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Posts posted by Kareneh

  1. Yes, atinal, he does deserve just that.

    To me the worst part of that article was how Levy mocked his accent in print. That single thing, alone and unto itself, told me all I needed to know about Ariel Levy and her talent as a writer. I guess she just wasn't able to capture the essence of his conversation without the phonetics. Back to English Comp I for you Ms. Levy....do not pass go.....do not collect $200....do not forget your student loan comes due six months after you graduate. I can't say I was upset by what I read, I think my skin has gotten tougher than it once was. I was mostly disappointed that a four page piece in a supposedly sophisticated publication was wasted at the hands of someone so inept. Someday someone will write another interesting and intelligent piece about Clay Aiken. ****Digs her copy of Elle out of the box for storage and adds it to the "to be shipped" pile.***** In the meantime, I'll enjoy all the good things that being here, in this Clay Aiken place, brings to my life.

    And I'll practice my arena scream.

  2. KarenEh...I have no idea how to answer your technical questions but your word choices in a very innocent paragraph caught my eye ....

    Oh, gosh muski, I don't think I've ever written a TOTALLY innocent paragraph in my life. :13:

    Ah, the penis mightier than the...

    oops... :blush:

    I mean, the pen (space) is mightier than the truth sometimes, ain't it? :whistling-1:

    And he can truly flick his Bic at me anytime he wants. :wub:

  3. I love it that DHP sent Clay a note on opening night and also commented on how well he was doing in Spamalot. These really are the people who matter not those idiot journalists who have no class and no clue.

    No one could pull of that frosty disdain better than David Hyde Pierce. Good for him!

    I forgot in my long ramble through these halls last night to tell cindilu how much I admire that banner up there. As someone who is just now in the early stages of a Photoshop I class, these creations blow me away. I'm supposed to have a CD package made as a class project in less than 3 weeks.....and so far....I know what a layer is.

    cha cha, I'm moving to Baku in Azerbaijan.....either in two weeks or four depending on my husband's timetable. And yes, it's on the Caspian, tucked in between Iran, Armenia, Georgia and Russia. OH OH OH......I have been meaning to ask this question for days. I know some of you will be able to answer this for me. Internet service over there is purchased in units of bandwidth (or something like that). You pay for so much and when it's used up.....it's over. You go in and pay more and away you go again. I'm not sure how much to buy in order to ensure that I'm not constantly running out of bandwidth. So far John has been getting by on a wee little package that he pays $8 a month for at the house but all he does is email and Skype for a couple of hours a day at most. I, obviously have bigger needs and stronger urges, so how much do I need to buy. They sell 10gb for $99, 20gb for $199, and for $499 a month you can get unlimited use. Now, we don't have to pay for it out of our own pocket but the money does come out of the budget for which John is responsible. If I need the full meal deal, I can get it, but would that be a waste?

    I guess I need to know....how much do you think I would be using now, considering I'm home most of the time. Does the bandwidth get used up just when you download and upload things, or is it ticking away as you surf and hang around on websites.....or watch You Tube or chat on Yahoo. I'm clueless about this and I just figure I need lots and lots.

    Yes, keepingfaith and cindilu, I think it was a romantic relationship question, too. A question about sex would have gotten shut down pretty damn quick in my opinion. All this coverage makes me roll my eyes......and makes me want to call my daughter up and give her the playing hard to get talk I gave her 8 years ago all over again. People sure do hanker for that which they think they cannot have.

    ****Wipes drool of Row J ticket for the 9th.****

    Welcome, heinz!! :00000442:

  4. What does it say about me that I read muski's "prepositions" as pre-positions and immediately my mind went to foreplay. I kid you not. I need an intervention here!! Someone....anyone? I've been doing a lot of that misreading lately. So, I guess I can't make a well thought out comment on the New York mag article......except that I thought some parts of it were interesting, and some parts of it were down right boring (like the references to LTS), a lot of it seemed like posturing on Levy's part. I liked some of it but she sure as hell ain't the best writer out there by a long shot. I wanted to like an edgy, a little bit out there article about Clay, but she lost me in places and it was hard to get back.....until the last bit about how much he surprised her in Spamalot.....grudging acceptance feels good sometimes. I have a feeling she might have been smoking something, though, since try as I might I cannot get the "sounds like Tootsie" sound to play in my head. A source can have more than one meaning....doesn't matter if you're a journalist or in rehab.

    Which brings me to urges, a topic on which I am WELL versed, since last night I bought a ticket to the matinee on the 9th of February. I made a flight reservation and decided to wait a little while until I bought a ticket for the evening show that same day. I tried really hard not to do it and enlisted the aid of a friend to talk me down......HA! She played a very good Thelma to my Louise. John was supposed to be coming home on the 9th but he let me know two days ago that he couldn't come until the 22nd, that meant I get to stay over here until March 1st. I think I shall go nuts looking at these boxes for another month. I am eating off paper plates and my curling iron is packed. ANYWAY, today he tells me he might be home on the 9th after all......Geez, Thelma....er....I mean Louise! It was soooo much fun being a very bad girl last night and planning this whole trip out. I was doing such a quick turn around, I wasn't even getting a hotel. Dang! I REALLY wanted to sit in La Guardia at four in the morning with my iPod to keep me warm.

    I'm not sure what I want more.....to see Sir Robin two more times, or get moving.

    Dumb question. Ignore me.

    muski, are you still claiming a spot on the futon on Monday night? Let me know if we're still on so I can clear a path for you and pick up a bottle of wine. I did not pack the corkscrew. And has anyone in the eHP decided where we are going for dinner on Monday night? I'm wondering if I missed a memo or something along the way.

    Thanks Claygasm and 00lsee for these....

    broad shoulders

    fine, strong back

    He hasn’t succumbed to the waves yet and is not likely to. It’s thrilling, really. An exhilarating lift. A dangerous undertow. After the wave, the trough; after the trough, the wave.

    Some shriek and clutch

    pleasing shape of a certain supple spine and lean hips beneath a clinging, damp shirt and soaked jeans.

    Ooooo! I think 00lsee is a close clorn writer!!!

    Just makes me want to skip Ticket Dismissal School this weekend and get on a plane.

    Marilyon98, great picture! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Well....I got a little tired of stuffing my things into boxes, and then I got some school work done...so when I got the urge to go play with some pix I gave in and ended up back in Los Angeles at the Greek. Brown haired, very playful Clay, he was a cutie....and some of these cracked me up. It had been so long since I looked at them last summer, it was like a brand new batch. I guess there is a good side to being way behind the times. Here's a few just for shits and giggles......








    Night all! :countingsheep:

    ausdon, What time is it there now, where you are? Is it possible that someone will be awake at the same time I am once I move? Baku is GMT +4.....which means right now it's 12:48 PM there on Tuesday.

    OH....and one more thing. I did a real double take when I opened the third picture and wondered....."What the heck is that in his right hand?"

    I DID have my 1.50 magnifiers on instead of the 2.00's but still.....

    I need an intervention.

  5. I wonder just how many Christmas mornings in a row a person can handle and I dearly love finding out. Good Lord! Today's pictures alone would keep me satisfied for a very long time.....subliminal thumb hole sweater and all. But tomorrow morning when I get up there'll be Mike & Juliet & Clay on my TV (AGAIN!). It sure is sweet to be on the receiving end of drop dead gorgeous over and over and over. Thank you Meesa for the beautiful high res and Scarlett for the caps from The View.

    **This post brought to you via Handbasket Wireless.....we have more hot spots than any other network.**

  6. ... and then, MY FAVE!!


    Uh huh....YUM! Mine, too!!

    I don't think I can write anything now.....pictures have a way of stealing my thoughts and misdirecting them to other places. Not that I mind particularly. I had the BEST weekend ever and I'm so glad I decided to go when it turned out I was still going to be in the States this month. I pulled a typical eHP maneuver at the Houston Airport when I still happened to be in the security line at the moment my flight was scheduled to leave. I kept watching the board hoping it would flip from "on time" to "delayed" but that never happened. By the time I got to my gate the jetway was locked and the gate agent attempted to deny me access. I flashed my fan club membership card and showed her where it said eHP on my boarding pass.....then she let me pass with the admonition to run and to take any seat.... in the back. My carry on flew in first class, though, since there was no space in the steerage bins.

    I don't know where everyone was going this weekend out of Houston but the security line up when I got to Terminal C wound its way outdoors! Whew! Close call, that. I can't think of a single thing to say that hasn't already been said about this weekend. I enjoyed this as much as anything I have seen Clay do. It was so much fun....from the moment he appeared in the castle window till he took his final bows in the Holy Grail of Tuxedos. Fantastic! And I thought by going to New York, I'd be taking a break from packing. **Smacks stupid self upside the head.**

    Me, being the one who is always late to the party, I ran into the "got-there-two-days-before-me" members of the eHP outside the theater before the show, and we made plans to have cheesecake at Junior's after, since something was going to have to be satisfied when the show was over. They had seen it the night before and they knew exactly what they were talking about. I took an awful long time with that menu because what I really wanted wasn't on it. C'est la vie.....Junior's makes good cheesecake and the pieces are enormous. It filled a hole. I ordered some chicken fingers, too.....kind of a weird combination with the cheesecake but I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted.

    My next show is in April and I think I'll try a little harder to get up close enough to get my Playbill signed. I don't have any signed Clay stuff and I think, now, that I might just want one of those. Before I left, I finished packing the office and the closet in here....I put all of my Clay stuff in bins and boxes for storage, choosing not to take it with me. I know it will be safe and sound in a climate controlled storage unit here in Houston.....on the 3rd floor of the building to reduce the chance that anything will get wet. Unless of course the roof blows off the joint....hmmm....time to call State Farm to add a scheduled property rider.

    Now, I'm going to start packing the kitchen stuff...as soon as I print out my new favorite picture there. I have to go to the International Medicine Clinic tomorrow to get poked a bunch of times. I need something to distract me....and if I let my imagination go, I suppose I could come up with a better reason why my left arm is going to be so sore.

    Enjoy your day off, Clay! You deserve it! Bravo!

  7. OMG! YSRN, that was one heck of a thudding tree. I can so relate....so often knocked to the ground these days, and my roots are showing. All kidding aside, though, you're one lucky homeowner!

    I'm flying home today!! I'm almost all packed and it wasn't easy since I came up here in a car and had to fit all that stuff into 2 suitcases. Thank God for experience in this regard. Anyway, you guys have fun today while I'm en route with my iPod and my new fangled little DVD player. I'm flying back to summer! :00000442:**Does happy dance.**

  8. From CV

    Click if you dare!


    Holy Crap!







    Chapped lip


    Sparkly Eyes

    oh MY!

    Uh huh...what she said.

    That is one goofy picture up there at the top of the page! Did I really take that? Yeah, I did....goof ball. I should have fixed his hair. Great banner, cindilu2.

    Lotus, I do believe I recognize you. ;) When are you coming back to Houston? I'll be in and out for a while, but I know a few shy retiring women there who like to do lunch....and then, I know the eHP. They have to eat sometime. Welcome to FCA, if I've not said it to you before.

    amy e from the Broads, somehow managed to tear her eyes from the thighs long enough to actually read the words in this picture.

    And I had to squint real hard to see that "nutties" was actually "nuities."

    I get up everyday, and I try to be good. It hasn't worked all that well for the past five years, so now I think I'm just going to be happy to get up every day..... period.

    Party on, Wane!!

    While I go chacha wallpaper the ceiling of my bedroom.

  9. Be still my heart............golfingclay.jpg

    Hee! I took some golf lessons in another life, and I remember doing exactly that exercise. Don't remember having anybody quite so fine in my class though. *le sigh*

    And what is the purpose of the crossed-arms stance? I figured Clay was doing it for a reason... :golf:

    It's to show you how to pivot around your center. Hee - that's not smut either!

    So, I guess that makes this a pivotal photo.

    I know it was bad...save your tomatoes. :lilredani:

    I've never heard of the Refugees board either but then again, my middle name is Oblivia.

    Couchie you need lots of these..... :hugs-1:

    I think I just got reminded that I didn't order a Playbill yet. I guess I had better go and do that before I pick up my iPod again.

  10. I thought he wasn't going to play golf? Maybe he's just getting the tournament started.

    I don't know about the tournament, but the description of him and the image of him standing there sure got ME started!--- long and lean, bending over the tee...focusing....turning his head again and again to 'get a line' on the shot...blonde hair moving with him....arms taut....hands tight around the shaft (muski takes a moment)...long, strong fingers flexing over and over....big feet treading the turf as he shifts his weight, hips swaying as knees bend...maybe---just maybe---tongue flicking out to moisten chapped lips or teeth grasping that tortured bottom pink shell lip in concentration....then...the backswing...


    This was great fore-play for the main event tonight........always happy to partake. :D I was out at the casino with my Mom and just got home after losing 1/200th of the amount of money it would have taken to score that carriage ride with Clay. Dang! And I guess it's going to be a carriage ride after all if Leslie Streeter is right up there. Double dang! All my gambling money from now on is going into a cookie jar in the linen closet.

    You know, when I was hauling my luggage to the car in our garage back on December the 8th I spied my golf clubs in the corner, and I spied John's golf clubs in their airline travel bag and I thought, for one brief second, that since there was an airline travel bag just sitting in the garage.....maybe it was a sign. Unfortunately, there is only one airline bag there because every time John mentioned us taking our clubs on a vacation, I said something like "meh...not worth lugging them." Until today I wasn't all that big a fan of golf and I'm moving to a country that doesn't even have one golf course. But I do have a few prepaid lessons at the neighborhood club and a new reason to use them up before I go. Is golf available for Wii?

    OMG! How gorgeous was he today? :hubbahubba: I think I might have to raid my cookie jar to buy an 8 X 10 glossy full frontal picture to frame for my new desk. Can't hardly wait for the clack and all the rest of the reports to come. What a great day this turned out to be!

    playbiller: When I was a kid, my parents belonged to a suit club - everyone in the club put in so much money every onth and periodicvally someone was selected randomly to get a suit. Can't we do something like that= start and investment club where we all put in so much money and periodically someone is invited to bid on Clay?

    You can have all of my gambling money.

    I won't be using it anymore. I don't have time. I have a new addiction called 80 gig iPod. I have been downloading mp4's from the vault, "synching" them up, and then sitting here with a big old grin on my face as I hold shiny silver encased Clay in my hot little hand and he sings to me....in color. I LOVE IT!! Why didn't I think to ask for this for a present before? And heck, when I did ask for it I asked for the 8 gig one. When I pointed this out on Christmas morning, John said he could take it back for the eight. He got the "from my cold dead hands" look from me and that was the end of that conversation.

    I kind of sort of missed posting about the topic yesterday because I was fiddling with my new toy while I was reading and just couldn't bring myself to put it down. But tonight I put it down. Blond in Black was enough to handle on his own. :whew:

    Before I go, welcome tinkerbell2. My sister was diagnosed with MS in December and is now facing the decisions she has to make about her treatment. Up until a few days ago she was adamant she was going to do nothing since she couldn't face giving herself a daily shot but I think, now that the holidays are over and she has given herself permission to think about all of the ramifications, she is beginning to come around a little. She's been dealing with narcolepsy and cataplexy for the past 17 years (she needs 8 Ritalin to stay awake most of the day), so this diagnosis really got her down and she just decided to ignore it for a while.

    Congrats on you anniversary gbmifan!!!

    eHP....I'll be home on Wednesday night. What's the weather been like down there? Can I pack this damn winter coat in my checked baggage? Please say "yes." :worthy:

  11. I'm going out shopping today!!!!! :00000441: :00000441: :00000441:

    I know.....what's the big deal? But it's a first since Christmas and I think I feel well enough, so my sister and I are going to the Bay which, in Halifax, is almost always empty. I have gift cards. I hope I have some money left. I have to remember that come next Thursday I have to get the dog out of hock....poor baby! I can't think about him now, it makes me too sad. I called about him and it sounds like he is doing fine, but still.....I should have been picking him up today.

    Before I get off my butt to get ready for shopping here are a few pix from Red Bank. I was messing in that album this morning a little. I think my kid thinks I never get up from this chair at the kitchen table....never. She's sort of right, I guess. I should buy her a more comfortable set of chairs.





    Saturday morning funny...


    Last night my sister and I were sitting in the den

    and I said to her, 'I never want to live in a

    vegetative state, dependent on some machine

    and fluids from a bottle to keep me alive. That

    would be no quality of life at all. If that ever

    happens, just pull the plug.'

    So she got up, unplugged the computer, and threw

    out my wine.

    She's such a bitch.


  12. I'm about dropping here. My comfy bed in there is calling my name but before I give in, I wanted to post some links for my South Bend album that I finished tonight. I should throw confetti or something for the mere accomplishment of getting to the end of something. That hasn't happened to me, or by me in quite a while.

    BWAH! Aspeigrl, your skit was funny stuff! I haven't read much in the way of fan fic.....though I did become quite familiar with someone named Amelia of whom I was quite fond. Thanks for her, muski. Cross your fingers. I want to get to NYC for Spamalot during opening weekend. I doubt that I'll make opening night but am currently looking at the 19th and or the 20th.

    Anyway, back to the links. I need sleep. Enjoy!


























    The entire album is Here.


    Looks like I'll be in Houston Feb 3-5 for a conference--attending this time, not managing! Any chance I could meet up with the eHP while I'm there? I'd be available Sun or Monday evening and am staying downtown (I think)....the conference is being held at the convention center. Somebody let me know, okay?

    I can do the 4th! It looks like my move date has been pushed back into February. John has too much going on at work over there in January to afford the time to come back to finish up the move with me, and I'm just glad to have some pressure off since I've got recovering to do....yep....I think I'll recover quite nicely in NYC during opening weekend. ;)

    Had a follow up appointment today and it appears I'm going to live. I did make sure I left the doctor's this time with a script for some narcotics. I will be sleeping tonight, baby!

    Dinner and carriage ride, huh? I wonder if the actual winner will be very carefully screened. :imgtongue: Or maybe if the bidding isn't high enough, you get Fake Clay, a hot dog from a push cart, and a cab ride to the bus station.


    So, this is interesting. Dinner with Clay ....yum. Would a fancy dinner napkin tucked into the neck of one's blouse disguise itself well as a drool bib? Anyway, after I get back to Houston next week, you won't be seeing me around the boards for a while. There are 18 ice cream tubs of change packed away in our storage unit that need to be counted and rolled. Unfortunately, there is no internet access over there. ***Prays that there are more loonies and toonies, than quarters and dimes.***

    HA! Fat chance.

    OMG! I'm a Canadian and I just realized that I don't know for certain the proper spelling for "toonie." Somebody, help me.....toonie? or twonie?

  14. Way to go everyone on the success in meeting the UNICEF challenge for Mexico!!! :nature-smiley-014: :medium-smiley-075: :EmoticonRingAround:

    :nana: :bier: :09:

    :00000441: :laola0: :04:

    I know you all realize she has been pretty sick but I became concerned about her "health" shortly after I received my birthday present from her in the mail.

    Is that where my freaking lung went?!!!

    muski, thanks for bringing the Pala commando video. I sure enjoyed the change of scenery from the buttoned up and battened down South Bend pix I've been going through today. And now, I see Gibby has gifted me with 6 party animals. Life is good in the 2 bedroom apartment by the sea. We'll be staying in tonight, obviously, given my um.....delicate condition. I am feeling better and thanks for all the hugs and well wishes. I must be on the mend since I was thoroughly pissed off this morning for screwing up this holiday. Tonight I don't feel too bad at all. Hubby is going out in search of some Chinese food in a little while (nothing wrong with her appetite) and then we'll go back to doing what we've been doing for the past few hours.....me reading the boards and him going over some contracts. Typical evening at our place. He did go out this afternoon to pick up a few groceries and run a couple of errands. Besides the groceries, he brought back a cute black Guess handbag and a matching wallet....they look adorable with my new flannel nightgown, and I'm not sure if the purpose of the handbag was to balance out the flannel nightgown as a gift.....or provide a reason to live. I'll take it either way.

    Happy New Year FCA!!!


  15. Gibby, I saw these pics on EAYOR and I couldn't BELIEVE when someone suggested that not only was he going commando, but that this gif shows...uh....other stuff normally covered by undies....Unreal....uh...I don't THINK so. :rolleyes:

    But I AM enjoying the on ramps revealed.... :hubbahubba:

    So interesting---my birth father had four wives (not at the same time, at least) and had children with each one. He totally ignored all the kids from the first three marriages (my mom was number 2)...Meanwhile my mom remarried when I was about nine or ten---and he liked to :all_coholic: Was never physically abusive, but emotionally he was lethal in many ways.

    Now...my mom's not perfect by any means. But I was lucky because she TRIED...and she loved me and I always knew that. My half brother, (from marriage number 3)..wasn't so fortunate. His mother was totally irresponsible and she pretty much ditched her motherly duties, allowing whatever man she was with at the time treat him any way they chose to, and my brother has been in jail twice, has done the drug route and fathering children out of wedlock route......I haven't seen him in 17 years and have no idea where he is now--the times I or my mom did reach out to him, he ended up taking advantage of us and moving on to his next misfortune.

    So I look at all this and see me and my brother...and how differently we have dealt with whatever we had to work with. And NOW that I'm an adult and have my own children I can look back at some things in my past with my mother and find a way to 'forgive' her for times when I thought she was 'less than'....she's always done her best---HER best, so I can't fault her as a mother, for sure.

    I'm with you, too, KAndre, about how Clay seemed to treat Vernon's death being very telling. Funny. The other day when I was with my mom, just out of the blue she asked me, "Do you ever wonder if _______(birth father) is still alive?" I just shrugged and said no. She said, "I do. I'd love to see him again so I could shove a hot poker up his ass."

    I got that "Do you ever wonder" question answered for me and I didn't see it coming...at all. It seems as if we have some parallels, muski, and I have some other things left hanging which I wrote about a long time ago in my long neglected blog.... Sally Rand McNally. You'll have to scroll down the very first entry. My father was a drinker and abusive when he drank. He had interesting ideas about babysitting and would park me in in my carriage in front of Comeau's tavern while he went in for a "drink." Understandably, that kind of pissed my mother, who loves musicals and the SoM in particular, off. When I was two and my sister was 13 months, she left him when she came home and found his girlfriend sitting at her kitchen table.....babysitting. We chuckle about this stuff now. And interesting that Comeau's Tavern has now burned down, as well as my elementary school...hmm.....shades of Carrie, eh?

    The King and I is also one of my favorites. I met Yul Brynner once. I saw him in the King and I locally once and my friend and I hung out at the stage door with a few others. He came out and was so kind and gracious to each of us. I have his autograph on my Playbill somewhere. The shocking thing to me was how short he was! On stage he looked big, he so dominated it. In person he was tiny - no more than 5'6" I bet - if that - and very slight.

    Yul Brynner in the The King and I.....loved it! One of my favorites, too.

    So, I crawled through a snowstorm yesterday to the walk-in clinic, paid my $75 "ain't got no health care card fee" and then laid out another $70 for some Biaxin. Unfortunately, they would not prescribe a narcotic to a walk-in patient and I came away without the Tylenol-3's I had hoped for....just the pneumonia I apparently had when I walked in the door. A few hours ago I gave up trying to find the lung I hacked into the Christmas tree and went to work on some South Bend pictures. I'm not hardly through with them yet, I think I over did it in the excitement of seeing him for the first time this tour. Everyone else went out figuring that it was best to leave me alone since I am now well enough with 2 doses of pills to be crabby. Proper thing. Anyway, I rebooked my flight back to Houston for the 9th instead of the 4th so I can make up some of the family time I've missed being sick. I just now wish I had brought the dog with me since it means he has to stay at the kennel another 5 days longer.....he must really think we've left him for good this time.

    And all you Houstonians are making me homesick. Just before I left to come up here, to NS, I was feeling how much I was going to miss living in Houston once this move is complete. From today......one month.....counting down to weeks, then days. I sure liked living in Houston....a lot. (But we're buying a half acre in Fulshear.....so you won't really be rid of me for long.)

    Okay, there's pins to check out, so I'm off to do that. Then I'll try and get settled in the Lazy Boy for the night. With one less lung, I should do half as much coughing tonight, eh?

    One can only hope. :couch1:

  16. and what the heck is Organic narrative...I thought i heard all the buzz words before...

    Organic narrative.....I think it's a fancy word for bullshit.

    Okay, I'm crawling back to the recliner in the living room. Santa brought me the flu for Christmas :cry4: and he took away my voice went he scooted back up the chimney. Today, I'm feeling a little bit better but the voice is still shot. Some people around here are quite enjoying that. That's all the energy I have for posting....back to your regularly scheduled entertainment, my blankie awaits.

  17. Welcome underthespell! (Oh....and uh.... :unsure: and don't listen to any of the OTHER members of this motley crew if they try to tell you I'm a smutter...I just have a robust appreciation of Clay's many wonderful natural endowments. :whistling-1: )

    Don't believe her. She's a horny slut.

    Gosh, I thought by endowments she was being philanthropic not phallanthropic.

    Well, no. I didn't really...


    Sounds like you had an amazing birthday, and you deserved a big party with 50 of your nearest and dearest there. I hope you see this, zena before you jet off to Minneapolis! Have a great time at your concerts. I can't think of a better way to celebrate being fifty than being thirteen, I wish I was going to be there, but I can't complain too much. Tomorrow I get to see my kiddlings for the first time in three months. I can hardly wait. John just called and he is on his way to the airport in Baku and by Wednesday we'll all be together again for Christmas.

    Welcome underthespell! Glad you could join us.

    Time for a lullaby.....or what have you.


  18. Scarlett, I am so glad you made it safe and sound to Erie. I was thinking about you all the way back to New Jersey. After missing Morristown, there was no way I was going to miss Williamsport no matter what the weather and it was so worth it! I had a great time, was handed the HUGE responsibility of handing out black tape by jojoct.....I guess I be a minion and serve two masters, right? And then after the show I got to hang out in the back room with some of my favorite peeps. It doesn't get any better than that. In the morning, I'm off on the final leg of this trip and it looks like the weather won't be too bad where I'm going tomorrow....Bangor. My fingers wanted to type Cleveland there, darn it. I'll do my best to catch up in the hotel tomorrow night and write something sensible.....ahem....I can if I really really try...hard.

    I was looking at the pix that I shot last night. It looks like Clay might have been trying to get in touch with his inner John Denver last night. Just a little maybe? Anyway....first things first.

    Would a zipper fold if no one is folding it? To further support Claygasm's photographic evidence.


    It's there in all of the 20 or so "hand in pocket" pictures I shot last night. The only time I had a zipper that did that, when I was standing up straight, was in a cheap hoodie.....which coincidentally rhymes with....you know.

    Now onto some other stuff. A pair of "Come to Jesus" looks....



    He just cracks me up...



    I'll do some more digging tomorrow night and if I find any "Come to Daddy" ones, I'll post those.

    ETA: I just watched Scarlett's OHN from Erie and I have to ask, did this concert start late perhaps? Love the mussed up hair! But I want to know. How did it get that way? Who, or what, was the cause of the mussing? That didn't just happen on its own. Not with product it didn't....I sense human hands at work here. I want to know whose fingers were in that mane at 7:25 PM on the 16th day of December in the year two thousand and seven. Ack! I need to go to bed since that hair seems all kind of hawt to me tonight while last night I was a leeetle bit skeered.

    Ya know, it was probably something simple like some indiscriminate licks from Durham, but still...hawt. I am such a dork. Goodnight my darlings.

    OY!....I just watched it again and right at the end Clay looks right at her camera as if to say "Did you get all that or did the tape melt in the process?" Now I REALLY have to go to bed.....my tape is melting.

  19. keepingfaith, you're not the only member of the eHP who isn't in Washington today. I got back to Houston last night and have hit the ground running this morning, in a vain attempt to do a weeks worth of stuff in one day...but I am determined. I do have the necessary software open. It's here somewhere, lurking down there along the bottom of my screen, I'm sure of it. In the meantime, I just want to play. This past week in the mid-west was just incredible and my three concerts there sublime. Can't wait to see it again next week because once is never enough (is it Gibby?).....I guess that would be one block is never enough in this case but.....it's all the same. Someday, I'll get some time and will post a recap but for now all I have are a few pictures.

    From South Bend:




    And from Kalamazoo:




    I'll keep working on them, there sure are a lot! But it isn't all that tough a job......can you believe that?

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