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Posts posted by goldarngirl

  1. OK, Ansa and I would like to say...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... because Luckiest1 has agreed to be an admin over at FCA main. Unfortunately for her, that just entitles her to endless hours of work. Hopefully she knows she signed up for thankless slave labor the best job evah, I've been having so much fun on the forum that I've kinda abandoned my first love.

    Oh luckiest1 is going to be so busy doing a great job. Congratulations!!! :clap:

    I guess this must be the end of the Best of's she is just gonna be too too busy. :whistling-1:

  2. Hey, goldarngirl delurked...and with the vapors too. :lol:


    Does that help? :)

    Thank you. Obviously I was blinded by the Aiken and couldn't see the fan if my life depended upon it. Although now that I'm cooled off where was that picture again???? and now I can't find the drool emoticon this will have to do. :Thud:

    *runs and hugs goldarngirl* So glad to see you posting!! Please come and play some more.

    (If you don't remember who I am by my screenname - we met in Colorado - :) )

    Yes I do remember :hello: (I give up, just imagine a little yellow guy waving) I actually met up with Reiki4Clay in Syracuse and was able to say hi there. Thank you for the welcome.

  3. Canadian Idol

    I have been capping these shows for the last few years. I noticed that some people have mentioned that they don't get it and they might like to see it. I have put these up in a special place on goldarngirl.com (actually luckiest1 did it for me) for those that are interested. This year they are allowing them to audition with instruments, which is a bit different. I believe too one of the audition ones gives you a bit of background on the judges who they are and what they do.

    Here is the link. If you decide to watch I would love to hear your opinions. I will put this weeks up next week so that will give some of you time to watch. I know that the DCAT will soon be underway so this might be an exercise in futility. However, here is the link.

    Canadian Idol

  4. Since I have still never figured out how to do multiple quotes I will just say... thank you all who have welcomed me. The ones that I know VERRRRY well, the ones that I have met and the ones I have yet to meet. :D (Took me ages to find this guy)

    For those whom I will see tomorrow hmm today at lunch (was gonna use emoticon, didn't work) I am technically challenged.

    Thanks again.

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