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Posts posted by Chardonnay

  1. #2 def...

    I missed that concert, flying home in a freakin' blizzard just after the NY and DC concerts. If only I had known... I would have completely skipped both of the above for this one.

    But we pays our money, we take our chances. Right?

    Though #1 ain't bad either.

  2. Too bad they shut down the woman's hotel in the city in the 60's. I knew many young women who stayedthere.

    Of course, no genetlemen or alcohol was allowed and you were expected to leave dressed properly (I don't think gloves were required)

    Bwah! I lived there for about a year. The Longacre House. Except was in the 70's and it was the only place my folks would allow me to live at 19. It was about $28 a week, right down the street from the Shubert and I had a grand view of the Hudson River! I snuck one of my gay friends up one night, not even thinking anything of it, and boy did I get a whoopin'! And not with any gloved hand I might add... But yeah, playbiller's right... it's gone now.

    I was able to catch Spam three times last time around and so right now my pocketbook is resisting its owners huge urge to return, although NY is absolutely beautiful in the fall! So anyway, I'll be counting on all the great reports. *sigh*

    I always feel funny sharing non-Clay-related things so you are more than welcome to move along, but I FINALLY finished my term paper for my Technology class and after my final tommorrow night... I'm DONE.

    Scarlett... You did WHAT? Ok, so now my report just seems... silly.

  3. My insides are feeling all schmoopy...

    One Last Name. No hyphen.

    That just speaks volumes upon volumes. I am so very happy for him! For the both of them! And I'm confident that they are both rejoicing so much in this moment together, as we speak.

    Intimacy. Perhaps it's in things like this that most define the word.

    I really hope that all those who doubted Clay, his integrity, his love of his fans (he told us first) are feeling just a wee bit ashamed of themselves today....
    I sort of feel that way too... except mostly, I'm just sad for those who somehow lost their faith in him along the way and because of that aren't sharing in this bevy of joy on this happy day.
  4. Hey Char! How's Web 2.0 going? I'm doing my paper on YouTube now. bwah! Yes, that's it! Thanks for uploading it to YouTube!!! BTW, I now convert original HDs directly to iPhone (mp4) format -- when I can make one for this, can I send you the file so that we can see if YouTube displays mp4's better than XviD conversions?

    Yes DO Scarlett, that would be interesting. I'm guessing I wouldn't get a "duplicate file" error since it would be in a different format. I'd just hate to lose the time value, ratings and comments from the old one to upload the new. But send it and I'll give it a shot!

    The SCC story is so tragic...

    I'm a Wednesday child *sigh*... but what makes it even sadder is that I was only moments away from being a Tuesday. If only mom had pushed harder...

    As for L.I. I wasn't there, but it's truly one of my most precious video memories. Not only did he sing so beautifully that night but he tore the roof off the place with

    God, I love him. Yeppers.

    As for The Broads tournament tonight... well it's just plain unfair.

  5. I'm really not suppose to be here. But anyway.

    It's August, and though this subject seems to be quite taboo , I just couldn't help wondering today (IIT) on what day this child might be born.

    Mondays child is fair of face,

    Tuesdays child is full of grace,

    Wednesdays child is full of woe,

    Thursdays child has far to go,

    Fridays child is loving and giving,

    Saturdays child works hard for his living,

    And the child that is born on the Sabbath day

    Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

    I guess I'm really, really, hoping for the 8th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 25th, 26th or 29th...

    **as everyone glances at calendar** :wordpooper:

    Anyway... Now back to this ridiculous and neverending research paper...

    Oh, and I think I'll have a little seasoning with that tank top.

  6. PSA...

    If anyone finds they're having problems accessing certain websites and getting the error message "Internet Explorer cannot open this site... Operation Aborted." Here is the problem.

    Seems to be causing quite a stir...

    I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this out since last night!

    If you scroll down through the comments there are a couple of fixes for it. I used the one entering *.sitemeter.com into my restricted sites. Oops but now it looks like I get all their newsletters. lol Maybe we should just wait until IE and Sitemeter dook it out...

  7. I'd hardly know we were in the midst of a drought with all the great offerings! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    And one things for sure... even when he's silent we still have enough to last a lifetime! When I think about all the gazillion megabytes of clack I've skipped over because of my hard drive groaning... But its all still out there!... and its just so incredible to know that we will never, ever in our lifetimes be able to claim we have nothing to do!

    As if...

    I really shouldn't be here because I've found that when I even let myself peek, it's all over for me. So ok I swear, just this one last post and then I'm seriously gonna forge into my paper.

    jmh123 and ldyjocelyn... thanks for the link to the video tournament! This was one of the toughest ones for me too! And they're only bound to get tougher. I'm anticipating a Sophie's Choice by the end of this thing. Still, I drew straws and chose "Listen."

    I believe his description of the reaction to it was 'like giving birth out of his chest'

    Haha, I remember him saying that! Perhaps he’s preparing himself sympathetically?…

    KAndre... Regarding the troll article. Why can't everybody just know that instinctively? Why does everyone always feel the need to toss their two cents in to a neverending battle? Best solution ever!.. ignore. And what Couchie said.

    Anyway, shoot, the thing that prompted me to abandon my homework and come in here in the first place was because I got one of those automated notifications that someone had commented on one of my YouTube videos. I usually just pass them by but tonight, trying to stall my inevitable project as long as I could I suppose, I clicked into it and rewatched the video and it made me realize how very lucky we are to have such incredible videographers who sacrifice SO much of their own enjoyment at these concerts to tarry behind the lense. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Kisses again!

    Gawd, he is such an big 'ole serving of awwwsome persona, vox extrordinaire, caliente potahto and

    ... all rolled into one! Just bwah!

    If anybody sees me around here AT ALL again this weekend please take away any and all privledges! Shoot. I'm serious!!!

  8. I've been trying to get here all day. Been scheduling fall music lessons, i.e., working around all the activities kids are in these days. In fact, I scheduled one in the middle of writing this post. :lol:

    Ha Caro!... I just spoke with my newly married daughter today and so far she is just loving married life and this stay-at-home mom's life of hers. I told her "I'm sure you do!" But just wait til you have kids!...

    Scarlett... Love the white light pics!

    Hugs to Diva and to all the rest of you.

    I'm afraid I'm going to be sequestered for the next week or so trying to finish up on this research paper for class, but I'm really kind of excited about it. Just came up with a bunch of cool info today. This whole Web 2.0 phenomenon is just fascinating and somewhat scary. So many pro and con commentaries. Who'd have ever thought we'd have all of this at our fingertips to be able to share our every little creation with the whole planet? A whole new world of "ME" some are calling it. Ha, and I guess it's sort of true.

    Anyway.. its just 2 days until August! And I'm searching for a mixed emotions emoticon...

  9. Chardonnay said:
    I just noticed that Iseeme is trying to be a fame-ho in my notes tonight....

    Then Iseeme said: What in the heck are you talking about? :imgtongue:

    Sorry, that probably didn't sound quite right. I just meant to say that you said alot of things today that grabbed my attention. All good...

    We really DO need to expand these emoticon options...

  10. Can't believe how fast this board moves!

    My notes should just probably be archived already, but anyway...

    laljeterfan... measure... multifacited... headline... Clay... making... man. Well I would have probably had a heart attack too!

    RIFAN... Thank you for that very sweet comment. The whole thing was a joy!

    Iseeme... I hope so too (that fans don't knit or purchase a bunch of redundant stuff for this babe or send copius amounts of what they think to be cute and adorable.) There's enough waste in this world. Much better to channel it towards a more needy cause.

    cha cha trusty... How funny, Mama Mia had never even been on my radar... but now I'm becoming all obsessed with it and all. Kind of like one of those books that sits on your bookshelf for years and then one day you read it and say... "Where have you been all my life?!!"

    Iseeme.... Thank you for the revisit of "Let's Play!" I swear, if I had to pick a top 10!... Because sometimes the colors can make all the difference!

    I just noticed that Iseeme is trying to be a fame-ho in my notes tonight....

  11. It does make a wonderful wedding song; I'm thinking of asking for it at my funeral. :lol: No plans for it yet, BTW!

    And so why am I all of a sudden trying to come up with a list of the most perfect funeral songs? I'm thinking OMWH might work... but omg there are just SO many.

    I can't wait until I can attend the real thing again. :whistling-1:

    Me too luckiest1. Me too.

    Very pretty jewelry up there!...

  12. Glad everyone seems to be finally finding the time to clean house and make montages. For me, since my kids left home, my housekeeping duties have been reduced to that of vacuuming and dusting the three foot radius around my computer. I clean the rest of the house about twice a year now, whether it needs it or not...

    As for montage making. Golly, I miss it. But I'm gonna get this degree if it's the last thing I do! I'd have had it years ago if not for Clay... so I am thankful in a way for this silence. But then again, I don't think I would have ever made up my mind on what I wanted a degree IN if not for him. Anyway, I've spent all weekend working on my research paper for my Technology class. I've chosen to do it on "YouTube"... bwah. There's actually more information out there about it than you would ever care to know about, but my premise of writing the paper lies in one concept and that is... "Sure I could have done this report on how to build my own computer, but I have no interest in doing so. And besides, if I ever find myself inclined to undertake a project such as that I can always find the step by step instructions on... YouTube..." It's pretty much 'You'biquitious! heh

    No gala for me either, since I'm still in the depths of paying off tours past. I think I may be up to Solo tour by now... *g* So I truly enjoy each and every little tidbit of the offerings that flow so freely here.

    The comment on Gerwisp's montage was quite amazing! And ldyjocelyn, a collection of playlists would be way fun!

    I promised couchie I would try my best not to be a fame-ho anymore and I'm stickin' to my guns, but still, I couldn't help but being proud of my daughter (actually both of them) last weekend and well, Mr. X to boot.

    A most Happiest Birthday to KAndre, CrazyforClay and Diva! I STILL have yet to come up with an animated giff collection but I still have this!


    I'm the one on the far right!...

    But seriously, did anyone else take this at face value back in the day? Perhaps I just took it as such a mirror image of what was going on inside me at the time. I guess I've aged a bit since then, but not nearly enough to delete 'omg' from my vocabulary, or to ever stop kavetching about those perfect teeth...

    Did I spell kavetching right Diva? It wasn't in the dictionary...

  13. I don't mean to negate anyone's feelings around here...but in a way, I don't really miss Clay all that much. I mean, I DO...and yet, it's nice to be "finding my life" again. Sure, I spend more time on the boards than I really need to, but at the same time, I'm watching TV shows and DVD's I didn't have time for before, I'm saving money (for the next tour), and such like that. He's still in my thoughts, to be sure, mostly through listening to Clay's music -- which I will never tire of at all. But, in a way, you know the old saying -- "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." I am positive that when he comes roaring back into our consciousness again, I will be just as fangirly as before.

    And loving every minute of it!

    You are me! And there really IS other life out there, for now, isn't there?

    Body of post deleted. Looks like too little info came off as too much. I'm really sorry.

    But anyway... STILL wish I had a pretty picture to share...

  14. [Your arms are so much thinner than mine! I hate you :imgtongue:

    Wait, that wasn't me! Haha. If it was, I'd probably have all the information I wanted and not have to keep wondering about it all along with the rest of you.

    But still looking forward to trying to siphon out a bit of information this weekend. And if I can in a harmless way, I will. Promise. In the meantime, can we close this subject? I shared a little bit TMI I think.

  15. Chardonnay - that's a really sweet story! One more instance of Clay touching lives without realizing it. But come on - what's the rest of the story?

    Well, omg, ok... My little girl getting married this weekend is the one in the upper right. My ex-DH is the one in the lower left. Don't pay too much attention to anybody else in the picture... ( Even though I think I'm gonna probably remove this picture in about 5 minutes.)

    So yes, so you can only imagine how much of a struggle keeping my extreme fandom from them all these years has been...

    Why am I'm thinking that Cotton will giggle at this... But shhh Cotton!

    And so now I'm heading out on a jet plane. And seriously, I'm going to try in a very nonchalant way to spring the question... "SO... have you heard if Quiana has any plans to tour with Clay at any time in the near future?"


    So you see? This is exactly why I have always completely tried to avoid putting myself in this situation...

    And if you DID happen to see that picture, please do not share, ok? Thanks.

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