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Posts posted by Thankful4Clay

  1. Well couchie...when you find your voice again, I'd love to hear your take on what you watched and heard. I've come to the point of being angrier at the way the fandom is pussyfooting around actually naming the fan who booed (CAP), yet seems to think it's just fine to throw Ethel's name all over the place. Why is that? It's not like CAP has tried to keep her comments to herself before (on main public threads AND via hit-and-run nasty PMs)...why is the fandom 'protecting' her about this?

    Karma's a bitch, y'all. <_<

    Actually, I think just about everyone, including CLay, wishes that whole episode never happened. I imagine CLay wished he could've taken back HIS hasty, ill-chosen 'quip' that basically injected a very un-funny thing---racism---into an increasingly uncomfortable situation. Of COURSE, he was 'kidding'! But man...I almost scraped my chin on the floor when I heard that come out of his mouth.

    That sometimes-too-quick-for-his-own-good mouth.

    A beautiful mouth, to be sure....but geeeeez :unsure:

    Since I decided that I like this board, I thought I would go back and read this thread. I was shocked! Shocked, I tell you, that you actually revealed the name of the booer. This is the only place I have seen it mentioned. It's all been very hush, hush and behind the scenes.

    Then, it was followed by an intelligent conversation. I'm still in shock!!!

  2. I think I love this board. Really, I do. It reminds me of how Eayor used to be over at RHT. Do you have fanfic here? Hee.

    It figures I would find this board just when I'm going to start working full time. I've been part time for the last four months and was just offered a full time position. I start it on Friday and we can NOT go on the Internet at all at work. I do have a Blackberry that I use to keep up a bit.

    There just aren't enough Clay hours in the day.

    Many of you already know me from RHT/Eayor. I do post some at CV but I'm not well known there.

    I'm nice and smutty, too.


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