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Posts posted by Mandler

  1. I bet it says volumes about me that I could almost be convinced to cheer and woot and pray for this tour to be real simply because there are some people (elsewhere) being so nasty about not wanting it to happen.

    Contrary that way, I suppose.


    Now. Enough using Clay drama to avoid Edith Wharton. readbook.gif

    Ewwww. You have my condolences. You aren't reading Ethan Fromme, are you?

    The Custom of the Country, actually. Thus far, it reminds me of Vanity Fair and a bit of Henry James' "The Real Thing."

    Just watched Britney's performance from last night. Oh dear Jesus, thank you for Clay Aiken! What is there to angst about again? Huh? Something about a tour?

  2. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y266/Iris...pg?t=1189467508

    Cover art on Crooner's Christmas CD.

    I'm listening to Clay sing WAYDNY. He is one of the greats on this CD. I'm so proud he's included.

    Wow that gave me goosebumps..what a prestigious list to be part of.


    Wow...it almost looks like one of those "which one of these does not belong" things. But I'm happy to see that other people, too, think he belongs.

    [/fangirly pride]

  3. Uh...apropos of nothing (actually, I'm guessing this is always apropos...hee)


    I think she was on a boat in the carribbean and that was her swimsuit, not her underwear

    Ah, that makes more sense.

    I never really got the vibe that Kim was a no-cussin', no-drinkin', etc. gal. I'm not saying she's a lush with a sailor's mouth, but she always seemed a little more...whatever...than Clay. Not my style, but to each their own. From that perspective, her show in Raleigh was perfectly "tame." Of course, that was 3 years (oh em gee! time flies!) ago, and I haven't followed her at all since then. I've heard that she gets played a lot in clubs (how random) and has a large gay "following," but other than that, I got nothin'. Honestly, I'm just a greedy little booger who doesn't want to sit through multiple solos and/or duets that are not Clay. And I think it sounds like an odd sell. But that's me. I invite Clay to "sell" it to me...which he could probably do just by clearing his throat or blinking or some other such nonsense that would prove how weak I truly am.

  4. Did you know that this means that the new CD has obviously been shelved? That he is being forced to do more covers?

    Oh really? I'm so glad there are people kind enough to pass along this information to those of us so pitifully uninformed and unconnected.


    Anyway...count me among the not-too-thrilled-at-the-possibility, but as angst makes me tire easily, I'm hopping in the wait-and-see boat and praying that if it does indeed happen, I don't inflict the rage that will overtake me upon hearing "Superstar" for the gazillionth time on the person unfortunate enough to be seated next to me.

    YSRN - based on clothes alone (his and Angela's and Quiana's), I think that first one is from Pala.

    My only other contribution: he has such a nice tushie.

  5. I can certainly understand why someone didn't like Wolftrap for example, and if I had been there maybe I wouldn't have either - oh but the clack of it cracks me the hell up.

    I was at Wolf Trap and loved it, probably because it was so spontaneous. I can imagine, though, that I might have felt differently if it were my only concert of the tour.

    I must be losing more brain cells than I realized. What happened in Wolftrap?

    It has to be personal preference and attachment. If it was 'your concert' there is more of a connection. On the other hand, because we do go over a lot of Clack, and we see everything, there can be an emotional attachment to a song no matter what the quality. Think of Quiana's WTLGD sitting on Clay's lap. Probably not the 'best version' because of the chuckles at the start, but when I hear the laughter I think of how cute and sweet that whole thing was. So, that would probably be my favorite.

    I agree about the attachment. Before the NAT, I had dreams of Clay singing STO. It has been and continues to be one of my favorite songs he's ever sung despite the fact that it's a demo and he sounds so young and different. He debuted the song on the NAT in Lexington, my first show. I flipped the crap out. I'm not so much a screamin', jumpin' gal, but I turned into one when I recognized the opening notes. He dropped the mic and sang the lyrics out of order and left a bunch of them out, but that is still my favorite performance of that song from the whole tour.

  6. *throws her love for BMUB into the ring* Love, love, love!

    I had forgotten that I knew Faye's first name was Nancy. My grandparents were Nancy and Vernon, and I remember thinking that was a coinkidink.

    An oldie that I just came across in my photobucket. Didn't someone mention turtleneck sweaters and the long coats of loveliness?


    I hate comp/rhet, I hate comp/rhet, I hate comp/rhet

  7. God, I love AI Clay.

    I know all the propaganda and crap associated with the show. I know that he's moved beyond the show, and I should be happy about that, which I am in most every way. But sometimes I just miss the excitement of discovering how talented he is and being constantly surprised by it. I still am surprised, but it's in a different way. I still contend that the man does some of his best work when he's under the most pressure. I think the competition brought that out.

    And dang it...I miss seeing him every week!

  8. I'll admit it - I love Michael Bublé. Saw him in concert a couple years ago, and it was lovely. I don't "love" him the way I "love" Clay, but I enjoy his voice and his style. Not everyone's cup o' tea, of course. I do love that the two men seem to have some sort of friendship. :)

    UM - I was in a hotel in Nashville the night of that AI show. When he approached "the note," I held my breath. When he hit it, I stood up on the bed. lol

  9. That stubble is going to be the death of me. I just know it. One day, when all the stars align and pigs sprout wings, I'll win one of the new format M&Gs and smoosh my face up against his and feel that stubble and then burst into flame (is it flame? or flames? I've always wondered).


    All that talk of Clay dreams evidently worked. Had another one last night. Very weird, though. And depressing. We were at a funeral together. :(

  10. Oh dear. Clay dreams? I go through spells. I'll go weeks where I have 4 or 5 dreams about/with him a week and then I'll go weeks without a single Clay dream. They vary in content from him just kind of being in the dream but not doing anything to the "everyday" dreams (eating, talking, watching TV together) to concert dreams (in my dreams, I've been on stage/singled out in the crowd many times, lol) to *ahem* the good dreams. Oddly enough, I've had one dream several times that involves the two of us having a secret handshake. Weird.

    I got totally cheated in my last Clay dream. He had sex with some other chick but yelled out my name. Bah! No fair!

  11. How about Forrest Gump standing at the grave ... "He's so smart, Jenny. You'd be so proud of him. I am."

    Oh dear. Just reading that made me tear up a little. *sniff* Love me some Forrest.

    Ah Mandler, we must be kindred spirits. I have been known to embarrass myself in front to animated Disney films, myself. When I saw "The Fox and the Hound," I sobbed so much people turned around to stare.

    I don't remember what I did when I saw it as a kid, but when I rewatched it a few years ago, I was half sick from crying after the first few minutes! So sad!

    And just cause....


  12. I was...*thinks back*...15-years-old and "in love" with Leonardo DiCaprio (oy) when Titanic came out. I also had a massive interest in the history of the ship/sinking from years before (saw the superdupercool exhibit in Chicago a few years later - awesome!). So, I sobbed like a baby. Now, the only part that makes me cry is when the two older people (always wondered if it's supposed to be Ida and Isidor Straus) are holding each other in bed while the ship sinks and the band is playing "Nearer My God to Thee."

    Other than that, anything with an animal hurt or dying makes me cry. Damn that Walt Disney. When Oliver is alone in the rain, when Tod's mother is shot, when Bambi's mother is shot, when Charlie goes to heaven. *sigh* When I saw All Dogs Go to Heaven, I was in such a state that the lady sitting behind my mom and I patted me on the shoulder and told me everything would be okay, lol.

    And not because it's sad, but I get a little teary when The Wonders hear their song on the radio the first time in That Thing You Do! Yeah, I'm a dork. :P

    Re: Clay angst. I'll admit that I was quite angst-seeking in the beginning. Conspiracies everywhere! But thankfully, I've either matured or mellowed or gotten more of a life (doubtful on that last one) since then. I do think some people feed off negative energy, though - for whatever reason. Just like there are people who create drama in their personal lives, there are people who try to create drama in the fandom - if not for everyone (such fun when that happens), for themselves.

    I always wonder if the compulsion comes from some sense of "supposed to." If I'm not outraged by some derogatory comment toward Clay, that means I don't "love" him enough. Reminds me of those chain emails with the thinly (or not so thinly) veiled threats - If you really love Jesus, you'll send this to 275 people. If you don't, you must be a despicable heathen! God will check your sent email!! Silly, but evidently a lot of people are terrified that someone else might think they don't love Clay or Jesus or don't support the preservation of direct address commas (ok, so that's a personal one) if they don't repeat this fact at every possible opportunity.

  13. oh what about Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven"? :crying1:

    ETA: Word, Bookwhore...I despised that suit with the fury of a thousand suns....yuck and yuck.

    I was just coming to mention "Tears in Heaven"! Although the words are sad enough, it's actually the music that usually gets to me.

    Ditto to the ugly Vincent suit. Bleh. The worst part was he wore it so many times! "Vincent" night, Top 2 "fan night," and Regis & Kelly.

    laughn - I just love your dog. He's so cute!

  14. English geeks majors! Nice to be in such good company. :)

    Love Shakespeare (Henry IV, Pt. 1 rules!)

    That's one of my favorite plays. I wasn't a huge fan when I read it in survey, warmed up to it and wrote a term paper on it in my Shakespeare class, and then ended up having it on my orals list as a senior. Fun stuff!

    I think it comes down to respect. I wouldn't dream of denigrating their taste--in clothes, art, music, or anything else. Why would anyone feel it's ok to say nasty things about Clay to someone who is a fan? That's just downright uncouth.

    *dreams of a world in which all people have this sort of respect* And not just in situations concerning Clay. Man, wouldn't that be amazing?

  15. Did someone say "shoulders"? LOVE the shoulders. My love began, as I recall, during the NAT of 2004. All that shoulder action during IKYWW and Kyrie dang near killed me. Gah!

    It's interesting that y'all are talking about the reactions to "outing" yourselves as fans. I started grad school a few weeks ago, so I'm in the midst of a new social group. And as much as I hate myself for it, I haven't worked up the nerve to "out" myself. It's not that I have a burning desire for them to like him, too (although, that would be nice), but I just hate that instinctive feeling to defend him that bubbles up when someone says something nasty. I know it's stupid. I know he's a big boy (pardon the smut) and can take care of himself. And I know I'm perhaps underestimating my peers. It's strange. I have very little anxiety admitting my fandom to people older than me, but to my peers, I get nervous. Through the last two years of college and since then, I've found a grand total of 2 people (in RL) my own age who also like him.

    There's also the possibility that my head might explode if one more person makes that disgusted face and asks, "Is he gay?" Once, I responded with "Well, he wasn't last night." Unfortunately, the joke was lost on the receiver. Oh well. It's such a silly non-issue.


    My Murphy:


    I did not fashion the hat, btw.

  16. :Thud: I love a good ropy hand vein on a guy...

    Yeah, that comes right after intelligent, funny, and loving children and dogs on my list.

    To dip my toe in the current topic, I've never personally believed that Clay was gay, but like others have said, it's not others' beliefs that he is gay that bother me. It's the dogged insistence to talk about it and the harebrained and lunacy-filled attempts to "prove" either side that drain my energy.

  17. Hola!

    Here shall be my attempt at succinctness:

    Home board journey has gone from TTC to WMS to GCA (screen name at GCA is the same). I recognize a few folks from those haunts *waves* to laughn and YSRN and some others from the fan fic section (yes, I'm one of those people) at CV (screen name there is claysgurl05 - oy, the fangirliness). Heard nice things about this place, so I thought I'd jump in and give it a whirl.

    I'm a few months shy of 25 and just started graduate school two weeks ago to get my M.A. in English. I plan to teach comp/lit at the community/junior/small lib. arts college level when I graduate. Born and raised in Kentucky and proud of it. Cut me and I bleed blue (Go Wildcats!). *rah rah* What else? Hmm. I love all sorts of music, and I often cheat on Clay with Keith Urban and Michael Bublé and Rascal Flatts (3 boys for the price of one!). I love to read, write, and cook. I'm single, but I share my apartment with a small furry creature named Murphy. He's a cat, thereby ensuring that Clay will never be bunking at my place. *sigh*

    As far as my Clay history goes, my college roommate talked me into watching AI for the bad auditions. When Clay walked into the audition room, I had my feet propped up on my desk. When he opened his mouth, they fell off the desk as I sat up straight in my chair. "Open Arms" was stuck in my head for weeks, and after the wildcard show, I was hooked. Despite his general avoidance of my area when he tours, I've managed to see him in concert *counts on fingers and toes* 12 times. Rather than enumerate his many lovely qualities ("preachin' to the choir" comes to mind), I'll just say that I have a perhaps unhealthy obsession love for his hands, his stubble, and his sparkly vests of yore. Basically, I love the guy. Even if he is a goober sometimes.

    I think that about covers it. :)

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