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American Idol 8

Couch Tomato

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Looks around with faint interest...

Nothing really interesting (including the new judge). Only comment on the crying rock 'n roll wannabe...dude, just like in baseball, there's no crying in rock!

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I was actually hoping to watch in the faint hope of seeing some of our favorite singer Ruben Studdard BWAH, just kidding! but my mom loves the CBS lineup of procedural, procedural, procedural, so... That's not too bad, though, because I typically hate the audition stuff anyway. I just don't understand why anyone would want to watch a bunch of deluded people sing badly... :shrug:

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I had to work tonight

and missed the opening night. Usually I skip the funny/fake/bad singers part so I wasn't disappointed about missing it. Then I came here and read they showed Clay a lot. Have been hoping they would show him. Makes sense w/bring the wild card back. crossing fingers he will make an apperance this season (a singing one :) )

it says you can watch the whole episode here


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I didn't watch much of the show, but saw about the last half hour or so. I was working out, and there are TVs on the aerobic equipment that have a place to plug in your headphones. AI was the least bad show on, so I watched it!

Anyway, they featured a nearly blind singer at the the very end. He is quite a musician, and has a very nice voice. Certainly not fantastic like Clay's, but he had a sweet personality. Anyway, he was put through to Hollywood. It will be interesting to see how long he will be able to stay in.

The vaults have the Clay clips up now. Great to see him featured so much!

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know this is a dumb question

but what is the vault?

How else will you learn if you don't ask? There are several vaults, which are download sites with all kinds of Clay goodies. Two are private to some board members of CH and CV, but one is public: Clack Unlimited. If you go to this link, http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Americ...es/OpeningShow/, you will find several different sizes of files to download. It's not like YouTube--they don't want you to watch it on their site, but to download and watch it on your computer. If you have an old computer, the small wmv is the best size to download. It will play in Windows Media Player.

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I saw on Kimmel that Ryan tried to high five the blind guy...

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I read the bio on the young man who is blind. Let just say he is has done alot. Besides singing, playing piano, and producing he had put out 6 CD's and has a long list of accomplishments. Not exactly an unknown, more professional then they lead you to believe.

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I don't usually watch AI, but son #1 has had it on the last couple of nights so I've seen a few of the auditions, when I'm in and out of the room. I caught one guy (can't remember his name...Jason?) who they said was from the cast of Wicked. He sang Bohemian Rhapsody and Simon started his usual waffling because the guy was too "theatrical" but in the end they put him through, and said he might be just what they needed this season. I thought that was interesting and I thought he was pretty good.

Also I really liked a girl last night....the one who grew up with a single mom and 2 or 3 siblings, at times homeless.....they profiled her, and I thought she really sparkled in the audition and had a lot of personality and a nice voice. I hope she makes it into the top 10.

I absolutey cringed when the new judge told one girl she thought her audition was a joke.....I saw it coming a mile away, and I don't know how much of it was staged or if the girl was really upset, but it just made me remember why I hate the audition rounds so much. I hate the meanness.

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Did anyone see the "shouty" Somewhere Over the Rainbow guy? I've been reading a lot of comments saying he's Clay with a white hat. I listened to him sing and I think he does have a good voice, but who can tell when he's just "SOME WAAAAA-ERRRRRRRRR OVER THE RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINbow" ing?

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I actually like auditions, I like seeing the talented ones perform as "rough diamonds", before the make-over and voice coaching start to transform them.

When I think of my all time favourite auditions, they are

Chanel Cole Australian Idol 2004


Katharine McPhee - American Idol 2005 (?)


Jaclyn Victor - Winner of the first Malaysian Idol


Rachel Hylton - X Factor 2008


I didn't support Chanel Cole but just happen to like her quirky audition. She made the finals, came 5th (Chanel No. 5, she said).

If I had to choose my all-time favourite, it would probably be Rachel. Although I knew who Amy Winehouse was, I didn't like her image and never bothered to look up her songs. But Rachel's audition blew me away and I "grudgingly" acknowledged Amy's talent. The 4 judges were each asked to write down the name of the contestant they thought would win, and the envelope was sealed until after the Finale. Simon picked Rachel, but she left at the half-way mark. I felt sorry for her because her horrific past, which she was honest about, haunted her via the media.

Jaclyn Victor sings so effortlessly, she was easily the stand-out finalist.

For anyone NOT in the USA, I received an email a couple of days ago from a Melbourne friend who told me I could watch American Idol LIVE via Rickey.org


I haven't checked it all out yet but the time would obviously be whatever it is in my own time-zone during the US broadcast.

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Did anyone see the "shouty" Somewhere Over the Rainbow guy? I've been reading a lot of comments saying he's Clay with a white hat. I listened to him sing and I think he does have a good voice, but who can tell when he's just "SOME WAAAAA-ERRRRRRRRR OVER THE RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINbow" ing?

he I guess is famous from YouTube. He had an appearances on the view a year or so back. Don't why but everyone has to compare someone to Clay.

Last night David Osmond audition was shown. I really liked him but wonder if his famous family will make people not vote for him or think if he goes far it is becasue of his name.

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I caught my first almost-full episode of AI last night. Did anyone else see Jorge's (I forgot his last name) performance of DLTSGDOM? I hated it. It wasn't his accent, but his performance.... I thought it was awful! I'm surprised he'd do it one season after David A. got so much good press out of his version... But it made me wonder, has anyone (auditions aside) ever done another rendition of BOTW? I kind of think that Clay "owns" that song on Idol--like Kelly Clarkson and Respect or... I can't think of anyone else right off the top of my head.

ETA: And I still don't understand the Von Smith/Clay Aiken comparisons! They look/sound nothing alike to me.

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I kind of see the comparisons

not voice

but in performance skills of when Clay was on idol & Von's idol time. They both make faces when they sing and the head movements.

Clay has better stage presence in my opinion but Von does have it too. Von to me just seems like a such a sweet guy. Hope he does well.

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This season, eliminated American Idol finalists will have a former winner sing them back home. Carrie Underwood, who has long had a thing for hair-metal power ballads, has recorded a cover of Mötley Crüe’s 1985 hit Home Sweet Home that will accompany the show’s goodbye montages, starting Wednesday. The track will be sold digitally, available exclusively at iTunes through March 16 and everywhere else after that. A porton of the proceeds will benefit the Humane Society of the United States.

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