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Posts posted by Mik4clay

  1. I’ll 2nd that thx, Fear! Ldyj, don’t work too hard today!

    Love the reviews! Makes me want to hear those songs even more now.. esp, the opening number.

    Why aren’t they doing the Saturday night show?

    😟So sad if no podcast. I was hoping they prerecorded.

    I loved last week’s because when the lady said that Clay is unique, and was going to live his life his way.. she nailed it 🥰

  2. Sorry jmh, I only watched a little of that rising stars show. I did see the young man sing that won. One thing is for sure those kids in the triangle are super talented!

    okay.. so maybe I freak easy, but I so dislike daytime outdoor concerts. So hard to drool over Clay Aiken with a camera in your face :0 I would have this dorky look on my face and he could see it- oh hell no.

    But just look at him up there just doing his thing.. with his 40 yr old guy shoes, kornaki khakis, little poochy tummy and slicked back gangsta hair. Gah I just ❤️❤️❤️ him

  3. Clay was snarky and told stories!?!? Lordy, I hope some peeps managed a bit of video out of there. 

    Thanks to dancermom for the recap.. I’m a bit surprised they don’t keep their entertainment out there, instead of taking the chance they may not make it back in, Ive heard that the LI expressway is a mess.

    I loved the ‘sit the EFF down’ I’m afraid I would have said it out loud.. nicely of course 😏

    There is no doubt Ben and Clay have a great musical connection. Clay is lucky to have a friend that can bring the talent the way Ben does. ❤️


    Good investigative work on the game show! Unfortunately, I will be sitting on the top of a mountain in WY when it airs 😥

    The word ‘fruit’ has a negative connotation for me.. I don’t like it, but I have to say it’s kinda funny.

    i was sad to hear what Clay had to say about the fans Spamalot was due to end with or without him anyway, right? Interesting perspective from him.. I want to hear more, write that book!

    Awww Clay is nervous- come to Mik hon, I’ll be willing to hold ya 😝


  5. FINALLY! Clay and I are batting from both sides of the plate..

    I also identify as Bidensexual!


    Clay saved this podcast for me, when he brings the funny. No matter how much you want to see both sides, there’s only so many times you can bash your head against the wall before you just say ‘ouch screw it’

    just wanted to say I luv u all and I luv Clay Aiken.. going off the grid again for a week. I hope Clay doesn’t do too much without me 😉

  6. I missed u 😘

    i looked up T Cooper a couple of months ago when I saw that Clay had attended his book signing a couple of years ago in NYC, when T was selling his book. I remembered that Allison was the one who worked with Clay on his book. Their story is amazing! How they met and fell in love and she has two young girls, and how they are working it all out.  What a great story.. I have to think they will be picked for the show!

    O and I miss that Clay guy too 

  7. HA that’s great! I actually listened to that song a while back. I think Clay’s fans (including self) pretty much ignored the creepiness in that song 😜

    I’m back from an off-the -grid camping trip. I get back and see that Clay is going to be doing some singing this summer.. yay! Glad to see it’s not going to be all news and politics for him. The NY venue looks like a beauty.  I hope like hell Clay will be in that area next spring, for any reason 🤞 that’s my tentative plan for future NY trip. I’ve never been there!

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