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#56: Clay's going to sing. Life is good.


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36 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • A burgeoning roar of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
    • Behold the Allure of Aiken!
    • Guys, it was just so, so, so good.
    • The man is a star and we saw him go super-nova.
    • Oh yeah, he really is just. that. good.
    • Shoot, I'm still suffering from post-concert giddiness, and I wasn't even freakin' there!
    • I really think it is now his time and yes it is about damn time!
    • And we love every minute of his many talents.

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5 Days until GFI!


31 Days until Clay speaks at HRC!


44 Days until The Magical Mystery Date!


53 Days until The First Day of Spring!


4 and 1/2 months until June and the New CD/PBS Special!


Clay Addresses the Key Club in July!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Hugs to all in need!

Everyone have a great day!


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Wow, quiet in here today. :P

OK, I am ready for Clay or Team Clay or whoever to give us some info. I just had a meeting at work, and like last year, they are asking for some dates for 2010 vacation time. They've given us a week to provide it. Ugh I hate this merry-go-round. I figure at this point, I'll say a week in late June (in the hopes of a tour)? And then try to move it around once we know something....hey, at least I already got March approved before the others' requests start piling in. :)

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Let's hope!

This morning, on my drive in to work, I had the iPod on Clay Aiken - random. The Prayer from Broadway Cares came on and almost brought me to tears, it is so good. It's been a while since I heard that mp3. I think tonight, when the kids vacate the living room, I will dig out the DVD and enjoy it on the 40". :)

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Oooh, luckiest, that is one of my all time favorite performances of Clay! He really soared on that as did Hannah :wub:

For anyone wishing to enjoy it here is the youtube ~

Clay Aiken Sings The Prayer



One of my all time favorite performances. So glad I was there. Totally makes me smile and laugh out loud.

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4 Days until GFI!


30 Days until Clay Speaks at the HRC Convention!


43 Days until The Magical Mystery Date!


52 Days until The First Day of Spring!


4 and 1/2 months until June and the New CD/PBS Special!!


Clay addresses the Key Club Convention in July!


Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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No problem. It's the announcement that has been moved to February, not the taping. Clay posted in the "Questions FROM Clay" thread at the OFC and discretely explained that, as well as giving an assignment. (All you have to do is go to the clack vaults Clay.)

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In some instances for his questions, he could go to the FCA Timeline (although I didn't document his times he failed to appear in Spamalot).

Just sayin'.


ETA: And if I had time, I'd count it all up for him.

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I liked Jemock's answer to his question. Didn't understand a word she said, but it was hysterical. I'm glad she's still around.

I love when I hear something that Clay has sung that I haven't heard in a while. I got an mp3 player last year and downloaded a bunch of my cd's into it and I heard Give a Little Bit the other day. I'd forgotten that he'd even done that. He sounded so good. Another one that came up was What the World Needs Now, the mix with just Clay, Ruben, and Rickey. Wasn't crazy about Rickey's voice on that but the other two sounded wonderful.

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Oooh, luckiest, that is one of my all time favorite performances of Clay! He really soared on that as did Hannah :wub:

For anyone wishing to enjoy it here is the youtube ~

Clay Aiken Sings The Prayer



tree... thanks for the youtube. I have the DVD, but the youtube I can watch here at work on my lunchtime and that was fantastic. YUM!

ETA: I just finished reading the Questions FROM Clay thread at OFC. Jemock.... need I say more???? BWAH!!! It is mind-boggling how much he has done in 7 years. And, people grump when he taks a few months off. :cryingwlaughter:

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Glad you guys enjoyed the video! His voice just sends chills through me on that :flirtysmile3:

I thought this was really a funny Tweet!

moosedenied Salinger dead, Ugly Betty cancelled. Any wagers on which gets more press? I sure hope no misfortune befalls Clay Aiken anytime soon.

No kidding :hysterical:
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Haven't had a chance to get to the OFC yet...just home from work and speaking of work...after 14 years as a part-time employee, I was offered full-time at the Library! :yahoo: My husband is retiring next year and even though he will be getting a good pension package...full-time with benefits will be welcome.

The only thing is that one of the requirements for full-time is that I have a Library Techincal Assistant degree so I have to go back to school...let me tell you, the idea of going back to school after 35 years is freaking me out a bit. But I can't afford to turn down a full-time job so I guess I will have to bite the bullet.

There is only college in the area that offers the classes so I guess I will be checking out the program to see what's what.


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A celebration of Jan. 28, 2003, is underway in the new Carolina On My Mind blog entry: Clay Aiken Fans Remember 'Take'. Included are graphics (by Fountaindawg and Cotton), an adaptation of Fountaindawg's summary of years 2003-2009, montages by Aspiegirl, links to SueReu's Retro montages and the Year-at-a-Glance timelines on the Clay Aiken Kids site.

Come join the party! The blog is on Google and was linked at Facebook and Twitter before I started teaching. Hope you enjoy! :04:

Congratulations on your news, aikim! :snoopy:

tree, many thnx for stopping by the previous entry. :wub:

Off to check the Weather Channel ... it's not looking good for lessons on Friday. :whistling-1:

Have an awesome anniversary, FCA! :yahoo:

Caro :listen:

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..after 14 years as a part-time employee, I was offered full-time at the Library! :yahoo:

Awesome!!!! :04:


Clay :wub:

One of my co-workers is taking the LTA classes. She is able to do most of it online.

I think the courses at our local college are also partly online but you still have some classroom work.

Checked their schedule and they only offer one or two classes a semester...first one is Fall, 2010.

Also talked to one of my co-workers who is taking classes and we may try and work it out so we can go together...that would be great! I think the nerves are starting to settle down.


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Haven't had a chance to get to the OFC yet...just home from work and speaking of work...after 14 years as a part-time employee, I was offered full-time at the Library! :yahoo: My husband is retiring next year and even though he will be getting a good pension package...full-time with benefits will be welcome.

The only thing is that one of the requirements for full-time is that I have a Library Techincal Assistant degree so I have to go back to school...let me tell you, the idea of going back to school after 35 years is freaking me out a bit. But I can't afford to turn down a full-time job so I guess I will have to bite the bullet.

There is only college in the area that offers the classes so I guess I will be checking out the program to see what's what.


aikim - Congrats!!! And good luck with school, you'll do great!! :04:

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Congrat Akim I think that being able to take 1 or 2 classes a semester is not terrible. But then again I have not been in school for almost 38 years. My husband is working on his Masters. Lots of time but being unemployed he has the time. He is caring a full load to be done in 15 months. Then hopefully will get a job!!!

When looking at the amount of time that Clay has been in concert, on TV, and other things it is amazing how busy he has been. That shows those people who say he is lazy that he has definately earned his fame.

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