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Posts posted by HotMomOf5

  1. My 8 year old son, Tim, is my 'quirky' guy-he has some 'autistic features', but does not currently have a diagnosis of autism. The doctors feel that he fit the criteria when he was younger, but does not at this point-they said that in some cases, features fade. He is diagnosed with sensory integration disorder and gross and fine motor skills delays. He also has an IQ of 140...I assume he didn't inherit that from me , lol.

    I knew that he was 'different' when he was an infant who would not look at me, and a toddler who had no fear nor showed affection, and a preschooler who spent hours lining up the toy trains, not stopping to use the bathroom or eat, and ignoring us all... he was such a difficult child and it was stressful....but dh and I both had lots of fears and didn't seek help. Plus, we got really stupid advice from people :blink: , especially because he speaks really well. I'm all for the early awareness that is spoken of now. It's such a change from even a few years ago! If I had to do it again, I would have persued my concerns, and tried to get some help-some things I did on my own, especially using eye contact.

    Anyhow, he's a great, unique kid-he has his own ways of seeing things . He went to public school for the first time, for third grade,and did well. Socially, he blossomed! He had a wonderful, patient teacher, and it was an inclusion classroom-another boy in the class is mainstreamed (my son does not have an IEP or receive services other than social skills help). This was such a good experience for my son-he is very rigid and rules-oriented, and had to learn to accept that sometimes, somebody may act different (vocalize in class or whatever) and it's not necessary to get all upset over it. The boy and my son discovered that they share an obsess...er, interest in Star Wars, so now they are friends! I hope 4th grade goes as well.

    Ansa, this child did not potty train, fully, till around 4-he was verbal, but very stubborn. In fact, his brother who is 18 months younger, trained before he did! So, I was diapering the older one, while the younger one was fully trained. And I was pregnant-what a time that was, argh...this probably sounds terrible, but I ended up punishing him for messing, by taking his beloved trains away for a day at a time. I mean, he would not stop to use the bathroom-it was gross, and I was so tired and pregnant-so I took them away. I didn't know what else to do. This probably is very poor advice :huh:

    Would she respond to a chart? There are free printable ones on the web.(www.chartjungle.com has those, I think) Maybe she could place a sticker on it for every successful trip? My ds loves charts, they make him feel in control of things. Is it a control thing with her?

    eta-while i was posting, others said the same, lol. DiamondJake, your 20 yo sounds a lot like my Tim!

  2. Hi! I'm HotMomOf5-name made up when I used to use the computer downstairs where it was very HOT, that summer of 2003. I was very pregnant too, so was always hot. I really do have five kids :) My homeboard is CH, I also post at CV and the OFC occasionally.

    I had not watched AI 1 -when AI2 started, I was in the first trimester of abovementioned pregnancy, and very very sick, aroudn the clock...my oldest (then 10) yo son suggested we watch. I was too sick to care. So we watched all the episodes, and I was in a fog-until the tall redheaded kid ambled out. Ds said 'simon will cut him apart' but then Clay sang...and that VOICE cut through my fog like you wouldn't believe! I was hooked.

    I didn't go on the boards till the day after the Anomaly. It never occured to me to-I hadn't done that before. I never even watched reality tv, still don't! I got tickets to the AI concert, day of.(it was three days before my due date, dh was hesitant about doing a concert so close to it, but she was a week late anyhow, lol) Dh and the three boys and I went-it was the kids' first concert. We really enjoy Clay as a family! Even dh does, kind of. I've taken kids to almost every Clay concert I've been to.

    Interests-well, I'm not terribly exciting. I enjoy the kids. I like nonfiction, but don't usually have much time to read. I am a SAHM right now but am attempting to re enter the workforce full time, after having been home for several years. I volunteer with BAF on occasion, which I enjoy doing.

    I saw one AI, one IT, four NAT, two JNT, and am planning on 3 JBT-one of which will be a trip for dh and I to celebrate our 10th anniversary. I'm bringing my 4yodd to one show-she loves her 'Clay Aikey' too!

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