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Posts posted by justclay12

  1. I get junk mail all the time related to my Clay adventures.

    On the conversation about dogs and puking, my dogs eat the grass too when their stomachs are upset, and my short, fat one throws up all the time. Then he eats it which is even more disgusting. The big dog must have a cast iron stomach though because she's like a goat. She gets into the trash and takes out wrappers and eats them and then they come out in her poop. And lord knows how many vitamin supplements and protein bars of my son's that she's eaten over the years.

    As far as my cat, if Clay ever got over his fear of them, he could have mine. He's just a big, lazy ball of fur that eats and poops.

  2. :meme:I'm going to the gala. My friend got me a ticket which I'll be paying on the installment plan. So grateful for my friends who help me facilitate my Clay addiction.

    And kf, completely agree with what you said. :clap:And yay to our servicemen and President for taking down the bastard. Couchie, don't feel too bad about not getting too invested. It's probably healthier. It's why I stay away from the news as much as possible otherwise I'd be a wreck.

  3. Ok, I'm caught up. Couchie, so sorry to hear about your friend even though it was 15 years ago. I can't imagine what it would be like to have been close to someone who was murdered. Good luck on your search.

    I have a big tub of Clay stuff too. I'm not a dedicated gatherer though. I have some friends who have to have everything Clay related and will search on ebay to get stuff. I collect enough by accident without searching for it. I did get a lot of free pins from a couple of those friends though because they went crazy during the pin days. I do like those pins and put them up on a board, along with some Clay Christmas cards that I've gotten, and it's hanging on my wall. I liked the key chains too cuz they were cheap to buy and didn't take up a lot of space. I was going to start collecting them because a lot of the ones I had got broken from using them but he hasn't been putting any out anymore.

    kf, I agree with what you said about not knowing Clay or being in his shoes so none of us has the right to judge his decisions. I'm sure there are some things he's done that probably even he wishes he hadn't done but that's the same with everyone. The thing is we should all be learning and growing from our mistakes, and I see Clay doing that more than most anyone I know. He's not afraid of trying things and then making adjustments as he goes along. We've seen it in every tour, how he adapts things to audience response.

    As far as the RCA thing goes, and the AI conglomerate, I do think there was some shady stuff going on there. And it does piss me off when I see everyone but Clay appear on AI. At this point, I'm expecting to see William Hung singing a song on AI before they'll have Clay on. However, I do get annoyed when I see someone throwing it out on the boards when I see it's just to stir things up. I don't mind if someone just feels the need to blow off some steam, like when they see someone on AI or DWTS's or some of these other shows, like Constantine (blech) or Pia (who in my opinion was deservedly given the boot on AI. Great voice but seemed very remote and didn't seem to connect with the songs or to the audience). I know I've wanted to bash a few heads here lately when I see things like that. Somebody work on finding out whose heads to bash please.

    With all the bitching though, I still like to read at those boards, I'm just grateful for boards like FCA and NNHB where I detoxify after reading there. Places where either sanity or insanity reigns. Not sure which but either way it's more fun.

  4. ETA: I read the facebook posts..they aren't so bad to me..just a few rude ones. Most people want communication from Clay, not stuff. I can understand that. And if they didn't really want to know they shouldn't have asked. I don't really expect anything from the fan club and when I have money I join just to support. Others join for different reasons. Nothing wrong in that.

    I thought some were quite kind in their asking for an unreleased song or picture or blog. Some, though, were really rude. I guess in my mind, there's a couple of things here.

    I'm OK with the fan club asking what kind of swag they should offer next. I must be the only one on the planet who kinda likes the swag! And I'm of the opinion that if you can't find anything you like in the list -- don't vote, and if you can't find anything nice to say, don't say it. (I'm hoping my Mom raised me right in that regard).

    Personally, I think Clay will start communicating more when either a) he has something ready to tell us; and B) when people stop demanding he communicate with us. That stubborn streak that was celebrated several years ago ("balls of steel," if I remember correctly) could possibly be coming back to bite us in the butt.

    That's kind of my feelings on the matter too ldyj. Couchie, I was actually surprised that the responses were as polite as what they were considering what I had been reading elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'd read elsewhere first so by the time I got to facebook I was in a pissy mood myself. I don't get nearly as frustrated or angsty with Clay or the status of his career as I do with the fans who keep bringing all the negative stuff up all the time. Whether the complaints are valid or not, I don't see where it helps anyone to keep rehashing the same stuff all the time.

    Now I got to go back and catch up on the last two pages. I must have gotten a spring cleaning bug or something cuz I'm actually doing some. Had to take advantage of it since it doesn't happen often.

  5. No, don't wish away my spring. I love spring, although I could do without the weather changes. One day it's cool and wet and the next day it's 80 degrees. I could do without the cold and wet.

    I went and posted on Clay's facebook page because canfly said I should to negate the negative posts. Wound up screwing up my posts twice by hitting enter before I was done. Hate that there is no post or comment button to press. Saw your post there aikim. Another good one. I wasn't as patient because I've been reading the bitching for the past two days on some of the boards and I was sick of it. If they wanted to know what fans were unhappy about, they would have asked (although I'm pretty sure they knew already). And I'm sure Clay himself knows. Doesn't mean it's going to change if they bitch about it enough.

  6. I'm actually in a pretty good place in my fandom. Still obsessed but doing my own thing until he turns up again. I'll admit that some days I'll get worried, but I'm medicated now so I'm chilling. Plus, after the tour, I was worried that we wouldn't hear about him until the gala, but we got a bunch of tweets when he was in NY, and then news and tweets about him being on DDD and that Tori Spelling thing, and then we'll have the actual appearances to look forward to. So that has helped tide me over. Still hoping for some big news, and I would love to see him in an upswing again in his career. I'm not sure if he'll ever have the popularity that he had right after AI, or even if he'd want it, but I do think there will be many more ups in his career. I just think he's doing what most of us do when things don't work out as expected, he's continuing to plug away and eventually it will pay off. And it will be on his terms.

    treenuts, I love you. And aikim, I've agreed with your posts over at CV since the gerbil wheel has started again. Trying to stay out of it though so I don't get edited again. I'm also trying to refrain from commenting because they aren't ever going to change their minds, or stop thinking that they are entitled to all of those extras cuz some other celebrity does it so Clay should too. What they don't acknowledge is that there are plenty of others who either don't do all those extra things, or are complete assholes in every other aspect of their lives so WTF do I care if they have funny tweets.

  7. You have to wait until May? LOL I once lost my glasses in the ocean, in Wilmington NC. The wave sucked me under and when I surfaced, no glasses. Why was I wearing my glasses while swimming in the ocean? Because I am blind as a bat without them. cryingwlaughter.gif I had to have my daughter, who then only had a learner's permit, drive me around an unfamiliar city to find an eye wear store who would contact my optomotrist in Canada to get my prescription, and make me new ones right away. I believe I was 24 hour without them, which was v.v. interesting. I couldn't do much of anything.

    That has happened to me too. Thankfully I wasn't driving but it was a PITA.

    That's pretty much what I was trying to say on another board shortyjil. The complaining isn't going to change a thing and it just makes a lot of fans stay away, not because of Clay but because they are tired of the same old complaints. You'd think there'd come a point where you just say, that's the way it is, and accept it but apparently some people want to keep the frustration alive.

    Man, if I'd known the hologram was an option, I would have held out for that.

  8. I listened to it twice, and it didn't get better when I actually had to watch him perform it. That was all kinds of wrong. He sounded horrible, the arrangement took all the beauty out of the song, and he still has that creepy look thing he does. Double blech.

    Never saw that Iggy Pops person before, but the name is familiar, however I'm not going to go looking for anything of his on youtube. Can't say much for most of the people they book on this show as "talent".

  9. I don't remember having to go to much trouble when I joined CV. Maybe it was because it was after Clay came out and they had lost members but it seemed pretty easy. Not even sure if I mentioned that Perma was the one who told me about it.

    And unless Clay has a split personality, it's hard for me to believe that he is wackyjacky. I can see it being Jaymes or even Faye, because it sounds more like someone who cares about Clay but isn't particularly tactful in how they address fans, which is why I lean more towards Jaymes. Although I agreed with her posts at OFC, some of them even irked me a little because of how they were stated. Also since Clay himself has made fun of himself about hating to tweet and not even blogging enough at the OFC, I can't see him expecting us to fix his problem with twitter. He is smart, and he does know that he's the one who'd have to fix it, if he'd even want to.

  10. I hope you had a good time Aikim, since I had Clay doing stuff to you. That's what happens when you edit something in at the last minute.

    I don't understand all these people who believe Clay is wackyjacky just because the CV mods do. They are only going on the same info we have going by their posts, and my conclusion differs from theirs. And I certainly wouldn't be letting others opinions influence my own, which explains why I have so many issues with organized religion. I don't think that Clay is wackyjacky, although I do think he knows who it is, and may even have wanted them to get the message out there about tour sales. Not sure how they thought that was gonna work since how many of us are going to listen to a poster that we don't know anything about who only has 3 posts, none of which were particularly well received.

    I've signed up to follow some people on twitter but never check it. I read some of the tweets the first night I signed up but you could spend all day there and I just don't have time for that. Same with facebook but then I can't handle random chit chat in real life so it appeals to me even less online. I think I was born without certain social skills, added to that is that I don't want everyone knowing my personal business and I hate the games, so facebook is not the place for me.

    I can understand why people would like Clay to tweet or post on facebook, or even blog more because he is entertaining and we all like to hear from him, but what do they expect to gain from the constant nagging and harping. Clay's going to do what he is going to do and if his friends and associates can't change him, how do they seriously think they are going to be able to? It's time to let it go already especially because it makes me very cranky. If I wanted to listen to nagging, I'd still be talking to my sister. And in spite of people believing that being popular on twitter and facebook makes one socially relevant, I believe that it just shows that you are the current flavor of the month. It's your work, whatever that may be, that makes you relevant. Who's gonna remember anyone's tweets or facebook postings 20 years from now?

  11. I was getting a bit frustrated with all the negative posts about what Clay should or shouldn't be doing to Aikim. I know people are frustrated and want to know what is going to happen next, as do I, but it does get old having this stuff come up all the time, especially during downtimes. I don't think it really matters if tweeting or doing the social networking will or won't work for Clay, but Clay is the one who has to determine if it is worth it for him. If not, then people need to just accept it because they aren't going to change him.

    I agree ldyj, that a lot has to do with people not having faith in Clay. And I'm with you in that I believe Clay will always find a way to keep his career. He's not only talented, but he's smart and determined. He'll be alright.

    I hope Clay is on DDD, and I love the whole idea of that episode, but I'm not sure if I want Clay to be on that one or not. If it's a big, meaty part or a recurring role, then yes. But if he's just in a bit part, thrown in with a bunch of other famous actors/entertainers, then I'm not so sure. I want other people to be able to see how talented Clay is and a bit part probably won't do it.

  12. I kind of like having a break from the touring but unlike ldyj, I need my weekly (preferably) Clay fixes. News, sightings, etc. I even like the boyfriend talk and career track discussions as long as they are not judgmental. That I hate because we don't know the entire situation and I don't think it's fair to make judge someone else's decisions. Not that I'm that fond of people doing a lot of judging anytime, but we all do it to an extent.

    I've actually been busy with real life stuff too, which is good because when I'm not, I do absolutely nothing. I'm studying to take my Praxis test for special ed because I need any edge I can get for getting a teaching job in the fall. I'm going in with the expectation that I won't get a job this fall so I won't be disappointed if I don't get in. And I'll keep subbing until I do. At least I'm getting more jobs.

    I'm actually trying to evaluate clack from TnT now. Very slowly though. But I did set up a document where I'm inputting the clack we have for each show, what they include, and how good the audio and video is. Some of it is really good but I wish I could do what luckiest and goldarngirl do, and take clips from different clack because some are really good but it's all close-up, or it will have some shakiness or heads in the way in places. I'm sure I could learn, but not motivated enough yet to learn.

  13. I might have considered contacting PBS if I could do it through email but I don't even call places for Clay unless I absolutely have to so not going to do it for Ernie.

    I'm going to try to go to the gala this year. I've only been to one and I'd like to go again. The chances at this point are good that I can go since I don't have to worry about flights. I just have to save up for a ticket, and it will be the cheapest seat that will get me in the same room. But first I have to pay to take some more Praxis tests so that I can get a couple more certificates. In this economy, especially with some people out there with Master's degrees in Education also looking for teaching jobs, I'll need all the advantages I can get.

  14. Sorry I haven't been here in awhile. Between going to some shows, and then trying to keep up on all things Clay in between, and work (getting more subbing jobs-yay me) I've gotten behind here. Finally caught up except for the tour threads but will have to at least check out SF's to see Couchie's recap.

    I went to Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Towson, Westbury, and Philly and I loved every one of them. I'll try to do a brief recap of the highlights but unfortunately, I don't have Wanda's skills at getting to the heart of the matter in only two short sentences, so prepare yourselves.

    Pittsburgh-Drove up by myself which gave me lots of time to listen to Clay on my mp3. Picked up Sparky from the airport and then met up with Scarlett at the hotel who happens to be one of the sweetest people that I have ever met. Canfly and her friend flew into the room, because naturally she was running late again, and she starts stripping in front of all of us to get ready for her M&G, which was in about 15 minutes. That woman needs a keeper. She made it fine but unfortunately for the rest of us, we didn't have the address to the venue since our tickets with the info was at the box office. We know it's a Carnegie something but didn't realize until we went 15 minutes out of our way that Pittsburgh apparently has named half of their city with Carnegie something. So we call canfly who gives us the address, which Scarlett and Sparky put into our gps's, and we barely make it before 8pm because Pittsburgh traffic on a Friday night is the pits. Thankfully Clay started late so we were good but I was not impressed with the venue. No parking lot for one and it's not marked at all. Looked like some kind of church. Naturally the show was awesome but at the moment, I can't remember a thing so thank god for clack. I had 2nd row center at the show though thanks to canfly but unfortunately it was in a folding chair since they had oversold a couple of tickets in that row, but it was 2nd row so I aint complaining.

    Cleveland- Rode there with Sparky and Scarlett while trying to follow canfly. Realized how dedicated, and crazy, Scarlett is when she had some kind of gadget to let her plug in her computer in the car and was uploading clack or something from the back seat. After staying up almost all night working on clack. I was told she slept for a few hours but I never saw it myself. She apparently also napped briefly in the backseat but as soon as I put on Clay's TMC's since Sparky has been too busy at farmville to download it, she perked right up. We got to the hotel, where I met up with my other Clay friend, allclaylong and had some dinner and talked about Clay. At the venue, I had originally had row F, which would have been the perfect seat but then there was an extra in row C, which was even better, and I could sit with my friends. However, Scarlett and CF (who had another M&G, the bitch) were both in row A which was right in front of the amps so in the interest of getting better clack, I switched with Scarlett so at least one of them would have a better camera view. Clay was nice enough to spend a lot of time near the front so we could see him but at the end of the concert, he was toward the back, which is why you will find some justclay clack in the vaults (I didn't do anything but hold the camera, CF did the hard stuff). Canfly couldn't see him at some points and started to put down her camera but I could at least get some of him so I had her hand me the camera and did the best I could to get as much of Clay as possible. Unfortunately, there are some parts where you can only see half of Clay (not sure what all I got actually since I haven't even watched it yet and didn't realize CF was gonna upload it so I apologize if it's crap). The only way I could have gotten all of Clay would have been to sit in the next person's lap, and although she was quite accommodating letting me lean her way, I don't think she would have appreciated me sitting on her.

    Towson-I took my daughter to this one and it was actually the first one I remember things about the concert. I was sitting next to a man and his wife. She was the fan but had never been to a live Clay show. He was saying in the beginning that Clay had a good voice but how he liked others from the show better, like Kelly, Carrie, and Adam, and said about how great Adam's range was. I thought, wait until you hear this. The whole show he was laughing at Clay's banter and making comments about how much he liked how Clay was singing different songs. He even called out one of the styles for WSN but it had already been done so I told him to check out youtube. He was really impressed with UM and said he'd never heard that arrangement before so I explained about Ben doing it especially for Clay. I didn't get to talk to them much after since he was in a rush to leave but as I passed the wife, she said how much she loved it and wished she could see it again. I mentioned Philly and LI but I think she was afraid to push it with the hubby, which makes me glad that I am now single.

    I loved the banter that night. They had no spotlight on them the whole night, although two ladies in the audience did for a bit, and Clay joked on that. Both the lack of spotlights for them and about the 2 sisters with the spotlight. He also moved in front of the amps for that show because the front of the audience was practically on the stage they were so close. He joked a couple of times how the sound man was probably going to quit because of having to re-adjust things. And then he sat on the edge of the stage for awhile, and why couldn't I have front row at that show? Just my luck. It was also great when he talked to the young girl and the older lady whose birthday it was, and he was so fascinated by the older lady. In case you haven't seen the youtube of Clay talking to her after the show, you really should check it out. He was so sweet with her and it was so cute when she rubbed his hair. My daughter loved the show and she was sitting right behind Clay's friend from school. She was annoyed, as was I, by the woman who yelled out during IML. We all love him more but I wanted to hear the damn song, not her mouth.

    Westbury-Drove up with YeahYourGifted and we stayed at a Weak4Clay's home with Scarlett and CF. The ushers at that venue were a PITA and were more annoying than anything the fans were doing. They really took away some of the pleasure of seeing the show because of their relentlessness in hunting down all those hardened criminals taking clack. It was even worse because I was next to Scarlett, and I could see CF across from us, so I'm constantly checking to make sure they weren't coming. They did tell Scarlett to stop, so in good clack gatherer fashion, she put down that camera and as soon as they walked back, grabbed out another. She also passed a tape to me in the middle of the show. Clay was hilarious during SM when the speakers started squealing on both his and Quiana's mics, and then when they were working again, yelled out "What the hell". We were right behind the sound guy and saw him calling someone to get it fixed. We were in the front row with ficus and when Clay was getting on her about the cellcerts, especially when she kept asking "do you really want to know?", the sound man was cracking up. When Clay was talking about the fans stealing the concerts, he saw some usher going after someone and told them to leave her alone, that it was fine. Which is why I had a meltdown at the end of the show. I don't rant much but watch out when I do, although I did manage not to swear at anyone. Right after the show, an usher came up to Scarlett and said she had to give up her tape because Clay's management said so. That's when I went off because Clay had said several times during the show that he was fine with it. So I told the guy he was full of crap. He brought over two other guys who then said it had to do with union rules or something but I was already fired up, plus I think that whole excuse is crap too since the only people being filmed was Clay's group and they didn't care. Iammesmerized came over, as well as other fans, to try to reason with them and Iam said about Clay even giving Scarlett a press pass at one venue. While we were all distracting the guards, Scarlett's smart enough to pass the other tape off to playbiller, and when they told her she had to go to the office, she went up the aisle and walked straight out of the venue. Went up the hill to street level and flagged down a taxi to bring her back to the busline. You'd never thing someone that little and sweet would have nerves of steel. Meanwhile, I had no idea where she was so I'm in the lobby waiting for her to come out of the office, afraid that they were in there grilling her. When I got to the busline and heard she came back in a taxi, I thought they were joking. I did find her and stood with her until Clay came out, but it was funny because she kept her back to the bus because the nasty venue people were out there. I did get two hand touches from Clay, who has the warmest hands. Afterwards we all went to a diner and had such a great time talking about the show and Clay, and listening to YYG and Weak smutting the entire time.

    And finally, Philly-My friend YYG had gotten us a PBS M&G and Clay came down out in a hoodie and green cut off sweat pants so I got to see naked Clay legs. He looked so cute. They were very organized, even though there were two PBS stations there so everything went smoothly. Someone took our stuff as we got to the front, another person took what we wanted signed, and then we walked up to Clay who asked our name and then signed what we had brung. He then grabs me around the shoulder, almost in a half hug so I got the warm and fuzzies because my next goal is a full Clay hug. I did remember to lean in and smile. And I know I had my hand around his waist (I remember because I knew my hand wasn't doing any wondering). My friend Weak said that I was glowing so I'm expecting to have some kind of aura around me when I get my pic. He just makes me so happy.

    YYG and my seats were two rows in front of Faye and Clay's friend, who is a pretty nice looking guy. We decided to move though because there were a bunch of empty seats across from us, and even though they were on the side, they had a better view because of how they were angled. Clay calling out Scarlett was hysterical and I am so glad CF got the full video of it. His winks to the camera and then talking about not recognizing her without her lens and then acting panicky because her red light wasn't back on was priceless. After the show, we went to the busline, although I wasn't expecting him to do one since he had family there and Sean was there with his family. Scarlett came out afterwards and was standing next to me at the end of the line. She was late because someone called her in the venue because Faye wanted to meet her and thank her for the videos because she downloaded the videos to show her mom. Scarlett was so tickled by that. When Clay came out, I'm not sure if he was going to do the busline but it looked like he saw Scarlett so he came down to the end and said to her that he did know what she looked like. Then he went up and did the hand touch and thank yous. He was still in dress clothes and looked really good. SLC got video of it but not sure if it's been uploaded yet. It's so cute with Scarlett because even though she has met and talked to Clay a few times now, she is more fangirly than anyone I have ever seen and still appreciates those little things like the hand touches.

    I can't remember most of what I've learned from the M&G's except for canfly asking about what Arlene was saying to him in Chicago. He didn't at first know who they were talking about until the incident was explained. He said he couldn't remember what she was saying but it was dirty and he said she started to put her hand down the back of his pants, which was when he pulled away. I'm surprised he didn't have her removed. Sure hope she has dementia or something cuz that behavior is just not cool, although his reactions cracked me up.

    Ok, I think I'm done my tome. I'll try to keep up better so that when I post it's not in chapters. And I hope that one day I'll make it out to the West Coast to see Couchie again and to meet treenuts and wandacleo, as well as some other Clay fans I have talked to on the boards. Maybe I'll have a full-time teaching job by then and will have more money. Things are looking up there but competition is still tough. I also hope Clay's next project has to do with Broadway because his performances at BBH still ranks right up there as the best thing he has ever done.

  15. It's was funny to me last night reading the posts at CV because apparently the cellcert wasn't that clear so people were wondering if all these other singers were Clay but then as soon as they heard Clay there was no question about who it was. There really is no other voice out there like his.

    I love him singing Home. It is just so perfect for him. Actually I think he could kill on most Broadway songs, especially after hearing him at BBH. And it was so cool that they said he was the only one last night that had to go out for another bow because of all the applause, and this wasn't from Clay fans. Most of the people there last night were not there for him but they recognized his amazing talent.

  16. Right now, as a sub, I hate snow days because it means no call to sub, which means no extra money. Once I get a full-time teaching job, I am gonna love them. I know I'd still have to make them up later, but getting up early in the summer when the sun is up is so much easier than getting up in the dark and cold.

    I'm not worried about Clay's situation right now, but I am curious. I had a lot of hopes when Clay signed with Decca but I have not been impressed with their lack of promo for Clay. I love the cd and am glad he was able to make it because they did a wonderful job with it, but I was disappointed with everything since. Only David Novik seemed to really support him there and I just found out yesterday that he hasn't been with them since late summer.

    I just feel that Clay is going to be here for the long haul, not sure term like the Justin B.'s of the world, so I'm feeling pretty hopeful.

  17. (That's the first time I've ever used that analogy and I'm very proud of myself.)


    Love the new interview...sounds like a great tour, IMO!

    I liked that quote too ldyj. He's so cute.

    Sorry shortyjill but I'm not really a fan of Bruno Mars. Now, that's based on listening to only two of his songs on youtube, since I don't listen to the radio anymore. But for me, his voice was only ok and I really didn't like the songs that much. Maybe it's because it does sound so much like a lot of the other stuff out there, none of which I'm interested in.

  18. After reading many of the comments over at the OFC, I think there has been a general consensus. Most of us would be content with hearing Clay sing and banter, and all the rest is gravy. Yes, some are giving more detailed information, but I don't see anything wrong with that. And his blog has helped to re-energize the boards, which was sorely needed after yesterday. Well, we were energized, but not happily.

    I'll admit, I was unhappy with how the whole thing was handled. Not the Quiana thing, but the wackyjacky stuff. Don't like someone posting as a just a regular fan when they are not. And I wasn't crazy about the tone of them. I love Clay, but I can't fix anything. If things are not working as planned, then it's time for them to re-group, not blame the fans or expect us to fix things.

    And could somebody please serve some booze with that popcorn. I could use some.

  19. What I found out from keeping track of my points is that most of the time I wasn't getting enough calories but then a few days a week, I would chow down. Either it was high fat food or it was large portions, which I then had to finish since I'd put it on my plate (one of those things from childhood you just can't get rid of). Probably slowed my metabolism way down when I was not eating enough so then when I'd eat a lot, I couldn't burn it off. It does make you think about what you are eating and you can see patterns, plus if you eat too much early in the day, if you are tracking it, you keep in mind that you should take in less at night.

    I like the videos on there too but wish I could see them on my tv because it's a little hard to work out when you are looking at a computer screen. And you can go at your own pace. You can put in how much you want to lose and by what date, and it will show you how to achieve that goal.

  20. Couchie, I was doing that SparkPeople thing, and will need to start back up again. Holidays and sickness and stuff kind of did me in. But I think it's pretty good, especially since it's free. They have exercise videos, lots of articles to help you, and the support groups. Plus, there is a nutrition tracker to keep track of your calories, which also breaks it down into percentage of carbs, proteins, and fats. They have recipes there or menu suggestions (which I don't follow), and you can also enter in your own recipes and find out how many calories are in each serving.

    The only thing I get from them is emails for different articles and I don't feel any pressure from them. And they are free, which is the one advantage over WW.

  21. Thanks Scarlett. I've been continuing to vote, although today I did start voting for some other charities not included in our voting block. If they were under 100, I am going to try to help them get the money. The rest I've been splitting between others, either in my area that are under 100, or who are higher up but whose ideas I support.

    For anyone who doubts the strength of the Clay fans presence, all they have to do is look at examples like this. Many of those we were voting for have dropped considerably without our support. Another example is on Decca's page. He has at least 3 of either the top rated or most viewed on their site. Now all they have to do is to figure out how to expand that to include the casual fans.

    I still think that most artists would love to have as loyal and dedicated a fan base as Clay, even if the numbers have dropped. It gives the artist a kind of safety net for downtimes, when either there is not much going on, or when the economy sucks.

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