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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Can someone tell me how wrapping for inclusion started? Why was Barnes & Noble chosen? any info would be great! thanks
  2. I am sorry but that sentence is open to sooo many interpretations! LOL!!! darn I wish I was Canadian so Clay could give it to me. Duh! Ministry of Sound anyone? Techno is soo yesterday! I have not seen AL more than once, didn't like his style and all I seem to read about him now makes him come off a a little arrogant. Am I missreading this? That CD sounds very much like the one Blake Lewis made the runner up from season six Kris Allen I voted for him. He was one of my favorites. He is very humble singer/songwriter type. I hope he has some success and doesn't become the winner who stole Adam's crown. As for the ATT thing those thing have been happening for years now. I have seen them posted on the Idol boards a lot. Also there is software for international fans to buy if they want to vote. I like the show but don't care that much who wins or not to go that far. Heck when I power vote I think 5 is good and from a landline.
  3. I kind of always pictured Jmh123 as the smiley with a book for some reason. ETA you know I always wanted to meet Clay so I could tell him how his cause of inclusion came so close to my heart. After going to Spamalot 3 times no sd (not that I would get this story out) and the first year I join the OFC is the year they don't include m&g's I guess I now really now it will never happen. Anyway, I wrote a letter in the Dear Clay section of the OFC. I know he never reads there but for some reason I felt it was as close as I would ever get to telling him. if anyone wants to read it here it is http://forums.clayonline.com/showthread.php?t=17253 hope everyone has a good night
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I have always wondered about her. Is she Couchie? Why don't the other Mod's have their own little smiley guys?
  5. Hi Merieeee That sounds pretty cool!! Out of curiousity has there ever been a blog everyone loved? I asked Clay how much weight he can press bench? Do you think he will answer? What is your guess. Mine is 165
  6. whoops sorry Treenuts wonder how she thought of that screen name?
  7. I think that most people had no clue who that Broadway actress is. Maybe if it was printed in some Broadway blogs people would have been upset. And the timing was right on the heels of Adam's loss. I post on the AI boards last year when they did a poll there (and for this one you could only vote once) the question was who is your favorite AI contestant of all time. David Cook (the winner that year) came in first. Clay (from season 2) came in a close second. I don't see that happening again there. I have stayed out of the whole thing over there the only thing I asked them was to keep an innocent baby out of the agruement and they agreed. Canfly I hope you feel better soon Bottle for some reason I knew you would come through for me with those pictures.
  8. I have nothing to add. I just wanted to say I love Clays but but I forgot what it looks like!
  9. Really? Is that posted somewhere on OFC? I think I missed it. I sure haven't seen any full quotes, so maybe I'm not the only one that didn't know about it? Yes, the MOD named Butterflyshine said it. I could find the post but it would probably take me a while. ETA sorry Couchie we must have been typing at the same time. The Q and A was all I read it was before the blog but the answer was also posted in the Q and A area so I am not sure about that question.
  10. Kelly Clarkson was mentoring on a different Idol show. Seeing Clay is out of the country has anyone heard if he is doing another tour for Unicef? ITA. I actually quite like Adam's voice (it's really quite original), but found him a bit difficult to watch. Kris, OTOH, has a nice sound, is not all that original, but is a bit easier to watch, for me. He'll be a great American Idol. I did not watch the results last night but was not surprised when I read about them. Already I've been approached by one very up.set Adam fan here in the office this morning, and I've had to give her the "calm down, it'll be the best thing that ever happened to him" speech. Hee. I speak from experience. I read his blog a few times and I think I posted this at the OFC too if you take out the contestants names the thing he has said about AI the show are mostly things we have heard Clay say in interviews before. TOTW The MODS at the OFC said Clay's QandA could be posted on other boards as long as they were word for word (I wonder why?)
  11. Canfly I think that your assessment of why someone won is off. The person who won did really have fans voting for him (like me) because they liked his music. But I wanted him to lose because I knew people would make it into something it isn't. _The Gala looks like it will have a nice turn out. $250 + airfare + hotel = not cheap enough for me! but everyone else have fun.
  12. sounds like you had a really fun time at the concert The store I work in last time JB came to town we sold out of a lot of parrot stuff Just like Clay fans if it's all fun whose to judge? just have a good time!! I voted for Kris. Musically I like him better (he is also more current than Adam) but I think Adam will win. And in the off chance he doesn't the media will spin it into something it isn't. Kris' fans were made to feel like they should not vote him. Both Kris & Adam had a press conference before the finale and said vote for whose music you like better, they didn't want the contest to be about sexuality, religion or anything other than the music. I don't remember who answered the question about Clay for me but thanks. I think that's a piece of clack that I will not be watching. The question did surprise me but not as much as the ones asking him if he ever brought his female friends tampons or his male friends condoms. Of course the graduation question and those last 2 have been deleted now.
  13. I was hoping to hold on to my disillusion that Clay would be on the AI finale this year.
  14. I have seen them both in concert Pure vocals = Carrie wins putting emotion & soul into a song connecting with the audience = Kellie wins this all IMHO the song she wrote about her mom gets me every. single. time. I have a question about Clay did he really get booed at his college graduation? someone asked him about it in the ask Clay thread. I have never heard that before.
  15. Claytonic he definitely was talking about Carrie because he said to Kellie "I like you better than last years winner" I like Kellie better than Carrie as well so in that I agree with Simon
  16. when I went to my first Clay concert there were one of 3 things people from work would say to me one was I love Clay Aiken his voice is beautiful. I liked Clay Aiken until he started changing his hair (i don't get it either) and 3 do you know he is gay. My good friend David said to the person who said number 3 "What exactly do you think goes on at a Clay Aiken concert?" David is the coolest guy ever! When Clay came out he wore a Clay Aiken Joyful noise tour t-shirt to work.
  17. :) Clay answered my question when people sing along to your songs does it bother you when the sing the wrong lyrics or not in the right key? if yes, I am sorry I don't really love it if they mistakenly change keys while singing the song because they are tone deaf. But I can't blame folks for singing the wrong lyrics when I don't sing the right ones either post 5576 Picture of Clay & Elvis C here http://i43.tinypic.com/2uqzmv6.jpg
  18. good point although my friend asked me to ask him which character in the Wizard of Oz he related to. I was like what?? I thought he would take it the wrong way & I told her that. And she asked me what ta heck I was talking about?
  19. from Gerhsip (sp) http://www.sendspace.com/file/232ge4
  20. Bottle this was a question in ask Clay section not sure exact words my goodness are you ever afraid your pants are going to fall down just what are you carrying in your pants? was that from you?
  21. post by Vicki on the OFC Clay presenting at NCT Awards in Raleigh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Annual NCT Capital Awards: Monday, May 18th! Tickets On Sale Now! The 3rd Annual NCT Capital Awards will take place on Monday, May 18, 2009 in Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts! Presented by Capital Bank, the NCT Capital Awards is a program designed to recognize outstanding high school musical productions and performances. The following schools are participating this year: Cardinal Gibbons High School, Cary Academy, Cedar Ridge High School, Chapel Hill High School, Green Hope High School, North Raleigh Christian Academy, Northwood High School, Overhills High Schools, The Philharmonic Association, Ravenscroft School, Trinity Academy, and West Johnston High School. The black-tie ceremony will feature Broadway veteran Clay Aiken, and other celebrity presenters, including Lynda Loveland of MIX 101.5, Steve Daniels of WTVD ABC 11, Roy ****s of The News & Observer, and several others. Tickets are $15 and are available by calling the NC Theatre Box Office at 919-831-6941 x6944.
  22. speaking of AI here is who is predicted to be the AI champ in 2025 http://myidol.americanidol.com/go/thread/v...RICAN_IDOL_2025
  23. no I get what you are saying but in my RL no one I know reads the the tabloids . I mean most people I know family/friends would never buy that magazine. They may look at it in the check out line but usually just the cover stories. If I didn't have a google alert and/or read Clay boards I would have no idea this story was out there. NO idea where the story start........but AI seems to have this type of stories a lot. A few weeks ago there was an article posted elsewhere that Adam & Kris were fighting because Adam is gay and Kris is Christian and Adam leaves his nail polish all over the place both Adam & Kris say they are best of friends & thought the story was crazy . Well you know what they say, "everybody in LA looks like somebody else!" hmmm I thought the guy looked like someone I remember seeing on a trashy reality TV show that I should not have been watching
  24. Did they really?!?! WTF are they smoking *insert one fingered salute here* tribeca, you are NOT alone. I cannot stand Adam and have triiiied. BLEH! I tried too because I kind of like his personality here is the article http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1896746,00.html I really never thought that quote was about the article. I dunno why. Just thought it was a quote he liked or something. doesn't really matter one way or another I thought the article wasn't true in the first place. like someone said above I don't think he would have put Parker in that situation. And as much as people hate the show he has never said a thing bad about them. He could have skipped all the AI questions. He didn't. He seems to have a lot of respect for the people who work on the show. the pictures of Clay walking in LA with a friend. ... I can't help feeling I have seen that guy somewhere else. He looks so familiar to me. But, I can't figure out where I have seen him before.
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