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Clay Aiken Does His Own Instagram!


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June 18


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Certainly didn't plan on two social media postings in a row to be about our girl, Raleigh. But our little lady was never content to be predictable.

As @amc4281 and I said goodbye to her yesterday, we were reminiscing about her life and adventures. Her voracious appetite FOR ANYTHING ... even if it wasn't edible... led to more moments of anxiety and excitement than anything.
Back around 2007 or 2008, she decided that the fake red berries on the Christmas garland wrapped around the bannisters looked tasty... so she ate not only the plastic berries but the thin metal wire inside the garland also. 🤦🏻‍♂️ We rushed her to the emergency room where the vet looked at the x-rays with grave concern about how huge the piece of wire was and how deep into her gut it had gotten. He would need to operate -- cut her open and get it out -- because he said there was no way it would pass its way out on its own, and in the very slim chance that it did, it would certainly tear her intestines on the way out.
We left her with the vet and I felt real stress and anxiety about the little girl needing to be anesthetized and cut open -- I remember thinking we would go get dinner and then come back and wait, though I was way too worried to eat. But, less than 20 minutes after we left the hospital, as we turned into the restaurant, the phone rang. It was the hospital. I truly panicked. I was sure that calling so soon could not be good news.
The vet came on the line and said "You can come on back now..." -- my heart dropped before he finished the sentence -- "... I absolutely can't believe it, but she just passed it on her own, and there's no damage to her system" 🎉.
He was impressed. I was relieved. She was already hungry again. 😂

Raleigh was a TOUGH little lady... But she was also sweet and smart. She traveled America with me and had more fans than I did from it.
Almost 18 years of eating and love from her for @amc4281 and me and scores of others who helped care for her and recieved her love in return. Thanks to some really caring folks at @lapofloveveterinaryhospice of the Triangle she was able to pass at home in her own bed with her brother, Durham, also by her side. 💙



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October 27





My son asked me a few weeks ago who my "best friend" is. I told him that I probably have several friends who I would consider to be my "best friend." So he asked who I talk to the most... if there is any friend who I talk to every day. For that, there's only one!
Every day. For almost two decades now.

In the coming year there will be a whole bunch of opportunities for reflection and celebration... (and for me to feel old)... as I enter a milestone 20th anniversary year.
Today marks the very first of them, and in so many ways... the very best.

On this day, 20 years ago, I met @QuianaParler and two decades later I still can't make it through a day without her.
From daily check-ins and song choice advice from her during my run on Idol... to blessing our audiences with her voice in multiple tours... to still having the fastest response time to all of my texts every day.... her authenticity, her wit and candor, her loyalty and honesty... her ridiculous talent! All of these and more have brightened my life for these past twenty years.

1) From Jukebox Tour 2005
2) Our first picture together, during "Hollywood Week" 2003
3) From the Hollywood Week episode... In Quiana's hotel room (prolly gossipping)
4) Our duet of Kim Locke's "Without You" every night on the Independent Tour in 2004
5) Singing "Chain Of Fools" on NAT in summer 2004
6) Together for my NBC Christmas special in 2004
7) Quiana accepting her "punishment" for making fun of my dancing in 2005, by having to demonstrate popular dances of the 1990s to an audience of thousands. 😂
😎 My favorite picture of us together (circa 2007) that she makes fun of me for still using as her picture in my phone.

Yes. Some might commemorate this day as the 20th anniversary of my audition for American Idol.
For me, it's not that. It's the 20th anniversary of one of the greatest friendships of my life.
I love you Q.

(and I told you! 😜)

Happy 20!

#20 #twenty #idol #americanidol #anniversary














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