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Posts posted by mom11

  1. AHA!! I knew if I mentioned Azerbaijan in my recap that sooner or later ( mostly sooner) someone would post who that was. I agree - Lisa was a lovely person and I also agree with you about the great haircut. We also told her that Clay's last performance was May 4 and that that weekend would be really, really busy with Clay fans. You could see her thinking about that. She mentioned that she had only been working at Juniors since Clay's run began so she'd miss the Clay fans after May 4.

    Yeah, that was me!! That waitress, who is an absolute doll, and I are like buds now. We got to chatting the other day when I was in there, and she told me that she had mentioned me to some other ladies at one of her tables. She was telling them how she had served a bunch of us one night and there was someone from California, someone from Toronto, someone from New Jersey, and then someone from as far away as Azerbaijan. Lisa, the waitress, was pretty impressed at the whole phenomenon of us traveling so far to not only see Clay, but to gather together as friends from all over the country.....and the world. We had a few laughs that night. I've think I've seen her at least a few times since....she sort of did a double take when I showed up again last weekend...."Like weren't you just here a couple of weeks ago?"


    She has a nice new very downtown looking haircut.

  2. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? How much time do you spend on your fandom?

    I decided to stop by briefly because these are such interesting questions. My fandom has evolved from just watching from the sidelines, to going to multiple concerts, to standing back and saying "what the heck are you doing???" - and now I think I've achieved a sense of balance. Maybe. Somehow hearing Clay sing, live, in person, just does somethin' to me and I get all rattled again.

    I like to think it's a hobby, but I'm sure it looks like an addiction to my friends and family.

    I check the boards every day, but am not one to jump in and participate in discussions. During tours I love the cellcerts.......it's just so amazing that we can "be there" without being there. And the camraderie is so special at those times........

    Sorry - I can't stay longer. Have to get up for work tomorrow. I'm sure I'll enjoy reading the thread tomorrow!!

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