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#51: You go on with your bad self, Mr. Aiken

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62 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA

    • Clay is stil around, getting bigger balls, better hair, and broader shoulders.
    • "He doesn't need the spotlight. He just glows."
    • Simon Says: Shut Up And Sing 2 (Learning to keep mah foot outta mah mouth)
    • Clay Aiken: Just like Timex...takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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My home phone line has been restored and my DSL is back up, but something is still missing...



Classic and still the best.



The future Ensign Parker Foster Aiken



The spin-off. Sometimes wears latex masks and / or odd costumes, but still CUTE by association.


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A friend of mine has a gorgeous website about a cat of her's named Keeke. Keeke was quite the character and a big love in my friend's life. This is such a fun website/blog that I told her I'd share it with the cat lovers on the boards.

Please feel free to share with anyone you wish.


Keeke's World

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What idiot put flood control on the PM box. :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: I know JMH mentioned it in passing but I thought it was a glitch on her part. What's wrong with you people. SAY SOMETHING...not that I can figure out how the hell that happened.

Off to check

ETA: there was a message about this in the admin area. Now that I think about maybe ldyJ also mentioned something in passing about a patch for something or other last month but I didn't know it was something about posthoing in PMs. I'll put in a request for the update..hopefully it will be fixed in the next day or so. Sorry.

Edited again.. I hate that they are making me do adminey stuff -- but apparantly we are simply stuck with this:

IPS Hosting customers, please note: If you are using IP.Board 2.3.6 and have not modified the changed files, the patch has automatically been applied to your account and no further intervention is required on your part. If you are using a version less than 2.3.6 and/or have modified messenger.php, your PM system has been disabled and your visitors have been redirected to an error page. We regret that this drastic step is necessary, however, several servers on our network have already been added to SPAM blacklists and to protect the integrity of our network and maintain service for all customers, we must take necessary steps to limit the amount of SPAM that originates from IPS.

So apparantly they've already installed the patch and that's what's making folks wait to send PMs due to some spamming problem using the IPS PM system. But I'm sure ya'll heard about this last month on your other Invision boards :cryingwlaughter: This sucks! Hopefully the will fix this with the next system update.

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A very :happybirthday04: to ncgurrl!

Love the Cuteness Trek theme, bottle! :hahaha:

While I most definitely think Parker is an absolute doll, I have real issues with the paparazzi taking pictures of celeb's children and splashing them all over the internet. :grrrr: Did I mention I think he's a doll? :wub:

Been fighting a combination of the flu (even though I had a flu shot... <_<) and a sinus infection this week. Double the trouble, double the fun. I'm feeling better, but still pretty crappy. :drugsneeded: < - - - Let me clarify - I need better drugs! :mallet:

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KAndre carefully looks at couchie's last post, and goes, "Huh?" and then remembers she's a mod and not an admin (at least that's what she thinks today) and chuckles....

Ok, I'm trying this dictation thing while I'm waiting for the skies to clear in Frankfurt...

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Oh, it's video! wheeeeeeee! Thank you for bringing it over! No spikes, they are combed down. Clay talks about David and the appeal of his show in Vegas. The anchors discuss Clay, Claymaniacs & Claymates vs Danny and his fans (I assume from AI this season?)

Hey Anna, feel better soon!

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annabear, sorry to hear you've been hit with a nasty 'flu. I share your feelings about the paparazzi taking pics of celebrity kids, there's something really appalling about exploiting young children for money, but worst still that the pics appear on the net. I have an American friend who worked online with the police, helping to nail pedophiles and she never used the net to send pics of her child, she still uses snail-mail. I guess she saw too much of the dark side of what can happen. But having said that, I can't stop looking at that little Foster Aiken cherub!

From Smarty pantz at the OFC

Clay interview San Diego about DF event

Thanks for the link. quote: "the Danny Gokey of his season..." :cryingwlaughter: :

<SNIP>When David Foster began piano lessons at the age of five in his native Victoria, British Columbia, it quickly became apparent that his talents far surpassed those of other children his age. Living up to that early promise, he was enrolled as a student at the University of Washington at the age of 13, and three years later, when offered an opportunity to join the backing band for rock 'n roll legend Chuck Berry, Foster embarked on his professional performing career.


With those Foster Aiken genes, how could Parker NOT have a music career? David has several daughters but no sons and no siblings other than Jaymes AFAIK so I think he will enjoy having a male member in his family!. It will be so exciting to see what the future holds for him. Meanwhile, I will try to stop gazing at his cute face! (Well, I am talking about Parker but heck, I also think his uncle David is one very handsome man....)

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, I believe Jaymes and David have quite a few siblings. I'd look it up but I'm tired this morning and need to head out to the gym. Sorry!

Well, I did actually look it up when we first found out about Jaymes being Parker's mom, and I couldn't find any other siblings besides David and Jaymes. I just had another look and still can't find anything. But that could just mean my research skills are dismal! :cry4:

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Good Morning Everyone,

I love waking up to new clack in the morning! Everyone heading to Vegas have a safe trip and a wonderful time!

I believe there are 7 or 8 kids in Jayme's family...she is the youngest...it has been talked about on the boards many times.


Love your kitchen!

1 Day until Viva Las Vegas with Clay!


6 Days until Clay's Unforgettable Performance on 30 Rock!


Everyone have a great day!


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Hm, I wonder why I didn't find anything when I looked it up last year and again just then! I've seen so much mentioned about Jaymes (even without the Clay connection) but never the other siblings.

When I first looked up his family I remember being surprised that he was married to Linda Thompson, who was with Elvis for several years.

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Heeeee......hardly anyone uses the word "siblings" in casual posting - if you google david foster sisters, you find this:

David and sisters


David Foster with sisters Jeannie, Maureen, Ruth, Marylou, and Jaymes in Mexico, 2007.

I think I read that he has six sisters altogether.

I Googled "David Foster+brothers+sisters" and found nothing but Jaymes.

Claytonic, I have found that the more restrictive a search is, the less likely I am to find something, due to spelling, casual use, whatever. Just the three words david foster sisters. no quotes, no + signs, gave me the sisters and names in the first two returns. I do use the minus sign quite a bit, if I am searching for something and get a lot of chaff.

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I Googled "David Foster+brothers+sisters" and found nothing but Jaymes. I didn't think to use 'siblings' because I didn't think it was used much either.

Only Jaymes is mentioned at his Wikipedia entry.

Jaymes looks so young in that pic!

Susan Boyle banned from singing on Oprah

My goodness, Simon Cowell is quite the mogul!

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Librarian checking in here...

Try the searches multiple ways to probably get the best results. Without quotes. With quotes. "Brother" only. "Sister" only. Pluralize both, but separately. Etc., etc., etc. It really is the best way to get all this information.

What a cool clip to wake up to this morning! The hair looked good, but what I was fascinated was by his arms. I was trying to see if that was a 3/4 length sweater, but that damn name bar was across his arms!

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