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Posts posted by winniecm

  1. I love it when people take the time to write an interesting review. THanks for posting.

    On the other subject of WDC, I agree with the posters here who like the spontaneity of his performances. THat's what makes him so interesting to me. It was only a few of the same people on the OFC who didn't like the ice - but then they don't like anything...Can I say that here? I'm so sick of all that self-centered complaining.

  2. WORD Couchie...yeah the people tonight didn't get super hot Clay and Angela grinding but they got spontaneous Clay...funny, incredibly witty Clay. Based on the MP3...which I will put up in the FCA wolftrap page...the audience was right with Clay all the way...they were having fun.

    I love WDC but it sometimes disturbs me that people put so much emphasis on it...on the "sexy"  aspect of it that they forget...Clay is not about that...he is about the music. Yes he wants to stretch himself as a performer but he is not after the sex symbol title. He has said so over and over again. He never claims to be sexy...so when he becomes goofy at times...I don't find that dissonant with his image at all. That is just so CLAY!

    The ordinary ticket buyer didn't go to the concert to be titillated...they went there to listen to him sing because that is what they expect. They got their moneys worth and more IMO.  I hope they didn't miss the grinding since WDC had marvelous vocals. They may have felt...what the heck is going on...but Clay's funny explanation somehow makes the audience in on the joke.

    Now for the internet fans that went to the show to get a specific reaction from that number...sorry they got disappointed. But as a singer I think Clay;s number one responsibility is to give us the best vocals he can...and I hope that they were able to at least enjoy that.

    I love the whole crew I love watching them have fun and I love how CLay is trying to make the audience a part of that big happy family. I hope they never lose that spontaneity.

    ME TOO! But that thread was fun while it lasted! ;)

  3. The problem I have with the song is at first hearing it doesn't make any kind of impression on me other than a mediocre forgettable ballad - so I'm not sure that anyone outside of us is going to take the trouble to analyze the lyrics. ..songs usually either grab you or they don't...or in some instances need a different interpretation to go over...I don't think this one has it the way it's being presented now.

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