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Posts posted by Tijala

  1. Crash Oh wow, I didn't watch the news last night but just watched this video of the crash yesterday.  I didn't realize it was a Waste Management transfer truck that was involved.  I used to work for the Waste Management transfer station and I knew the driver that died.  I can't believe it.TGIF.  Time for my Good News marathon.
    Oh Couchie, how terrible! I'm so very sorry. I remember the feeling of numbness when I was watching the news one night and saw that a former co-worker of mine lost his son in Iraq. I knew this young man very well...we all attended the same church. I just couldn't believe it.

    I am not really a music person per se; that is, before Clay, I didn't listen to much music; the oldies or talk radio in the car, that's about it.  Now, I listen to just Clay; sometimes the new stuff, sometimes the demo's or concert audio...but I enjoy him so much that I don't need anything else.Guess that is why radio isn't such a big deal to me; I know it is important for him; but I just wouldn't have the patience to listen to the radio just to hear a Clay song...I would rather put on a CD.  It is interesting about OMWH, when you actually read the lyrics to the songs; they do all sound pretty depressing, but I don't get that feel listening to them...if they were all slow, draggy songs I guess I would have a problem with them...but I do think the CD is pretty upbeat despite the content and I do think that in these times, the messages are relevant.Kim

    I've been a music person my entire life. Some members of my family were professional singers/musicians, so I was exposed to music since birth. There was always a very eclectic mixture of music on the stereo. Everything from Nat King Cole, Streisand, Errol Garner to movie soundtracks. I really miss those days. Something About Us...I LOVE this for the reasons ^^...it takes me back to that wonderful music I listened to as a kid.

    jaycee - you bring up some interesting points.  :)I know at least 3 people who are fans, in varying degrees, and have been fans of Clay ever since American Idol.(BTW - The Wildcard Show is being repeated on Idol Rewind this week!)One is online, on a couple message boards, but hardly posts or even lurks much now.  One is online and doesn't post or lurk much either.  The third isn't online but gets the CNN email newsletter and knew about OMWH coming out.  Of the three, only one actually bought any music, and that was not a CD, it was just a couple songs (I'm not sure which ones or how many) from itunes.  None of the three have actually bought a CD.They've stated that they just haven't had time, RL and other interests got in the way, or "they couldn't find it."  I just wonder if this might be a microcosm of what's happening out there in greater numbers?

    If it were possible, I'd love to see a poll regarding fans like this. That's very interesting. I'd love to know why someone thought that Clay has lost 3/4 of his fan base? What are they baseing this opinion on?

    Here is a great blog mentioning Clay in Somalia...I wish other bloggers and media would get a clue.


  2. Scarlett, we do see deer quite often - but they are usually running across the road from one field to another - or I see them on the road I drive to and from work - there's a long stretch with woods and no structures. Mostly see them around dusk or after dark.

    But to see one right across the street - and for him/her to stop long enough for me to struggle to successfully get my damned camera out of the bag and actually get a shot? That's RARE!

    She/he stood there looking warily for probably 2 or 3 minutes! If Droopy hadn't been barking she may have stayed longer, but if Droopy hadn't barked, I wouldn't have known she was there!


    We're also 15 minutes from the beach!!!

    We have lots of deer where I live. I nearly backed into one while leaving my daughter's apartment complex. I was backing out of the parking space and looked in my rear view mirror...I saw these eyes...scared the dickens out of me until my eyes really adjusted. I could hear the Psycho theme playing in my mind... :yow: They are often congregated on the lawn where I work too. I've seen a lot lately as they're moving down from the foothills and into the city. We really have to watch at night because they can dart right out into the street.

    Hello. Had my interview at the Flower Farm. I think it went well. Who knows though. I haven't interviewed for a job since 1992! I'm supposed to get a phone call before next Wednesday - yay or nay!

    ldyj - 2 1/2 more weeks to resolution. You're going to feel so much better when its over. Will you have to do physical therapy or what?

    Deer. They are cute, beautiful, graceful, etc. unless there is a herd that stalks your neighborhood night and day eating your tomatoes, petunias, geraniums and anything else that's green - even those plants that are labeled "deer repellant!" There really IS a herd and I swear the does have twins every year. The babys are usually born around the fourth of July so there are alot of chubby deer ladies walking around now. They get up on my deck regularly, no matter what I do. They are HEALTHY!!!

    Hope Clay has had a safe trip back or to or wherever he's going.

    Agree with whoever said a few pages ago that the naysayers get off on power and the anonymity of the internet. For some it might be the only power they have in their lives. I really do think there are posters that go from website to website spewing their filth.

    Iseeme, best of luck to you in your job search! Will be sending positive thoughts your way.

    I have to agree with the bolded statement. These are people who have no lives and make it their job to wreak havoc. I'm wondering if the "baby" news acted as sort of a catalyst to spark this latest round of discord. I honestly don't remember so many boards harboring such angst. Maybe it's just me..wouldn't be the first time! ^_^

    Sacrificial Love is one of my favorites. I love Clay's voice on this...so tender. :wub: This could be something he's experienced as well.

    AACK! I thought I hit the reply button...this post has just been sitting here for about an hour. :cryingwlaughter:

    ETA Gibby and Idy... :friends: It is strange to see your own MRI's or x-rays. I used to have migraines and had to have an MRI of my brain...now that's weird to look at. I worked in the radiology dept of a hospital and could make copies of films. Also saw some verra, verra strange stuff.

    Idy...thanks for the purdy wallpapers!

  3. I'll be having an MRI of my lumbar spine on Thursday evening after working all day. Maybe that will be good - I'll be too tired to fidget after being at work all day! Anyway, I don't think they'll find much on the MRI. I think the cause of my sciatica is piriformis syndrome rather than a lumbar spine issue. Piriformis syndrome is an impingement of the sciatic nerve by a tight or scarred piriformis muscle. I'm working with a physical therapist and doing some stretching exercises to see if we can reduce my pain level.

    Been busy getting the house back to semi-normal after our fire. Walls are washed, carpets cleaned and I think we're ok. I've popped in a few times to try to keep caught up, but no time to post.

    I have horrible sciatica. It's gotten to the point where my leg starts to go numb. I saw a doctor years ago and she told me it was nothing, but at that time I didn't have the numbness. Now, I can't find a doctor to get an initial diagnosis. The specialists require a referral, which I already knew...but it's getting in to see someone to refer me that's a pain in the ass. (No pun intended) Our family doctor "doesn't see patients with back pain". So, I'm still looking. Thanks to all for videos and gorgeous pics!  :thankyou:

    Gibby and Tijala, my sympathies!! This is what I've been struggling with as well; the pain is excruciating and debilitating, and noone who hasn't experienced it has a clue how it affects your entire life.

    Tijala, have you tried a chiropractor? Normally, to be honest, I'm scared to death of them. I had a bout with one many years back that almost ruined my back for life and it put me off forevermore....until this last bout with my back. I did the Doctor route for 5 years that last time this happened, the physio route...and neither did a darn thing for me. All the doctor did was pump me full of pills to mask the pain so I could manage daily. The physio cost me thousands and thousands of dollars and didn't do a blessed thing.

    The chiropractor I'm going to has turned it around so I can manage to work and do most things, in about 4 weeks....which is about 200 less than it took last time! And chiropractors don't need referrals. I would ask friends/associates in the area for recommendations and give it a try.

    and PS.....FIRE????!! I missed something!! I hope everyone is alright!! What happened??!!

    ETA: Scarlett....oh, I wish too! Any thoughts on how to get a really, really rich sponsor ....or a game going online? :lol:

    Long explanation...the scrollbar is your friend. *g*

    At age 13 I was diagnosed with double scoliosis. My spine was "s" shaped. I wore a plaster body cast that went from my neck to my hips.The first cast I wore was cut too low and I couldn't sit at a desk in school...had to stand at a podium. Anyway, I had 2 spinal fusions...my spine was completely taken apart and fused together. I spent the next 3 years in and out of a children's hospital until I turned 16. The head surgeon told my mother and me that I should never go to a chiropractor. I did in fact ask one about the possibility of him helping me and he was extremely hesitant and said he didn't really want to try it. So, that's why I can't go to a chiro.

    Ahh, the fire! Being the sometimes lazy person that I am, I came in the house and put my vinyl purse on the stove in the kitchen. Apparently it was sitting on the back burner (electric stove), and the next day my daughter and GD came over. Well, GD is at that age where everything fascinates her and she turned the burner on. The smoke was just incredible! Thank God the flames didn't get the wall behind the stove. Daughter got the little one out before she inhaled too much of that smoke. The horrible thing is the smoke alarm didn't go off...DH took the battery out! :angry: Everyone is ok...the walls were pretty gunky and the place stunk to high heaven, but we're good to go now!

    OK....if Houston gets a Posse and London, Ontario gets a Posse -- this is for the rest of us:

    The Everyone Else Posse -- or EEP, for short.


    And now, my work here is done.

    Well, I certainly qualify for the EEP. My only connection to Ontario is that my father and uncle were born there...I've never been there, but I really want to go there someday.

    My Houston connection is a BFF who I went to high school with. I had THE biggest crush on him. One of my daughters and another friend who ran around with us in high school made a trip down about 5 years ago and we had the best time. The only problem was that he and his wife had our entire week planned out for us...no down time whatsoever. But I loved that time so much, and I'm planning on going down again hopefully next summer.

    Here I sit at home, instead of being on my way to the commuter train, since our 27 storey bldg had a very weird fire alarm this afternoon.

    We have terrible communication about what's really going on during an emergency, and after waiting 25 minutes between announcements, when most of us on the 17th floor smelled burning rubber/electrical odours via the freight elevator, we boogied on out of there! It was late enough in the day that I just came home.

    Since I'm here, I can post a picture of my little sweetie, Schnitzel, who is a long haired mini Dachshund - she's four, very affectionate and everyone loves her. BTW, she loved her jingle bell collar and her new toys at Christmas. :)


    Fires are scary and I would have definitely high-tailed it out of there too. I hate that electrical burning smell. Glad you're ok!

    Oh Bella, your dog is adorable! I love dogs and cats so much, but I have allergies to both. I'm allergic to all dogs except for terriers and poodles. As for cats, I'm allergic to those as well, but for some reason I can tolerate Siamese cats better than others. This is a picture of my terripoo Gizmo...she lived to be 19. We had to have her euthanized 2 years ago.


    Claytonic, just adding to the begging to make your quotes a little larger, please, so that we can actually read them!


    OK, the reason I change the font (as shown above) for the quoted text is because I saw it done in another forum and thought how much easier it was to differentiate what was what when multiple quotes were being used in one post. I'll abandon it if it is causing a problem.

    As for the visually impaired, trust me, I am one of them and solved my frustration when I discovered this best kept secret:

    HOLD DOWN the Crtl button

    and at the same time...

    scroll the wheel back and forth on your MOUSE

    until you see the size of font most comfortable to you.

    This feature also works in numerous other programs including MSN, Word, Gmail, etc etc. I use it all the time and now rarely need to ask someone to increase the size of their font.

    claytonic - thanks for the tip!! Before I tried it, however, I was thinking that it would be fine to make the quotes in a different font (there are lots to choose from) and they would still be distinguishable!! (without making it small!) :)

    I have horrible sciatica. It's gotten to the point where my leg starts to go numb. I saw a doctor years ago and she told me it was nothing, but at that time I didn't have the numbness. Now, I can't find a doctor to get an initial diagnosis. The specialists require a referral, which I already knew...but it's getting in to see someone to refer me that's a pain in the ass. (No pun intended) Our family doctor "doesn't see patients with back pain". So, I'm still looking. Thanks to all for videos and gorgeous pics! :thankyou:

    Tijala - I just got back from getting a really good theraputic massage. I have been having sciatica the past week or so from moving around a bunch of heavy boxes. Also with the pain down the leg and the toe numbness!! When I got home I layed down on my back for a few minutes, and felt a couple of vertibrae slip back into place. And that's Good Thing. :D Before going to a chiro, it might be a good idea to get a massage or two. The chiro can't adjust well if your muscles are all tied up in knots anyhow! :D

    :hugs-1: to all who need them!!

    I never thought of a massage! I may try that! Thanks for the suggestion!

    Surely you remember what happened when I decorated Clay's bow with the titanium balls that Christmas... and the bells only rang when he was happy to see me!?!

    THIS I gotta see! :hubbahubba::cryingwlaughter:

    Do share..... :sleezy:

    I'd pay good money to see this! BWAH! :cryingwlaughter:

    On a lighter note:I have a question...stupid though it may be......what's all this stuff about "titanium balls" and "too tight bows"???? I'm really out of the loop on this one.

    It had to do with one of the fanfics on CV. We were bored waiting for the new chapters so we entertained ourselves. I was the official bow tier (think...ClayFormal-1.gif) for Clay's concerts (Iseeme was my backup) and we used to post pics and write captions for them. For instance...


    "CM, if Ah've told you once, Ah've told ya a million times,

    please warm up your hands before ya tie that thing on, will ya?"

    Oh, I see! How about this?

    "Yeah...yes....just like that, darlin'..."


    Oh dear Lord....I ALWAYS see these right before I go to bed! Nummy! :hubbahubba:

    God Bless Clay in his travels. What a caring boyfriend we have! I do hope he can attend Ruben's wedding this weekend.

    I'd better quit before I get schlip schlapped! :cryingwlaughter:

  4. Welcome to all the newbies!!!  :F_05BL17blowkiss: 

    Been busy getting the house back to semi-normal after our fire. Walls are washed, carpets cleaned and I think we're ok. I've popped in a few times to try to keep caught up, but no time to post.

    The Real Me had to grow on me...really did not like it at first, but after many listenings I am finally enjoying it.  "How much will they take  before I'm empty" always reminds me of the fandom or I should say some in the fandom who no matter how much Clay gives, it is never enough.Kim

    Yeah, this is me too. It really is a beautiful song, but I can't listen to it all the time, or I cry like a baby. I have a very dear friend who was born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and was treated horribly by her family when she was growing up. I "see" a lot of her in this song.  :cry4:

    If Clay had a late night talk show I could totally see him doing skits such as Carson did with Art Fern and Carnac and some of those characters. Clay could feel free to recreate the Guard scene from Spamalot ANY time for me. And the next night he could go to Camelot, or ride an imaginary horse. I also can see him interested in a Donahue-type show too.  Hopefully, if he gets the show he wants he'll be able to do serious and funny, and sing too. I have a feeling it would be original, a type of show that nobody but Clay could do.

    I've always seen Clay as a sort of a young Johnny Carson. Both very sharp-witted, quick, and brilliant comedic timing.

    Hooray! Gbmifan congratulations.

    Yahooooo!!!!  :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ...I'll be having an MRI of my lumbar spine on Thursday evening after working all day.  Maybe that will be good - I'll be too tired to fidget after being at work all day! Anyway, I don't think they'll find much on the MRI.  I think the cause of my sciatica is piriformis syndrome rather than a lumbar spine issue.  Piriformis syndrome is an impingement of the sciatic nerve by a tight or scarred piriformis muscle.  I'm working with a physical therapist and doing some stretching exercises to see if we can reduce my pain level.  Anyway, enough of that.  I'd rather talk about this gorgeous hunk!

    I have horrible sciatica. It's gotten to the point where my leg starts to go numb. I saw a doctor years ago and she told me it was nothing, but at that time I didn't have the numbness. Now, I can't find a doctor to get an initial diagnosis. The specialists require a referral, which I already knew...but it's getting in to see someone to refer me that's a pain in the ass. (No pun intended) Our family doctor "doesn't see patients with back pain". So, I'm still looking. Thanks to all for videos and gorgeous pics!  :thankyou:

    Iseeme, stay safe. That's good news about the containment!

  5. I missed the FIEKY discussion, but I'll just say that at first I had to force myself to really get into it. Right now it's a toss up between this and Falling for 1st place for me. I played it over and over and over until all of a sudden it HIT ME.

    Gibby, I guessed right on your quiz, and thanks for the answer to my question. I think I probably did see somewhere that you were a pianist. If I weren't so old I would go back to school and seriously study music. I did the choir thing in school for about 5 years and my choir teacher let me take a theory class that was supposed to be for only seniors....best teacher I ever had.

    Dylan...never could stand him as a singer, but great writer.

    Streisand...hated when I was a kid...my mother LOVED her. I've come to appreciate her talent very much.

    Couchie, a very Happy Birthday to you!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:


  6. I'm late to the favorite OMWH song discussion, but I will say without a doubt that I am madly in love with Falling. I repeat that sucker a LOT. Also love FIEKY, ALAWH, SL, Ashes, SAU...Oh heck, I love em all...except for WOTW. That's probably the least favorite of mine. I may be in the minority here but I do like IIEOOU very much...I love his tone in that.

    Gibby...Forgive my ignorance...I haven't been here very long...are you a musician or music teacher? I studied a bit of music a loooooong time ago and I heard some of the things you mentioned also.

    And from looking at the pictures...( I haven't seen all of them)...that last one posted with the different comparisons, Clay has really filled out nicely. He looked like such a kid at the beginning. :wub:

  7. Ha! What is this -- an organization or a movement?

    See I told you it was a Clack claque!

    merrieeee.... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    tijala... how scary!!! Glad everything came out ok... welll, except for you have to wash the walls. I've had to do that and it ain't fun! You may have to get some special cleaner from a cleaning supply place as grocery store cleaners just aren't enough... at least all the ones I tried. Good luck!

    Glad Clay made it to her last night. Hope he went backstage at the end to spend some time. I would love to know what he thought of his replacement and how his leaving changed the show.

    Yeah liney, I don't think Formula 409 is gonna do the trick. We live pretty close to a janitorial supply store, so I'm sure they will have something. Funny thing is, I've had my eye on a new purse for a week or two, but this wasn't the way I wanted to get it.

    Couchie, I had the best time at that concert. My friend who lives in SD was driving us to the venue and we were at a stoplight. The light turned green and I spotted Clay's bus and let out a yelp...she flipped a U turn and nearly killed us. When we got inside the venue, I told her I wanted to buy a t-shirt. She said ok and said she'd be waiting for me in the line. I didn't see any line, but I thought ooookkkkk. I got my shirt and she actually was standing in a line... it looked like a line had formed to actually get into the seating area. We waited...and waited...and waited, and the line wasn't moving. I told her I thought it was really strange that this line was going absolutely nowhere and other people are going right in. I happened to look up and I saw that we were in line for the women's bathroom! I still haven't let her forget that! :cryingwlaughter:

  8. Wow...lots to catch up on. First, canfly, Iseeme, MamaCouchie, Playbiller...and I know I've forgotten someone...I'm so sorry. :hugs-1: I'll add to the drama...we had a kitchen fire today. I put my purse on the stove by the back burner and my granddaughter turned it on. All of a sudden there was smoke everywhere and my daughter got the little one out of the house so she wouldn't have to breathe in the acrid smoke. We got it out in time before it spread to the wall thank goodness. I was able to save my drivers license and credit cards but lost my checkbook and just a small amount of cash...couldn't have been over maybe $10. But next weekend we have to wash walls. <_<

    FromClagary, I'd love to take you up on your offer to stay at the Claydorm! Damn...that means I have to get a passport. Seriously, I'd love to come visit sometime. :F_05BL17blowkiss: And I've met Jaymes too...Raleigh 2005. I liked her very much.

    I have a Jerome story. It was the JNT04 in El Cajon. A friend and I were standing in line outside waiting to enter the venue. My back was bothering me, so I decided to sit down...it must have been on some sort of ledge or something. Anyway after a few minutes I saw Jerome. There had been something I wanted to ask him, so I started running towards him...in heels. I got to within a foot or two and while I was calling out his name, I turned my ankle and stumbled towards the ground. All of a sudden this huge arm grabs me and pulls me up before I hit the ground. You cannot imagine how incredibly embarassed I was. I wanted to slither away and die. Anyway, we talked for a few minutes and thanked him for taking such good care of Clay. I also wished him a happy birthday, as it was a day or two before that. He said thank you, then leaned down...waaaaay down, because I'm only 5' tall...and gave me the biggest bear hug. I then gave him a kiss on his cheek and thanked him again.

    Father's day story...We lived in San Francisco and my birth father left us when I was close to 2 years old. He drank and was abusive to my mother, so we were much better off without him. We came up here to Montana to live with my grandmother and we all lived together until she passed away. My mother did not remarry until 1983 and she married a wonderful man much to the chagrin of his children. They made it work despite his kids. He treated me just like one of his own and often times he said I was more of a daughter to him than his biological daughters. My mother had a stroke in 1994 and for 8 years he took such wonderful care of her. He refused to send her to a nursing home until he absolutely couldn't care for her anymore. We lost her one month later in 2002. Dad suffered from emphysema and was declining for several years. I went to the SRHP concert in Cary last summer and I hadn't been off the plane for 5 minutes when I found out that he'd passed away. I'd found out from a friend of mine who had seen it in the newspaper the day before I left. His family didn't have the deceny to call me until the day after I got to Raleigh. The funeral was already scheduled and there was no way I could have made it back in time, and I believe the family didn't want me there anyway. I felt just terrible and I actually had a horrible time during my trip. For Father's Day last summer I had sent him a DVD of my granddaughter's first year...he never got to see it, as he was in the hospital and no one bothered to tell me. So I'm so grateful to him for everything he did for me and my mother. I sure miss him a lot.

    Clay's hair back to brown?!?! Oh...YES!!!! (tm Sir Robin)

  9. Also IIT, I also remember other cases of assisted reproduction cases among those wealthy enough to afford it. The actor, Randy Quaid, was recently in the news because of his newborn twins who received a heparin overdose, and were also incidentally born via surrogate. Also, the Iraq-injured former ABC anchorman Bob Woodruff had twins born of a surrogate mother (IIRC, his wife had a hysterectomy). Of course, Joan Lunden has had two sets of twins via surrogacy. In the celebrity world that Clay and Jaymes inhabit, a woman seeking genetic material from someone she shared a deep friendship with doesn't seem that far-fetched to me.
    What does IIRC stand for?

    I wish that we were able to choose and pay for only the channels we actually watch and want....the cable industry is against it. D101. Out of roughly 70 channels, I think I watch maybe 7-8. And they keep pushing digital cable on us...it would only cost us $1.00 more per month, but it's just more garbage channels that I don't need.
    What does D101 mean in this context?

    I'm not jazzgirl, but IIRC means If I Remember Correctly. and D101 is from Spamalot and is sort of the new "duh" around the boards these days. I was trying to say that the cable industry naturally would not want us to be able to pick and choose specific channels. They'd lose a lot of money.

  10. I'm soooo behind...another 12 hour day of babysitting a 2 year old... :trink3: (This is a Corona)

    I finally stopped quoting people...you guys just kept on going and going! (TM Energizer Bunny)

    We had snow yesterday... :blink:

    :blink: snow :blink:

    Yes, snow. We had a blizzard day before yesterday. It's been around 30 degrees below normal temps for the past few weeks. It really feels more like fall.

    I think I'm the only one in the fandom that doesn't like the JBT hair. :lilredani: Now, the Tyra hair....THAT'S what I'm talkin about!

    Snow.....ahh, I remember it well! Snow 12 months a year~yah, I loved Alberta! Only NOT!!! It's been wonderful to NOT have snow on my birthday (in August) these last couple of years.

    Tijala, I feel for you!! I used to wonder if I would ever be warm again.

    I'm like luckiest1...there really is no such thing as "too hot" for me.

    ....and the Tyra/Christmas 2006/snowflake hair? OH........YES!!! :hubbahubba:

    Remember the SRHP in Raleigh last summer? 104 I think was their record for that day. I'm sick I know, but it didn't bother me that much...and the humidity actually felt pretty good because it's sooo dry up here. I hate snow. I hope someday I can move to a warmer climate.

    Please don't take this as criticism of Clay - it's just part of my bewilderment. He's 29 years old. He had a very busy schedule what with recording and Spamalot. BUT - he chose to do Spamalot while he was recording. Said he had to be in NY anyway. He didn't go into this without some thought. I just don't buy that he was in such a need for a break that he did 2 weeks promo and then went home to nap. He got sick once during Spam - missed one performance. On all his promo activities there were a couple breaks in his voice but generally speaking he sounded wonderful to me. So I don't think he was on the brink of utter exhaustion and THAT desperate for a break! I don't think in the business - JMO - that you put out a CD and then go home to rest. He could have delayed the release date. Artists do it ALL the time. Even Clay has done it. So it's just always been my belief that something else was going on. IIT than he probably wouldn't want to tour while Jaymes is waiting for the baby. Probably wants to be there when he/she is born, provide support, yada! yada! I honestly don't think Clay would let his CD die in order to take a UNICEF trip. That doesn't make much sense to me because without his star power his UNICEF trips don't do much for the cause, right? So what the heck is it. That's what's got me so curious.

    And quite frankly, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm back in the "it's true" camp and I don't want to be there. The only logical reason I can think of for putting out a CD and then just walking away from it - because to me that's what he's done - is the baby! Either he doesn't want to be put in a position to be relentlessly questioned about it or he's gone to ground to be with Jaymes. I honestly don't like this scenario but if that's what's happened - well, we'll I'll just have to deal with it. And I'm also still in the camp that believes once the story was leaked there should have been some kind of announcement. It might not have stopped the gossip but it might have staved off the worst of it. I would like to see a very, very proud Clay saying he was going to be a father!!! But I know that isn't necessarily a popular view. Or I would have liked the Foster camp to say "hah! Clay is Jaymes BFF but he isn't her baby's father." But I know that isn't necessarily a popular view either.

    So - two more months to wonder about this.

    I've been back and forth on the IIT and IINT so many times, I'm starting to feel like a ping pong ball. And I've considered everything...all the reasons why would he do it, and my mind races like it's the Indy 500. I finally had to tell myself to get a grip because there is nothing that I personally can do. It wasn't because IIT, that Clay and Jaymes are having a baby. It's not because of her age, etc. I was upset at the tabloids. I think it's deplorable if private medical records were sold to TMZ, and I hope to high heaven there is a lawsuit in the works, and thus the silence from Clay. But I'm in car that believes we're not going to hear anything until after Baby Aiken arrives...if even then. Actually I think most "journalism" is deplorable these days. I must take exception to Tim Russert. He was one of the truly brilliant legitimate journalists. I'm going to miss him terribly.

    Anyway, I'm at peace with it...until something else I read pisses me off.

    I'm not sure what it is about Clay that has many of us worried all the time. Maybe its the whole AI thing ldyj was talking about. Always worried that we wouldn't see him again. Or maybe its just him because we see that he truly is someone special. All I know is that before him, I didn't pay attention to charts for singers that I liked or whether they were played on the radio or if I'd ever get another cd or appearance. That's why I try not to panic too much with Clay because all those other singers that I liked managed to do ok with their careers without me stressing over them.

    I didn't post on the boards until after AI. I didn't even know what a message board was back then. When I started posting at the CB, I remember lots of people asking, "What is it about him?" "What makes this guy so special? ". It was obviously his voice that captivated me, but there was something else that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Besides being intelligent, charming, handsome, talented, funny, caring...oh, I could go on and on. I had liked other singers before, but nowhere near the intensity of Clay.

    I think for me the worry comes from Clay making the decision that "summer camp" is no longer fun and he walks away. Although, I do not think he's going anywhere anytime soon, that thought is still in the back of my mind....and it does scare me a bit at times. But I do think Clay enjoys performing and will continue to do so for as long as he's happy. I see posts about some fans not really into the Christmas tours and that's entirely their right. But for me whenever I can afford to attend a concert whether it be Christmas, symphony, or pop tour...I'm going to go. I don't want to take that gift of Clay and that voice for granted because he may just decide to hang it up someday.

    Exactly, muski!

    What can he say?

    "Hi Guys, nope still not gay."

    "Hi Guys, something big in the works. Just can't say what just yet. You know, until all the "i's" are dotted and "t's" are crossed. You're gonnna love it."

    "Hi Guys. Yup. Still a virgin."

    "Hi Guys. Nope. Almost 30. Nowhere near a virgin. Come on. That was 5 years ago! And I never said I was a virgin in the first place! Y'all sure do like to extrapolate! Luv ya, though."


    "Yup. I'm having Jaymes' baby. I mean, she's having my baby. I mean, we're having a baby together. But - you know, I didn't really have S.E.X."


    Although I miss him. I think silence is the way to go.

    He could craft the most perfect statement and it would get edited and twisted 6 ways from Sunday. IIU and all that jazz!


    I have Paula's Party on Directv right now and let me tell you, that woman is smu-tee!!!


    :cryingwlaughter: I love me some Paula Deen...saw her on QVC the other night.

    edited because I am too negative on this beautiful day and have to go back to sawing wood, literally.

    If Clay posted anything, it will be interpreted thought people's very strong filters. No matter what he says, it will be twisted to back beliefs. See - Clay was forced to say he was happy with RCA and then forced to write that he wasn't forced to write it.

    Now, with all the celebration of how high different songs rate on various charts - why, tell me why, is it not the current single and how having any other song up there will help said single?

    I still hate cable companies and their lying cheating ways - i.e. I lost about 10 channels this weekend because they want me to rent a cable box now for 6.28 per TV a month and the monthly undocumented "software charge" so they can track what I am watching. But they are still lying in the ads because no where does it say you need a cable channel to see these channels and there is no reason to do this except to force people to rent a box - they are not HD or anything else. I hate congress for deregulating them, I don't even have the right to complain, only cancel

    What ever is happeniong , will continue whether we know or not, so post some more pretty pictures and party on.

    I hate cable companies too, and you do have a right to complain. It may not get you any results, but it sure wouldn't hurt. I would ask that company for a detailed explanation of exactly what kind of "software" you're being charged for and what it's being used for. Did you get any advanced notice that you were losing those channels?

    I wish that we were able to choose and pay for only the channels we actually watch and want....the cable industry is against it. D101. Out of roughly 70 channels, I think I watch maybe 7-8. And they keep pushing digital cable on us...it would only cost us $1.00 more per month, but it's just more garbage channels that I don't need.

  11. Yes - I think that was chocolate on the spoon. But didn't he say somewhere that he was a teenager or older before they realized the chocolate was giving him really bad chest pains or something. Or did I just make that up.


    I remember that as well. I also remember a picture of Clay with a chocolate birthday cake.

    Here's my contribution...all this smut made me wander through my photobucket...


  12. We had snow yesterday... :blink:

    :blink: snow :blink:

    Yes, snow. We had a blizzard day before yesterday. It's been around 30 degrees below normal temps for the past few weeks. It really feels more like fall.

    Scarlett, I would gladly take some of that heat. It's getting ridiculous...I guess I'm in no rush to put away my winter sweaters!

    That last picture from Greenville JBT - I LOVE LOVE LOVE JBT hair. I think it's the alltime bestest.


    His HAIR is not exactly why I happen to like that picture....


    I think I'm the only one in the fandom that doesn't like the JBT hair. :lilredani: Now, the Tyra hair....THAT'S what I'm talkin about!



    Discuss, hell! I can't stop staring at it long enough to say anything... :whistling-1:

    Good Lord...someone's gonna lose an eye in here. :hubbahubba:

    Gibby, Happy Anniversary! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I don't even have my wedding gown anymore... :cry4:

  13. Perma... if he had carried just one more electronic device, we would have been in Nirvana... :cryingwlaughter:

    Ha!! You're right!! Good thing he wasn't planning on doing any texting on stage during the concert!!

    ETA: Perma...btw...in that Tampa picture...do you see any way he could've been wearing undies that night?

    One of my favorite things about digital photgraphy is that one can bring certain parts of a picture out of the shadows, as it were, in order to answer important questions such as yours, muski. Of course, certain details can be lost, such as fur, just to give an example.

    As to your probing undies question....I'm not exactly sure. Those jeans appear to be hanging pretty darn close to the end of the "trail", IYKWIM, and I think that you do. Either said questionable undies are sliding WITH the jeans, or they're just not there. You decide:


    I'm not sure what has gotten into me. I'm here at the office submitting Serious Adverse Event reports from around the world to our Human Subjects Safety committee. Believe me, these generally do not promote friskiness. I guess I needed diversion.

    Where in those jeans would there have been room for undies.

    And thanks to everyone here for the birthday wishes and pretty pictures.

    Well, I don't know...It doesn't look to me like he was wearing any. :imgtongue: And in the future Q and A need to mind their own business... :whistling-1:

    Play, thank goodness the damage wasn't worse. I can't imagine experiencing tornadoes. Where I live, we never have them, but in recent years certain parts of the state do get them. Snow and occasional earthquakes up here. We had snow yesterday... :blink:

    Happy Birthday justclay12!


  14. Tasapio really did take wonderful pictures. Whatever happened to her? Is she still around?

    I love all the pretties being posted...makes me all schmoopie for our bf.

    She is still around but RL has taken over. She saw one of the DCAT shows, the one in her hometown. I miss her so! *sighs*

    We spent most of the summer of '05 together -- Darien Lake to Borgatta.


    Something to dream about for all you early-to-beds!!!

    Scarlettttttt.......one E, darlin! - one E.


    Oh! I'm very sorry, Isem dear! :giveflowers:

    I promise to remember next time. *have I earned a spanking yet? anything but the lines, please!!!*

    I completely ::heart:: your pictures!

    ETA: I'm still here, Gibby! Thanks for the drinks!!!

    Thanks Scarlett...I hadn't seen her name around for awhile. I loved browsing her blog at the OFC and drooling over her pictures. That song made me a bit teary-eyed. I've had some very memorable summers too.

    FWIW, I don't think we have Cheez Doodles in my neck of the woods..Cheetos for me, and they have to be the crunchy kind...none of that melt in your mouth crap for me...it's like eating styrofoam. :lol:

    Iseeme, thanks for another pretty picture. I just want to nibble on that neck.... :hubbahubba:

    I love Clay too...I hope he's ok.

  15. I brought these last night, but everybody had pretty much gone to bed already....

    (well it was somewhere around 3 am :D)


    Anybody up for a macarena??? :cryingwlaughter:


    I haven't thought about the macarena since I attended a wedding nearly 10 years ago... :cryingwlaughter:

    I'll have a glass of merlot please and some cheese doodles.

  16. Well, wellllll...I tried to keep up today while watching the GD...totally killed my phone battery. Verra. verra interesting day in the FCA, huh? If I tried to quote everyone...well, no it just wouldn't work. But I do want to ask Iseeme if she'll marry me? Hey, I can cook...I work in a culinary school! BTW, I'm off work for the summer but if anyone is interested, I can bring some yummy recipes over here when I go back in Sept.

    Thanks for all the yummy mouth-watering pics, the smut...wait until I feel just a leetle more used to the digs here and I'll be smutting too... :imgtongue: OMG...that hose typo was the funniest ever! :cryingwlaughter: Haven't seen the YouTube yet, but that's next on my list.

    Welcome to the newbies...well hell, I guess I'm still a newbie myself. DIOI. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Congrats jmh!

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