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Posts posted by duckyvee

  1. ... let me put it like this..

    ... in any great adventure.....

    Yes, Spamalot is still invading my brain. :rolleyes:

    IIU - I rarely think about it, but when I do, I realize that I really don't have a strong opinion. :idk: It is what it is. IIT, good for them. IINT, well, I think the whole story will just fade into oblivion. I totally agree with JaMar that Clay has drawn a line in the sand and he's just not going to talk about it, IIT or IINT. OK by me. Totally makes sense. He has to claim his life outside of his celebrity, and that's certainly one way to do it. He could milk this story, reinforce his King of Controversy image, and become an even stronger fixture in pop culture. Some would do that. I'm glad he isn't.

  2. kenya_clayaiken.jpg

    What a great picture! What a guy. :D


    Dream venue for Clay to perform? World Cafe Live in Philadelphia - upstairs. It seats 100, 200 if people are standing. When I was there recently, seeing a small band and having dinner, I couldn't help but imagine Clay there. It would be totally fabulous. And..... the room can be booked on occasion for a private party. Can you imagine? Just Clay and 99 of your favorite Clay fan friends?

  3. Since I live in Clayland, I haven't had to travel much to see Clay. I did go to the California 3-fer last summer, but that was more to see Clay friends than Clay, and I would do it again in a minute! I used to live in southern California, so it wasn't new to me, but still so fun. My favorite cities in the US are San Francisco and Boston. Maybe next tour..... I love NY, too, but it's fairly local, so I don't think of that as traveling.

  4. *high-fives duckyvee* Here's the link!

    Thanks, Scarlett! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    The charcter that I get such a kick out of is Sheldon.

    As for Clay and his attractiveness..... I love the guy beyond reason, but I rarely see the sexy, except in certain still photos, and until the last year or so, didn't find him to be particularly physically attractive. I always found him to be attractive in other ways. I must admit, though, that he has grown into quite a handsome man.

    JaMar, that's your cue to give me yet another geography lesson.... :whistling-1:

  5. I don't watch TV very much but one show I try to catch (usually online) is Big Bang Theory. This guy above (sigh!) would fit right in. KAndre and I were talking this weekend (before you and kf arrived) about how we watch that show and get what the guys are saying. :wub

    That show is hysterical. I don't catch it often, and didn't think to look online. Where do you find it? I never watch TV episodes online, but this one would be worth it. I wish I remembered the characters' names. I love the really skinny caucasian guy. His quirks crack me up. :lol:

    Speaking of which...... (not that Clay looks like that these days, fine specimen that he is)

    Those UNICEF field notes, and those fabulous new pictures.... What a guy! I love to see Clay looking so happy! Gets my ICG going. :D

  6. I just got caught up on the Broads' video Clack tournament. Those were some hard matches. Skating Clay will win most battles when I get to pick. I just love that clip, and grinned through the whole thing. Listen is running away with the vote, though. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't really enjoy that song, and didn't care much for the way that Clay and Quiana did it. I admire what they accomplished that night, though. It was so interesting to watch Clay's facial expressions. They were really showing their professionalism and abilitiy to make it work. I thought they both sounded great in parts, but I just don't enjoy listening to it as a whole. The next match was harder for me. I absolutely loved Clay's Emmanuel during that tour and find myself enraptured during his performance every time... but the candy song was so fun. Emannuel won, but it wasn't easy.

  7. I've been trying to choose my favorite Clay look, and I just can't. I truly love all of them. If I were forced to pick, I'd go for Roller Coaster Clay, at least I think that's the day E was taken.

    As for Clay touring to the same 3000 people, or 2000 people, or even 1000 people dot dot dot it's fine with me as long as I'm one of them. Was it KAndre who painted the picture of Clay playing a small club? I'm so there.

  8. Personally, I hold on to a moment at about 5:00 in the Mo Rocca interview, where Mo asks Clay what he'd be doing if he wasn't doing this. Clay pauses and says: "I have absolutely no idea."

    This reminds me of a Clay dream I had toward the end of his Spam run in which he said he didn't know what would be next, and that he might finally have time to study meteorology, something he always wanted to do.


  9. So many people who were at Sewel - how come I never met any of you?

    :8: I had not met a single Clay fan in person prior to that show. I met my good friend cagney in person for the first time that night, and despite phone conversations and plans to meet up, it wasn't easy to connect.

    It was nice to meet you in NY on Clay's closing night of Spam, though.

  10. My first time seeing Clay live was the JNT show in the infamous Sewell, NJ. I clearly remember my first thought when he walked onto the stage, "OMG. He's real!"

    :8: I don't know what took me so long to start going to Clay concerts. I had been on the boards since early on in AI and was a fan from the time I his audition tape first aired.

    Once I broke that seal, though....

    (Hey, who said there is something wrong with 3 dots.....)

  11. The bridge consists of the words we all love: 'When you're with me, I breathe easy. You are my need, right now love me!'


    Not all of us......

    I love this song. From a pure sound perspective, it's my absolute favorite, but from a lyrical perspective.... well, I don't have time to really explain my thoughts, and I'm sorry to dump this and run, but I'll try to post more tonight. I sort of edited the lyrics to this beautifully sounding song, in jest of course, and there is a lot of hummming in my version :whistling-1: . I think just about the only lyrics left are "Let's make the most of our time as long as we're here," the opening 2 lines, and "As long as we're here, alive on this earth, I'm gonna love you for all that it's worth." I inserted a big leap at the bridge because in my version, the bridge is out... right out... just like the number 5.

    I know most people love the bridge. :shrug:

    Favorite words: all of the 'time's. I love the way Clay sounds on that word.

    Favorite quality overall: the instrumentation, especially at the end. It really encourages contemplation, which so fits this song.

  12. Storybook wedding? Frankly, I find "storybook weddings" one of the stupidest inventions of the last twenty years - some girl (and it's ALWAYS some girls - this is so not a dude thing) wants to recreate some inner delusion where she is queen for a day - it brings every bad Bridezilla story to mind.

    Wheeeeeeeeeee! I am not alone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Nope. Not alone at all. I just don't get the storybook wedding culture. I know it means a lot to some people, including my own niece most recently, and I can respect that, so I won't go on about it, but there are some components that are so odd to me when viewed from a distance. A marriage ceremony can be beautiful, touching, a wonderful thing to witness, but all of the scripted traditions around a 'dream wedding' - not my thing.

    The video tournament is such a fun idea! The first 2 entries were hard to compare, but that's part of the fun. Do I pick pretty, star-like Clay, or fun-loving, natural, ICG-inducing Clay? Both sing great! I went for the latter. The man laughing in the background - priceless.

    Where I Draw the Line - It's in my top 5. I love the theme, most of the instrumentation, Clay's voice. The only thing that bugs me is the instrumentation in the opening, closing and around 1:22 . It brings 10CC's I'm Not In Love to mind, and I find that distracting. (At the Listening Party I said those parts reminded me of Wham's Careless Whisper, but that wasn't the song I meant.)

    Favorite phrase: "behind me, to remind me."

    Good song. :clap:

    ETA: About cagney's note about my reaction to the crack in "kiss" on the QVC performance of WIDTL.... it's not that I expect or need Clay to be perfect. It's just that it was the first time I heard the song, as I didn't listen to the snippets, and the crack stuck in my mind. For a while I heard it even when listening to the recording. First impression indelibility. Sort of like a wacky PSTD experience. Silly. I know. And I'm over it. Finally. It took a while.

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