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Posts posted by justforfun

  1. Oh, you lucky duck gbmifan! I was so excited to see a Detroit date on Paul's schedule, but then realized that was the one weekend of this summer that I already had plans out of town. So now I'm hoping he announces a Toronto concert (on a different weekend!)

    luckiest, don't know if you are aware of it, Paul McCartney will also be performing in Montreal on July 26th & 27th at the Bell Center.

    I've got tickets and can't wait to see him, as I missed out the last time he was in Montreal.

  2. And I'm sure that a lot of people supported Clay's charity because of Clay. And now they will put their money elsewhere. Sure you would hope that people who spent a lot of time supporting the charity would have built of an affinity for the actual cause... but I'm not surprised that clay was the drawing power for many. I remember a while back that they were going to change the name to something less "clay" but honestly hope they don't. I can understand why they would though. Anybody know anything about that?

    Couch Tomato, I came across this post, which was brought over to CH by Ms Marmalade, where BFS brings up the subject re: the name change.

    From BFS:

    Responding very late to the game, but yep that was me all teary eyed and crying at the end with about 500 other people it was simply beautiful and i still tear up when i talk about it...it was.that.special.

    I also had the honor to attend the the round table and the screening of Finding Samuel, what a wonderful movie and i must admit that i was quite teary eyed watching it...it so moving and it is living proof of that inclusion is so vitally important for all of us just not those living with disabilities....

    going backwards a bit Jerry Aiken did explain that for the foreseeable future the foundation will not be changing their name...he mentioned pro and cons...one of the biggest cons is that they would like a name that suggested what their foundation does...they almost changed it to Inclusion Works, but it didn't get board approval

    It was also wonderful to talk with other fans and get excited about the foundation and the wonderful work they are doing...our efforts, the foundations efforts are not in vain...it is working...the work is soooo important and the round table and the whole event underscored it in spades...

    What can I say about the gala that hasn't been said...

    oh, i know...i was seating in the hinterland ...our table was added at the last minute when they realized it they were one short...it was in the far right hand corner when facing the stage...despite the waiters practically climbing over others to serve us...it was wonderful...

    Clay looked awesome, was awesome...and it was simply one.of.those evenings ....perfection....

  3. I never even considered it a lie. I consider it more of an evasion. And even if, in his confusion and naievity at the time, he did lie deliberately, well...I told a lie yesterday. So shoot me.

    This morning I was thinking about my upcoming trip to Spamalot, wondering if I will enjoy it as well now that Clay has admitted he's gay. And you know what I realized?

    He was gay when I first fell in love with him on AI

    He was gay during the Independent Tour.

    He was gay during the NAT tour, all the Joyful Noise tours, Jukebox Tour and DCAT.

    He was gay when he started the BAF.

    He was gay each time he visited and advocated for children for UNICEF.

    He's gay today.

    In other words he hasn't changed at all...all those times he thrilled me and made me cry and made me laugh, he was gay. He didn't become gay when the People cover was leaked. He hasn't changed...the only thing that's changed is the amount of information we now have. So if he could thrill the socks off of me last week, last month, last year...I'm sure he will continue to do so for years to come.


    I'd still like the opportunity to boink him senseless.

    What a fantastic post!

    In my eyes, Clay has done nothing wrong. I still love, respect, and support him, and I don't ever see that changing.

    I don't drop in here that often, but the times that I do I always get the feeling of this being such a kind and caring board. I'm glad to see that that hasn't change.

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