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Posts posted by playbiller

  1. I can't wait to hear about the hoodie instead of a shirt??? that he may or may not be wearing.

    From CV

    Wearing a hoodie instead of a shirt and tie. Jacket over it. Looks a little odd.

    Seats suck. Can't see half the stage. Can't see sox. They might be tan stripes.

    Slight change in Celebrate Me Home.

    Hair spikey.

    Sound system horrible tonight.

    sound system is not that great. cutting up mic clay cut in and out

    first reporter is cablegirl. now yoyo

    Oh, Bottlecap is here


    I can stop now.

  2. Hello, sorry I am late.

    Stealing from CV

    cold weather

    really bad traffic

    sports event near by

    possible reason for half full house

    either 3700 or 3800 (can't remember)

    Also CV reporting

    Heard the cd has sold out in some Targets and they will not be restocking.

    I see they found out the same thing I found out in my local Target - they are all out of MCWL for the year. Mine was also out of MOAM and the little Clay separator was gone.

  3. Well, good night all - this saves me from accidently sayng anything to Couchie about survivor since it has been over here for a while.

    For the fun that used to be TWOP - come join me and some others posting in the Candid reality thread dedicated to the "yule log". This is the most fun I have had there for a while.

  4. I'm just picturing those hands in fists giddyapping when he sings it. Wait until I have to imagine his knees in Jingle bells !

    Eh, I fell asleep in the theater watching the penguins - totally missed that it was the males left behind.

  5. Maybe they are rehearsingthe Jumbo trons for the large audience at the RBC.

    I don't know if you saw what I posted about the E! American Idol Girls Rule show - but it cracked me up. Just before they started the show they had a little quiz question - what runner up bought his brother a firebird. Clay is everywhere. Hehe

  6. I amn getting a double shot tonight, the dog is still sleeping (hope she is not sick, but her nose is cold) and White Christmas is on TV, so I turn that on during the vignettes. - There is that Jack Frost Nipping at the toes again!

    WHite Christmas is on WOR - Channel 9 NYC

    IN white CHristmas, there is this cute red haired tall skinny ambassador to UNICEF in it. He sings good, too.

  7. Yeah, I was in the New York contingent. I decided it was too far a drive to Camden, since no one wanted to share the drive.

    Adam Kent is too much. Patricia was flowery, but I think that was in character. It looked a lot better from the balcony than up close. I did not watch them too much when I was in the 7th row.

  8. I am not knowledgable enough to talk about support, just being tired.

    I really do find it hard to believe he has not been having help - I am with the people who find he sings through illnesses quite well, so someone must be helping him with that. We know he gets sick, he just does not show it.

    I hear slaigh ride, soo my jingle bells will be - guess he is amusing someone there with that laughter - sounded like Brandi.

  9. It must be the uploads that I am running (project Runway anyone - I am in hour 13 of uploading the files so it may be interferring with my bandwidth for reception - the sound is going in and out for me, but it is better than last night. Sounds like a pretty big place. This is like day 3 in a row for Clay, one more before a break.

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