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Posts posted by clem231

  1. I wanted to respond to Couchie's post and other's last night; but I was in a pretty pissy mood (and watching the Cub game didn't help) and didn't want to offend anyone, but then I saw Trophywife's post...that is pretty much where I am now...I just don't give a shit anymore that people are feeling bad or struggling or can't come to terms. I find I want to scream at my computer "Oh for God's sakes just get over it!" I just cannot understand having "trust issues" with a celebrity...someone you don't know, probably will never know or even meet. I know that sounds callous and unfeeling..but I am just so done with the whole thing. I think some need to just walk away from their computers for a week, get back into real life and realize that in the great scheme of things, this is just not that big of a deal.

    This is where I am.

    It's really helped to read here.

    I'm struggling...not with Clay, but with some of the fan's who I thought I knew.

    Clay is everything I thought he was, and more...some of the fans ...

    Not so much.

    I hope Clay never gives them that "pound of flesh" some of them are looking for.

  2. I have no sympathy for these people either. All their negative whining drives me nuts......they should start their own message board so they can all enjoy being miserable together.

    Heh, I'm pretty sure they already have, but they just enjoy bringing their scintillating thoughts to the main boards to cause a stir. :huh:


    And, I'm keeping my Cheerios far away from them.

    Clay and Jaymes...I think they are "dear friends".

    If it's more, or leads to more, that's great too.

    I think this is the happiest time of Clay's life...that makes me happy.

  3. I am sick to death of miserable people in this fandom trying to bring everyone down with them. I'm talking about people who can't deal with the fact that not everyone is unhappy - about the baby news, Spamalot, no pop tour, no Christmas tour, album promo, whatever - and go around whining ad nauseum that there must be something wrong with the rest of us. We must be over invested. We must be delusional. We can't see the writing on the wall.

    Thank You!!

    Oh, you forgot one.

    We're not realists...

    I'd like to send every one of them a Mr Clean Magic Eraser to get that damn writing off their walls!

    They act as if Clay DID something to them.

    Good grief...who are the over invested ones.

    Whew...I didn't realize how much I neded to rant :rolleyes:

  4. If people don't want to support Clay's causes because he doesn't blog--then they should probably move on to someone who blogs as they want.

    And don't I wish I could just say that right out loud - but - no - I don't like getting Greened! *g*

    I really would like to tell more than a few people "If you don't like what Clay does, why don't you go bother somebody else?!"


    I mostly lurk here, but I just have to say big ol' WORD!! to both of you!!

  5. I admit sometimes an artist's attitude and ego do factor into whether or not I will listen to, or buy, their music.

    Daughtry...can't stand him, but even if I could, I hate his sound.

    Kelly completely turned me off with the whole shully thing. Not that I was ever really a fan, but now, I won't even give any of her future projects a chance. I'm sure that breaks her heart *g*

    I feel exactly like Desertflower here:

    I would never buy anything from Micheal Jackson (used to love his stuff) or R. Kelly. I don't enjoy Tom Cruise anymore, or Mel Gibson.

    Now alot of Artists are egotistical...but when they show it in public it really turns me off. Now I think it takes confidence in yourself and an ego to be a performer...but when that ego is way OTT is when it turns me off.


    I didn't mention Akon or Kanye cause I wouldn't listen to their music even if they were the nicest guys on the planet.

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