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Couch Tomato

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I honestly have not done much with weblinks in a year.


These are the weblinks to other Clay sites. I'd love to start with getting rid of non working links or sites that have moved on from Clay. I took down Birth of a Legend this morning for example.

What we need.

Websites - Merrieee

Message Boards -- FearOfH2O

Blogs -- KAndre

International Fan Sites -- KAndre

Yahoo Groups JMH

MSN Groups - JMH

Promote Clay - Couchie

Photos and Art - Annabear

Multi Media Downloads

Clay on Tour



Reality TV Media

Charity -- claylove



Fun/Misc Couchie


Fan Fiction Couchie HA

Clay and

Fan Listing

Friends of Clay

What we need.

1. Respond to this thread to let me know which category you will check. Then go through every site in the category to see if it actually still exists. Keep a list of YES, NO, YES but no longer being updated, or No longer Clay relevant (or whatever other categories you come up with).

Later we will give you appropriate access and teach you how to make the changes OR you can just pass it on to me and I'll do it.

Once we get rid of those that are no longer valid - we will work on adding new ones that have not been posted.

If you know of a site that isn't listed at FCA then you can list it here and we'll get it on the list.

Thank you...

I'll add your name next to the category above so that two people aren't doing the same work.

Thank you :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: Bwah cuz birth of a nation is not birth of a legend

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I was going to sign up for MSN groups, but when I looked, there were only two, so I just checked them. They're both still active. In Feb. 2009, though, they'll both have to move according to a notice there, so we'll need to keep an eye out.

I'll do some more later.

So - both MSN groups still active

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Clay Train Connection? I don't see anything new on the website part of the site for 2008. Anybody know anything about them? Since they have a bunch of stuff still up I'm thinking of moving them to the nostalgia area but it doesn't look like it has been updated in a good long time. The last message board posts were in May 2008.

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The following websites are not active (na) or not updated (nu).

Another Day With CA.....na

Carolina Clay.....nu

CA-The One....na

The CBN....nu

Clay Lovers....na

Clay Maniacs....na

Clay Report....nu

Crazy 4 Aiken....na

Dreaming of Clay....na

MI Clay Nation....nu

Mid Atlantic Clay Fans....nu

OK Clay Fans....na

PA Clay Fans....na

Raleigh Clay Fans....nu

Touch of Clay....na

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The following websites are not active (na) or not updated (nu).

Another Day With CA.....na

Carolina Clay.....nu

CA-The One....na

The CBN....nu

Clay Lovers....na

Clay Maniacs....na

Clay Report....nu

Crazy 4 Aiken....na

Dreaming of Clay....na

MI Clay Nation....nu

Mid Atlantic Clay Fans....nu

OK Clay Fans....na

PA Clay Fans....na

Raleigh Clay Fans....nu

Touch of Clay....na

Nana, na, na. Nana, na, na...Hey, heyyy...Good-bye!!!

I've been toddling around a bit outside of the Main thread tonight cuz I's bored.

Anything you need help with? I have a couple of weeks before I'll start getting busy with Back To School.

The emotes are gradually getting renamed ( :clap: )but if you need help with that...with changing the ones that still have weird random numbers and stuff, let me know. Emotes are kind of my "baby" and I know how to add and re-name them on Invision Boards as well as yuku.

I did go have a look at the Main FCA Page:

Things I noticed:

The BAF link at the bottom needs to be updated to be The National Inclusion Project.

Can't I just type NIP? Huh? Huh? Can I?

The message:

We are regularly out on the web. When we find a great site we list it here for you to enjoy.

From the list below choose one of our weblink topics, then select a URL to visit.

Goes off into the same colour area to the right and kind of disappears.

There is a big 2 inch gap under "Clay On The Web" and where the list starts. Is that fixable?



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Hey guys, just wanted you to know that your offers for help have been seen by someone mod-y. As admin, couchie will have to decide what to do (I'm sure she reads "view new posts" :cryingwlaughter: ). I know she's crazy busy right now, and ldyj is tied up with the tournament, but hopefully they'll get back to you soon.

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