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#58: The man is made of awesome!

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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay Aiken can still curl my toes
    • Clay Aiken = happy sigh
    • I'm a satisfied Clay fan
    • He's still beautiful, sings beautifully and he's still OURS
    • He's made of awesome wrapped in fabulous with a little more awesome sprinkled on top!!
    • Forget life -- It's Clay time!

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Wonderful "biggie," cindilu2! :clap: :clap:

I'm working on a calendar to add to the new Carolina On My Mind blog, and you can bet that's going in.

What do you guys know about the Canada AM appearance? Is there a link?

Thnx to all who drop by the blog, which literally jumped onto Google before I could finish typing the headline. I have pinged the correct link several times, but the "invalid" one is still on the search engine's Page 1. Wouldn't you know they were super efficient today?!?!?! :whistling-1:

Caro :listen:

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OK, I'll get the "song of the day" stuff off the ground.

Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

First of all, I think this is a fantastic opening to the entire album. It's fun, it's bouncy, it sets a good tone for what is to come. It's also infinitely singable, and I find myself humming it all the time now. BTW, it also makes a great ringtone for cellphones. Just sayin'.

It sounds to me that Clay is having a heck of a lot of fun singing this song. I wouldn't say this one is a stretch for his voice, but it carries some emotion to it -- mainly the emotion of having a good time!

The band they got together for this song? Tighter than a drum.

Great, great version, IMO.

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Hi all,

Yay for another appearance on Wednesday! Listened to the interview again before I went to work this morning and it just put a huge smile on my face.

Forgot we were doing CTMEOOY today...will give it a listen and get back.

ETA love the DVD cover!


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Does anyone know if the Chelsea Handler show is live? I'm just wondering because if it's same-day tape and it's tomorrow I'm not hopeful that the Canada AM thing is live in-studio the next morning. The satellite interviews are good but I would love knowing he's here in Canada.

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OK, I'll get the "song of the day" stuff off the ground.

Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You

First of all, I think this is a fantastic opening to the entire album. It's fun, it's bouncy, it sets a good tone for what is to come. It's also infinitely singable, and I find myself humming it all the time now. BTW, it also makes a great ringtone for cellphones. Just sayin'.

It sounds to me that Clay is having a heck of a lot of fun singing this song. I wouldn't say this one is a stretch for his voice, but it carries some emotion to it -- mainly the emotion of having a good time!

The band they got together for this song? Tighter than a drum.

Great, great version, IMO.

I agree its a great song to start the CD off with...if I am being honest, it wasn't one of my favorite's in the beginning but it has grown on me...this might sound weird but I love Clay's diction/pronunciation in this song...his phrasing is impeccable and I love how he sings "offa" instead of "off of"...okay probably just contradicted myself there, LOL! And I love how long he holds the "you" at the end. And it goes without saying that no one sings "baby" like he does. This is pure Clay Aiken.


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Has a tick tick beat which seems build up anticipation for the big chorus. Clay's voice is very mellow and emotional describing his love. Then the band gets you ready for the chorus by coming in with guns blaring. Finally the big chorus and Clay's declaration of love during which he stresses baby over and over.

I like this song a lot and it so easy to sing along with it. Clay's voice is perfect on this song and I love the trumpets in the orchestra emphasizing the beat. :twinklewhore:

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I wanted to post my thoughts about CTMEOY before reading anyone elses...then i will go back and comment.

When I heard that he sang this at the GIF, I had two thoughts, I never liked that song very much but wow, he sings it really well. I have never been that fond of the Four Seasons. I thought they sounded like cats and I really didnt like groups that sounded like cats to me including the Lettermen, later the Bee Gees, etc. Big exception- the Beach Boys. But I digress…

I think this is a terrific song to start the album and for him to use to promote the album. I thought he hit it out of the park when he sang in on GMA, and vocally, for me, the strongest vocal performance of the week. It fits his vocals like a glove. Shows his softer side and a bit of his belter too. Although the instrumentation is very similar to the original (one of the reviews criticized this number as being pretty much a carbon copy) it has some touches that I love. For example, the first time he sings theres nothing else to compare I hear a steel guiitar, at least I think that is what I am hearing. I hear the same guitar work later when he sings youd be like heaven to touch. It adds a lovely wistfulness to the number. It reminded me of the guitar work of Vince Gill but I know it was Moon River that he contributed his guitar work. I think Clay does a good job with conveying a sense of longing as well. I have grown to enjoy a song I never cared for very much. Thank you Clay :listen:

ETA: Yes, very easy to sing along with. It has become an earworm for me. My 86 year old mother hms along with the intro before the chorus. I have never heard her hum music for along time. Very cute. Her boyfriend in Andrea Bocelli but yesterday she asked me to put clay on when we were driving.

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I will make up for you two by being verbose. :cryingwlaughter:

Can't Take My Eyes Off of You isn't one of my favorite songs, and it still isn't a favorite on the album, but he's made me love the song. It is an earworm for me, definitely, whether I want it to be or not.

The song is upbeat and energetic and makes me feel good. It swings. I love the brass. Opening with this is a statement. THIS is what this album is going to be. I liked MTK as the opener at the taping for similar reasons. Sure there will be a lot of slow songs tonight, but we'll swing a bit too and have fun.

I love the way he says "touch," and cagney, I also noticed that instrument after "you'd be like heaven to touch." I had thought there was a triangle in the opening bars of the song, but then later there's a tingly percussive sound that has melody to it, so I thought maybe it's some sort of pipes. I didn't think of steel guitar. I can't always distinguish the instruments but I can hear all the variations, and have always admired Clay's arrangers because there are so many subtleties and variations and interesting sounds. I love to watch the percussion guy with all the odd instruments when Clay does his orchestra tours. I don't think every venue can find one with all the ones they would like to have. Chautauqua had a great percussion guy with all kinds of different odd looking instruments and he used them all. I like the way the main drummer does a light, jazzy beat on this album.

When I first heard the song, which was on a cellcert from Florida, I was seeing a music video in my head the whole time. Weird. I still see it sometimes when I listen to the song. Clay is watching Reed dance in the studio, Reed doesn't know he's there. "You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you, you'd be like heaven to touch...." When the upbeat chorus starts, the scene switches to Reed in the wings watching Clay perform the song in a theatre like the places he will perform this summer. "I love you baby." I would love to see something like that on YouTube. No PDAs required. Just love and mutual admiration and talent and beauty. Would a video like that be making news or normalizing? Probably both.


I like the crispness of Clay's vocals on this song, and I love the way he says "touch." He owns the word "baby." I love that his accent is so evident throughout. It's home to me. Clay's home really is my home, right down to the cute boy in the leather jacket in the Mecca diner after school.

So it's an easy, swingy, happy song, upbeat literally and metaphorically. By the second chorus when the whole band is playing it's just classic big band, but the arrangement up to that point has been very artful with many subtleties and variations. The piano is another one, the way it's coming in on the verses. Clay's pianist so rarely plays the actual melodies because Clay doesn't need that kind of backing, and he does these lovely duets with the piano when he sings. In this case the piano is more background than duet partner but there's a space there where it's the only instrument, I think. Would have to listen again.

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I am also not one to give a deep musical analysis but I did want to say that Can't Take My Eyes Off You is one of those songs I remember my Mom singing to on the radio, you know, AM RADIO, when I was growing up. I liked it okay then but I love Clay's version so very much more!! And I also think it's so cute how sometimes Clay grooves just a little bit when he sings it :-)

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You: Love it as the first song, as well. The bass playing first really gets me into the right anticipation for his voice, which is smoky and suave in the first part. The chorus gets me moving and finger-snapping. Then it's capped off with a nice long note... I love long notes by Clay. N.I.C.E.

jmh... I love your review!

Well, it might not have been Reed, but 'post from computer' is easy if one has a laptop.

EEE...loving the Clay pics! Keep 'em comin'! :)

And EEE for my high school graduate. We had a very busy day and everyone is going to bed early. heh

00lsee... Congrats!!! on your graduate!

Who'd have thought Claymates would be held up as a good example of fans!??

The times, they are a changin'

wanda... BWAH!!! Things they are a changin' for dang sure! I love it and say bring it on!!!

Just loved the interview, helps me understand things about someone coming out. It was fun hearing talk like that and explaining things, understand how he is guarded to give info about his relationship and not wanting to show pics of Parker. Just can't wait for the concerts in August, how am I going to stand waiting for them!

Your post makes me very happy, preden. :bighug:

Welcome to the world of wishing your summer away for Clay! :teehee2:

I've heard some disturbing things at my church lately, like it was wrong for me to accept homosexuality and that I'm in the wrong as much as they are and I was glad to hear clay talk about coming out and how his family reacted, just love the guy just the way he is! In fact I just love homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. I'm a people person!!!

preden... Just smile and love them and go your own way. Do not take it personally if you can manage it, as it is their problem. If you want to stay there, you'll have to find a way to deal with the problem. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Being a Clay fan is easy, but sometimes it is not easy, if you get what I mean. LOL

I had a very good friend who is very Christian and really lives what she thinks God wants, doing mission work, etc. When Clay came out, she said she had to stop supporting him because the bible said it was wrong. She was very sad, as she had supported him in many fund raisers/concerts/etc. over the years. What I told her was, "the bible talks about the size of the rod it's correct for the husband to use to beat his wife... do you support that"? Of course she didn't, but the stuff against gays, she supported. Tell me how that makes sense.

One of the main things from the bible for me is, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." How do you do that and have such judgment against others? You can't.

Clay looks at people and sees their hearts, not how much they weigh or how old they are or... To me that is the ultimate in Christianity... and class. The man is F.I.N.E. on all levels, especially his heart. If more people were like him, there wouldn't be so much hatred in this world. [end soapbox]

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You: Love it as the first song, as well. The bass playing first really gets me into the right anticipation for his voice, which is smoky and suave in the first part. The chorus gets me moving and finger-snapping. Then it's capped off with a nice long note... I love long notes by Clay. N.I.C.E.

jmh... I love your review!

Well, it might not have been Reed, but 'post from computer' is easy if one has a laptop.

EEE...loving the Clay pics! Keep 'em comin'! :)

And EEE for my high school graduate. We had a very busy day and everyone is going to bed early. heh

00lsee... Congrats!!! on your graduate!

Who'd have thought Claymates would be held up as a good example of fans!??

The times, they are a changin'

wanda... BWAH!!! Things they are a changin' for dang sure! I love it and say bring it on!!!

Just loved the interview, helps me understand things about someone coming out. It was fun hearing talk like that and explaining things, understand how he is guarded to give info about his relationship and not wanting to show pics of Parker. Just can't wait for the concerts in August, how am I going to stand waiting for them!

Your post makes me very happy, preden. :bighug:

Welcome to the world of wishing your summer away for Clay! :teehee2:

I've heard some disturbing things at my church lately, like it was wrong for me to accept homosexuality and that I'm in the wrong as much as they are and I was glad to hear clay talk about coming out and how his family reacted, just love the guy just the way he is! In fact I just love homosexuals and heterosexuals alike. I'm a people person!!!

preden... Just smile and love them and go your own way. Do not take it personally if you can manage it, as it is their problem. If you want to stay there, you'll have to find a way to deal with the problem. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Being a Clay fan is easy, but sometimes it is not easy, if you get what I mean. LOL

I had a very good friend who is very Christian and really lives what she thinks God wants, doing mission work, etc. When Clay came out, she said she had to stop supporting him because the bible said it was wrong. She was very sad, as she had supported him in many fund raisers/concerts/etc. over the years. What I told her was, "the bible talks about the size of the rod it's correct for the husband to use to beat his wife... do you support that"? Of course she didn't, but the stuff against gays, she supported. Tell me how that makes sense.

One of the main things from the bible for me is, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." How do you do that and have such judgment against others? You can't.

Clay looks at people and sees their hearts, not how much they weigh or how old they are or... To me that is the ultimate in Christianity... and class. The man is F.I.N.E. on all levels, especially his heart. If more people were like him, there wouldn't be so much hatred in this world. [end soapbox]

Thanks for the help, it's appreciated!

There are no words to describe how much I love Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You. It's also my daughter's favourite song from the album. I just love the tempo, the vocals, everything about it!

I love it too!

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When I was growing up (back when Noah got off the boat LOL), I loved "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You." I was not anybody's baby yet, but that song put me in the mooood. When Clay started on my first listen, I thought "Aw, how sweet." Then once he got into Full Cry -- and how I LOVE BF in Full Cry -- I was gasping, EEEEE'ing and :Thud::Thud: :Thud:

That mental image of a music video of Clay watching and singing to Reed, followed by Reed watching Clay singing, is perfect, agree completely!! I had similar thoughts. :whistling-1:

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Don't forget...Chelsea Handler show tonight!

1 Day until Clay is on Canada AM!:yahoo:

4 Days until The PBS Special Airs in Chicago!:yahoo:

13 Days until Clay is Bringing Broadway Home to NC!:yahoo:

30 Days until Clay Addresses The Key Club Convention!:yahoo:

45 Days until The Timeless Tour Begins!:09:

Happy Birthday to those celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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jmh, I loved your "review," and I'm going to have to go back and relisten today with headphones to figure out what that instrumentation is that you're talking about.

And THANK YOU ALL for your "reviews" so far. As I said when I introduced the concept a few days ago, I realize that some people are going to say "he sing pretty, me likey" and that will be it. That's cool.

The song for today is:

What Kind of Fool Am I?

Tomorrow is It's Only Make Believe.

Have a great day, everyone!

Oh, and preden -----{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} You'll figure it all out in your own way.

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"What Kind of Fool Am I"...a fool that is crazy in love with how Clay sings this song...I can remember Anthony Newley's version and Sammy Davis, Jr.'s...Clay's is even better and I can so imagine him standing on a Broadway stage..a single spotlight on him...belting this song out.


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A straggler comment on Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You:

I'll be frank. I've hesitated about commenting about this one because I came in with a deep-seated bias against it. I have a low-to-no tolerance for the Four Seasons; I've never seen "Jersey Boys" because I'd rather take a beating than spend an evening listening to Four Seasons songs. CTMEOOY wasn't as horrible for me as Big Girls Don't Cry, or Walk Like a Man, (Frankie, SING like a man!), BUT, it's the use of the original arrangement here that has been problematic for me. Clay is working his magic in removing some of that meddlesome scar tissue from my musical memory with his clear and persuasive vocals, but I wish the arrangement had been jazzier, along the lines of how Bobby Darin performed it. (The Bobby Darin version that's on YouTube is worth watching for comparison.)

But thank GOD Clay doesn't sound anything like Frankie Valli, so there's a better than even chance that one day all that icky sticky connotation will have been removed and I can appreciate this one on it's own. I don't skip it because I'm working hard on the replacement therapy. For some reason I have this song linked in my historical mind with Herb Alpert's This Guy's In Love With You, which was a superior song IMO, and one I'd love to hear Clay put his hot, sexy vocals to one day.

To sum up, Clay is making lemonade here for me. And I'm glad it's the opener.

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