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Posts posted by Marilyon98

  1. I'm dense but let me understand something here, Marilyn. You posted your recap on OFC and he saw it? okay. But how would he recognize you at the stage door? What am I missing? I think it's cute that he knows you wrote about him being your best quickie!

    Because I read my story for him at concerts-about my first Christmas in America-and got to talk to him after.

    When he was signing my poster, I said "Brilliant British accent, Clay" and he actually looked up at me and recognized me and said "OOOH! well coming from you, thats very good" and then he waved at everyone and was gone- hence the "quickie"

    I really did NOT think he would remember. and he doesnt really look at people very much when he signs the playbills

  2. Awww. I think he's teasin' us. :wub:

    I agree. He's probably looking forward to all the speculating and extrapolating that will inevitably result!

    He's such a little shit!

    Marilyn, I bet he would have LOVED your quickie comment! You should have left it in!

    No, thats the point. I DID leave it in. I took out the reference to Mr Happy though!!

    Oh. I thought you took that out!

    But just what did you say about Mr. Happy?????

    Well he was obviously present again last night. But that was NOT in the recap at the OFC>

  3. Marilyn - just what did you say??????

    Well, I had spoken to him while he was signing my poster. He looked up and recognized me, said something, and was gone.

    So I finished my recap with "Best quickie I ever had"

    And then I found out he read that thread this afternoon- I had forgotten to edit that part!!!

    Clayoradoan called: Clay has a message for us, he introduced his "dresser", Shannon, and he wanted it out on the internet that she helped him in and out of his clothes.

    I wonder what he is trying to tell us? Maybe thats why he is happy???

  4. Marilyn....good to see you! Sorry, but I laughed my butt off at your predicament over at the Spam thread at OFC :cryingwlaughter: I bet he'll remember you next time too!!

    Well I took another line out of my original post THANK GOODNESS!!

    I wouldnt want this guy mad at me!! I probably will never be able to look him in the face again!!

    ahh Who am I kidding? I HOPE that he doesnt remember that little sentence.


  5. As for the eyelliner. WTF?? The guy runs back stage, wipes his face, takes off his wig, jumps out of his costume, throws on his clothes (he could skip this part to save time), and runs out the stage door, I don't get people fussing because some of the eyeliner remains. Has anyone of us seen him with eyeliner when he's NOT performing? Anyhow, his eyes. His call.

    Hear,Hear!!!! :clap:

  6. Just thought I would share info with all:

    Some Clay friends are coming to visit and we are seeing Spamalot March 13 & 14. I had booked a room tentatively for Thursday night at the Travel Inn. The cost for 3 of us with taxes, etc was $247.

    I was looking around at a couple of other places, and just for a check I went back to Tower Inn. Put in the EXACT same info and got the room for $174.00- so I cancelled the first reservation.

    I was reading reviews and they all say that the rooms are good sized- 41 out of 45 reviews were positive. Its on West 42nd Street by 10th Avenue. So not that far from the theatre on 44th between 7th and 8th avenues

    If you are still looking for a room, I think this is pretty reasonable.

    So get thee to Spamalot(tmCA)


    This page at CB has sendspaces for stage door videos for 1/25 and 1/27

    photo thread

    The one for 1/27 MATINEE is very interesting because at .56 there is the exchange between Clay and "Tina Claystein". It shows Clays reaction. He also signed a womans cast and said"You broke this arm just for this, didn't you??"

    I love watching the videos of stage door. I have those that I can find saved.

    I am missing any from 1/30- which is a Wednesday- does anyone know of any video's taken that night?

  7. Claygasm- with the J P mess and the woman in Nebraska making threats, and the fact that FBM and MnJ have been at the show several times, I myself hope that Jerome stays with Clay- he DOES need someone to keep an eye out for him

    I don't think its the regular fans (even some of the OTT ones) because I am sure they would not intentionally hurt Clay.

    The others I am not so sure of.

    ETA: or what RIfan said

  8. All this excessive fan policing and deciding who are good fans and who are bad fans and blasting them on the boards makes me want to puke.

    Exactly. Its a shame that the minute or two of pure excitement for these fans is hosed down by people who believe they know how the actors feel about this spontaneous reaction.

    Even the joy of being picked to read a story was totally squashed by some who thought it was favoritism or who were upset they werent chosen, or that there were any stories at all, or that Clay picked a story more than once.

    I understand that some did not like the stories, that is their prerogative and life is all about opinions, but some of the comments have been extremely hurtful.

    So-I personally do not think the reactions of these two fans were that bad. Sure, maybe they should have not done it, but I do not think either of them ruined the play, either. And its true that sometimes when in Clays presence you get flustered.

  9. I would like to share a really special post from Brighstar at CV- I love it!!:

    I think Clay is a big ol' smorgasboard of amazing talent. Once in a lifetime talent, in my book. If you don't like the big-voiced glory note songs (which I bet he will always include--I think he loves singing them), he can offer a soft-voiced, nuanced, stab-you-right-in-the-heart-when-you-least-expect it song. If you don't like his original pop songs, he can deliver an oldie in a way that will make you forever forget who sang it first. If you don't care for rock-tinged songs, he will sing a bluesie, soulful number. Want uptempo? He's there. Want a strong ballad? He's got it. Want a soft, tender ballad, yep, it's on the way. Love to hear spiritual music? Clay can transport you as he sings to his God.

    Maybe you enjoy a little naughty humor now and then. Just attend a few concerts. Prefer family-friendly? It's there in spades. Want a classy, beautiful experience? Hope you checked out CITH. Love a comic with great timing? He's that too. Acting? Clay has real talent there that has yet to be fully explored. Like to watch a man move and dance with natural rhythm? Despite all he says, Clay clearly can move and dance ---the music draws out his natural rhythm.

    Perhaps you enjoy a good, intelligent conversation. Then Clay's your man. Do you look for a humble, down to earth personality? That's Clay for sure. Want a person who cares about others, a celebrity who seriously tries to make a difference in the world? Take a look at Clay, who started his foundation quickly and hopefully as his career sprung from his spotlight. Do you want a man who is knowledgable about the world, who cares about those in other countries? Check out UNICEF's cutest ambassador. Smart, funny, clever, quick, caring, humble, thoughtful, ambitious, realistic, and mad, mad, talented---he's all that and more.

    There's something there for everyone. They just have to look.

    Now he's far from perfect, as is the case for each of us. But he is so very, very talented, so very, very sincere and real and good and genuine. A smorgasboard, not just of talent, but of hope and dreams and effort. How can I not love him?

    Oh, and if you kinda like good singing and acting and dancing and comedy and great timing and naughty humor, all given with a 100% effort, there's a great Broadway show you might want to check out around Jan 18....

  10. Now I'm going to put this out there. I got some PMs from Claygasm during the night. Her father is in crisis with his health condition and in fact, she expected him not to last through the night....but he did. He's bleeding internally, however, and nobody really knows what's next. Please keep CG and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Thanks... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Strong prayers for Claygasm and her family. My heart goes out to all of them

  11. So there are no tongue lovers here?

    Uh, no. Not me. The extensive collection of tongue shots on my hard drive are the results of malicious hacking. I swear. No, really. I didn't painstakenly collect them one by one or anything like that. Seriously, THEY.ARE.NOT.MINE. I think they belong to Fake Baby Mama. Truly...

    Y'all believe me, right? :unsure:

    Wichita, you say?

    ETA: muskifest => :lies:

    Lets just say Winter wonderlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand is mesmerizing

  12. I personally am sick to death of people dripping acid all over everything Clay does and itemizing every crack in his voice or 1/2 second of imperfection. I've yet to go to any concert by anyone where every note was perfect. Clay's voice imperfections are miniscule compared to most artist's I've seen. I don't mind honesty, but when the same people write the same kinds of nasty comments over and over again, it does take on the appearance of doing it just to get attention (ref: Psychology 1A).

    AND (since I'm on a roll), I especially dislike the constant comments about how he's "tired" or "exhausted" etc. Are these people on the bus with him? Sleeping with him so they can verify that he's not getting enough sleep or the poor thing can't handle 20 concerts? Horse pucky.

    Is that pissy and honest enough?

    Oh, I just LOOOVE this!! Thank you for speaking MY mind!!

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