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Posts posted by bottlecap

  1. I'm not much of a photographer, and my venue has a "No Cameras" policy [they are obviously unfamiliar with the resourcefulness of the Clay Nation!], so I may only attempt to use a disposable camera. I wouldn't bother at all, but I've got good seats, and feel compelled to at least attempt to gather some Clack. Can anyone recommend a type of disposable camera that might allow a point-and-click photographer like me to get some decent pictures? My venue is outside and uncovered, and I would expect it to be getting dark fairly early into the concert. Thanks!

  2. I am tentatively dragging myself up off the floor, and managing a feeble wave.

    I was prepared to blame that post on the heat stroke I suffered when mowing the lawn in 200% humidity this afternoon.

    Nods to the Photo Clack Goddess / Tsathy PR representative extraordinaire Skatejoy. Does that make you Tsathy's Roger? Are you working on the new narrative? Just what can we expect from Tsathy, and when are we going to get the new product? ;)

  3. So now that I've been worded by KAndre, can I apply for some sort of entry level sub-minion position? Will I get my very own boa to wear? Maybe an orange one - Clay would be sure to notice me in the audience wearing his favorite color...

    Gee, that was fast - there's a box on my front door step. Slightly singed, but it probably went through the same delivery process that tore a big hole in my fan club package... Let me just open it up, and slip my new boa around my neck.

    AACCKK - it's a boa alright - a boa constrictor!!!! And this package isn't from [pant, pant] Texas, it's from.... TSATHY!!!! [Gasp, gasp, gasp] He must have gotten wind of my [huff, huff] intention to TOUCH.BRIDE. if given the opportunity...

    Curses to you TSATHY!!! As my last breathe is squeezed out of me, I shout: TSATHY.NOT.BIG.BONED. TSATHY.JUST.PLAIN.FAT. [pant, gasp, gurgle, thunk]

  4. To me, Clay came off in the TV Guide article as having a lot of substance. He made some pretty profound comments about relationships and family that make my heart ache just a little bit.

    And on the shallow side, which is infinitely more fun, the pictures are entirely lickable. Rrrawh!! I was a little worried about the state of the eyebrows after the "Wicked" pics, but they seem to have recovered nicely.

  5. I looked at my Paypal account the other day, and it added up to somewhere north of $125. Yikes!!, to say the least.

    I feel incredibly lucky to have been puttering around the Clackhouse the evening Artquest put the Jukebox pins up for sale - I would normally have been in bed by that time. Since I don't want to clank through my concert, I am planning to limit myself to wearing only that pin. Is it wrong that I have been studying the picture of the proof intently, so I can chose the color of t-shirt that will show it off the best? I only have a month to think about it - preplanning is essential!

  6. So I downloaded the TV Guide clip [kisses to "All Things Clay Aiken", by the way], and while I enjoyed it and squealed appropriately, I have a teeny tiny complaint. Dude, it's a tux, could you not tuck the shirt in? We know you can do it - we've got the blue shirt OFC picture as proof!

    Okay, I'm prepared to take my punishment for whining. [Makes plans to escape from KAndre's torture device by getting her monologing. A useful tip a picked up from watching The Incredibles, along with the "No capes!" rule. ;) ]

  7. Hey, my name is bottlecap, and I have a few shameful admissions I need to get out of the way.

    I watched Season One, and rooted for Guarini early on. I swear he wasn't always smarmy!

    I have no memory of "Take". I started browsing TWOP, but I can't remember when. I did begin following the regular Clay thread at some point, but apparently didn't know the "Entertainment" thread existed.

    I didn't vote at all until the finale. I thought I was too old to be dialing in like a teenager. Then I talked to a male co-worker who had been voting for Kimberley, so I decided it was okay for me to call in a few votes for Clay.

    On finale night, I only voted for about a half an hour, and was getting in about 4 of every 5 attempts. This is what I feel the most guilty about, particularly when I read about so many of you trying to get through, unsuccessfully, for the whole two hour period. I guess I probably couldn't have made up the whole 130,000 vote difference myself [HA HA tm CHA].

    I remained a regular lurker at TWOP, with occasional visits to the Clay Report, and Airplay Central. When the TITN video was released, I was following a link from TWOP, and somehow found the Clackhouse. I have lurked there complusively ever since. [by the way, Fountaindawg, do you know how frustrating it is for lurkers not to have access to what I can only assume are the hilarious pictures you post? Arrgh!!]

    All this lurking was being done on the high-speed network at my job [nobody tell my boss!], until I finally got DSL at home, and bought a nifty new laptop this spring. Since I actually have a personal e-mail account, and all, I thought it was time to jump into posting. I'm finding TWOP all little too frustrating right now, I haven't quite figured out the navigation at Clayversity, and I haven't even tried to crack the wait list at the Clackhouse. This board seems the about right for me: I recognize some of the names from my Clackhouse lurking, and I'm generally angst-free about Clay.

    Clay - I guess I should include something about him. I'm not a big traveller [translation: I'm lazy], so I haven't seen him in concert yet. When I opened the entertainment section of my local paper, and saw a concert ad, I let out an enormous shriek. Yadda, yadda, yadda - the end result is 4th row tickets to see him at the Toledo Zoo on August 16th. Can't wait!

    I have succumbed to Pin fever way too much, and I blame this board for making it way too easy to Paypal my hard-earned funds all over North America. What, you expect me to take personal responsibility for my own actions? :P [by the way, when are the FCA pins going to be shipped?]

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