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Posts posted by spikesmom

  1. Team Clay just tweeted and said everyone should check their e-mail for a message and link how to get in if your password doesn't work...I guess they did a mass mailing...guess what...I didn't get it. Must be something with my e-mail. I have a yahoo account through AT&T.


    I too had "issues" last night... :cryingwlaughter:

    Of course, compounding them was the fact that we had just gotten our computer back from a friend who was resolving a trojan issue that we had... :( We had to load the operating system and other stuff back on and JavaScript was one of those things. When I first got the website to come up (took a couple tries), it kept telling me that I needed JavaScript - there was no movie, no songs. So I muddled around until I figured out where to get what I needed and got it downloaded. Geez. But once I got that resolved, I could at least see the commercial and hear the songs! :twinklewhore: I liked them very, very much... :flirtysmile3:

    Then, when I tried to log in, I got what everyone else was getting with it not accepting my password. I must have done the retrieve password tango four times and never got an e-mail. I said the hell with it and didn't think about it until today. I had more important things to do, like going to the Casino to grab some Milwaukee tickets! Got good seats so I'm happy!

    When I got home this afternoon and checked my e-mail, I found the e-mail that must be the mass one... I have Yahoo via AT&T also so maybe it's coming to you yet? But it worked like a champ. Updated my password right away and logged out and it let me back in so I guess it's all good now. Maybe later I'll figure out all the rest of the stuff.. I'm tired - all the excitement between the new fan club and getting tickets done worn me out... :cryingwlaughter:

  2. Could that man get any more good looking? I don't think so!

    My gosh, he has grown into one really good looking man!! :flirtysmile3:

    I'm feeling pretty good about how things are going. We are getting "stuff" - whether ferreted out by fans or put out by IM/Decca/OFC. I missed the snippets, but such is life, they'll be out soon enough I'm sure. I'm not going to get my panties in a twist over stuff I can't control - I figure there's a plan and it will all work out.

    I'm having fun being a fan! :twinklewhore:

  3. OT: for the Glee watchers out there, the cast appears on Oprah's show today. There's lots of good stuff on her website already.

    ldyj - thanks! I just spent a bunch of time at Oprah's website watching video after video - I love Glee! Was at Barnes & Noble over the weekend and noticed the cast is on the cover of Rolling Stone, so I plopped myself down and read the article!

    And then, I also watched the new episode of my very favorite show, Criminal Minds. Disturbing at times, but really a good show.

    I think this cover looks better, more professional. But as I've already said, the cover really doesn't matter so much to me so I'm easy. Once I get it and put it on my iPod, I'll probably look at the cover only rarely anyway. So it's all good for me. :flirtysmile3:

  4. Hi deyabird! Welcome!

    This is a great board to be on... you can get all the important news and avoid 99.9% of the angst. Not that folks can't state their less than joyful opinion here, what you won't find are dead horses... :whistling-1:

    Clay reference by chance :naughtywag: ?? :hubbahubba:

    :welcome: back to posting, deyabird!

    LOL - sadly, no... I was too lazy to look to see if we had the "beating a dead horse" emoticon... but your version works too.. :cryingwlaughter:

  5. Feel better soon Ldyj

    SpikesmomI can feel ya on the "not having met any food I don't like" thing. Funnily enough the stress I am having keeping my house ready for viewings is doing me good in the pounds dept - vacuuming and running around like a cleaning ninja every morning before work must be good exercise. Who knew?

    Yes, feel better Ldyj!

    ausdon - so the trick is selling your house? Yes, who knew? LOL Well, I did OK. Very, very small portions of most stuff - like a tablespoon just so I could taste it. I did have a bit more of my SIL's german potato salad - I only eat it there and it's very good (easy on the dressing so you can taste it but the potatoes are not doing the backstroke). And a small piece of cheesecake - that was more than a tablespoon - LOL. Amazingly, I do not feel hungry and I don't feel stuffed. :cryingwlaughter:

    Not sure that I think AI will have Clay. I'd love to be wrong but won't get my hopes up. I may DVR it just in case and then just delete if it's not him....

  6. Happy Easter everyone!

    Off to BIL's shortly for a late afternoon meal. Made a pretzel cheesecake for dessert. Doing WW (again! - I found that darn weight I lost!) so really not looking forward to this dinner.. I want to eat everything!!! (I haven't met much food I don't like!)... but will try to just take tastes of what I really really want. Have to remember that most of the food will be stuff I can have anytime so it's really not that special. Did that sound convincing??? :clay:

    But it's always good to see the family so I'll make the most of that and do my best to ignore the food that will be sitting on the table calling my name!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Have a great rest of the day everyone!

  7. SpikesmomI am going to the Hammond show too! If I don't see you in Milwaukee, I hope we can meet up in Hammond.

    So...after much thinking, planning and a little whining from yours truly...looks like we are going to make the Ashville show after all. I am so excited as I have never been to a "first show" before and it will be kind of nice to go into a show not knowing what is going to happen! Also this will be my husband's first Clay show/experience...I am hoping he enjoys it because that will bode well for future traveling.

    Nervous about the ticket buying on Tuesday...not too concerned about where I will be sitting, just that I get tickets.


    OH YES! (tm Sir Robin - I am remembering that correctly, right? Darn, Spamalot seems like eons ago!) I'd love to meet you! And CONGRATS! on making the first show! We were able to do that somewhere... darn CRS, if I can remember where - I think it was a Christmas tour maybe? It really is fun - the anticipation is great! Good luck with your ticket buying - I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get in the house!

  8. I'll just add my vote to the "I'm really liking the cover" club!!

    Interesting conversation to me that people are so worried that this cover won't entice folks to buy. To me, it's so different from what it out there now, I think that's enticing! I remember this type of cover from years gone by from albums that my Mom had. Total retro feel to me.

    As I've thought about some of the stuff I've been reading, I thought about the covers of the CDs that I've bought in the last year or two. And while I might be able to picture in my mind what a couple look like, I couldn't tell you what most of them look like and I can guarantee you that the cover had absolutely nothing to do with my purchase. I really can't remember ever picking up a CD to look at based on the cover art. Maybe I'm just weird and people say "oh, pretty picture, let me look at who it's for and then I'll buy it?" I'm obviously missing the point about that. I look for the name of the artist and I may or may not look at the CD if I don't recognize the name. And I don't buy CDs at the store from someone I'm not familiar with anyway - not in this digital age. I'll go home and look them up on iTunes and play some clips. Then if I like enough of it, I'll buy the CD (either physical or digital) - or I'll only buy the tracks that interest me. It's either name recognition or content after I've heard some of it that gets the sale.

    I don't look at or buy books either based on that cover art... I buy those based on author, title or synopsis of the story...

    I think Clay has enough name recognition that when people see/hear his name, coupled with what I think will be great promotion by Decca, people will find him and buy him. I want this CD to have legs anyway, I'm not going to worry this time if first week sales are not kick-ass.

    Really the only time I've given more than a moments thought to a CD cover is for Clay. And I've already spent too much time of this one! :cryingwlaughter:

    I'm pretty excited that Clay and Ruben are coming to Milwaukee! I've never been to the Northern Lights Theater/Potawatami Casino venue but my husband and sister have both been there. Very nice, intimate venue. I'm just hoping to get Sis and I in the door with only 500 tickets available. And we're looking at doing Hammond too since it's a Friday night. It's a pretty easy drive from Milwaukee so not sure if we'll stay overnight or not. I'm looking forward to seeing Clay again (gosh it's been a while!) and seeing Ruben for the first time (I never got to the AI tour). It's fun to have stuff to look forward to and be excited about!

  9. Adding my "EEEEEEEEEEEEE's" and :04:

    Will be going to Hammond...it is only about 20 minutes from my house and thinking about Milwaukee!

    I am so excited!


    Kim, if you come to Milwaukee, I'd love to meet you! I know Sister and I will go to that one since we live here and will definitely think about Hammond because that's a pretty easy drive from here! Yippee!!! :twinklewhore:

  10. Hope I did this right! New look to the board has me even more confuzzled than usual! I can't see any colors unless it's an emoticon or an actual picture. It's been like this since we got this new computer (which came from my husband's office - he didn't need it for the business any longer). I've tried every setting I can think of and still can't get the board to look like it used to - color-wise. It's fine on my work computer but this one is weird. Every board I read is "plain"... Beats the hell out of me. I was getting used to it - not as fun to read with evreything basically black and white - so I'll get used to this after a bit too.

    This is totally OT but tonight I and a bunch of bunco ladies went downtown to see the touring company do Grease. Taylor Hicks played the Teen Angel. Ace Young was supposed to be Danny, but he was absent for some reason. If they expected TH to be a draw they were wrong! The National Theatre wasn't full at all! <snip>

    Back to Grease, I would have liked to see Ace play Danny, but he is not being promoted at all - TH is being billed as the big star. He did a song at the end of the show from his new album, and had ushers hawking it when we left the theatre. He was in the lobby signing autographs and posing for pictures. But we didn't stop. Taylor was good as Teen Angel, but anyone who has seen the show knows it's only one song in the whole play! Anyhow just wanted to vent a little, I'll stop rambling now!!

    I'm going to see this on Sunday, the 28th - it will be in Wisconsin... I've actually got decent seats - first row, dead center in the balcony. Managed to snag them in a pre-sale (cheap too - $25 each (before TM charges...)) I hope Ace is there too as I was looking forward to seeing him... I wasn't a big fan during Idol but he's a name/face I recognize. Don't really care about/for Taylor (oops!)... it will be interesting to see what kind of attendance there is here... Thanks for the info!

  11. Congrats to everyone who got tickets! And hugs to you all too for the ticket buying angst you had to deal with... I'm jealous as hell (of the ticket getting/trip taking, not the ticket buying angst!) but going isn't in the cards for me this time. So I'll be waiting on the 12th (in case we hear anything about the dress rehearsal - won't hold my breath on this but you never know) and the 13th for reports after it's over. Or maybe I mean the 11th and 12th - I'm easily confused!

    Not feeling too bad about not going cuz I know at least I'll get to see it some way "soon".... heh. If my local PBS station doesn't carry it, I'm hopeful that there will be some way to order a DVD from some other city's PBS station. If my city isn't smart enough to carry it, you bet I'll help some other station stay on the air!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Loving Clay's sense of humor over at the OFC... he's quite the smart ass and I mean that in a totally loving way! Besides, I like that kind of humor... And it's definitely nice to see him answering the questions and dealing with concerns. He's a keeper! :wub:

    Oh, and YAY! to finding the "lost" files! :04:

  12. Haven't had a chance to get to the OFC yet...just home from work and speaking of work...after 14 years as a part-time employee, I was offered full-time at the Library! :yahoo: My husband is retiring next year and even though he will be getting a good pension package...full-time with benefits will be welcome.

    The only thing is that one of the requirements for full-time is that I have a Library Techincal Assistant degree so I have to go back to school...let me tell you, the idea of going back to school after 35 years is freaking me out a bit. But I can't afford to turn down a full-time job so I guess I will have to bite the bullet.

    There is only college in the area that offers the classes so I guess I will be checking out the program to see what's what.


    aikim - Congrats!!! And good luck with school, you'll do great!! :04:

  13. I enjoyed the show too... thought that Gervais was pretty good. He cracked me up with the beer (at least I think that's what he was drinking?). Loved the accent... interesting too how he could do that whole thing, stretch the limits of what some would find acceptable (I thought he was mostly funny) and yet, not swear once. Some "comedians" could take a lesson.. and I know this was Prime Time but that hasn't stopped some... now, if he did swear - I didn't catch it so oops.. but I'm pretty sure he didn't...

    You know, I thought Robert Downey Jr. was great too and I see via Yahoo that he's getting some crap for supposedly NOT thanking anyone. The headline is really misleading - something about selfish speech not thanking anyone. I thought he just put a funny spin on how he was thanking people. Just me maybe. But I didn't think he was selfish. And I'd forgive him anyway cuz I like looking at him. ;-)

    I was surprised that the young woman (Gabourey Sidibe) who played Precious didn't win. I saw both those movies (Precious and The Blind Side) and as much as I like Sandra Bullock, I really expected Gabourey to win. I thought she really did a fabulous job.

  14. It's so interesting to me, this being my first on-line fandom and all... I've gotten used to the different opinions - took me a bit to understand why some folks would stick around for all the complaining they do - I was stunned at first to be honest - I just have a different definition of "fan"... but that's what makes the world go round I guess.

    As I said before, I'm easy when it comes to Clay. He hasn't disappointed me yet. Maybe he will someday but I don't plan to borrow trouble so I don't worry about it either.

    He makes me happy and his voice soothes my soul.

    So bring on the cd and PBS!!! :04:

  15. I'm pretty happy about the news. I don't have any particular preference as to what songs are on the cd. I'm so hung up on his voice that I know I'll be happy with it. I liked ATDW too... I'm just easy, I guess. If this cd represents what he wants to sing and he's happy, then I'm happy too!

    And those who don't like the direction or the cd or whatever can post to their hearts content. I know how to scroll and I do. Won't let those opinions bother me. After all these years, I'm used to it. It is what it is. Everyone has an opinion, the beauty of a message board is I can ignore it. :)

    Very much looking forward to the PBS special and I hope they run it so many times that it's crazy!!

    And not sure about more than one touring company for Wicked but it's winding it's way to Wisconsin at the end of July for 3 weeks... I can't wait!! I saw it twice when it was in Chicago for the several years it was there. Saving my pennies so I can go several times!

  16. Hee! And I'm in-between aikim and ldyjocelyn... not a snow day like ldy but I can work from home so I don't have to drive in... we're getting the same storm as both of you as I'm along Lake Michigan, just further north... it's supposed to snow all day/night until about 6 a.m. tomorrow... 8-12" they are saying along our lakefront. Drive times are already 4x normal, if not more where there are accidents... Have I ever mentioned that I'm sooooo over winter? :cryingwlaughter:

  17. Happy New Year FCA!!!

    Haha, the color test - took me two tries to realize not to read the word but look only at the color.... :cryingwlaughter:

    This is weird... new computer.... can't see the background here and the only color I see is if it's a picture or emoticon. When anyone uses a color in their text, it's all black and white to me... :( Any ideas why that might be? I'm not totally computer illiterate but this one has me stumped... it's like this on the other Clay sites I might visit too.. so it's a computer setting maybe? Anyone know? Help! Please and Thank You!!

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