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# 62: I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving!


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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for a network appearance sometime soon (and not Clay's soon!)!

Good luck for all those who need to reschedule stuff for the Gala!

I'm not moving either! I'll take care of flight changes and hotel reservations tomorrow.

I have to coordinate with the two other friends who are traveling with me. I'm sure everybody will incur

a penalty for changing their itinerary.

Are you going to the Gala?

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Up on the Clayboard I have a picture that says CLAY AIKEN ,HOME FOR THE DELUSIONAL-----> LOL

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Are you going to the Gala?

Yep, sure am! I bought my tickets to the Gala on Monday, and fortunately, hadn't gotten my plane tickets yet. However, my guest, jmh had already made reservations at the Sheraton (the Marriott was full!), and we've got to figure out a new way to pay for a hotel room!

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First of all ... sorry to anyone who has lost any money due to the change or who were going but now have scheduling conflicts with the new dates. Since I had a zero percent chance of going next month, things are looking up for me LOL.

Very interesting to see what's up. Sticking my fingers in my ear and not listening to celebrity apprentice theories. I celebrity hate Donald Trump. It was from when he went off about Rosie. I've never seen anything like it. He went on and on and on and on and just would not shut up. I kept waiting for the "psych" but it never came. I'm not even a fan of Rosie but it was just so ugly. I'd rather imagine he's taping Amazing Race LOL. Hell I'd even tolerate Dancing with the Stars. But hopefully it's nothing that's on the air but something new. There are 1 million channels. Somebody give that man a show.

Happy Shortyjill. It's my nephew's birthday today as well. He's 12!

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Goodness, I sure hope it's not celebrity apprentice, either!! I'd much rather see Clay on something new. There are not really any reality shows I'd envision Clay on. What I'd love is to see Clay appear as a SINGER on DWTS!!

I love the idea of a singer but can't imagine he'd change the gala for a one shot gig unless it's some HUGE thing. So singing yes... but something new. But whatever it is I look forward to seeing it. I'd be the only one history in to watch CA without hearing DT's voice LOL. I love your zanyforclay name.

Oh wait when is the gala? I think my mom and I will be in Tahoe.

Just checked and yes the good news is that I'm already on vacation that week. The bad news, I'll be in Tahoe. However all is not lost as I'm going to Tahoe on the 3rd. So maybe I get my sister up there for the last weekend and bring my mom home. It's up in the air.

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I was able to change my plane reservations, so its still a go for me. Still have to get return flight tickets though. The "network scheduling" conflict is worth all the hassle and extra money for me. I just want to see him on my TVeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I hates Donal Trump, but I like Apprentice and would like to see Clay every Sunday on the show. I usually DVR it and then fast forward all the parts where the crazy haired pompous bag of wind appears. He is not on the show that much. I love Rosie and don't like how Trump re-acted to her hair comment. Trump's reaction reminds me of Ripacrite reaction, drama queen.

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Thanks for the birthday wishes! I wouldn't have minded too much... *g* LOL

So I'm deep in like and I can't get out...and I'm quite happy...the guy I've been talking to/seeing this past week has a birthday surprise for me and won't give up any details! I'm excited though..I think I get to see him tomorrow. :)

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That's cool shortyjill. I've had no luck in the men department so good luck to you.

I'm another DT hater, but I'd suffer through almost anyone to see Clay. Almost. Thank goodness for dvr's where you can fast forward. I'm mixed about him being on the show. Don't watch it, and unless he's on, I have no plans of ever watching it, but if he's on, he'll get a lot of tv exposure for people to see how freaking amazing he is. Plus he can get money for NIP. At this point, I'm in the beggars can't be choosers camp. I'll take him on pretty much any show.

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I wonder if it could have anything to do with Anderson Cooper's new show, or perhaps another stint on Broadway???? I really, really hope it's NOT celebrity apprentice. I enjoy The Apprentice, with unknowns on, but I do not watch "Celebrity" apprentice. It would be very difficult, esp. with Clay on it. I do not relish the idea of worrying every single week again over what might happen. I had enough of that on AI2!!!!!

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It's good to read that the fandom is taking the Gala news well. Sorry about the big buck changes some are facing. I'll be in cantata rehearsals/performances that weekend but will look forward to all your reports. "Network TV" and "Expanded Clay" sound promising! :)

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I wouldn't have minded too much... *g* LOL

So I'm deep in like and I can't get out...and I'm quite happy...the guy I've been talking to/seeing this past week has a birthday surprise for me and won't give up any details! I'm excited though..I think I get to see him tomorrow. :)

Sorry I missed "your day," shoryjill! I'll join in the extended celebration! Happy Birthday Weekend! :twinklewhore:

The new Carolina On My Mind blog pays tribute to the 10th anniversary of 9/11/01 with a montage by yollie950 featuring Clay singing "Grace of God" and "It's in Everyone of Us."

Commemorative artwork for the 10th anniversary by EKTIMIS, as well as the final photos by Bill Biggart, are also spotlighted. Biggart died taking pictures on 9/11, and a slide show of digital photos from his camera's memory card are linked. I hope you will share your 9/11 experiences and reflections in the comments.

On to Friday and a great weekend ...


Caro :listen:

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81 Days until The Gala!Yahoo.gif

For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc....Yahoo.gif

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I wonder if it could have anything to do with Anderson Cooper's new show, or perhaps another stint on Broadway???? I really, really hope it's NOT celebrity apprentice. I enjoy The Apprentice, with unknowns on, but I do not watch "Celebrity" apprentice. It would be very difficult, esp. with Clay on it. I do not relish the idea of worrying every single week again over what might happen. I had enough of that on AI2!!!!!

Only be worried if he's project manager. That's usually when they get kicked off. I personally would rather see him on Celebrity Apprentice than DWTS anyday.

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Speculation about Clay being on Celebrity Apprentice on Reality Blurred..info came from Clay fan boards..someone is snooping, LOL; also now on Twitter and Ricky.org:


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From Claygary asked me to bring this over:

Experience Raleigh 2011

We are pleased to advise that our Bus Tour, Experience Raleigh 2011, will proceed as originally planned….but with a new date!

The Bus Tour is now scheduled for Friday, Dec 9th 2011 at 10:30 AM, meeting at the Sir Walter Statue outside the Raleigh Convention Centre.

As of Aug 25th, our first bus was full…but we do understand that may change. We will be taking a waiting list (no deposit required as yet) for a second bus to also run Friday Dec 9th….and will be taking names on a first-come, first-served basis from this list to fill the first, confirmed bus as seats become available.

In summary, here are the changes and what you may need to do:

1. The date of the Bus Tour is changed to Dec 9th 2011.

2. If you need to cancel your confirmed reservation, please email expraleigh@gmail.com and a refund will be issued via Paypal, or your money order returned to you.

3. If you are now able to attend and would like to be added to the waiting list, please email expraleigh@gmail.com and express your interest.

Attached as well, is the original announcement, with a correction to the date (nothing else changes).


Have you been to Raleigh 20 times since 2003 and never seen anything but the hotel and Fayetteville St?

Are you afraid to drive on those streets that “change behind you as you drive”?

Heard the terrifying tales of “lost on the inner/outer beltline”?

Would you love to experience some of those “special places” Raleigh is famous for?

Do you live in the Raleigh area and would love to experience the beautiful city through the eyes of your friends?

In 2011….we have the solution!

Please join us for a fun and informational tour of Raleigh, NC.

In conjunction with the Champions Gala 2011, and benefiting the National Inclusion Project, we will be taking a tour of 10 of the most exciting “sights to see” in Raleigh. We hope to introduce visitors from outside the area to the “flavor” of the city and some of its most interesting history and attractions.

Just the Facts:

The tour will commence Friday Dec 9th at 10:30 AM; passengers will be picked up outside the Raleigh Convention Centre, by the statue of Sir Walter.

The tour will end on or about 5 PM, and will deliver passengers back to the pickup location in plenty of time for the VIP event.

We are thrilled to have the use of a tour bus fleet that is fully equipped with restroom, refrigerator and an entertainment system for your comfort enroute.

It is also ADA accessible, and we encourage all to attend.

The cost of the tour will be $30 per person. A $15 deposit is to be paid at booking; this deposit is non-refundable, but you are welcome to sell your space to someone else if you are unable to attend the tour.

The balance of the cost must be paid prior to Oct. 15th.

This fee covers the cost of the bus transportation itself, provided informational literature, and a raffle ticket; meals, souvenirs purchased and any location fees must be covered by the individual making those purchases.

Our itinerary includes:

-downtown heritage area and the capital building

- a short stop at the Museum of Natural Sciences

-a very special lunch stop (individuals are responsible for their own meals) *

-Leesville High School *

-Leesville Baptist church *

-AE Finley YMCA *

-a surprise stop in this area *

-American Tobacco and the DBAP

• of interest to Clay Aiken fans

Please bring your cameras! You will want to take pictures as mementos of the occasion. If you are not a photographer, some photographs taken enroute will be available for you following the tour.

How to register for the event:

Your deposit to hold YOUR seat on the bus can be made via Paypal, to expraleigh@gmail.com

Please ensure that you include, in the Paypal comments:

Your Full Name

Your Screen Name and Board, if that applies

Your full address

Your telephone number

Please direct any questions to: expraleigh@gmail.com

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So glad that FromClaygary was able to reschedule the bus tour! :twinklewhore:

I have never watched Celebrity Apprentice and probably never will.......unless Clay is really on it. Hard to believe that the gossip sites are reporting message board speculation as if it was probable. :cryingwlaughter:

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90 Days until The Gala!Yahoo.gif

For Clay Being on Network TV soon, forthwith, down the road, in the near future, before long, etc....Yahoo.gif

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I'm glad FromClaygary as able to reschedule. I thought about that after the change of date.

Well so my mom is abandoning me for Hilton Head on the same week I'm in Tahoe. Her place looks fabulous. So she'll actually be in SC during the gala weekend.

Have a good weekend.

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