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Everything posted by annabear

  1. Bwahahahaha!!! SLEEP, claytonic? Who needs SLEEP? Ok..... yeah, I do.... Nighty night all! :856:
  2. I hope so. It was way overdue. I went over there once today & that was more than enough. Talk about depressing. And endless circles of arguing.
  3. :F_05BL17blowkiss: laljeterfan I work with people like this, too.... Thankfully I no longer have to sit directly across from one the biggest offenders in our office. This woman lives on gossip, celebrity and otherwise. As much time as we spend on Clay mb's? She spends on CRAP sites & DVR'ing every "entertainment" show on TV. The money we spend on concerts and CDs? She spends on tabloids. Literally. She knows the people at Krogers/WalMart/Target who stock the magazines and every week she buys them all, then brings them in to the lunch room at work. The only thing we ever had slightly in common was our pets - I have 2 cats, she has 2 dogs. I sometimes volunteer for an animal rescue shelter and we had talked about that at one time. One day she told me she had this GREAT website that I just HAD to visit. I was thinking it would have something to do with pets. Silly, naive me! She writes it out on a post-it note and hands it to me. I looked at and almost had a very violent reaction - it was for PH's site..... :kotz0: I wadded up the post-it, dropped it in my recycle bin, picked up the bin and proceded to the big shredder bin in the copy room, explaining to her that I have absolutely no use for his ilk, would never intentionally give a hit to his site and felt better thinking about him being shredded to tiny bits. She's never brought up any celeb gossip to me again. Surprisingly, not even with the latest Clay "news" this week.
  4. You Go Girl!!!! But shouldn't you be trying land one of those guys at "The Geek Squad"? Hee!
  5. I'm sorry. I just find this funny. Although, in all seriousness, I am glad that they didn't do quite the dirt digging it sounded like they were planning to regarding Jaymes. But Clay's hair over the years?? Bwah!
  6. There is no such thing as credible news anymore. When you have Newsweek and Time quoting the likes of Perez and TMZ as a legitimate news source, then you know the world has gone to hell. Exactly my point about my WTF feeling about this being "reported" by TMZ. I know it happens every freaking day, but I don't usually pay attention to it. This time around, paying attention to it, it truly disgusts me how fast things are reported as fact with such little basis and from such piss poor sources.
  7. Ok, so I failed miserably at my attempt to stay off the internet for the rest of the afternoon! People have now started calling & emailing my mom about the babydaddy story. Congrats to Clay, Hannah & Spamalot!
  8. I saw that story about the little boy with autism the other day, justclay12. Unbelievable!! And RIP Harvey Korman. I used to love watching the Carol Burnett show. He was an incredibly talented actor/comedian.
  9. From what I've seen last night & this morning, it's a few - surprisingly few, to me - and mainly at the OFC who are way out there in their reactions. I agree with both sides. This is a very personal, private matter and I've always been one of the staunchest defenders of Clay's private life being strictly HIS business. On the other hand, as CG said, with the cat out of the bag, especially in this manner, a simple statement would be nice. Whatever. We're all human and we all feel what we feel. I think I'm more WTF over the fact that this originated at TMZ. T.M.Z. And supposed legitimate news outlets are reporting it as "news". TMZ? Really? Blech.
  10. Ok. We've got a new take on the "auntie" thing. When I got to work this morning, the first email notice that popped up as I logged on said, "You're going to be a Godmother!!!!" I'll eventually join you in the "It's soooooo none of my business but I'd still like to know anyway because I'm nosy like that" car, bottlecap, but I'm kinda skeered to crawl my way over from the "WTF" car.
  11. Please try to keep anymore "news" from happening until morning, ok? Thank you very much & good night all. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  12. Hmmmm..... wonder if Clay is thinking about blogging.... perhaps tomorrow night.... around, oh, say 9:59 pm pst/12:59 am est.... just as maintenance takes the OFC down at 10:00 pm pst/1:00 am est...
  13. Me too. At least it's Friday! Still ranking up there as the WTF'iest day in my Clay fandom so far. And I think KAndre's little scenario may not be too far from the truth - whatever that is!
  14. Well, the OFC thread got to 79 pages and is now locked for editing. Anymore popcorn? Or maybe potato chips? I'm craving potato chips....
  15. NNNNOOOOOO!!! RUN AWAY!!!! Oy! Yeah. There are a few over there that truly scare me.
  16. Maybe he'll take over for Clive. And clayandr is now reading the thread at the OFC.....
  17. Hee! Don't you feel a cold coming on, Couchie? A cold that you wouldn't want to pass on to your sister & her family? A cold that will render you stuck on the couch with the tv & laptop going tonight?
  18. Well, knock me over with a feather. I must admit, I'm a little shocked, and I don't know that it takes audacity. This came directly out of left field so it's kinda a suprising twist on the roller coaster of Clay Aiken Park. I'm not exactly the most traditional of folks ( I used AI myself ), and I have no idea if this is true, someone helped out a friend, two people wanted a baby, or what (I don't believe they are any more than friends, but hey, you never know and whatever works), but I did think Clay would have gone for the traditional meet, date, fall in love, marry, have babies path. My mistake obviously, but yeah, that's how I figured it'd go down. Which is really kinda stupid of me, but hey... I have my issues. LOL! I'm sure after I squish it around in my brain a little, I'll be all, wow, Clay's gonna be a dad. A Dad? A Father to a baby. Guess that explains a few (hundred) things. Or at least that's how I'll apply them. My Clay Aiken world view just shifted a wee bit, not for better or worse, just will make me look at songs, words, etc., a little differently. Parenthood does that. Ooo, we're all gonna be aunties... or something. Hee. No shit. Never in a million years would I have guessed this one. LOL! I'm not even sure I'm not sleeping right now. *pinch me* Hee. Thank you!!!
  19. I am now turning my computer off here at work (like any of that was getting done anyway...) and heading home. If one more person calls me on my cell to tell me the breaking news.... Thank goodness it's only a 10 minute drive! Maybe we'll have more details by the time I get there. Why am I now thinking about that little break he took from the tour right after it started last summer?? Wasn't that supposedly to attend a wedding???
  20. Hee, for sure, not many of us saw this coming! Although it is kind of eerie that we were having the "Clay said he wants to be a father" discussion just yesterday or the day before...... cue twilight zone music Well damn! Clay & Mo may have been on to something with the whole same cycles thing, only I don't think they - or any of us - were thinking it might pertain to psychic ability!
  21. Well I'm certainly not thinking the worst of anyone or any situation. I'm just trying to let it sink in. If any of it's even true. It's just a little surreal. Usually the stories like this are only floating around the fandom, not being reported on all the "entertainment" shows. So far on this journey, of all the WTF moments, for me this the WTF'iest.
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