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Posts posted by texwriter

  1. Thanks Couchie, Ansamcw, and CG, for letting me know that I accidentally stepped into a minefield! Sometimes not knowing the history of a board can make for dangerous navigation. :RedGuy:

    I truly am not a supporter of Consp***cy theories, and I made it a point to avoid OFC when most of that discussion was taking place. What I do believe, is that there has been an effort by disc jockeys and celebrity gossip rags nationwide to portray Clay in a way that is completely inaccurate. And I think this has had a definite negative impact on how he is perceived, especially by young males. I just spent the last three years working in a middle school and I know that kids pay attention to radio gossip much more than they should. When I said that I thought the rest of the world would eventually see Clay the way we do, I didn't mean that they would love him in the same way. Only that they would hopefully see him as he really is, and not the false identity that is being promoted by the "underbelly" of mass media. I think his appearance on AYSTAFG will help a great deal because a lot of kids and teens love that show.

    Clay Aiken is a remarkable, talented man who has a lot to offer the world. I think that's something we can all agree on! :medium-smiley-070:

  2. Every one of us deals with life's ups and downs. What's been good for me so far is observing (and admiring) how Clay maneuvers his. How he presents himself. How he deals. His attitude about life and all it encompasses. If he was walking around being a bitter, brooding artist type complaining about how unfair it all was and gnashing about... I would definitely not enjoy him as much. It's part of his "allure" for me. I do idolize him a little because those are traits I personally find admirable in a human being. He's a good egg, that guy.

    Absolutely! I've never known anyone who takes lemons and makes lemonade better than he does. And it seems to be something he's been doing for most of his life.

  3. Since my post this morning seems to have set off a lot of discussion, and at least one rant (waves to Claygasm), I feel the need to defend it just a little. Yes, the rocket ship was fueled by AI, but I haven't noticed any other AI winner (or almost winner) come off the show with anywhere near the same degree of popularity. His record tying Christmas sales came a full year and a half after AI ended. It wasn't until January 2006 and the subsequent "mandated" album that the rocket seemed to run dangerously low on fuel. I, in no way, want to be responsible for rants or heated debate. As I said, when I joined last week, I am in this fandom for the FUN. However, I do enjoy intelligent discussion regarding this crazy ride we've all been on for the last few years. I saw a lot of intelligent discussion yesterday and this morning, and have enjoyed reading all of it. :allgood: I think we are all entitled to our opinions, and hope that mine will be taken as just that, my opinion.

    Regardless of the factors that have brought Clay to this place in time, or the potential factors that will lead him down the road not taken, I'll be following right along behind him. I'm having the time of my life and I'm appreciating the opportunity to post my reflections here. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA: I guess I had no idea that using the word "conspiracy" would be categorized as beating a dead horse. I will certainly make note of that and remove it from my vocabulary. :medium-smiley-070:

  4. I don't know about comparing him to Elvis, The Beatles, Sinatra and such. I know I've done it from time to time also, but it just seems to be more complicated than that. I think Clay is more unique in his genre. He's certainly a combination of a few of those greats and yet he's almost nothing like them. His voice is powerful, his range amazing and his timbre mesmerizing. He has an indefinable sex appeal, an allure that many don't understand. And still they fall under his spell without fully recognizing it. He commands a stage like no other these days, and he has a quicksilver wit that is difficult to compete with. His self deprecation is a defense mechanism finely honed from an early age and his talent for speaking or acting on impulse without processing through filters first may be his single greatest flaw. And yet, he is still hovering somewhere above a boxed in AI finalists secondary career with a future in TV and below a music/entertainment Icon of mega superstaH status. How is this happening? Why? To think of Clay as someone who could be major around the world seems a natural progression in thought and reason. International exposure should be easy. And yet he is confined to not just touring the states these days, but predominatly the eastern seaboard. WTH happened?! He was launched! He soared! Then he was shot full of buckshot! Who fired the gun and who provided the ammo? He has said "in reality there are few conspiracies in the world" and I just want to know how he defines it then. I'm admittedly crazy though, because I think he is an Icon already. I believe he will go down in the annals of time as a major force in the industry. It will take some doing but I also believe he will achieve international success and fame with his next CD. Yep, I'm crazy. I just want to "will it" for him and say "#1, make it so"!

    I absolutely love this quote. :clap: He was on a rocket to the stars and he was shot down. Whether it was a conspiracy or just a series of incridibly stupid decisions on the part of the industry, we'll never know. The only thing I know for sure, is that the man who was driving that rocket ship is even better than he was then. He's more confident, more talented, and more accepting of his supporters. Eventually, the rest of the world will see what we see, and most of its citizens will embrace him. It's just going to take a little longer than we hoped.

  5. XXX4Clay So glad to see another familiar name!!! And with such purdies.

    I was reading through quickly, trying to catch up, and I read Keepingfaith's line about "Don't you just love his tactile sensuality" and I thought it said TESTICLE sensuality, and I was thinking OMG, this is SO my kind of place!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Tactile sensuality is good too.

    After looking at some of the photos that were posted last night, I think testacle sensuality would work too! :cryingwlaughter:

  6. Hi texriter! I sat beside you at Indy, too. I was with JaMar. I had a different name then (but I don't remember which one. LMAO. I remember your DH trying to get Clack

    and being asked to stop, even though a bajillion diggity other people were doing it. :(

    JaMar, you may very well be right about having smutted before. I wouldn't know, becoss I don't remember shit.

    I do remember you, and I think it was Creole.

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: Rcknrllmom, thanks for the welcome!

  7. Hello everyone!

    My fandom began with "Take". I know that's become a cliche, but it really is the truth. My love and admiration grew each week and by finale night he owned my heart completely. I didn't discover the internet fandom until his Labor Day performance on the Today show. That's when I decided to google him and discovered there were thousands of women who had it just as bad as I did. Since then I've seen him in concert 24 times, most recently in Tampa and Orlando. My DH is my concert buddy, and the funny thing is that before Clay we'd only attended one concert together, and that was in 1968 when we were dating. We always used the excuse that we didn't like crowds! We are having the time of our lives and always eagerly anticipate the release of concert schedules so we can plan our next trip. I've been blessed to meet many wonderful fans on my journeys, and am pleased to see that many of them are members here.

    I noticed that this board has many librarians and book lovers. I happen to fit both of those categories. I am a full time elementary school librarian and a part-time reference librarian at my municipal library. I''ve been an avid reader since "Dick and Jane" and even published two romance novels in the 80's. Before Clay, books were my greatest passion! I've been married for 38 years to the same guy, am the mother of 3 grown sons, 2 of which are happily married, and 1 of which provided me with 2 beautiful grandchildren. I am blessed with a profession I love, good health, a loving family, and the ability to support the greatest singer in the history of the world! Life is good!

  8. Hey wanda ... nice to see you made it over. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I did pm wanda the other day and suggested that she come over here and read because of her frustration elsewhere. A few of my friends from other places have also wandered over because I do talk about this place and how different I feel it is.

    If this place is popular suddenly I think it has roots in several issues. The immediate one of course was that at different times the other night a link was posted on two seperate boards that are widely read. I don't know that I've ever seen a link posted to FCA on either board before. Heck...I was visiting this site for years before I noticed the forum and clicked on it and started reading. Add that to the fact that there seems a weariness of the same old same old in the same old places.

    Maybe you've been here so long you don't remember the board philosophy that couchie wrote but I checked it out before I began posting and the thing that still sticks with me are the words she chose to bold....



    So yeah...I just want you to know that I'm not responsible for ALL the new people. :cryingwlaughter:

    I just joined this afternoon, and I can attest to the fact that Jamar is not responsible! Although I did sit next to her at the JBT in Indianapolis, and think she's terrific! I joined because I saw a post by Wandacleo at Chexxxy's Place that was brought over from this board. I had no idea there was a forum here! I had the great pleasure of meeting Wanda in Florida and have always been a great admirer of her posts and her politics! Since December of 2004, I have been a member at CV. I enjoyed it immensely for the first few years, but the continued "protection" of a certain member who embarassed the entire fandom in Orlando (and yes I was there in person) has left me with a very bad taste in my mouth. I absoluely adore Clay Aiken and the online fandom has been a great source of joy since June of 2003, but this past week I've been seriously considering bailing on it. I've spent the afternoon reading here, thrilling to the appearance of people I've met at various concerts, reading comments from posters I've long admired, and feeling that this board has the potential to rejuvenate my fandom. I believe with all my heart that Clay needs us. But he needs the positive element much more than the naysayers. Unfortunately, they have a way of pulling the rest of us down at the most inopportune moments. I don't want to let them run me off, I just want it to be FUN!

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