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Posts posted by lovethatguy

  1. Throwing in my two cents about a few recent topics

    AI Rewind -I think current AI is rather boring, but I loved loved loved AI2 so I am delighted with Clay's involvement as the narrator and that we know it is a substantial role. I will be downloading my little heart out on that good quality super secret clack.

    Roger- Change is often good, often bad. I have no super strong feeling about him, but he hasn't impressed me so I hope for good change. Rather blase' opinion huh?

    Chexxxy- I read there, I read here. That make me a bad fan? I just like to know what is going on. I like to be informed so I can form my own opinions. I am nobody's mindless follower. Seems that everyone has their opinion of what is right thing and what is the wrong thing to be a "good fan". Personally, I don't think there is one right or wrong way.

    I am a fan for the voice, the laughs, the friends, and the man who impresses me with his heart and tugs at my heart.

  2. THIS IS THE NIGHT! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Sometime this evening my daughter's son will be delivered. Her blood pressure and uric acid levels have been elevated all weekend, and this morning her doctor set in motion plans to proceed with delivery this evening. The baby is 35 weeks and 5 days old. Guess we will have a little Virgo instead of a Libra. :)

    We appreciate your prayers and good thoughts. This is the candle site that Maddy established a few days ago: JenB.

    Forgive me, but I have no idea what is being discussed. I have been on the phone for the past two hours. Have a great evening, FCA. I'm on pins and needles. :wub:

    Caro listen.gif

    Adding my thoughts and prayers too Caro.

  3. I have not responded, although I have continued to read, because I thought Couch Tomato told me not to.

    However, since so many of you gave your opinion and I feel I started the whole thing, I do feel I have a right to say something too.

    If anyone thought that I was being judgemental about Claygasm herself, I apologize. I thought I was asking a clarification of rules. And I thought I asked it very politely. If that was not the perception by some of you, again I apologize.

    On the one hand, I found it impressive that the "old time posters" seemed to "circle the wagons" around their friend whom they understood from past experience. However, as a newbie and an outsider, it was a tad uncomfortable being on the outside of that circle. To be clear, I didn't feel trashed, just on the outside. I wonder if any of you can see that perspective?

    I really see how this huge quick growth could be problematic for this board. I personally thought the discussion that followed my question was quite adult and respectful. Lots of different opinions were given. Although I don't agree with your response, Couch Tomato, I will respect it. I won't question again.

    Only 11 posts and I already "stirred the turd".

    I tried to think through this post very carefully. I think I did alright. Hope it is taken as intended.

  4. Kim Locke responded and the wheels on the bus go round and round. :RedGuy:

    I would say "and the Hole in the ground gets deeper and deeper".

    I thought that was a poor response.

    Apparently she feels that an authorization of 1 when 3 are involved, and 1 of the 3 hasn't returned your calls in two months is justified.

    Doesn't work for me.

    Otherwise, I basically could care less. But since she put it out there for all to see so I don't see why I can't give my opinion.

  5. Or not dropping the TV theme songs when they didn't like it. Heee, I was in Pala and the lady in front of me went out of her way to leave the venue and came back only after the medley was over. She sure missed out on a lot of fun.

    I remember someone was upset about a part in the Classics that she felt was objectionable Someone suggested she leave during that part to make her point known. All I could think is " she better not be crawling over me, cuz I'll trip er!"

    I don't have a problem with the objection per se, everyone's sensitivites are different, but to leave just causes a problem for someone else and is rude. How about just closing your eyes? Whatever.

    PS Why does my homeboard show up and no one else's does? I just answered the My Control questions- I tried to delete it and it won't let me.

  6. Yet an unconfirmed rumor made us act like he was going on next year's surreal life.

    This seemed to sum up the OTT reactions to me very well.

    What absolutely fascinates me and actually disappoints me is the almost complete lack of chagrin or admitting feeling foolish for so over reacting. Let alone having the grace to apologize. I only saw that from a very few people.

    I know that some say that the internet gives you anonymity and therefore people are freer to vent. I don't know about you all, but I value my screen name. I don't want to post anything under my screen name that I would be ashamed of saying later. Sometimes I have screwed up ( mostly with bad humor) but I try to make it right. I see others doing that too and that is who I have come to respect in this fandom. I don't expect Clay or any of the fans to be perfect. I just don't understand the lack of grace to recognize that possibly they made a mistake.

    Someone here mentioned " where were our leaders" in all this. Frankly, I am tired of some being the "leaders" That implies that I might want to follow and that isn't me.

    Lastly, even though the last two days were a huge disappointment to me, I will not forget the wonderful side of this fandom. It is what keeps me on the boards. There is a tremendous amount of love and generosity in the online fandom. I hear of examples every day. And that brings a warmth to my heart.

  7. Is it possible...could it be even remotely possible that I would rather read the angsting, hair pulling posts over the "I knew it all along...thank you, thank you, thank you Clay, I knew I could trust you" shit?

    Shoot me now. :scream:

    Pass the bullets.

    I have to rein myself in because I so wanted to tell some people that instead of the thank you thank you , they really should be saying sorry sorry. Seems I am not alone in that.

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