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Posts posted by stpteach

  1. It's been a while since I've posted, but I am now because I'm quite sure there are some who miss my avatar - not me, mind you, just my avatar. (Hey I know what's important in life!) Needless to say, life has been so ridiculously busy for me. I've changed grade levels and am learning the differences between second and fourth grade curriculums as well as those between second and fourth grade kiddies! I'm loving my new little ones, but they're keeping me busy and exhausted, yo! So, hello to all - give my avatar a kiss, and hopefully it will make an appearance again before too long. <waves to y'all!>

  2. So many thoughts and ideas and I've got laundry and ironing to catch up before I have to return to the scene of the crimes, a/k/a school, this week. Have I mentioned I love my summer vacations - 'specially when they revolve around a certain cute singing guy who I really, really lurves? I have? Oh. Okay, well then, I'll touch upon a couple of points others have made earlier.


    BTW, my opinion on both Beacon/Knoxville is that we should be helpful when asked and/or when people need assistance but no one should do Team Clay's work for them.

    I was at the Beacon for two of the shows as well as Wallingford, and IIRC, Clay announced from the stage that there were people in the audience with black tape to cover their flashes; audience members whooped it up and pointed to those who, along with jojo, held up their tape and scissors to show them who he wasn't just whistlin' dixie! So to my mind, TC did give the go ahead for help with the flashes. I was only at the Philly, NH, and NJ concerts this tour, so I cannot tell you if TC gave Ethel the go ahead to assist with the lineup.


    MOAM - now I will admit that when I'm at a Clay concert I very seldom think about my DH. Shameful, I know. But MOAM is the one song that clay sings that puts my DH front and center in my mind and I absolutely loved it this tour. And then as soon as the song was over, I'd go right back to having an affair with my b/f.

    Yeah. That. The album came out at a time that will always help me to associate that particular song with MrSTP. Always.

  3. It only takes a few bitter to people to ruin the fun.

    Awww...like I told Ethel in her thread at the Clayboard (which is now gone?)

    Don't let the soul-sucking demontors of this world steal your joy...

    Why should the bitter few win?

    My guess (and this is only a guess because I don't know Clay Aiken *g*) is that he's blissfully unaware that something he said in one concert last week is still being discussed and rehased on the boards. I've never thought he followed things that closely and some of his M&G comments would lend credence to that.

    Personally regret is not an emotion that I spend too much of my time with. All I can do is learn from a situation and move on.


    couchie...you okay?

    While Clay may not be following the discussions word for word on the boards, I have to wonder if the girls - more specifically Quiana - are reading and keeping tabs. Personally, I hope they're not spending their off-time trying to make sense of this all; it's not up to them to mind the behavior of fans. It's up to the individual fan to be responsible for *their own* actions.

    I'm glad Ethel is giving some thought about how her actions affect those around her. While I don't want to see her deprived of the joy she feels when she sees Clay, nor do I begrudge her the interactions she's had as a result of ingratiating herself to him and his staff, I do feel some sympathy for those who are seated in her immediate area and those who've attended concerts with her in the audience. If Clay initiates the interaction with her, then more power to her and go at it, girlfriend! Clay is looking for his 'go-to' fan for a little bit o' bantering, and that's fine by me.

    It's when the interaction becomes more one-sided and continues to a point where the fan is doing the initiating or pushing it above and beyond the initial question and answer (and to my mind, Ethel has sometimes done that, as have others) that I, personally, find unsettling and infringing upon my enjoyment of the concert. Any fan who spends an excessive amount of energy 'dancing' and gyrating and moving about their seat (yeah...I remember being at a concert with Ethel and thinking I was very grateful to be several rows behind her, 'cause if I were sitting next to her or directly behind her my ability to see and focus on the concert would have been even more impeded. Audience members who think nothing of calling out at impromptu and inappropriate times are just as irritating and there are times that Clay obviously finds them as such because he *ignores* them. He'll talk right over those foolish people; however if there's someone or something he wants to say, he'll respond. Clay is usually very much in control of the bantering and the audience. The incident at Orlando was another of those moments, but I don't think he felt he had the control he usually commands.

    I don't know if given the same set of circumstances and the opportunity to rephrase his retort he would; I think his comment was as much a direct reflection of his response to Quiana's (and Angela's) reactions as it was to the 'booing' and the 'rolling of the eyes'. His back-up singers have become an integral part of his show and the three of them have become so comfortable with one another that their skin color is a non-issue for them to the point that they're able to kibbitz around about it. My personal feeling is that Clay was trying to take the edge off of the situation and make a light-hearted joke, much like the wonderful silliness that had gone on with the girls needing a spotlight on them because 'they're his "black-up" singers, you know'. That one worked; 'not liking black people' - not so much.

    My own hope is that for future concerts audience members will limit their participation to what Clay, himself, initiates and then know when that interaction is over. Will it happen? I hope so; I don't want to see Clay feel inhibited or cautious when he reaches out to the audience, but I also don't wish to see 'An Evening with the Audience of Clay Aiken'. So, maybe everyone has learned a little bit more about themselves and it will make for a more enjoyable concert experience for everyone. I can only hope.

    And couchie - are you okay?

  4. Quite honestly, I've never 'gotten' what all the hubbub is about re:when the next CD is coming out. Am I just being a Pollyanna? I just...don't care about it. I'm happy knowing that he's working on one. It'll happen when it's ready and I'll be here. DOn't really care how he's finding a producer, what that person's bio is. Don't give a hoot how many songs have a 4/4 beat or a violin in it. Couldn't care less whether or not Clay had to send a horse's ass...er..head to Clive's bedroom ala "The Godfather" to force him to see things his way. Quite frankly, I don't have the time or energy or interest to be "IN THE KNOW" about the whole freaking process.
    I don't think you're a Pollyanna, muskifest; I think you prefer to participate in the fandom in other ways, that's all. While I'm not one who knows a whole lot about the music business, I certainly know more now than I did before I discovered Clay Aiken. And while I don't have the time, energy or inclination to become an expert and know where and when to google specific subject matter and names of those tied to the music business, I sure as heck enjoy reading the fruits of others' labor.

    I don't know anything about that part of the business. It's cool to read about Clay's answers to questions during the M&Gs about it because his answers are direct and simple and matter of fact. I do NOT want to go into the whole BUSINESS of making a record, though, with people who like to squawk and preen and 'share' their expertise with us and/or propose interfering with the process by 'offering help', etc., Icertainly don't want to poke my nose into what Clay should or shouldn't do (unless, of course, if it involves "doing" things with/to ME!), what moves he 'needs' to make in order to make his mark, or whatever.
    For me, I enjoy reading Clay's take on how he perceives the business and I'll read anything he wants to share with us. I'm hoping against all hope that he really uses his blog more; he started something wonderful with the meet & greets in terms of giving fans real information and thus saved many in the fandom from the evil angst of speculation. ;) Then again, when he does offer a tidbit or two for us to gnaw on, it doesn't surprise me that reactions will include discussion and lead to speculation - it's a goodly part of what message boards in fandoms are all about, IMHO. When I participate in a discussion on a message board, I think of it as a conversation amongst fans, and never write Clay into the equation. Maybe that's a mistake on my part, but I've always considered the message boards as a place for fans to congregate and, essentially, 'talk amongst ourselves'. The one exception may be the OFC, but since I don't go there very often at all, what's discussed there is not a great concern for me, personally. Of course, with regard to doing things with/to ME! - the line forms to my right, hon! <insert elbowing/kickboxing emoticon!> :cryingwlaughter:

    Not saying, of course, that I'll be happy as a June bug if he were to come out with a CD full of ONLY ballads or one that leans toward the Christian music lane....but I'll be danged if I need to have 'the scoop' about his 'things to do' list while getting the danged thing done.
    Need to have 'the scoop'? Nah...I don't *need* it; if information is posted by someone who has some semblance of understanding and/or knowledge and dropped it in my lap, I sure ain't going to ignore it. However, if it doesn't come from the man himself, I'll also have a nice big salad available to go with my ever present salt lick. ;)

    I'm tickled to death just KNOWING about these various appearances slated for him in 2007! Coolio! I can't make it to any of them, but it's very, very cool that he's got a busy schedule, and I bet he's happy with the diversity of the gigs, too. I'll be surprised if there aren't more tv appearances, too.

    So all in all, I'm a happy camper. Boyfriend can SANG! And he's funny as sh...stuff! And he's packing them in at the concert venues and in his hawt jeans. :hubbahubba: And he's winning new people every time an indifferent or cynical person re: Clay sits at one of his concerts.

    Considering this stuff, I'll pass on the CD angst---thanks, anyway. :lilredani::imgtongue:

    :drinking71: Absolutely agree with the rest of your post - there's too many incredible things going on in the future for Mr. Aiken to have to take an extra blood pressure pill. It'll all be, when it'll all be - but I'll be the first to admit that I enjoy the discussions that ensue (hold the drama, please!) as having lively discussions with some of the smartest people I've had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with adds a whole lot to my enjoyment of this fandom.
  5. I haven't posted in a while, and I figured some of y'all were missing my avatar. *g* Anyway, so, considering it's the last night of the tour, and we all know just how much Mr. Aiken loves himself some pranks, anyone want to make some predictions as to just how revved up the highjinks will be tonight? I can't imagine him not trying to retaliate a little bit for the handcuffs and the whip. Oh. Ahem. <takes a moment t/m jemock> All righty then; anybody else think it's going to be a wild time in the land of the mouse?

  6. QUICK! HELP! I need to know what stpteach's board name stands for! Every time I see it, I read it as


    And that brings back a very naughty dream I had one time when I was a high school English teacher....




    BWAH!!!!! Oh, Lord have mercy! (Where's that 'fanning yourself so you don't faint' emoticon when ya need it?!) Not for nothin' Muski, but most people usually associate my screen name with the oil treatment - nevah as... - Oh, my, gawd! :cryingwlaughter: But to put you out of your misery, the STP are representative of my initials...though I like *your* idea a whole lot better; I mean, who knows when a certain gawgious long drink of water singing sensation might need a StripTeach! I'll volunteer; really, I will. :27:

    And KAndre, much like I am always breathless while listening to you on the cellcert, I found myself totally out of breath after reading your recap! Girlfriend, tell the truth; you typed that whole thing without coming up for air once, didn't ya? Fabulous, dahling! Absolutely fabulous! :worthy:

  7. jmh123 said:

    Teach, I'm pretty sure the text running across the bottom of that pic includes the words, "Do not crop." That means don't do what you are asking someone to do. I think it's a good idea to respect the photographer's request, and I'm sure you do too.

    Well, crap, I'm batting a hundred here, aren't I? Of course I want to respect the wishes of the photographer; I just need to learn how to read that's all (or get me some stronger trifocals...ugh.)

    Besides, there's a poor lonely avi around that has no home because you had a little fling with it and then tossed it aside without another thought. Sniff.

    You're right; if I'm gonna steal somethin' the least I can do is covet it like it deserves. Consider it done.

    Now, about that Clay Aiken guy - doncha just love that he's giving us some time off from his tour so I can get myself into all kinds of trouble? :rolleyes:

  8. Yes, I'm postwhoring. Mea Culpa. But I didn't want to mix business with pleasure...so to speak. I have a question, favor, plea? Take your pick. Someone (and I do believe it was the birthday girl herself!) posted this wonderful photo from the Houston concert by zippy and I made it my desktop background faster than you can say "YUM!" Now I've tried to make it my avatar, but as you can see, it doesn't translate too well. Is there someone who can either explain to me (beware! I am technologically-challenged) or recreate for me by editing it a bit so one sees more face (though look at that body! oy) and make a new avatar for me? I would be forever and eternally grateful. And I promise to never steal another avatar ever again. <crosses heart>


  9. Okay, okay, I don't want nobody to be :goodVevil: up on me; I'm a good girl I am... um, yeah. right. Well, I've been told I am good...but enough about me! Is all forgiven? I've resorted to going waaaaay back in time (NAT - told you it was way back!) and used the one and only decent photo I've ever taken of Mr. Aiken. (Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy, what I wouldn't give for him to just once look at me like that...*swoon*.) Anyway, my thieving days are over. Okee dokee, sweet-ums? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  10. You can always have this one...


    Unless YSRN steals it away from you first....*g*

    MINE... Damn you, stp, you stole my prezzie!!! THIEF!!! WHAP, WHAP!!!! *kicks your ass* The noive!!!

    Luckily ldyjocelyn made me two! Don't you dare take this one!


    Thanks!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Ouch! But ooh, oooh, I like that one, too! Trade you, trade you! You know, it's all that luscious, lanky, long drink of water's fault that I've been reduced to a life of crime! hee!

  11. I have to admit when I see candid Clay pictures like that, I always wonder if I would recognize him if I saw him in unexpectedly in real life. Clay, you can feel free to stop by my local Krogers and buy your milk, 'cause I probably wouldn't notice you! :eusa_whistle:

    I had the same thought....he looks just so regular guy in those pictures that I truly think I'd probably pass him right by. OK, so I'd probably think "he's cute," but no more than that.

    A prezzie for YSRN...


    Okay, before anyone hunts me down for being a diiiirty, no-good rotten thief, I'm here to say - yup, I am. I love that avatar, Idyjocelyn, and I admit it. I think I done stole it right from under you and my beauty-ous YSRN. Assuming that it actually posts (don't know if I ever do these things right!) I promise I'll keep it only for a little while (just need a few minutes to swoon) and then I'll give it back and find something just for meeeee! But damn! I love that look on him. :DoClay: in that 'do'!

  12. And I'll have actual paragraphs.

    Have fun gals! Did I mention the jellusy yet?

    I think if I were ocregmom, I'd be just as hurt by everyone skewering my child, even if he did deserve it. I would wish everyone would just ignore it without having to comment or insult him all over the boards. It seems like it would show her the kindness she probably needs if more people just dropped it rather than dragging it along in public. But, that's just me. If anything like that ever happened to me, I'd just as soon nobody jumped up to bitch about it in my honor. I'd be mortified. Just plain hating on a bad review/critic is one thing, but this is more personal. Eep. I have to go hide now.

    Nah, don't hide. <pulls back YSRN into a mushy, squishy hug!> I'm guilty of posting a comment on the CH and I kind of feel badly about it - not because I don't still think the review was unwarranted in oh, so many ways, but for the very reason you stated, my precious. I feel badly for ocregom; I would not want to see posts skewering my flesh and blood either. But then again, the fact of the matter is, the man wrote a piece for a public forum and while I don't think ocregmom is going to be happy about posters' reactions, I have to wonder if she'll be all that surprised.

    Oh, and I think this is my first post. :bier:

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