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Posts posted by Chrysador

  1. Good afternoon.

    Are you ready for more Clay Aiken? The tour has just started and I am exhausted.

    I loved staying up until 4am this morning and then setting my alarm clock for 7am. After watching some more clack, I am off to take a nice long nap.

    Loved the GMA performances and was glad to see the large, enthusiastic crowd. I think the move back to Raleigh will be good for Clay. Just as long as he isn't considering giving his recording career up. After 25 cities, I think he will be rekindled and ready to finish up his CD. Good times to come.

  2. I really want one of each pin issued. Don't even ask...am not sure I can explain it to myself (HA HA). And all my friends are going to the same shows, so we can't even use a "buddy" system.

    If pins are issued during the tour, I will surely miss out. And chances of trading in person would not be available then either. It would be nice if some accommodation could be found for us pin "whackos" but, understandably, it would be difficult to do.

    I not sure that the trading will slow down with the show starting because I probably have at least half of my pins yet to receive. Some are actually scheduled to be delivered in mid-August. It almost wants me to add on the last concert but then again who knows who will have pins left to trade then? I think the trading will go on for quite some time, even into the Christmas concerts.

  3. Your animation of Clay and the pins is too cute!

    I would like to see Clay's people come up with a neat blue jean jacket like I have seen at the Hard Rock Cafe. No Phoenix this time, please. Of course, right now it would be too hot to wear to an outdoor concert. I would like to wear my pins to the concert so I have been digging through my closet for a jean vest. I found one, but again I think it may be too hot to wear. No baseball cap for me either. The metal might attract aliens...hee!

  4. If you are using IE (Internet Explorer) for your browser and you are on another board that permits animations, all you have to do is click on the stop button on your browser tool bar. This may help your computer load pages quicker. Or rest your eyes. :D

  5. Got a question for the experts.

    Have any of you folded the 10x7 envelope in half or any of the larger envelopes? I have received a couple of orders with the envelope folded in half and sealed that way. I would think it would be more protective for an order with say one or two pins. It seems that the postage still stays around the same. I just wonder if the post office would have a problem with the envelope done that way.

  6. Tsathy, I ordered my pins, like a proper minion.

    I am hoping that something upbeat happens this week. Maybe the radio interview will difuse some of the angst some are feeling.

    Unfortunately, I am taking 3 teenage boys on a trip tomorrow to hear a headbanger band. (I assume that is what the band is). It's my son's treat for his birthday. Let's see where did I put my CD player?

  7. :lol: I posted on CH that I was going to be featured on "Intervention" on A&E tonight for Clay pin collecting. A couple of people actually thought I was serious. I have been giggling every since reading the posts.

    Anyway, I think I have bought enough pins and I need to start trading. Now if I can decide if I can wear 70+ pins at one time. Watch out metal detectors, here I come.

  8. Hello!

    My name is Chrysador which comes from Greek Mythology. (Chrysador was the daughter of Medusa, one of her twin daughters born from the blood of her head when it was chopped off. Chrysador was the good daughter who took her mother's rage and used it to do good things).

    I love Clay Aiken.

    I found out about Clay Aiken through radio. Weird, I know. Every morning after AI2, on my drives to school, the radio djs would talk about the skinny kid with the big voice. My curiosity finally peeked and I tuned in the second to the last program. I fell in love with his voice and his confidence. Everything else is just icing.....

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