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Posts posted by tribeca

  1. When you right click and select "properties," this is what you see.


    It's not available--that's why it isn't showing up. No code can fix that.

    maybe (?)

    I am not sure last I checked that site was shut down for repairs. I didn't think it would effect posting a picture.

    I am really good at copy & paste (that's about it)

    I am really going to take a class soon. I feel like I am 10 years behind on this stuff

  2. I kinda of understood both of you

    I don't like Clay or anyone else treated as a joke

    and understand what Smitty wrote also actually both of their point of views made sense to me

    Guess that's what happens when you grow up with a Red Sox fan democrat mother and a Yankee fan republican father (just don't come over during the play-offs)

    anyway can someone teach me sometime how to post a picture on here

    I thought I knew but all I got was a box with an X in it :(

  3. now that I am not working 24/7

    I am looking for some good shows to watch

    don't think I could ever catch up to Lost or 24 or any shows like that

    Do like CM the few times I have seen it. Big Bang theory can be funny (I kinda of like geeky/smart guys) How I met your Mother haven't seen in a while but use to really love.

    I watched the 1st episode of Confessions of a Teen Idol on VH1 not sure how it will end up but the first show & the concept is interesting.

    Celebrity rehab was interesting & at times very difficult to watch (especially when you have seen family members go through that). Wondering about the show Sober House. Not sure I will watch it. I don't know how much of Andy Dick I can take.

  4. Tribeca, it's tough to lose a friend over something like this. I understand that you don't feel the way they do--you can't control other people's feelings, but it still hurts when they are hurt. Sometimes people build Clay up as a goody-goody type that he obviously isn't, and then are disappointed to find out that he's bawdy and risque. Anyway, I hope she'll stay in touch with you regardless of her feelings about Clay.

    thank you very much for that

  5. yeah I knew I was in the minority and I am okay with that. that picture is now posted on a certain blogger site which I guessed it would be. but in honestly it was hard to explain to a 12 year old girl.

    I was very positive about Clay's career and all now I am feeling completely negative and have just heard from another friend who is leaving the fandom but says she will still keep in touch

    I guess I am confused. Are you saying that the one picture is the cause of your negative feelings?

    What you tell the 12 year old is that she should never forget that cameras are everywhere and if she does not want such pictures taken of her to behave accordingly. Then you tell her that boys are gross and they all have cooties to which she has no immunity until she is 21 years old.

    that picture was very negative for me for reasons I already explained. My niece was upset about it then read everyone laughing about it. I told her to have respect for her body and all that. She was more upset to see Clay doing that then anything else.

    Also I have already lost many friends through this past year (Clayfans) and now I received an e-mail from a friend who said after she saw that picture that is it she is done. It made me very sad. Sorry it did.


    my friend is very nice person please don't make fun of her because she has had a difficult time with eveything this past year

  6. I loved seeing all the pictures, including the groping one. I think a lot of it has to do with the person's intent and some guys are jerks and it would be demeaning then, but Clay's not one of them. He's not going to do something like this on national television to a woman he only vaguely knows. He was among friends who were having fun. I love the fact that Chris Seiber turned up again for his closing, which shows to me how close they had become. Love that Clay has so many people who care about him.

    I actually feel pretty positive even though Clay is done with Spamalot and its closing. I'm feeling very hopeful about Clay's future. It helps that the withdrawals haven't set in yet though.

    yeah I knew I was in the minority and I am okay with that. that picture is now posted on a certain blogger site which I guessed it would be. but in honestly it was hard to explain to a 12 year old girl.

    I was very positive about Clay's career and all

    now I am feeling completely negative and have just heard from another friend who is leaving the fandom but says she will still keep in touch

  7. Is Juniors the place right across from the Shubert? The only thing I have had from there is hot chocolate and it was awesome. And I used their bathroom & it was very clean.

    We also looked at the Sardi's menu. Wow is that place expensive!! didn't even go inside the menu was posted on the window --must be how the keep the poor folk like me out.

    My niece was very upset about that picture posted here w/Clay "groping" (her word) that lady. I could not even explain it to her because I don't really like it either. I know that makes me sound like a prude. I don't like pictures like that never have. I find them disreptful to women.

    I am someone who has a picture like that of me out there somewhere. I was 15 he was 18 (sister's friend) and he did that right when we were taking a group picture. It put me in an awful position because if I was mad/angry it was my fault because "why can't you just take a joke?" I am 28 now and to this day if I am a group shot I post standing sideways, stand in the back (that doesn't work good for my short self) or fold my arms.

    Know I am in the minority on that point of the view.

    on a positive note

    My niece who I told you has a lot of issues behavior & learning earned her first A on a science test she was so happy :)

  8. the best is yet come tells me nothing really.

    Guess you had to be there. :hahaha:

    I don't get it :(

    The thing of it is tribeca -- be prepared for anything. Since "we" really don't "know" Clay (or his career, for that matter), we've got to "look on the bright side of life" regarding it all. One of the things I've learned in the 6 years of being a Clay Aiken fan is to totally roll with the punches and accept what IS in regards to Clay Aiken. Having said that, I look forward to whatever he provides to me.

    I used to be a planner. Wanted to know everything before it happened. Finally decided that the stress involved wasn't worth it. I still do plan quite a bit, but not nearly as much, and tell you what -- life is easier, and more enjoyable.

    I think Clay feels the same way. (But then, I could be talking out of my butt too....)

    well I don't really like surprises never have ( I shake all my Christmas presents I read the last chapter of books before I start them) but I know what you are saying

    I always thought Clay would be good on Broadway I just assumed he would have a singing part. the only planing I really want to do is start saving in Clay bank. Tour? (w/ a band please) Broadway show? Something I can actually afford?

  9. the best is yet come tells me nothing really.

    Guess you had to be there. :hahaha:

    I don't get it :(

    those numbers are really impressive. Hope the last week of shows has big audience too. I still find it incredible sad that so many shows are closing. But the economy is so bad and going to a show is so expensive.

    hopefully the actors can find some work.

  10. Spam went out with a bang this week $1, 068,658 (101.3% attendance)!

    I'm proud!

    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    that is awesome.

    the best is yet come tells me nothing really. But I hope she is right. I kind of like clues or to know something. I take what I can get.

  11. Timetraveler I am so with you on this.

    But -- in my opinion only, I hope Clay now goes into deep, super-secret cover mode

    and does what he wants to do with all of his family and music planning and no one finds

    any pictures posted by anyone other than Clay himself. No digging!!{tmCHA}

    He absolutely deserves privacy in his private life as all of us do. His performing and public life is another thing. I am looking forward to what is next in his career.

    Thanks for all the recaps . Glad you all had a great time. Was there anyone unhappy? If not that would be a first. :hahaha:

    I thought you guys were going to say something else

    I do agree about the privacy but I think that of all celebrities really. There are some who want their personal life out there and there are others who really just want to act/sing for their job and have their private lives private. Some seem to manage it better than others.

    My niece & nephew love Adam Sandler & his movies. I can't tell you anything personal about him.

    I don't really care who Clay dates and really there has to be someone(s) before Reed because Clay is 30. Kinda silly to think he hasn't had a relationship before that. so I kind of don't get all the fuss. That said

    happy for him and will wish him the best with his personal life too.

    However I am interested in his career and honestly hate when he takes long breaks/vacations.

  12. Farewell to Sir Robin

    What a great run (again ) for Clay

    Does anyone know who will be playing Sir Robin now? I still think it is strange to end his run with so few shows left in Spam's run. Wonder why he would not just close the show?

    I am happy the cast & Broadway was so kind to him. I always thought he would be good on Broadway but I never imagined he would be in show where he really wasn't singing much.

    Okay still hope for a tour sometime in 2009

  13. thanks ldyjocelyn

    guess we were right we are jinked since I think Clay did SD this whole weekend except the show we went to :(

    Oh well I am happy we at least got to see the show. I have to thankful for Christmas presents (that is how I got to go to the shows)

    My niece left a note and picture of killer rabbit for Clay. Doubt he will get it but I won't tell her that.

    She was so good in NY. She has some problems with ADHP and behavior issues (although she has been much better lately).

    My sister tried to put her on medicine but she started having chest pains so they took her off of that. We are just trying to be patient & figure things out. She can also be the sweetest kid ever.

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