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Posts posted by ShelleyC

  1. Okay, I'm re-introducing myself. I've been a lazy butthead and even though I've been on this board, technically, since day one, I've barely ever posted because I have been so busy at work that I couldn't squeeze another board into my daily routine.

    However, now I'd like to try. So "hi" to those of you who don't know me. I am ShelleyC. I live in Toronto and up till now, I have mostly just posted at the CH and Best of Clay (which is a small board that you may not have heard of)... I just went a couple of weeks ago to the upstate NY three-fer (Syracuse, Canandaigua & Chautauqua)... it was awesome! I love him! What more can I say?

    It might take me a while to jump into the conversation on the main thread because I'm not exactly sure what the "tone" of the board is yet and what the conversation is that's currently going on... so I may lurk for a while first.

  2. I bet Clay will be having a word with Clique, though, if there wasn't supposed to be a M&G and they forced him to do one because of their screw-up... I'm glad those people got their M&G, but I'm sure there was a reason for not having one... I bet Clay isn't too impressed right now! ;-)

  3. nothing else reported in the CH...just looked in for a bit. oh except that the M&G people were told that CLay was leaving right after the show that is why there wasn;t supposed to be one. SO now they don;t know if it will happen.

    I wonder if they are jsut expecting to really party after and so wanted to have the fans cleared out right away...well lets see, there are two CHer's with M&G's

    That's what I thought... I doubt he can leave to go back to Raleigh (or wherever) right away - are planes scheduled that late? I bet they're having a big cast & crew wrap party and they want to get down to it as soon as the show's over...

  4. you are welcome...join us in some fun...just bring soemthing yummier to eat than Shelley's beef bullion spread ... :D

    Hee. I'm just trying to eat everything I got for Christmas really fast so it won't be in my house anymore... then I am doing an herbal detox cleanse next week... I've switched to Moravian Black Walnut Cookies... mmmmm.

    Any hijinks during the dancing?

    couchie - I don't mind Ethel one bit... I think she's fun.

  5. Completely off-topic... I am eating the most disgusting snack right now that my sister bought me for Christmas from some "British store" in BC... it's called "Twiglets" - they are marmite flavoured puffed wheat sticks... yuck!

    Yay, the concert is starting! :)

    Wow, the cellcert is really clear!

  6. Oh whoops...

    From cellcert:

    There is no M&G today, but lyndolphin at CH got an e-mail today from OFC that she won a M&G... she showed it to Mary and she said that it was a screw-up because there is no M&G today, but that they're going to try to arrange something, but there's no guarantee...

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