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#32: Man with titanium balls and the voice to back them up!


What should the next thread title be at FCA?  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be at FCA?

    • Where he thinks he belongs, and it's not in any lane, it's all over the damned highway.
    • "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"
    • Large and in Charge...
    • Let's all chant "I think it can! I think it can! I think it can!"
    • He is too good, too magical...
    • I have seen the light and the light is named Clay!

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But nobody does those numbers anymore. NOBODY. It's not like he debuted at #64 on the Billboard Hot 200 - he is selling like his peers (well, the better selling peers). Yes, less casual fans are opting to buy the CD. Because nobody's buying CDs anymore, which has the record companies weeping in their cornflakes.

The heavy hitters, RS, Billboard etc. etc. etc. didn't whine about this - because they know it's fucking hard all over. He had stupid crazy numbers in 2003, like batting a .400 season. Serendipity was a wonderful thing. His music is out there - and one of the joys of the Internet (which also makes it hard to sell stupid numbers of CDs) is that it will be out there and accessible to large numbers of people just about forever. New people hear his music every day. They may not buy it, but they hear it. He picks up new fans every day. Loses a few too, but that's life.

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I agree, KAndre; anybody who knows anything about the music industry realizes that no one is selling CDs that well anymore.

I think Clay is looking extremely hunky and handsome in these pics! I see that ldyj posted one already; I neeeed to post more of them. Hubba, hubba! :hubbahubba:





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Steppin' Out Magazine

I'm trying to find the actual article.....I'll edit when I find it.

Well here is the table of content.

Page 1 of article

PAge 2

Page 3

Page 4

CG... thanks. Took awhile to figure it out, but I thought it was a good article. I wish Clay would claim LAA. I wonder why he doesn't. I guess he doesn't want the expectation that he will write more. This way, if he does, great, if not, no biggie cause no one expects him to. Great plug for Kimmel and how neat that their chemistry has been noticed.

Jamie is with him... hmmmm! I sure hope he has enough of the group with him that he can do a song or two with Jimmy.

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CG, thanks for posting the article for me. Hubby came to take me to lunch just as I was ready to load the article into photobucket. And I couldn't tell hubby "My readers at FCA are waiting for me!" Hee.

I think the article is very interesting, and I love this little section:

I'm not a politician. I'm not trying to get votes and get people to like me. It's not what I'm here to do. I want to do what I'm good at. If you like me, great. If you don't, you don't have to. I don't sit down and calculate what I might do and how that might help me get someone to like my music. I just do what I like to do and what I'm good at. I put it out there and if good things happen and more people like me this time around than before, that's great. But if I only appeal to females this time around, that's great too.

It sounds to me that he's got his head on straight regarding so much of his career -- he tries his best, and the pieces fall what may. He's a straight-up guy, and IMO he doesn't care all that much (maybe a little) about some silly bloggers who think his career is over.

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Perhaps making TV appearances where he didn't perform to showcase the songs on new album might not have helped reach out to those potential buyers either.

I TOTALLY agree with the bolded part. I really wish they would book more singing appearances in the next few weeks, otherwise this album may just fade away.

But as Clay said in his blog, they've done the best they could with getting appearances. He explained the reasons why they don't always happen. He said he'd rather appear and plug the album without singing than not appear at all. He's working his butt off, he's been doing everything he can do to promote it. It is what it is, I hope it will have legs....I just can't get upset about it. 94,000 in this climate is GOOD. #4 is GOOD. IMO obviously.

I'm excited about Kimmel tomorrow, but I hope people don't get their hopes up that it will turn into a singing appearance so much that there is disappointment if it doesn't work out. I'm not counting on anything more than a fun Kimmel appearance, like we've had more than a few times now. I am not convinced that there has been enough time for Clay to get the band back together and perform.

Can someone either paraphrase the Steppin' Out article, or quote the text of it? I'm getting nothing but a big page of images when I click on the links. Thanks.

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Can someone either paraphrase the Steppin' Out article, or quote the text of it? I'm getting nothing but a big page of images when I click on the links. Thanks.

Yeah that! :)

Thanks for the Just Jared pics! I needed something CUTE after dealing with my PITA neighbors when I ran home at lunch. :grrrr:

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Great article in Steppin' Out! My fave line?

(about the song OMWH) "It's a song by a guy from the group One Republic"

a GUY?


I just find that funny. After all the hooplah and hype about RYAN TEDDER writing a song that's on Clay's cd, etc. blah blah....

Clay refers to him as 'a guy from the group..."

I love that little shit.

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Ladies, I would say that much of it is stuff we've read or heard before from Clay: his dealing with a different audience in Spamalot, him figuring out how to not be bored doing it, not knowing Monty Python, talks about the new CD and how OMWH the song became the gist for the album, fame isn't all it's cracked up to be, the football analogy for AI, wanting to be a "good example" in his life just because people watch him, not discussing Ripa (hee). I've quoted the one thing that I thought was interesting earlier, and here's the other interesting one (IMO):

So what's the deal between you and Jimmy Kimmel? You seem to have a special bond with him.

I don't know how to describe it. I think he's the funniest person on TV. He's the funniest late night comic. I wish more people would tune in to watch him, because they really miss out if they don't. He and I just naturally get along. He's the frat boy from the city who has a lot of younger guys watching him. And I am the guy from the country who has a bunch of women watching him. So we've very opposite and very funny together. We embrace it in many ways.

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I just made a very important discovery!!!

You know how we've been trying to figure out the Bonus CD/DVD from QVC?

welllllllllllll............ Listen UP!!

I just put it in the CD drive with itunes open. It showed up as

Mary Had Triplets with the 4 tracks named

1. I want you = When I Need You

2. Tease me = Invisible

3. Drink 'n drive = Measure of a Man

4. Work and leisure = I Will Carry You


I am importing now!! :cryingwlaughter:

Somebody at RCA has a rather large sense of humor!! :cryingwlaughter:

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Oh...and those pics? The first thing I thought of when I saw them (after I'd cleaned up) was that if that pic were to be circulated around with out a tag--without his name on it....I bet a whole lotta women would be thinking, "HOLY SHIT! Who the hell is THAT? Dayum! Gimme some, etc."

Likewise, I betcha that because his name is with the pic, a whole lotta assholes will have something derogatory to say about him. Never mind that the same assholes might actually have been in the category of the drooling masses described above, if they'd never even heard of Clay.

I mean...these pics are HAWT.

And I STILL don't understand Jamie's presence everywhere. Doesn't she have a son? I'm not trying to stir anything up, but it's just odd to me...Admittedly, I don't know squat about being famous so I guess it's necessary (?) to have someone basically be attached at the hip (heh) everywhere you go in order to make sure your hair is coiffed correctly :8:

Shit, he looks good. :Thud:

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Clay is in the middle of promotional appearances. It's not like Jamie's there with him when he's doing nothing is she? It's a great job...even if you have kids you may have to be away from them some. I'm sure she has a good support system..or who knows..maybe her kid is there with her? Muski, I'm surprised you find something odd about it. It was probably a week in NYC and a couple in LA. Two great vacation spots to boot. Although honestly I don't really pay attention to Jamie... but she's around him on tour and during promotion right?

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It's not like Jamie's there with him when he's doing nothing is she?


Heh...just kidding...whatever...Good for Jamie and good for Clay!

Soooo...neither Clay nor Hannah got a Theater World Award...is that the one we were supposed to vote for online? Or is that a different award? Isn't the one we voted for online a 'fan' award, vs this one that's determined by 'experts'?


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all pages here Steppin' Out.

Thank you! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I couldn't get the other links to work for whatever reason, but this did!

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Here's a bit of heresy: Mebbe Clay doesn't like Lover All Alone. Just mebbe. Just because he wrote doesn't mean he likes it.

On the Theater World, eh...he dragged thousands of butts to Broadway. Good enough of an accomplishment for moi.

24 hours from now, the eHP will be kicking butt and taking names in Cali! I will have the top down, "Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass" in the CD player with the volume maxed out and three other shrieking females in the other seats. It's gonna be good!

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It's not like Jamie's there with him when he's doing nothing is she?


Heh...just kidding...whatever...Good for Jamie and good for Clay!

seriously i was just wondering why you found it strange. It's ok that you do... just wondering what I'm missing.

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Mary Had Triplets with the 4 tracks named

1. I want you = When I Need You

2. Tease me = Invisible

3. Drink 'n drive = Measure of a Man

4. Work and leisure = I Will Carry You

Oh - I thought it was super sekrit text messaging.........

The latest pictures, IMO, are the first time he has seemed an adult to me, dunno why. and yes, he could look just like that for Esquire or GQ.

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"Clay Aiken: #1 Bad Ass"

Thread title? :cryingwlaughter:

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Saw this posted by jb1689 at the CH:

Sorry to postwhore but has it been posted here yet that Clay performing on Jimmy Kimmel is CONFIRMED according to Kimmel's website??

Woo Hoo! And since they may have a little more time do you think we may get the second verse of OMWH?

ETA: Here it is, in black and white!


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OMG the Rachel Ray promo was a hoot!!!

he was just in a really good mood with her...can't wait to see this. Too bad I won't be seeing it live...

"Clay and Ray...together!"

Awwww...bet he will be making more clayverts..

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Saw this posted by jb1689 at the CH:

Sorry to postwhore but has it been posted here yet that Clay performing on Jimmy Kimmel is CONFIRMED according to Kimmel's website??

Woo Hoo! And since they may have a little more time do you think we may get the second verse of OMWH?

ETA: Here it is, in black and white!


YAY!!! I'm happy for you CG since this was bugging you so much...nah I don't think he will have the second verse... its a set arrangement already. I just hope he can sing another song!!

Can't wait for tomorrow night!!!!

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