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Posts posted by FullyFunctional

  1. Now that's just evil.

    Not only would I burn my claymate card but every one of my Clay Aiken t-shirts :cryingwlaughter:

    Hee! Yeah, that was mean wasn't it?

    It's NOT????? Please don't tell my DH that.

    Ok- point taken... :cryingwlaughter:

    Another thought I had. It occurs to me that some fans don't know how to enjoy their fandom any more. A minor annoyance, like a tour they are not crazy about becomes a MAJOR CATASTROPHE. A CD with sales they find disappointing is THE END OF CLAY'S CAREER AND IT'S OBVIOUS THE WORLD IS OUT TO GET HIM. We've always been a drama-filled fandom, but what has happened, I think, is that so many of the fans who were more balanced and level-headed have moved on and the balance has tipped more towards the panicking, angsting drama queens. So many of my "sane" fandom friends from the beginning have left the fandom- many because they couldn't deal with the drama any more. That's why I LOVE this place. It's my little spot of sanity.

  2. luckiest1 -- WORD. I do believe that for all the whining about this supposed tour, the same whiners will be in the front rows. And then, they'll still whine when KLo and Ruben are on stage -- possibly loudly enough that they can hear. That's just not right, IMO -- disrespect like that is incredibly distasteful to me.

    Double WORD. The folks who whine and complain the loudest often seem to be the ones who attend the most concerts and pay a fortune for broker seats in the front row. My evidence is only anecdotal, of course, but this is my perception.

    I, too, find the gagging and puking disrespectful to Clay, Ruben AND KLo. How would Clay fans feel if they visited a message board for the other two AI alumni involved and saw a bunch of folks gagging and puking over the idea of their idol touring with Clay? There would be much gnashing of teeth; I can tell you that!

    It doesn't bother me at all that some folks are not crazy about the tour idea. While I love all three artists and would love to see them all in concert, I can certainly understand that some don't think this tour is a very good idea. But I don't understand the intensity of some peoples' anguish and the weeping and wailing. If the tour sounds like a dud to you, why not just skip this one and wait for the next one? It's not a requirement to attend every single tour Clay has.

    Until Clay releases a new CD that is supported by his label, I don't see him as able to really carry a tour on his own right now. Unfortunately, he's not really gaining a ton of new fans at the moment, and there will be natural attrition in any fandom. While Ruben and Kim are probably not drawing huge crowds, they are drawing different crowds, and perhaps the nostalgic idea of AI2 redux will draw in some general AI fans, which may lead to Clay gaining some new fans. I am not a career strategist type- I have no interest in telling Clay how to run his career- but even I can see that it is crucial for Clay to build his fanbase back up. Until he gets that next CD out, and unless the CD sees significant label support, it can't hurt for him to tour with some other folks.

    Though I am a Clay fan first and foremost, it does bother me to see some attitudes of "Clay is too good to deign to tour with those also-rans, Ruben and Kim." It bothers me because Kim and Ruben are Clay's friends; at least that's the message Clay has given us thus far, and I hate to see fans trash Clay's friends. It also bothers me because I find it hypocritical. Can you just imagine how angry the fans would be if they read the same sentiment about Clay from Kim and Ruben fans? Do unto others, and all... If I were Clay and read the posts about this at the OFC, I would be deeply offended and would probably push the idea just out of spite. And add Carmen to the roster. :medium-smiley-070:

  3. Something for ya'll to start the day with......


    OMG, that is enough to bring me right out of lurkdom! :smokelots: I've been out of town a lot this summer and am settling back in to work (though I'm obviously not working, no?)

    Well couchie...when you find your voice again, I'd love to hear your take on what you watched and heard. I've come to the point of being angrier at the way the fandom is pussyfooting around actually naming the fan who booed (CAP), yet seems to think it's just fine to throw Ethel's name all over the place. Why is that? It's not like CAP has tried to keep her comments to herself before (on main public threads AND via hit-and-run nasty PMs)...why is the fandom 'protecting' her about this?

    Wow. I'm glad to see someone addressing something that has bothered me for some time, and it's not even specifically about CAP. Why are some fans protected and sacred and cannot be publicly called out for bad behavior but others are fair game? Why didn't I get the memo with the list of fans I am permitted to trash on the web? Why is booing at other fans and constantly being a toxic online presence somehow less obnoxious or pernicious than interacting with Clay in the manner that Ethel does? I have actually asked for guidance from official sources about why it's okay to bash some fans and not others, but have never really been given a specific answer. In my opinion, it's either okay to talk about specific fans on message boards or it isn't. I have seen the most vile things written about Ethel, and my sense is that most of the vitriol is coming from a place of jealousy. Guess what? Clay likes Ethel better than he does most fans, and people need to #$#$ deal with it and suck it up and move on. The more people complain, the more attention I hope he gives her. These days, I'm almost hoping he makes love to her on stage in front of the loudest complainers and booers. So, I can't say that Fan X was being obnoxious and rude when she booed during a concert, or that Fan Y on my message board shouldn't have tried to sneak into Clay's hotel room, etc, etc, but I can say that Ethel is an annoying famewhore? Such inequity!

    Might Ethel want to tone down the antics in the middle of a concert? It's hard for me to say, as I don't remember ever being around her in a concert setting. I'd say that in general, if a fan is disrupting a concert, then perhaps she might want to be more respectful of those sitting around her. However, I can't really weigh in on this, as I've never sat near her at a concert. I think that in general, most of the complaints are really more about the fact that Clay gives her attention than they are about any specific thing she's done to disrupt a concert.

    If Ethel actually reads here, I hope she sees this. Ethel, you have nothing for which to apologize. You go on with your bad-ass self and enjoy Clay and your fandom. Don't let anyone bully you or make you feel like you need to apologize or back away. I have your back, girl.

  4. OK- I need an avatar.

    Clayzor- I am so sorry to hear about what happened to you as well. I know there must be others out there who could take their power back as well. I will fully admit that I allowed myself to be intimidated until I realized that their whole point was to intimidate.

    One thing I think helped is for couchtomato and Ansa to bring this topic to light. Cyber-bullying should never be tolerated or kept swept under the rug. I believe the secrecy, shame and silence gives the attackers more power than they would have otherwise. I also think that when people receive attacking PMs, they NEED to send them to the admins of those particular message boards. I have heard of so many people who have received nasty PMs and then won't do anything about them. One thing bullies need to know is that the moment I open that PM and read it, it's being copied and pasted. Heck, I'd be half inclined to post it openly on the board if it's bad enough and risk trout. *runs from couchtomato*

    cindilu2, I don't see our discussion here condoning rampant speculation of Clay's sexuality as much as it is speaking out against cyber-bullying and condemning what seems like draconian measures against people who don't deserve to have their pictures posted and their private lives disturbed. The point is that if the OC is annoying to one, one does not have to go there. I don't understand why some of the "fighting warriors for Clay" keep visiting a board they so revile, but then again, I don't understand the urge of those same "warriors" to continue feeding at the trough of hate at the hate blogs either.

    Thanks for the support, couchtomato. :clap:

  5. OMG, so much word to go around.

    First of all, I need a wedding dress because I am going to spirit Ansa, couchtomato and KAndre off (along with some others here) for a good old fashioned mass wedding.

    IMO there is nothing on the surface wrong with having a board like OC because even broaching the subject on most boards is a big fat no no. And I'm sure there are people like me who know people who are gay, choose to live a gay lifestyle, all their friends know about it, but their parents are still wondering when the marriage and babies are going to arrive. It's a deeply personal and emotional issue for a lot of people therefore it has the makings of interesting discussion. It may not be our business but we have named Clay's penis which is also a bit intrusive (yet fun heeeee). But I'm sure that doesn't sit well with some.

    WORD. If a bunch of people want a space of their own to have a kind of "niche" fandom, so be it. I am not condoning the behavior of any individual members who might create "mischief" elsewhere, but I don't care if someone wants to create a board where they sit around and call Clay gay, or a board where people fantasize about knitting with Clay, or a board for Amish Clay Lovers, or whatever, I don't have a problem with it. What I do have a problem with are people who gather for the sole purpose of carrying on witch hunts against other fans and engaging in what I consider to be borderline illegal. I don't think that kind of speculation belongs on the OFC, but what someone does on their own board is not my concern until they bring it into my face. And yes, the occasional OC member does make innuendos at the OFC and try to rile people up, but I just scroll past them. Yes, that's immature behavior. No, I don't have to play in to the immature behavior, give the person what they want, and overreact.

    I'll come right out and say that I was one of the people who was cyber-bullied by self-styled "warriors for Clay". I am posting under an alter now, and I don't really give a crap if anyone knows who I am (ebird), but the experience pretty much soured me on the fandom as a whole for months. I pretty much left until I finally decided that I wasn't going to let myself be intimidated by some overinvested people who thought they were engaging in some silly epic battle between good and evil. It's their problem, not mine. I want to thank you, couchtomato, for acknowledging one of the proverbial elephants in the fandom room. I consider these people to be no different than the "haters" on the Clay hate blogs. The targets are different, but the vileness is the same. It's refreshing to hear people openly and finally speaking up about what has been going on behind the scenes. People have received nasty PMs that have told them to leave the fandom. People have had their pictures posted while other people make snide comments about their physical appearance. People have been investigated; their private lives exposed. I don't know if these people are still active now, but it certainly was a feeding frenzy at one time. When you try to explain this entire situation to a total stranger outside the fandom, the reaction is generally a double take.

    I love Clay like I love chocolate cake and ducklings (and that's a LOT), but at no time do I take on any part of his life as my own personal battle. He's a strong man, and he appears to be telling us that he lets the annoying parts of life just roll off.

    I cannot agree more with Ansa here:

    So if someone suggests that something means Clay is gay, I suggest the best response is...well that is your opinion, I totally disagree but if thats your opinion, I respect that. Then disengage...ignore. To say anything further would just play into this persons agenda...that is to discuss Clay's sexuality.

    I have seen some people I've been posting with for several years now slowly turn into paranoid, bitter people I don't even recognize. The fandom has apparently ceased to be a source of light hearted fun and celebration for them a long time ago. They've spent so much time dwelling in the muck and mire, keeping up with all the haters and swamp dwellers, that they believe that the entire world is an ugly, hateful place. It's amazing how trivial all the "hater" activity is when you just stop looking for it.

  6. LOL KAndre..you heartless wench. heee. I'd go and slay the dragons for him if I could. But I can't. Only he can do it. Battles with employers is something we all have to learn to do for our own happiness. People do it all the time in jobs they hate and in jobs they love. I do have the option of just walking off if I don't like something while Clay doesn't because he is under contract.But he also have a few more perks and some high priced lawyers helping him out.

    ITA with this. Most of us have to report to someone else, whether a boss, a record label, shareholders, etc. None of us are immune to creative differences with those "in charge". I know some of the fans want to remove every obstacle from Clay's path, and I think that's dear and sweet, but it's not the real world. And sometimes, creative struggles can benefit an artist in the long run. Some fans seem to assume that the CD Clay didn't make this time around was the Holy Grail of all that is music. Perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps Clive was actually right. I guess none of us really know. I would love to hear what Clay would produce free of any kind of restrictions, and perhaps we someday will, but I can't pine away for what I didn't get when I don't KNOW what I didn't get.

    As far as the blue hair thing, embrace it! The creative rebels I went to high school with were among the most successful in our class years later. I was a "punk" type in high school, and my parents were cool with it as long as my grades were good and I wasn't drinking or on drugs. I just liked to look creative.

  7. I'm curious to know how the music industry is adjusting to the changes in consumer purchasing habits. Someone upthread brought up downloads and YouTube. I think that less people are listening to radio today and more people are file sharing. With Itunes, people can just go download the one song they want, so how is the music industry responding to how people purchase music now? Is that affecting how full CDs are marketed?

    Also, how does the industry, in general, feel about AI? These are artists chosen by "the people" rather than by the suits in the industry. Do they feel AI contestants are a cash cow, given the instant recognition they have coming off the show, or are they a liability?

  8. I can understand people being pissed after the fact if he isn't mentioned (or even before the fact that the publicty goes on without him) but to sit there and watch the IGB website looking for incremental disses of Clay is stupid. And taking someone else's stupidity and spreading it to every board as if they had just discovered THE key to the Kennedy assasination is also not productive.

    So.Much.Word. You know, there are enough ACTUAL disses of Clay one encounters on a regular basis that it seems ridiculous to actually go out hunting for more. I don't know how it benefits anyone to live their fandom life in a perpetual state of righteous indignation. Of course, you do realize that all employees of RCA AND AI wake up each morning with the singular goal of destroying Clay Aiken's career, right? :P

    I won't even be pissed if Clay isn't mentioned because I simply will not have enough information to know why. I can ASSUME that he is being dissed, but none of us will really know for sure what is behind any decision to not mention or feature Clay. For all I know, that might have been what Clay wanted.

    In any case, I am ultra busy this week and am financially tapped out for the month, so I will neither be watching nor donating, but it's not because of any animosity towards AI. As much as folks think Clay has been relentlessly dissed by AI, I think he's had far more attention than the majority of runners-up, and even more attention than at least one winner. (Ruben, and possibly Taylor) If we want to talk about dissing, what about the times Ruben has been featured in the audience without getting to perform? What about Bucky being briefly shown during Country week, when he might have been tapped to perform, and getting Fergie instead? Clay has actually come out better than many alumni.

    Heh. I was thinking about the secret cabal of Fanjayas out there somewhere, keeping track of every diss and disparaging comment that their boy has been subject to. Now there's a fan group that has a seriously big score to settle... Honestly, you'd think that poor kid was solely responsible for the fall of Western Civilization as we know it, instead of being the only mildly interesting contestant on a very dull season of a reality show. I think the slings and arrows Clay has had to suffer at the hands of TPTB have been pretty mild in comparison.

    For sure. Poor Sanjaya has endured far more disses in only a few months than Clay has probably had in his entire career, and he's just a 17 year old boy.

  9. Welcome, Karen Eh!

    Apparently there was a shot of him in a school wearing traditional robes...a friend said he looked like he was in a Christmas pageant and should be surrounded by sheep...hee

    I can't wait to see some caps...and the clip...


    Awesome! I hope the clack is available before 10:30, as I have to leave the office for a long meeting today..

    About the IGB thing... I am SO glad I have this forum in which to vent. I seriously love you guys... :F_05BL17blowkiss: At my home board, I was just shocked and disgusted at the level of venom displayed at AI and the AI judges.

    It's fine to roll your eyes at AI's fund raising campaign. It's okay to not contribute. I'm not contributing, myself, as my charity dollars are already earmarked. But the over-the-top suspicion and hatefulness, just because of old grudges about Clay, are so off-putting and transparent. One particular poster states as fact that AI doesn't care about children and that Simon, specifically is uninterested in charity work. Now, I am not an AI or Simon apologist, but how in the heck can state as a FACT that they know what's going on in the minds of those who work for AI? :angry22: We don't really know why we haven't heard Clay's name in conjunction with IGB at this time? How can people make assumptions? A few of these posters are completely predictable- Clay and those who support him are saviors, and anyone who is perceived to have dissed Clay is Satan. I just can't hang with that mentality, and though I am not going to contribute to IGB, I don't see Clay at the center of any of this. Hopefully, many children will be helped by the efforts of both parties.

  10. couch tomato, I bow to you. Are you hiring minions? I've already pledged to KAndre, so I'll have to do double duty, I guess.

    Wow. I am SO proud of Clay right now. While I didn't service or harass anyone to find out his actual itinerary, I think many of us probably just tended to catch the not-so-subtle clues that were publicly available. I am not exactly sure what having Clay's actual itinerary would do for me, other than making me feel supar speshul, and I am far too lazy to work for supar speshul status.

    Well, here is the thing - Clay is not the center of my universe. He does not have to be mentioned by everyone - what happens happens - I don't worry about his future or the future - there are enough problems like wars and things.

    I swear there is a supbset of people who look at everything as to be for or about Clay and that is not a realistic view of life.

    Yup, yup, yup! I just couldn't live in a world where Diss Spotting or pearl clutching were my favorite hobbies. I have seen what I perceived as perfectly innocent mentions of Clay in the media turned into Gigantic Disses. I have seen associates of Clay vilified because when fans snooped on their web pages, they found that said associates weren't making their own web sites All About Clay. I think other Idol contestants and Clay's own associates are under special scrutiny. The problem with making Clay the center of your universe is that eventually, he'll disappoint you and you'll have this maddening love/hate relationship with him. And the problem with unrealistic expectations is that you are doomed to be constantly disappointed. No, Clay is not going to sell 5 million CDs his first week next time around, nor will he recreate the bass clef. If you expect him to do so, then you're going to end up looking for someone to burn at the stake and soon, the wild conspiracy theories begin.

    The tendency to make the world All About Clay is one of the things that drove me out of my mind on the boards. Express opinions and disappointment, definitely, but PLEASE don't act as if the sky is falling on a daily business. I just expect a level of emotion that seems proportionate to the disappointment.

    It's such a relief to post here with so many reasonable, smart, sane people. I wish I could quote and word you ALL. :F_05BL17blowkiss: In a way, I am sorry to see such reasonable, SMART folks as clayzorback and YSRN give up on the OFC. I hate that there is no balance there, though we still have others who fight the battle. But it's not worth the headache, is it? There are so many ways to spend one's time.

    I guess I need to get an avatar, eh?

  11. I think that on most fan boards, the decision to allow negativity about Clay but not other posters might be justified by the fact that Clay was not an active, posting member of that board. However, since Clay IS a member of the OFC, he should have the same right to "non-bashing" that any other member of that board has. Supposedly, members are not to bash other members. Of course, that rule is a joke, as last time I checked over there, people were being absolutely vile to one another. All I can say is that you couldn't PAY me to be an admin over there.

    The interesting thing is...most of these posters are members of other boards that would never let thme post the way they do on OFC. I do wonder if they act like this ...all superior and critical...because they want to attract Clay's attention...or because they feel like the OFC is a battleground and they want to dominate it so that Clay would listen to them. Its too bad that new Clay fans would come in and have to see this kind of atmosphere...

    ITA, ansa. I think there are some huge battles that are at the center of the fandom right now, and some folks think of the OFC as the place where they can battle for "justice". I also agree that some people go over there to misbehave in ways they cannot get away with at their own "home" boards.

    eta: I do know there are some mighty wonderful folks over there too, but the overwhelming negative tone is just too much for me.

    WORD, divayenta. I feel like I'm living inside a Jerry Springer episode when I visit the OFC.

    I tend to believe that board owners have the right to set the tone and rules to their own boards. If someone wants to set up a Clay FAN board that allows any criticism of Clay, no matter how vile, then folks have the choice to not sign up, and they also have the choice to call the board out in disgust. I think over the past year or so, I've finally been able to not let mean-spiritedness in other people ruin my mood. There are some posters who seem as if Clay can do absolutely no right in their minds, and yet they still obsessively attend as many concerts as possible, usually in the FRONT ROW, pay for Stub Hubs and such, and then complain bitterly about everything. So, my revenge is that I no longer become angry with them. I just pity them. It must suck to be someone with an obsession and an addiction that doesn't even please them 99% of the time. I'm just happy I'm me and not them.

    I will say this. Anyone who complains frequently about Clay's hair might want to make sure they are elegantly coiffed whenever they attend Clay-related events. Though I don't care if people post negative comments about Clay's hair or clothing style, I do tend to assume that when I meet some of the biggest hair and style critics in real life, they'll be elegantly turned out and stylishly coiffed. I know that I have bad hair days and bad clothing days, and therefore, I tend to not be particularly critical of Clay's style or hair.

    As for cruelty to Clay from his family and a bunch of people who don't actually know him - again, I know I project a lot of myself on Clay but he's has always struck me as someone who deals with who he wants to, and cuts off those he doesn't (mainly, because that's what I do). And frankly he keeps a fair amount of control of who and how much he deals with the fandom. Which seems to piss off some in the fandom, but I gotta say if you keep flinging yourself in his path (even with negative behavior) and he keeps stepping right over you, without any acknowledgement whatsoever, that should tell you something.

    So.much.WORD., Kandre I think some people just can't take a hint. I would only have to be blown off one time by Clay to get the message.

    Have a great vacation, ldyjocelyn!!!

  12. YSRN, I related so much to what you posted about your fandom. I pretty much have the same attitude you do. I'm trying to get to a "live and let live" place where other peoples' posts lose the power to bother me. I'm about three quarters of the way there, but I still have a strategically placed Maalox bottle lying around. Though the teeth are fine with me. :P

    Clay is just not as hot as we was during IT. He sold out arenas then because he was billed with kelly and because invisible was a hit and he just got off AI.

    Clay hasn't had a radio hit since Invisible. Most people across the country think he is no longer touring. If people are not aware his songs, why would promoters in these markets want to book him...

    If Clay wants to expand his fanbase he needs to either do it with a hit CD and radio play...or he needs to play small venues across the country...BUT the die hard fans can't imagine this...this would be a horrible way for Clay to go cos its a huge step down for him. eye roll here...

    I have to completely agree with you, Ansa. Much as I wish I didn't. Clay still is doing phenomenally well compared to most other artists, and I wasn't one who was wringing my hands when the sales for ATDW came in, but Clay has lost some fans over the past few years, and if he chooses to expand his fanbase, he does need to work on either radio play, more touring, or most likely a combination of both, as folks who haven't heard anything from Clay in the past few years are more likely to attend a concert if they have heard Clay on the radio.

    I remember the early days of the fandom and how many people have kind of disappeared over the last few years. I think attrition is normal- many people have short attention spans or have life changes that make them abandon certain hobbies. Some people had unrealistic expectations of Clay that were not met, and left in a huff. I have to imagine some of them go through this pattern in life over and over. I know some people have left the internet fandom but still support Clay, but many really have moved on.

    That all said, Clay can make a great living with the fanbase he has now, and he doesn't NEED to expand it unless he wants to grow his career to the next level. Frankly, though, I'd love to see some new blood in the fandom. I think radio play could help bring in a more casual, less intense (and demanding) kind of fan. I'd love to see the fandom a bit more mellow. Seeing the general freakouts and shaking fists over a single scheduling error is a bit more drama than I would prefer.

    So many good posts today. I can't even begin to list them all. You guys rock!

  13. muski, I can so relate to much of your post...

    My life was in a bit of a rough spot during AI2... There were some seriously unresolved issues I wasn't dealing with, and Clay came along at the perfect time... Though I don't regret making new friends and traveling to concerts, I do regret that I shut out some people in my real life for a couple of years, and I regret letting my hobby become an emotional, all-encompassing obsession.

    See, I think both of us are beating ourselves up a wee much, but I'd so much rather see people walk down the road of self-understanding than to see what I usually observe. Many times, fans would rather berate Clay than to take responsibility for their own actions. Many times, it's easier to find fault with Clay's teeth, career choices, personality, and statements in interviews than it is to admit that they have made their lives all about Clay. Some of the people I know who tend to be the most negative about Clay seem to have the least amount of insight into their own mind's machinations.

    My big thing is that some don't seem to realize that Clay stuff really isn't life or death.

    Thank you, KAndre. This is a siggy file waiting to happen.... Mind if I poach it?

    *waves back at couch tomato*

    I have to admit I was one who did buy almost everything early on, and I still do occasionally pick up a People magazine (and keep it) that has a mention or two of Clay in it. And I'm going to look for the new People with the AI connection here real soon. I also printed practically everything out from the web. That's stopped now -- too much paper!!!!

    I not only bought everything early on, I felt the urge to buy multiple copies of publications. I think I was convinced that every magazine with Clay in it would become a collector's item someday, so it seemed like an investment. Now, I am very, very picky about what I purchase. So many of the articles are little throwaway items these days, or throw in snide little comments about Clay.

    eta- I'm sorry about the Dallas concert! That apparently happened while I was busy typing away... Hugs to those who were planning to attend..

  14. Okay, since this is the one place I feel fine talking about this, here goes....Are any of you experiencing a change in your feeling towards Clay lately? Are there things about being a fan of Clay that are different? Do you see your involvement, interest, investment in or attachment to him as having changed to a degree that you don't enjoy him or it as much? If so, what do you attribute the difference in your excitement level to?

    You all sure know how to drag me out of the woodwork. This is a topic I've been thinking about quite a bit lately, and I've enjoyed reading everyone's responses to this.

    My feelings about Clay himself have not really changed much in the last couple of years, though the intensity has waned, as my life has radically changed and my spare time is so limited. When my fandom began, I wasn't nearly as busy as I am now, and had more time to focus on Clay. I have gone from obsession to an enthusiastic fondness, and I'm not unhappy with the transition. Like some of you mentioned, I wasn't really comfortable with how emotional I was over the ups and downs in Clayland, and I feel that I am in a better place now and that my fandom can be sustained at this level. If my fandom hadn't changed since AI2, I might not have a job or a spouse!

    I can relate to Ansa in that I don't listen or watch Clay all the time, and I think that helps me keep my fandom fresh. I think of Clay like an intensely flavorful $300 bottle of premium first expeller pressed olive oil. You don't want to use it all the time or cook with it, but rather pull it out for fine occasions and use a few drops only for maximum appreciation. I am never tired of Clay because I reserve clack for special occasions. Like luckiest1, I have found myself picking up old hobbies I had left behind. This is a good thing.

    My feelings about the fandom itself? Very mixed.. conflicted... disillusioned, at this point. I refuse to walk down Angst Avenue or Conspiracy Court... I find the extreme emotional rollercoaster on most of the message boards unpleasant... I also find the tendency towards conformity offputting, and the squabbling too much to bear. My real life is complicated enough- when it comes to my fandom, I'm Ms. Cindy Lauper belting out "Girls Just Want to Have Fun". I found, like couch tomato and others here, that I have distanced myself from many of the fan activities I used to enjoy. It's really a shame for me, because my attitude about the fandom is so far away from the kind of euphoric "I found a community of strong women who share my interest in Clay! Yay!" state I was in 3 years ago. Overall, though, :allgood:

  15. I had to delurk to giggle madly at djs.... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Poddies... One of the main characteristics I've noticed with poddies is that everything somehow revolves around Clay. If Clive Davis coughs during a press conference about another RCA artist, he's sending a secret message to a paid blogger somewhere to go ahead with the evil assignment being planned against Clay. If someone somewhere on tv makes a joke about an unnamed celebrity, it's probably about Clay. If Clay's CD didn't do as well as one hoped, there's some elaborate conspiracy at work involving RCA, the president, and aliens. If someone on television refers fondly to Chris Daughtry, it's only to cast aspersions on Clay's success, etc, etc, etc. Everything in the world has to do with Clay. The world is out to get Clay. It's an even more bizarre philosophical worldview coming from a few of the fans who used to be so negative about Clay himself. Now, it appears that the negativity has been applied to everyone else surrounding Clay. Weirdness.

    It's an inability to just enjoy one's fandom and an inability to separate speculation from fact. And it's one of the things that practically caused me to run screaming and kicking from the fandom. :pod:

  16. I know this was way back, but {{{{diva}}}}. That's all kinds of wrong...

    Well, I'll be doing exactly one concert this round. And I'm just going to take whatever ticket comes up. I'm not in a place in my life right now where I can do much traveling or upgrading, but I'll enjoy the stink out of the one concert I can attend. :allgood:

    The thing that used to crack me up when I was a concert 'ho, is that some of the fans who had front row seats to umpteen million concerts would walk out of a show far more disgruntled than the casual fans who sat in the balcony for their ONE concert, who usually walked out floating on air. Weird, huh?

  17. I'm loving everyone's emoticons, y'all.

    So, people are now writing dissertations about Clay's intent when using emoticons and what it suggests about his attitude towards the fandom? :rolleyes:

    Ok, I have to admit that I have completely reversed my opinion about two things: emoticons and the term "claymate". In the old days, I would have rather gargled on sulfuric acid than to be called the "c" word, and emoticons were those annoying things that let all your co-workers know that you were absolutely not working.

    So, what changed? Fandom snobbery, I think. Or perhaps it was fans taking their fandom so dead seriously. After reading post after post of horror at being lumped in with the "claymates" and how awful the term was, I guess I started feeling subversive and rebellious, and had some kind of strange identification with fans who were just content to just.. be. So many of the people who didn't mind the term "claymate" were far more relaxed with their fandom and weren't concerned with what people thought of them or their status. So, I found myself secretly wanting to wear a giant rhinestone necklace that proclaimed "Claymate", even though I really don't identify with Kathy Griffin at.all. Here I am a feminist and all, and yet the term "Claymate" has some kind of naughty draw for me.

    And the emoticons? Same thing. Emoticons were used at less "serious" or "weighty" boards, at least by the standards of my peers, and the more they were eschewed, the more affection I had for the silly little dancing bananas. I understand intellectually why some folks have issues with them, and I certainly don't like being outed while at work, but my fandom is a joyful, random, anti-intellectual thing of silliness and I wholeheartedly embrace the fruit that dance.


    No offense to anyone here who abhors either of these things. I get why. And I'm absolutely not referring to any of you when I cite fandom snobbery at.all. I'm just a contrarian.

  18. Hi guys! I am reporting for delurking duty!

    I have been reading your board and the last couple of days I've been spewing various and sundry beverages on my monitor, so I decided to come out and play.

    I am a long time Clay fan and am looking for a place to call home. Clay fandom should be an enjoyable experience and not a source of agony or despair. There seems to be a good amount of enjoyment over here, so I thought I'd come hang my hat on your hat rack. You have a hat rack, no?

    Oh, and I love that there are :pod:

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