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miramichi gal

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Everything posted by miramichi gal

  1. {{{{{Couch Tomato and Mom}}}}} Happy Birthday Ansamcw!!!!!!! Hope it's a good one.
  2. I'm from Chatham but they have merged Chatham and Newcastle together along with the outlying areas and made it a city called it Miramichi how original eh, for those of you who don't know the area the Miramich river split the two towns hence the name of the city, I hope I haven't bored everyone. I live outside of town in the country now. It really is beautiful here and I'm glad I never moved away I just wish it was closer to any area that Clay might someday tour near. I can always hope he comes to Moncton they had the Stones last year so if it is big enough for the Stones it is big enough for Clay, I have warned my husband that if Clay ever comes to Toronto or Montreal we are going so there is hope yet that I might someday see him live.
  3. Yeah I was born and raised on the Miramichi I only left to go to University in Fredericton. When I was growing up I always thought the first thing I would do is get the hell away from here but I fell in love and here I stay. As far as posting I'm not a big poster anywhere I work all day and can't get online and then when I get home I have to sneak on when I can as hubby isn't near as fond of Clay or my obession as I am but you never know.
  4. Hi everyone. What better day than today to pop my posting cherry on this board then today to wish Couch Tomato a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! She was one of the first people that I talked to online and she made me realize that the internet isn't made up of a bunch of crazies, she has been very kind to me. I hope your having a great day. Clay content I love the guy plain and simple.
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