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Posts posted by muskifest

  1. Ok, bottle, surely you jest by 'dangling' this in front of me...

    Just for kicks, some more vegetables that might might be used as metaphors (similes?) for various parts of Clay's anatomy.

    Let's see....(insert whistling emoticon here Hey couchie! I want a whistling emoticon on FCA!)

    How about


    corn on the cob?

    Miracle Grow cucumbers?


  2. So anyhoo....

    I called a buddy of mine. Her daughter plays softball with mine and during a tournament game last summer, somehow we got talking about Clay... ^_^ Turns out she dissolves into puddles of goo over him, too! So we have so much fun now during softball season!


    I told her to get ready, I was coming to take her for a little ride. Picked her up, handed her my laptop to show her the Library Dude picture and then cranked up my downloaded "Without You" from my iPod that I connected to my hubby's new car stereo (a birthday present from me!) and we went tooling down the road.

    I mean to tell ya, that song was BLASTING and I could still hear her moaning. :lol:

    One: It was the first time she'd seen the new pics. She petted the pretty lapttop screen.

    Two: She started mumbling something about wanting to be alone with the song, that she needed privacy.

    Three: She insisted I keep driving while she replayed the song, trying out different settings on the Equalizer. "Powerful" "SuperBass" "Vocal (my fave)" "Flat" "Pop"....

    Four: She's ready to do favors or scrub somebody's bathrooms for a ticket to Kimmel! :lol:

    So while we're tooling around town with Clay crying so amazingly in our ears, I get a call from Couchie! And we oohed an aaaahd a while. Then I got a call from another Claybuddy who lives near Philly. She's coming out to visit with me and go to Kimmel, too! :04:

    Here we go again, Clay people! B);)

  3. R.I.P. Muskifest

    Here lies Muskifest, smutter til the end. "Without You" did her in.


    He is perfection. His voice. The wailing and need and emotion and OH,GOD! HE CAN'T LIVE, IF LIVING IS WITHOUT HER! It's true...really true. I believe him....He just can't go on....she's everything to him...and now his life has no meaning....

    And the end...of the song when he does all the individualized treatment---the runs, the shocking notes, so strong and pure and ...

    Then the catch in his voice on the last run...oh, God, CLAY! Let ME comfort you...please....Let ME take that woman's place. Bitch. She left you, but I won't. Oh, PLEASE let me comfort you........ :em0400:

  4. I am so in love....

    Not that I'm confessing or anything...but if Wal-Mart has, like, a big poster, and like, I sort of accidentally take one, or like, several, or like all of them...would that be a felony or a misdemeanor?

    You're safe, KAndre 'coss I'll have snatched all the posterClays before you get a chance to! :P

    (Hee! I said ''snatch" ^_^ )

  5. This album cover calls for many of these


    What the heck do dancing broccoli have to do with.... :blink:

    ....hmmm... B)

    unless, of course, one sees a resemblance to another cylindrical object with a rather....

    protuberant head... ;)

    yeah....I know...it's late, so the smutting is a bit raunchier....


    All I know is that Clay's gonna sell a lot with that album cover.

    Might sell some music, too.

  6. BTW, I see the same e-bay seller had JNT05 hoodies listed for $39.99, if anybody is still looking for those. If I remember correctly, the hoodies sold out of the store pretty fast.

    Hey, bottlecap! How about this:

    LTS on eBAY---Learn to Sin with Clay!

    Check out the dimensions of the thing:


    Length: 242 pages

    Height: 7.0 in.

    Width: 4.3 in.

    Thickness: 1.0 in.

    Weight: 5.1 oz.

    Yeah, Clay...I'll learn to 'sin' with ya'. B) (And don't worry, I can help pump up that thickness measurement. :P )

  7. Hey, Fear! You're in Winston Salem? I went to Wake Forest! Loved it...I'm North Carolina girl myself, you know. Born in Gastonia...but grew up mostly in Virginia. Til I went back 'home' for college. :P Never mind how many years ago... :unsure: :o

    By the way, I'm only here 'cuz I'm avoiding doing what I really need to do...some work to take to work with me tomorrow. Don't wanna do it. Dang it.

    Would rather do Clay.

  8. I love Couchies motto.

    uh....actually, georgia...those sentences were mine....I just know couchie agrees with my little mantra. Of course, since she's not a smutter like me ;) she'd never profess to saying something about Clay being "hawt" or thinking of another meaning to the word 'perform'...but be that as it may.... :lol:

    As for nobody being here a lot...I happen to sorta like that. There's the CH, where there's always somebody talking, even when there's nothing really new to talk about, or the OFC, where I hear there's talking but since I NEVER go anywhere there except to read Clay's blog, I don't care; or CV, where there are so MANY people talking I couldn't keep up even if I wanted to; and then my 'home' board---EAYOR (part of RHT), where I hang my thong most of the time.

    I like checking in here, though. I can always catch up and the majority of the time, there's something fun or of substance to read, even if there aren't a bunch of people saying it or saying it for more than a post or two. In fact, that's refreshing, IMO.

    So if you don't mind, I'm not ready to give up my FCA rights yet! :P I wish this is all I had to do, though. But alas! Real life calls. Later, women! B)

  9. Ya know...life is a trip, ain't it?

    That's the limit of my profundity for the time being. However, I WILL say "WORD" to you playbiller re: all the little forest fires flaming hither and thither. I'm with my pal couchie...

    repeat after me...

    Clay Aiken is way cool.

    Clay is a smart guy.

    Clay loves to perform. (down, smut gene, down!)

    Clay can sing like nobody else on the planet.

    He's awful purdy (see Library Boy photo)

    He's gonna go on tour someday.

    Clay will rock the house.

    Life goes on, no matter when he goes on tour.

    Meanwhile...the man is hawt. He wears jeans well. His fingers make me drool. When he smiles, I feel good. All his eyefornications are meant for me and me only. I could have Oscar-winning orgasmic dreams forever, thinking about that man's mouth.

    Like I said...life goes on in MuskiLand. B)

    He'll tour when he's ready. I'll be ready whenever he's ready.

    Oh yeah.

  10. gleefully flinging bottoms of rum

    KAndre Er.... :unsure: I want a bottom of rum, please, preferably Clay's. B)

    Yee hah! Thanks for the brew and the chat last night, couchie That little Clayfest with a Claybuddy was MUCH needed and enjoyed.

    And don't go talkin' 'bout me being a bad influence, making you smut and all. :glare: I know what you think about when you look at Library Boy....oh yes, I do. Maybe I think those things in more graphic detail....and have the urge to express such details in words....

    .....that you, I do believe, are prone to read from time to smutty time.... ^_^

    but you think them, all the same... :P

    And I'm sure Ms. Bottlecap does, too. Not sure about the rest of you...I'm more comfy inviting others into my Smut Car when I'm on my home "EAYOR" thread on RHT; they all have pretty much stopped fighting it by now....they want him. ;) (And isnt' admitting it the first step on the road to....never mind. Don't want to overcome it...now, if we're talking about Clay coming over ME...that's a whole 'nother fanfic. ;) )

  11. I'm using my psychic powers to send subliminal mental messages to TPTB about my song choice to be the lead single:


    And strangely, Clive Davis has a sudden unexplicable craving for chicken.... :em0200:

    Oh, yeah....I LOVED Mr.Mister's album back in the day and remember the video to Broken Wings. Richard Page was driving a convertible in a desert-like place and an eagle or a hawk or some such bird was flying overhead...wow....LOVED this song best from the album...and from the beginning of my Clay journey hoped to hear Clay sing it. His voice is MADE for Richard's songs...CanNOT wait! :P

    I want Library Dude. In at LEAST a thousand different ways. That is all.

  12. Hi! Remember me? Real life has been a bitch lately, ladies...but I finally caught up here and had to copy and post this gem from Bottlecap

    That library-leaning dude, on the other hand, is right up my alley.

    heh. I'm sure you'd love to have that library-leaning dude up your alley, my dear, but you'll have to be in line for quite a while, I'm afraid. B)

    Obviously, my mind is still deeply entrenched in its usual den of iniquity... <_<

    I am so in love/lust with that picture. Good God, that's a man. And his response (even if it is a publicist-crafted one) gets me all hot and bothered when I imagine Library Dude making it.

    and when I imagine me making Library Dude.

    It's a sickness. I can't help it. :unsure:

    Edited to add: Yo! Couchie I REALLY need a brew with yew! It's past time to mosey over to the local saloon, don't you think? ;)

  13. What kind of muffins, playbiller?    :nanalove:  or  :nanas: ?

    My entries in the puppetmaster's blog:








    I'm feeling feisty - like I might be rebellious and use a flash  :foto:  at the next  :club0:  I go to.  HA!

    bottlecap, this is a brilliant post! And I agree with you....I don't even take a camera to concerts, but God knows I'd be leaving the Brownie at home if I knew he were sporting THIS 'do. :blink: As I posted on EAYOR, "If this were any other man than Clay Aiken, I'd be making all kinds of fun and...

    WAIT....I already am. :lol:

  14. Couchie, you didn't read my post!

    I posted the very same idea on EAYOR!
    I'd writtent the very same thing! Clay Loves All Y'all!

    And I just read on CH where EEYORE suggested CAGC! Clay Aiken Gets Covers! Hee......or some other interpretation.

    I'd actually already entertained something like




    C......overs B)

    In tribute to Amelia in Just Buddies, of course... :lol:

  15. I don't really speak fluent Southern (waved to georgiaclay), but I'm rooting for the album to be titled:





    Ok bottlecap...a brainsharing moment here...I just popped in today after an early softball game---Carrie's team lost so we're done now for the tournament (Carrie (and 2 others) played great, but not enough of her teammates did! :P ) and I saw your idea for the CD title





    :o Last night (I went back and checked to see exactly when I did this) at 7:19 pm I posted the very same idea on EAYOR! And I SWEAR I didn't see yours first! :unsure::ph34r:

    How many others, do you think, will submit that? :lol:

  16. I'm going to correct myself. I looked it up...it's

    Mar-a-Lago....not Mar del Lago <_<


    I want an excuse to go there. Clay would be a good excuse. Hmmm...you know, we're thinking about having a conference somewhere in Floriday next summer. ;) I think I need to go do some site visits, don't you? :P

    Off now to watch my younger daughter pitch the first game of her team's softball tournament this weekend! Yeay! :laola0:

    Y'all have a great weekend!

  17. I'm gonna go with a benefit appearance for some high profile charity.

    OMG...FearofH20...when I read this, I immediately thought of Mar del Lago--The Donald! Remember last year when Clay and he met on the Insider and he said he wanted to hire Clay to sing there?!??!?

    Maybe Trump is hosting some big gala for charity there and invited Clay to sing! :blink:

    OOOOOHHHH!!!! :P fun to think about...



    :00003653: :04: :partygirl::Pogo0: :fest33:

    and since this is a fancy occasion, my banana got dressed up for ya! :dancingnana:

  18. My eleven year old daughter is gah gah for High School Musical---she got the DVD from a friend for her birthday recently. My fourteen year old already had the CD! Of course, the older one enjoys the 'camp' quality of the thing---she's very much into musical productions herself.

    Just Sunday I took her and two friends to the movies. On the way home, they played the CD and all three of them knew every single word to every single song!

    Oh...and they sounded a heckuva lot better singing them than the people on the CD did! :blink::lol:

  19. I never go to OFC unless I hear that Clay has blogged (so that should tell you just how infrequently I frequent the joint <_< ) or to see a picture or some such. Too lazy to search through anything else. Got my hands full just being 'at home' on EAYOR, popping in here to add an unnecessary comment or emoticon and browsing CH to see what new 'expert' opinion is being challenged.


    'Course, every now and then I do a little work here at the office, go to a kid's softball game or musical production, take mom to one of a million doctor's appts., give hubby a little attention, walk the dog and write some....stuff.

    Nothing different from the rest of your lives, I'm sure...

    (well, except maybe for the writing...stuff part... :P )

    Still don't see why a blog would hurt some GRAND PROMOTION PLAN....Lord, he could tell us he's got an annoying hangnail and we'd :dancingpickle:


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