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# 62: I live in Clay World. And I'm not moving!


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Clay tweet from last night:

@Rosie Holy crap! He's so grown up now! He's taller than you?!? Wow.. It flies! :-) @

8:05 PM Sun Jan 08 2012 ยท Twitter for iPhone

in response to

Rosie O'Donnell @Rosie

Parker goes back to school - boo hoo

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34 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!Yahoo.gif

42 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I am glad Clay is tweeting but probably good that I am not..we are on opposite sides politically and I might be tempted to respond to him, LOL!


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I am glad Clay is tweeting but probably good that I am not..we are on opposite sides politically and I might be tempted to respond to him, LOL!

Ditto except I do tweet, but they're protected if I ever had the urge to fire back...he'd never see them! LOL! :)

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33 Days until the premiere of Celebrity Apprentice!Yahoo.gif

41 Days until Clay is at Carnegie Hall! :yahoo:

Happy Birthday to all celebrating!

Everyone have a great day!


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I'm glad most people are not taking Clay's tweets personally. I have several most friends who I disagree with politically. We have agreed that this is a personal choice and we are not going to convince anyone that one is more right than the other. But limiting peoples rights is a whole other ball of wax. do have a friend that argued with me that gay people should not be allowed to lead. I did quote to her the Declaration of Independence "all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are still good friends.

If you disagree with Clay, tweet back and tell him why. I would love to read any rational reason why substituting one Democratic VP candidate for another Democratic VP would upset a member of the Republican party. Particularly after he tweeted that he preferred one Republican candidate over the others. Sounds to me he is giving his opinion on both parties. I love it!

Have a great day!

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Ok I posted this at CV:

Well I swore I would never listen to Howard Stern and I sat in the car cringing just knowing he was going to be nasty. Well I was shocked for HS it was really mild! I had to come in to the office so I didnt get to hear it all but to hear him actually defend Clay. Well pigs must be flying! Lisa brought up the fact she talked to Clay about his coming out and of course Howard went right to the swamp thing and one of his minions said some stuff that I don't care to repeat and Howard said "in Clay's defence he denies it!

Lisa said Clay was really smart and a hard worker.

All in all what I heard was not too bad. It is Howard Stern after all!

Clay and Geprge Takie were watching Lisas show on Clay's iPad when she walked in the room so they both know how nasty she can be! She said Clay talked like Blanche Deveraux from Golden Girls...that was funny!

Howard said that it was a bunch of has beens or never were's on CApp!

Lisa came across as really liking Clay and has a respect for him.

As soon as I heard him say Clay Aiken I just braced myself but I was really surprised at how mild it was. Of course Howard is all about the sensational but he just didn't really go there except the one time. Only for Clay stuff would I listen.

Seriously as nasty as HS can be this was truly mild. Lisa was using all the four letter words as she does. I thought that on the whole Lisa's comments about Clay crass as they were came across just fine.

Lisa made sure Howard knew how hard they all worked on this and that most were there to raise money for charity but some were just to raise their profiles. Lisa joked that she wasn't there for the money just the exposure.

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Trump, shock jocks, tabloid tv shows, housewives... sigh. LOL. And I really don't like these nasty comedians. Never heard of Lisa and don't think her comedy would interest me. I don't have these folks in my life on a daily basis. I'm looking forward to and dreading CA all at the same time. I have decided not to watch live but dvr it for later viewing and fast forwarding.

As for politics they are divisive on a personal level just as they are in Washington. I'm mostly apathetic since 95% of politicians (from local to federal) don't impress me at all. On a personal level I've almost had to chop off a finger to keep from responding to a family member's social ideas on facebook. I found them so horrendous but I had to keep in mind that I could really cause a lot of family friction and never responded. I just thought they were extreme, not the usual back and forth that we are all used to.

Why am I sitting here. Off to work.

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Ah, he succumbed to the "Facebook" meme of the moment. As much as I love you Clay, I'm not going to do it. Neener neener.

Thanks merrieeee for recapping HS.

I honestly don't know how much people will be able to fast-forward through CApp. Sometimes, there are details that are said that play into later episodes that can't be overlooked.

I'm pleased that Clay feels very open about what he tweets. I may not always agree with him, but hey, them's the breaks.

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The radio morning show I listen to took callers last week for this...they tried to find out who had the most embarrassing #1 song for their birth week. It was a riot! :cryingwlaughter:

For the record, mine is "La Bamba"...dunno if it's TOO embarrassing but it definitely could have been better...

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Two more tweets, and I'm gonna have to follow up to find out what this story is about:

clayaiken Clay Aiken @BrookeBCNN The parents of FAMU student R clearly trying 2 not let his legacy 2B defined by sexuality. Stop making that the story! :-(

Followed 3 minutes later by this:

clayaiken Clay Aiken @BrookeBCNN Big fan. Fellow Tarheel. Watch everyday.. But that teaser about them "making a major revelation" was tabloid and unfair. :-(

"BrookeBCNN" is Brooke Burke, an anchor for CNN:

CNN Correspondent/Anchor 2-4pmET, UNC Tar Heel, lover of Pablo Neruda poetry, Space geek, #MusicMondays #WeCanDoBetter http://www.cnn.com/C...win.brooke.html

Found the story: http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/10/us/florida-am-investigation/index.html

FAMU is Florida A&M University, and I've seen news reports about this hazing story. (I'm a band geek, and I hate that bands are doing these sorts of things....)

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I love how Clay is trying to make a difference in the real world. It appears that a person's sexuality is big news. Bigger than being harassed and beaten to death. Watching CNN now and they are presenting that sad story as more of a bullying tragedy. I wonder if Clay's tweet opened their eyes?

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Vanessa gave permission for this to be sent to other boards so this is from Team Clay via the OFC:

Radio Request Etiquette

Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 12:12 AM

The showing of support and excitement around the release of Clay's new single, "Bring Back My Love", last month has been incredible! Clay's fans have, once again, hit the ground running in showing their support. While all of us here at Team Clay sincerely appreciate the voracity with which fans are spreading the word, we would like to kindly remind everyone about some proper etiquette in requesting the song on the radio. We absolutely love your enthusiasm and want to make sure you're using it most effectively. We want to see the single perform well just as much as you do

Things to rememberโ€ฆ

ยท Share the song with friends and encourage them to support it rather than making repeated attempts in the same day on your own to request the song on the radio

ยท Avoid using several different methods (phone call, email, text message, etc) to request the song multiple times

ยท Give time between requests to alleviate the number of requests the radio station needs to process

Exercising judgment and allowing radio stations to add the song at their own pace (along with appropriate support from you) will help ensure the song gets the recognition it deserves. Let's find a way to best utilize all of your excitement and not be potentially detrimental to the song's success. Decca Records is working with radio stations all across the country to ensure the song is heard everywhere. Your continued, reserved request support is much appreciated!

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I'm glad most people are not taking Clay's tweets personally. I have several most friends who I disagree with politically. We have agreed that this is a personal choice and we are not going to convince anyone that one is more right than the other. But limiting peoples rights is a whole other ball of wax. do have a friend that argued with me that gay people should not be allowed to lead. I did quote to her the Declaration of Independence "all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are still good friends.

If you disagree with Clay, tweet back and tell him why. I would love to read any rational reason why substituting one Democratic VP candidate for another Democratic VP would upset a member of the Republican party. Particularly after he tweeted that he preferred one Republican candidate over the others. Sounds to me he is giving his opinion on both parties. I love it!

Have a great day!

Even if I don't vote Democratic; if that party wins the election I still have to deal with them as my President and Vice President...so yeah, it would matter who it is. Personally, I have very little trust in any politician no matter what party...I think they all have an agenda and there is way too much "I'll scratch my back, if you scratch mine" going on and I don't think many of them really care about the American people. As for the Clintons..no respect for either of them after the whole Monica Lewinksy thing and especially for Hilary...I cannot respect someone who would stay with her husband after he cheats on her numerous times. Maybe it is old-fashioned thinking, but what kind of example is that for her daughter? The whole thing didn't sit well with me. I know many people say what they do in their personal life doesn't matter as long as they make good decisions while in office. I say..if someone makes such bad decisions in their personal life, why should I trust their decisions as President or Vice President? My sense about Hilary is that it has always been about her political career and she will do anything to have it including sucking it up and staying with a man who has disrespected her...I just find nothing admirable about her.


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aikim, I'll never understand the writing off of Hillary. Even conservatives have praised her job as Secretary of State. I'm afraid that the same cannot be said for Joe Biden. I met Hillary and Bill when I was a volunteer for her. She is a tiny, somewhat shy woman who still has friends from her childhood, who spent many years working with the Children's Defense Fund and who raised a brilliant daughter in addition to having a brilliant mind. I've also met too many people who hate her for very unimportant reasons: her husband, her looks, her affiliation. I remember a woman at the gym who told me she switched parties so she could vote against Hillary. Why? Because she hated her. I'm an unaffiliated voter and admittedly liberal but I try to listen to all sides and not make up my mind based on tv shows or gossip.


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