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FCA Photo Tourney...Round 27


Pick Your Favorite  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these two pictures is your favorite?

    • #1
    • #2

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Fast vote for me. I'm kind of surprised how quickly I voted for #1. Love #2, great memories of the trummy and RS article excitement, but I love the way he has matured, as evidenced by $1, even more. The blond was really working for him in the California sunshine that day. Great set of shots. (despite the mandals! BWAH!) Gorgeous man, all confident and trendy without trying too hard.

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Oh yeah, baybee...#1. In fact, that pic was the precursor to the one we got yesterday, wasn't it? Gah and gah. THIS is a look I could live with (and jump on)....maybe THIS is the new public face/bod of Clay Aiken?


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I went with #2. Just because he looked so cute and sexy at the same time and,as was already pointed out, the most skin we've ever seen. Just love everything about that picture.

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I had to go for #2, tho I love #1. #2 is what made me find the online fandom. I never watched AI2 until the last performance night and only knew my jaw dropped when I saw his makeover on that little clip they did. I was stunned when he lost.

But, I then forgot about him until I saw that Rolling Stone cover. That, as they say, was that! :cryingwlaughter:

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Woohoo! We broke 100 votes yesterday! Thank you all so much for playing.

Don't forget to vote at the top of the page!

Uh, huh....and mine wasn't one of them!!! :hissy:

I can't believe that I forgot to vote yesterday. Once of my all-time favs and I missed it???? :tantrum:

Heck, I see that even Sparky got over to vote, lol.

I was home. I was sluffing around, feeling kinda cruddy and not doing much...not busy at all...and no real excuse but I just never got to the games area yesterday outside of Name That Tune... Maybe the flying grease monkey clues had me all confabulated or something, I dunno. :hysterical:

I did go add to the Three Word Story late last night but I totally forgot that I hadn't voted.

I anycase, I vote for Number 1 from yesterday over all 4 OK? Whaddayamean I can't do that? :hissy:

Sparky's gonna be mad when she finds out that she missed the Rolling Stone cover, lol. (I'll make sure to tell her, lol)

She's an old rocker chick, so Clay being on the cover of Rolling Stone is "big deal" to her. The biggest deal was getting her Rolling Stone signed by Clay at the Spamalot SD. It was all we heard about for weeks months.

This is Clay's reaction after 3 failed attempts and this is her presumed last shot to get Clay to sign her RS EVER (we didn't know there would be a second Spamalot run at this point). We're finally positioned right at the SD barrier. Clay comes along and I brazenly shout out, "Clay, you HAVE to sign this for her!" His response, "Oh, I have to? I have to? I have to?" He turned to Jerome to comment about how demanding and bossy canfly was being and we don't know what he said exactly but presumably something like "I don't think I should because she's being pretty danged bossy. What do you think Jerome?". I then began grovelling and babbling on..."Please? Please? Please? She's been waiting for YEARS to get it signed!" At this point, I'm grovelling for my life because, "Sparky's hissing in my ear. Oh GREAT, now he's not going to sign it. If he doesn't sign it, I'm going to KILL you!" and I'm realizing that I will be DEAD if I don't do some first class "eat humble pie" grovelling.

In the end, he signed Sparky's Rolling Stone and we thanked him profusely and we got it all on tape, lol. :clap:

This is the back of canfly's head and Clay saying "Oh I have to? I have to? I have to?":


And there you have your dose of canfly babble for the day, lol.

Ok, now this one is tough......

What she said.

Hafta think about this one.

Me too. :thinking:

Fast vote for me. I'm kind of surprised how quickly I voted for #1. Love #2, great memories of the trummy and RS article excitement, but I love the way he has matured, as evidenced by $1, even more. The blond was really working for him in the California sunshine that day. Great set of shots. (despite the mandals! BWAH!) Gorgeous man, all confident and trendy without trying too hard.

Good points. :thumbup:

I voted for number 2

the most Clay Aiken skin I have ever seen

Another good point. :thumbup: (and the RS cover was the start of Sparky's "nakey Clay folder"...which is any flash of skin we've ever gotten, lol).

Crap. Gotta decide what I'm gonna vote.... Methinks it will be cool LA Clay vs "youthful skin", lol.

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Easy for me -- #1 would be the Man walking into my arms. Of course I fLoved the RS cover and article, but :hubbahubba: at Tall, Blond and Handsome walking along.
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