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UNICEF "Inspirational Book"


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...thoughts on how we would attract people to the site? I ain't got many friends :)

If you ask one friend to send it to two friends, and they each send to two friends, and so on, and so on...exponentially this could work.

I think the "Chicken Soup" people could conceivably be a bit unhappy stealing their name. I'd suggest something like "Inspired by Clay" or "Inspired by Unicef" or something like that.

OK, I'm gone for a bit. Be good kids!

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FromClaygary, I was hoping to work on that (attracting people) while you and merrieee work on making it pretty.

Or anyone else who can help!!!

ldy, yes you're right. we don't want to create copyright problems for unicef. (cha, would've been cute & we can remember it that way) We'll be good -- promise!

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OK, I guess I'm really confused....ldyjocelyn, I agree to a point....not to be a naysayer, but most of my friends would simply delete that kind of spam like the other 156 they get every day. But then, if we're simply creating a chainmail callout, the purpose of the site.....??

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Not an e-mail. Call it a blog that's not updated very much. (since the cute guy seems to have misplaced his blogger)

People buy inspirational books -- they might as wander through ours for free. And maybe some will be inspired to donate. In the end, the main purpose is to promote, teach, advocate. The fundraising part is secondary.

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Well - we can't use Chicken Soup - you are right - but how about "Water For Soup"?

And if we could post it on a few message boards - not necessarily Clay-related boards - maybe it would take off.

there are lots of ways to get blogs - all you need is a gmail account for one.

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We'll have pictures & blends of Clay doing Unicef work of course but not so much that people will be turned off thinking it's a fan club thing.

Yes, screen shots too!

But also little stories, quotes, (song snippets? -- not sure if that's allowed. maybe links to Amazon snippets). It would be fun for us to browse through it ourselves.

Where's the header?!!!

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So, what do you think? Is it worthwhile or too small or redundant? Or do you want to think of some more ideas and come back here to talk again?

It was Perma's picture but now I'm not sure who made it.

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Scarlett, I just saw your post on the main thread...that helped clarify MY mind....maybe it should be brought here? I was completely clued out until I saw that.

.....and heck, I think ANYTHING that will add .06 to the pot is worth a try!

I was trying to find it... Do you have a link or can you copy it?

chacha -- hoping for a direct link to unicef so that we don't handle paypall. too messy.

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