointed in person. But again, the sound was TERRIBLE in the studio, but I think his performance was a bit off too. First time, I know, and maybe too little rehearsal time. Makes me wonder about the wisdom of fitting this QVC appearance in now. Of the ones I heard tonight (including the ENTIRE TRM..) I definitely love SAU best!

Hey Twin, wasn't that your favorite based on the snippets?

I loved the jazzy feel to it and thought it was mucho sexy.

Not sure if this appearance does him any good in the long run. 12,000 CDs? The internet fandom alone could easily buy that many - especially when so many order multiples. I wish there was some data on who bought them - long time QVC shoppers or mostly new? I wish there was data on how many tuned in - more than usual for a Monday 7pm show, or less? I guess the appearance can't hurt him - just not sure it helped him and I wonder if anyone "new" saw him if they would even be impressed. He just wasn't himself.

And I won't even get into the eyeliner!!

Like I said, I think I need to sleep on this. I am left with an odd feeling - about the songs, the fandom and his future. I still love and adore Clay and this afternoon he looked FABULOUS - except for the eyeliner. But I need to mull everything over.

And watch the clack.

And I am too tired to do either now.

CG, not just you...I agree with much of what you said but then again I'm always wondering if there is something wrong with the sound on my TV, especially when watching AI. He did look tired...poor thing, and the band was just way too loud...at least on my TV. I'm sure the CD sounds totally different with back up singers and an orchestra. I liked tha the "mop top" band members were very young...maybe they hope to bring in young fans with the band.

Ahh, the JK concert...that was the best! Don't you just wonder though, if Clay could be more like that on TV that he would get more new fans? Some thoughts I've had on this subject...he has said many times that he is much like Sir Robin...timid. On the other hand he has said he feels comfortable on stage...and he must feel quite comfortable on JK and even GMA. Do you think he still has panic attacks? Maybe he is uncomfortable in new settings. Just rambling here. It just seems the Clay we see is so different from the Clay the non fans see and I wish they could see what we get to see.

I kept watching QVC after Clay's segment and I believe the guy said they they had 1,300 new customers call in during Clay's segment so I guess the majority of the sales went to members. That's a good thing.

OT but did you know you could buy a wedding ring coffin when you get divorced? BWAH! The DJ's on the radio are talking about it...velvet lined. Wonder where you get them.

Okay, boss is here...better start working.

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Were you at the VIP reception before the gala? I was, too! A friend invited me to join her table that her husband's employer bought

Good morning and YES Muski I was at the VIP reception before the gala. I was standing for the most part with Berkeley, talked to Nick for awhile, chatted up Brett who looked so grown-up in his Marine uniform and almost non-existent hair, but did hang out with my tablemates when we got our picture taken. Remember how sick Clay was and couldn't talk? Can y'all imagine Clay not being able to talk? He still got this point across though!!!

I'm pretty sure Clay will sell more than 12,000. They'll keep pimping the CD as long as they have stock or can get stock! He just sold all they had for that half hour but if you watch QVC they go back to things that have been featured in prior shows!

KeepingFaith - I loved your recap! (what was the deal with the Friday night shoes?)

Cindilu - GORGEOUS banner!

Still hearing The Real Me in my head this morning!

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I did read that post on CV. It might have been the all caps but I found myself a tad uncomfortable (at least the way the poster described it) with her response to nephew's friend.

cagney, just wanted to let you know that the poster who types in all caps is a friend of mine and CG's and the reason she does that is that her vision is extremely bad (I believe she is 'legally' blind)...Actually, it was from that interview that she and CG called me to give the play-by-Clay (heh) yesterday before the actual live QVC appearance.

G'morning, all! I put the mp4s on my iPod of the QVC performances, but I'm planning on just watching them, without listening! :cryingwlaughter: Only a few more days before I can hear the cd versions. Meanwhile, however, he's good to look at, ya know? :hubbahubba:


Remember how sick Clay was and couldn't talk? Can y'all imagine Clay not being able to talk? He still got this point across though!!!
Yes, and I remember how YOUNG and fragile he seemed to me (still very skinny and wearing that hideous Vincent suit!)...I chatted with Nick, too, and told Brett we were proud of him. Told Diane to please tell Clay that I always hear him say that he wants so badly to make a difference in a tone that he doesn't think he does, but that he NEEDS to know just how much joy he brings to everyone he touches and how much his 'voice' is going to make a difference to lots of kids, too. She was so gracious.
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Shoot - the problem with the single at Amazon is that you can get it free in several other places. I hope that doesn't cut in to the sales....but I think it will. Just think - this time next week we'll have OMWH in our hot little hands. I remember when MOAM came out I was doing some campus recruiting at UC Berkeley all freakin' day trying to figure out how I could sneak out and run 3 blocks to Leopold's and buy the CD. FINALLY at 7:00 I get to Best Buy and their shipment hadn't come in. I guess other Clay fans had already verbally abused the guy because he just kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" while I was standing there trying to figure out where to race to next. Tower Records was the closest so I went screaming in there, made my purchase, then sat out in the parking lot and listened to the whole CD. Then drove home and listened to it over and over again the rest of the night. Awwww....memories.

Does anyone have any idea when iTunes will make the CD available for download? Midnight? Early morning?

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Here are the MP3s from the QVC performances to keep us nourished until the album is available.

If anyone prefers to get the MP3 via email, please PM me your email address!

Something About Us


Where I Draw The Line


Everything I Don't Need


The Real Me (Partial)


I didn't cut out the audience clapping etc, thought I'd leave it in since it is live.

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I'm bored. Maybe I should watch something instead....

Actually, I'm just here to thank CG for her recap from yesterday. It's always interesting to get different perspectives on his appearances, especially ones broadcast on TV.

I also wanted to thank KAndre for her partial recap (waiting for more, oh fearless leader), and to thank my buddy kf for her recap as well. I'm so glad everyone had a fantastic time.

Last week of Spamalot. *sob* Yeah, I know....it's good that he's moving on to other, more exciting things. But at the same time, I think he's gotten so much out of this experience, and has made some really good friends (or at least contacts). I've loved reading recaps, seeing pictures, and just thinking about how much this show has done for him.

It certainly has been fun, hasn't it? And the next chapter begins....

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KAndre and KF - thank you so much for your great Spam and NY recaps! I really enjoyed reading both of them.

CG, thanks for your recap of QVC! I thought Clay looked tired, too. It seems that he sounded better on the stream than in the studio, so that's good!

I'm putting the QVC vids and mp3s on my pocket pc right now, cuz I'll be heading off to work in a a little while. Having them with me to enjoy at any time should help to sustain me until the CD is released!

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Clay is looking so sexy and fit and at this point he could do just about anything to his hair (barring the bald thing) and I don't care anymore. He has hair, YAY! And about the eyeliner, CG, I figure Clay's been wearing makeup on TV since AI. As long as he's not too day-glo orange I'm good with it. He may have looked too made up to the studio audience, but on TV he was HOT, baby! My God he was selling some overt sex-you-ality at QVC.

I found the comments about the TITN video to be intriguing, saying we have never seen the finished version, and it's not the preliminary video that's been "floating around" for a few years. That he tried to find it before and couldn't and believed that it didn't exist anymore -- but haha! RCA surprised him and put it on the QVC bonus disk. He seemed verra verra pleased. If the finished version is hotter than the unfinished version I've seen, we may all require serious evaluation. And saying it wasn't released before because he "looked too good" -- oh yeah, I'm there.

Re QVC, my understanding is that 12,000 is all they had available to sell for the May 6 shipping, and that sold out within the hour. Subsequent orders will be shipped at a later date -- I expect there will be many orders to follow with the video available on the QVC website -- the quality of which is much superior to the live feed, IMO.

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I didn't think he was extra ordinarily subdued in the interviews...He probably was not too sure about the whole format because it was Clay selling himself...and he is not too good at promoting himself IMO. I always feel like he is uncomfortable when all kinds of praise is heaped on him and this whole half hour was about that. So I did think that this was not entirely comfortable for him...but I thought the hostess did such a good job of talking to Clay being just fangirly enough that it didn't feel like a hard sell and he relaxed later on.

I don't have time to post but I just wanted to WORD this.

I wish just one time....ONE TIME....I could attend a live taping. It would be such a blast!

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I can't find a link to the Amazon snippets. Going through Amazon download site, I only found OMWH. Can someone help out a poor snippet whore in need?

I recall popping off the other day about the difference in NEED and WANT and that we truly only NEED stuff like air and water and food and shelter. I spoke too soon, as usual.

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I finally made it to work after spending almost 4 freaking hours at the doctor's office! Big thanks to all who sent some good vibes my way - they worked! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Got to chatting with a lady in the waiting room whose hubby is an airline pilot & just got transferred to Miami. She was telling me about how she's not going to be able to let her cat out & will have to be careful with her dog because of the alligators down there. She's also not looking forward to the huge bugs. She had my sympathies up until she crossed a line..... In keeping with our travel discussion, I mentioned having just returned from NY and she asked if I saw any Broadway shows. "Why, yes, as a matter of fact I did - Spamalot and it was terriffic!" She then says, "Oh! Isn't that one American Idol guy in that one now?" I say, "Yes, Clay Aiken plays Sir Robin...." and before I can say anything else, she says, "I can't stand him!!" I said, "Good luck with the alligators & bugs in Miami, beeyatch!" Ok, so the "beeyatch" part was said silently, but still. :grrrr:

Off to catch up on the last few pages since no one is here & I evidently could have taken the rest of the day off without anyone noticing..... Sometimes there are advantages to being bored at work.....

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Thanks for putting up the hawt new banner! For some reason I could never see the one last week, so I'm quite pleased to see that hawt guy looking at me again when I log into FCA. And I love seeing how Clay's looks have changed from 2003 to now.

annabear, I hope everything turned out okay for you at the Dr.'s office!

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BF did look uncomfortable to me on his QVC appearance. I kind of got the feeling that he did not want to be there. He seemed tired to me, which is understandable because of his busy schedule. I thought he looked gorgeous, but even though I have surround sound on my TV, it did not sound good.

Houston ehp,

Great recaps. Wish I had been with you. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Sorry that you all did not get enough to eat and drink though! heh

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I'm still perplexed by merrieeee. :F_05BL17blowkiss: There Clay whored himself out Friday night for the discounted price of $250, and she didn't even throw in extra for the butt squeeze. So he went back up to the regular price of $300 on Saturday and Sunday. That should teach us all a good lesson about seizing the butt day.

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