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Losing weight 2011


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I am still following SparkPeople. Lost almost ten pounds so far this year. I know the weight loss will slow to a crawl soon. Mr. Fear has dropped 17 1/2 pounds so far this year.

I have come up with a few lo cal but tasty recipes and I can always use a few more if you want to share here. I hope I can continue this diet for the rest of the year without becoming obsessive.

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I am still following SparkPeople. Lost almost ten pounds so far this year. I know the weight loss will slow to a crawl soon. Mr. Fear has dropped 17 1/2 pounds so far this year.

I have come up with a few lo cal but tasty recipes and I can always use a few more if you want to share here. I hope I can continue this diet for the rest of the year without becoming obsessive.


I've seen reference, but was "glossing" over thinking it was Sparkle. :)

Can you tell me a little about this and why it's working for you?

We had a family wedding in Dec and I just saw photos! Ack! Moonface!

I have got to stop eating everything in sight and stop baking for fun! :)

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Spark People

I haven't registered there. However, there's a local thing going on for me at the moment, with teams formed. I'm part of the Lovely Library Ladies team! No "diet" per se, but they keep track of your exercise. I'm also being much more mindful of portion control, which is my biggest problem. I've solved a bit of that by eating off smaller plates. Seriously, that works.

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Thanks ldyj for the link. I wrote up a post at the same time the guys painting our downstairs pulled the plug on our router. :cryingwlaughter: They finally left and i could plug it in.

Mr. Fear is using livestrong.com. We weigh and measure everything. I don't think I can do this forever but it does make me aware of how easy it is to pile on the calories. My clothes are fitting much better than they did last year. I go to the gym twice a week or so but hopefully I will go more often when I am working less and the house is a little more organized.

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This show, The Healthy Gourmet, is on the Canadian Food Network (which I realize you can't get) but they do put their recipes online. The premise is one is a nutritionist, the other a chef. They have great, flavourful yet healthy (low fat) recipes.


Fear, I used to track my calories on LiveStrong (The Daily Plate) and it helped me lose 45 pounds. Lately I am just in maintain mode, but one of these days I'll get back to it. I really need to lose another 20 pounds. I am struggling with IBS type symptoms, so I'm trying to find the right balance of food. It is not always conducive to weight loss (although it should always be low fat).

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Good for you Fear! I'm been on Weight Watchers July 2009 and lost 65 lbs, gained about 4 over the holidays and having some trouble losing it, life stresses has made it hard to concentrate on the program. I only have a few lbs to lose to get to goal weight so I can become a life member, that is not having to give any more money to them unless I gain more than 2 lbs above goal weight in one month. I need the support there. I know WW is not for everyone but has worked for me. The next time I really have to work on is exercise but I'm lazy. I know that as I get older it will be harder to keep off and then must move more. My job demands a lot and if I follow the program properly I will lose those lbs just got to stop picking at snacks. Today I'm been good saying NO to potatoe chips that my dear son offered to me. Today I've begun drinking green tea as I've been having trouble not getting my water. I heard it's good for you.

Have a good week!

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I did join the spark people and I enjoy all the activity going on. It's so hard though for me to do all the things I want to do. It's almost like having another job. Even when I pledge to make time for it nightly - something happens to get me off track.

And yes, smaller plates DO work. Congrats to everyone who has lost weight. I'm trying. It will be something I just continue to work on no matter if I have lapses. I am on no particular diet - just want to eat a low fat diet and exercise more.

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Just had a shock this morning, tried on some capris from last summer "tight", must get back seriously on the program today, writing down and counting my WW points, that works for me! drink a lot of water, eat plenty of veggies! but must get moving that's the hardest for me! can't afford to go out and buy new clothes!!!

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I finally joined WW yesterdays. My first meeting is tomorrow. I'm kinda overwhelmed. I can't even find a breakdown of the program on their site LOL. So I'm kinda lost and will just wait until I go to my first meeting for direction. Yes I know how to use the tools but I don't want to just plug in things I eat after I eat them.

uh oh preden but yeah I know that feeling.

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I'm back on the wagon again along with Mr. Fear. If anyone saw us at dinner they would think we are weird. We have a digital scale on the table and weigh any meats or fish and measure most everythingelse. It's crazy but it works. I hope I can continue on my own. I'm using Sparkpeople on my phone to track everything I eat.

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I bought my scale at Costco for $16.00. My son, the bargain hunter, found his on ebay for $2 or $3. He is a vegetarian not a vegan and was trying to lose weight by cutting out carbs and just stopped losing at some point. We convinced him to try counting calories and the pounds just flew off. He wasn't very overweight but didn't feel fit.

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I start jazzercise class on the 20th. My sister and I will go together. I've done this class with Muski and she still goes there although I think we'll be on different schedules except on Sundays. Anyway I'm looking forward to it. I haven't really incorporated the exercise as much as I wanted so this should do it.

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I count calories using Livestrong - Daily Plate. I recently downloaded the app for my blackberry as well. This weekend was a bust....yesterday I could.not.stop.eating. Just one of those days.....I find I am much better on a work day, because I measure and pack all my food for breakfast and lunch before I leave. Then I know how many calories I have left for dinner & snacks when I get home. Weekends are a free for all LOL.

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I do Zumba which is, I guess, a Latin version of Jazzercise. There is a lot of Latin Hip Hop and Rap so it's not always cha cha or mambo.Makes my heart race a little. I also love pilates but I can only make one class a week due to the gym schedule. When I gain it's always the mid section and pilates definitely attacks that area. I do hand weights several times a week for upper body strength. Sure helped when I was pushing Mr. Fear around.

I keep track of food on my phone as Sparkpeople has an app that is easy to use on my Droid, which I almost always have with me.

I know what you mean about weekends luckiest, and I only work 2 days a week. I used to give myself one day a week when I didn't keep track of everything but I'm in a hurry this time. :cryingwlaughter: We are4 talking about a little vacation this year since there is no Clay tour this summer. That man controls my life. :lilredani:

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So after missing two straight weeks of weight watchers because of vacation and then the holiday -- I had a weigh in and was very happy that I actually lost weight in those 2 weeks. Not much but I was so very afraid I would lose ground! So now I feel invigorated and look forward to staring my jazzercise class.

I want to try zumba. I have 2 left feet though.

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Congratulations couchie. Not an easy feat to lose weight on vacation. :clap:

I have fallen down a few times in zumba when my feet went one way and my body the other. :hahaha: "Get yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again."

One week down and not too hungry yet. Lost about four pounds but sadly the rest will take time. I love the first week of dieting, the rest not so much.

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Argh, I'm backsliding like crazy lately. Not exactly sure why. BBQ weather doesn't help, both my kids want burgers and such all the time. I really need to concentrate on cooking their stuff separately and not getting tempted to eat it. Sunday I was given a huge bag of fresh rhubarb and I made a big pan of rhubarb crisp. I'm struggling not to over indulge on it as well. It would help if the freaking kids would try a piece.

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As of yesterday, I'm on Weight Watchers! My college FINALLY had enough people to get a group together, which will get us through February of next year. Of course, tonight was the annual pancake and sausage supper in my neighborhood. Thank goodness for those extra points they give you in a week! It also helped that I walked to and from the supper, which earned me a point. I'm only 6 points off my daily allotment. My first goal is to lose 5% of my weight, which equals about 10 pounds. The final goal is 30 pounds. Wish me luck!

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Thought I would update everyone here on my progress...

YAY me! After 5 weeks, I've lost almost 10 pounds, including (amazingly, since it was Thanksgiving) 1.4 pounds last week. For me, the key really has been recording EVERYTHING I eat. It holds me accountable for all my food choices. The next challenge will be the Gala weekend...wish me luck on that one!

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Congrats ldyj!! Good luck staying on the wagon in Raleigh, it'll be hard. :)

I should have been in this thread all year, maybe I can find some motivation here though. I went to the doctor around mid-November for some abdominal pains I was having (did a few tests, got some results and still waiting on more, but this isn't the thread for that) and I finally found out my weight. I know as I get more into my 20s I'm "supposed" to put on a little, but over the past couple years it's been 30lbs of "a little". Even the doctor after trying to assess my problem said pretty much I need to change my diet and exercise. Now, I don't think I could lose all 30, but I'd be happy with 20-25lbs. I've started trying to eat healthier but it doesn't help around the holidays!! (It also doesn't help when friends have parties every other weekend. lol) I'm going to try and be as good as I possibly can though through this month and the winter and I need more motivation to exercise. That is the hardest thing for me to get started...

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Thought I would update everyone here on my progress...

YAY me! After 5 weeks, I've lost almost 10 pounds, including (amazingly, since it was Thanksgiving) 1.4 pounds last week. For me, the key really has been recording EVERYTHING I eat. It holds me accountable for all my food choices. The next challenge will be the Gala weekend...wish me luck on that one!

Hi there, congratulations on your effort, I'm on WW too and it can be done to stay on the program at the gala! See you there!

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