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Posts posted by Sally

  1. Good morning everyone. Add me to the list of folks who love this board...lots of friends here!

    I'll be at the Greek and Knoxville shows. :Tour3: I have family living in SO Cal, so will be combining my trip west with a long-overdue visit with them.

    RRMom - hope all works out for you.:hugs-1:

    I have 2 extra Greek tickets in section B for sale. The info is posted here:


    :Thud::DoClay: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  2. When I was a kid and would whine or complain ... my Mama would ask "whose behavior can you change?"

    And the quote above reminds me of some of my favorites from A Lazy's Man Guide To Enlightenment --

    What am I doing on a level of consciousness where this is real?

    Back in the 1980’s New Age minister Terry Cole-Whitaker wrote:

    “What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business”

    I never read it, but over the years the title of the book has stayed with me.

    It really is true… people will think what they will, and form their own opinions no matter what I do. At the end of the day, living MY life and staying true to My values is the most honest and liberating thing I can do.

    I think Clay gets it too. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  3. I have seen some people I've been posting with for several years now slowly turn into paranoid, bitter people I don't even recognize. The fandom has apparently ceased to be a source of light hearted fun and celebration for them a long time ago. They've spent so much time dwelling in the muck and mire, keeping up with all the haters and swamp dwellers, that they believe that the entire world is an ugly, hateful place. It's amazing how trivial all the "hater" activity is when you just stop looking for it.


    Thanks FullyFunctional for saying it so well. I had about given up on the boards until Cindilu and Carolina Clay pointed me in this direction.

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap:

  4. I have mixed feelings about Kelly’s album problems. I can understand her desire for free artistic expression, but everything costs something…especially in the music business. Does the label owe her one after selling a bazillion albums and making them lots of money?...Probably, but the fans are not obligated to buy something they don’t like. Who is she working for? Ultimately, who pays the bills?

    I’m a photographer/graphic artist who worked for many years creating projects in line with my company’s and the client’s wishes. Now I’m retired and have the luxury of creating work that fulfills my own vision and freely expresses what I want to say.

    Today, I turn down all job offers. Sure the money would come in handy, but for me, the sacrifice is too great. I feel like my many years in the profession gives me the right to experiment and grow in ways I never could before.

    Kelly is very young, with lots of lessons yet to learn, this may just be one of them.

  5. Good morning FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I know I’m late to the OFC message board discussion, but wanted to share a blog I came across this morning.

    This is about the 10 types of blog commenters. The list isn’t totally inclusive, but I think it aptly describes many forum posters as well:

    The DO-GOODER (Nice people, never a bad word to say)

    I would put my mum in this one. When I was a kid, I tested her a lot. “What do you think of this sketch mum, is it good” even though I had done it badly on purpose. “Oh, that’s wonderful son, you’re so talented.” Do-Gooders are just nice folks in general, and want everyone to feel as nice inside as they are on the outside. They probably won’t help you build a better article or start a great debate, but they will make you feel warm and cozy. Do I like Do-Gooders? Sure, it’s great to feel loved! But when they say great things about everything, well, the comments never feel as special or as helpful as they could, know what I mean?

    The DEBATER (looking for a fight?)

    Some people have a natural gift for arguing. As a result, they will leave inflammatory comments or just pain outrageous remarks in the hope that a blogger or reader will bite. I have bitten that hook a few times, to my shame. Debaters never want to drop the subject either. If you see the comments area filling up quickly, you can bet there’s a debater with some poor sap on the end of the line, squirming and wriggling. Debaters are good at what they do, well versed, educated (most of the time) and will often leave you feeling week and feeble. And for what? Sometimes, it’s over important issues, and that’s a good thing. That’s healthy debate. But when it’s over the petty, off-topic subjects, it’s best just to let these people go. Avoid the bait bloggers. Stay away from their shiny lures. No doubt a debater is rubbing his or her hands with glee over this article, just waiting to pounce on me and start something. But I will be strong.

    The NAYSAYER (also known as the “impossible to please”)

    If you’re a Naysayer, you’re already compiling a list of every single thing that you disagree with in this article. It will be a long list. You’ll dislike my tone, the subject matter, the categories will be all wrong, I’ll have left out the most important point, etc, etc, etc. Naysayers would complain if they won the lottery. Naysayers would have told Jesus he was doing it all wrong. Naysayers are a negative force on this world that suck the life out of you and drain your energy. Sure, their comments will be on topic, and often civil. But they’re so pessimistic that it’s hard to get through them all without chewing your own arm off. Think carefully if all you do is leave comments that disagree with everything the blogger says. If you have a genuine concern or problem, then that’s no problem. But if you spend your life bringing people down and naysaying everyone and everything, what kind of life are you living anyway? Something tells me you’re not too happy.

    The FIGJAM (An English term meaning “F**K I’m Good, Just Ask Me)

    Also known by many as Trolls, comments from this particular blog reader are self-serving and patronizing. If you’re a FIGJAM, you’re probably already typing a nasty, self-promotional comment to this post right now. Although I’d actually be surprised if you had read this far down, as most FIGJAMs merely skim the surface of an article, think they know the score, and write a hefty response. FIGJAMs build themselves up by putting people down. They’re the bullies of the blog commentary world, and as a result will usually not leave their names or contact details (scaredy cats). FIGJAMs also have a tendency to be hypocrites, often pointing out spelling errors and grammar while making the very same mistakes in the comment box. All in all, a FIGJAM only serves to bring the whole blog down. If you’re a FIGJAM, I have a few pieces of advice for you. First, get in touch with your inner bastard and kick him/her to one side. Second, stop reading blogs. If the articles constantly annoy you, why keep reading them? You’ll be happier if you just go off somewhere and read a good book, and I’m 100% sure we’ll all be much happier without you. I thank you.

    You can read the entire blog here:



  6. Hi FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I’m a transplanted Yankee now residing in Georgia and have been a Clay fan since AI2. My first board was CB then RHT. I was a part of the mass exodus from RHT to CV (with a brief stay at OMC until they mercifully kicked us out), and finally back to CV where I established the Paint Shop Pro forum. (the amazingly talented Cindilu was one of my first students). :clap:

    I have a blog at the OFC (Sally888 there), but have not updated it in nearly a year.

    I’m a retired photographer/graphic editor, currently trying to learn how to shoot and edit videos.

    I joined here a week or so ago and was delighted to see so many of my old friends.

    Thanks for making a place for non-pod people and for allowing me to join you.

    …BTW, my real name is Sally

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