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Couch Tomato

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Posts posted by Couch Tomato

  1. Posthoing before I go to work:

    I agree Play - there is a place for everyone. One of the good things about the fandom.

    For me the key is how is my enjoyment affected by what others do. That's why I'm more concerned with the chattering at concerts than anything else. It's rampant. And I do think that is symptamatic of seeing the same show over and over. I mean if you're only at one concert and that's all you're going to see would you really sit there and have a conversation about the boards while clay is singing?

    The only time I really seethed about tickets is when I felt people were trying to influence management at a casino to offer up the expensive packages with the good seats. The weren't offering them and weren't going to offer them but they kept being pestered about it, letting them know how much money there was to be made off Clay fans. I thought that sucked and said so at the time. Even the screaming doesn't bother me. Hell most of the time it's involuntary. Clay does that to people. I don't care if the clack is ruined because the show is for the people in the audience first and foremost. Of course there are always obnoxious people so exceptions can be made here.

    wandacleo I felt the same way about meet and greets before the new format. I would love to participate in the new format one of these days.

    HELP I can't stop editing to add... BUT I just love the way Jerome looks at Clay in that picture... if he's even looking at him LOL. Anyway I had to right click and save that one..it's just adorable.

  2. OMG that was easy..$50... I already bought the parts and the mechanic is only charging me $50 to repair. Wonder if that's because my brother in law was with me. The mechanic I called and talked to was going to charge me $180 despite me having the parts. Have I told ya'll how I hate mechanics..with all. due apologies to any mechancs, mothers of mechanics, wives of mechanics here. :cryingwlaughter: Brother in laws are good though. As I was telling folks in teh diet and exercise thread, I dropped my cell phone in a cup of lemonade this week and went kaput. But he dried out my chip and gave me one of his spares laying around. Hell between these two things I think I can buy another ticket to spamalot!!

    Rhody thanks for putting back your post. Ahem hee I've done the personal upgrade on occassion. I'm always scared to do it cuz I have a fear of being publicly embarrased LOL.

    ETA: The little green eyed monster. I think I get a twinge every now and then, not for front row seats and definitely not multiple shows as I've seen Clay in concert over 30 times but I always have to wait and plan and stretch the dollars. I can't just jump on things (because I refuse to use credit cards for the most part - I try to pay as I go - so I use my debit card for everything or I'll get myself into further trouble) But it's just a twinge. And I really have no complaints cuz things always seem to work out. Sometimes the best tickets are available later, or from people upgrading, or from the last minute releases (down Muski LOL).

    Green sweater is flugy in a cute kind of way. LOL

    ETA to fix spelling error: What in the hell is lemonate. I posted the same thing in the other thread. Sounds like some sort of chemical. Which reminds me that thanks to whoever posted that list of alternate meanings to words the other day. It cracked me the hell up.

    Jazzgirl -- yep.. I watch my mom have 2 bad days and 4 good days and then 3 bad days and then 2 good days with no rhyme or reason and I just want to enjoy the things that I enjoy...my family and Clay. Trip to NYC and a trip to Hawaii with the family are on the agenda this year and lord help me if Clay tours heee but I'll be there too on the weekend or whever I can squeeze it in. Life is too short. I've only seen glimpses of the news but why do miserable people want to take out so many innocent people with them? This world is just nuts.

    ETA..hee for the third time.. to say hey to treenuts.

  3. The posts in response to the critical post, at least here, are often very well written and interesting to read. We have some very wise people around here who can express that wisdom well and, in KAndre's case, very funnily.

    So, while I agree with xxx that we need to cut each other some slack, I also enjoy reading other's point of view. Broadens my horizons (and my butt, too, since I spend too much time sitting in a chair reading said points of view). :cryingwlaughter:

    Liney I should have just waited for you. I always focus on the whole of a conversation and to me it's better than people holding what they feel in. How can understanding be reached or other perspectives heard if you just have to shut up. Like I said, while I've only had one front row seat, I've actually been very fortunate over the years and feel like one of those who have often hit the lottery when it comes to going to Clay concerts and probably fit more into the category of why the hell is she always in the front than not.

    Going to get my car fixed. No admins around... Mods are in charge. KAndre, don't redecorate with bling ok

  4. Heee KAndre.

    xxx I loved your post. Nothing wrong with it at all. In fact I agree with you on most of it. Now last night I could have halted the conversation because I know this subject affects not only the Toni who I know and like a lot, Scarlett, who I love a lot, KAndre, who I love and who makes me laugh every time she posts, and you know what even myself who benefits greately from having friends who know people -- I had all 5 row and above on my last trip thanks funny special women who don't pay for broker seats, just have a really marvelous system (and LOL one of those times I was pulled from the very last row of the theater) - but we've always allowed folks to have their say. And this whole ticket issue is a larger issue and always bubbling under the surface of this fandom. Have you felt that KAndre? Although I often do some "oh shits" on this board, I've often discovered that the conversation out of it is pretty darn good. I love the posts I woke up to from K, From Claygary, Jamar, xxx and others.

    As for stage door screamers, did no one just tell them to shut the fuck up? I think the larger issue there is that JNU had their sensibilities attacked as though these people would pin their actions on Clay. I don't get embarrased by other Clay fans. Personal responsibility is what I believe in.

    So yeah being single allowed me to lose my mind in 2003 through 2005 when I drowned in Clay conerts. If I had a family, the time alone away from them would have made this totally impossible. For those that have raised their families and now have the freedom to do this? More power to you.

  5. I guess I am just not very sensitive, it takes more than someone disagreeing with me for people to have me stop hanging out on their doorstep HAH! Can't get rid of me so easliy, just you try it!!!

    ETA Front row seats

    I believe a lot of people upgrade on the day of the show to those seats. It is worth a swing by the box office for it and pay the upgrade fee.

    Exactly..it's part of the game and you have to be willing to play it. My one and only front row seats came about just a few days before the show right from ticketmaster. It's a time consuming process. You have to be dilgent. I won't say who but one lucky FCAer lucked out and got front row seats for a show coming up. And I think she thought she'd never have them. She may still be in shock.

    Oh and Play, Just try to leave..I'll track you down. Sorry you're still not all the way back health wise. Jamar how you doing..you better?

  6. Well what I normally do when someone asks to have their membership deleted..and yes it has happened a few times (imagine that) is let them know that I see their request and will delete it in a week if they haven't posted. I hope you come back JJ but everyone needs to be open to alternative views. I don't have a problem with anyone having the means to see the show as many times as they please. It's their life and it's their money. And them not going is not going to open the seat up for me cuz my ass still can't go until April. And I'm not saying this cuz I think Toni is a cool customer. Plus I appreciate anyone who can be there with a camera who will then share it with the rest of us. For many, this time around, those stage door shots and photos are a godsend.

    Luck and also hard work and and planning and yes money play a large part in getting those front row seats. Once I buy my tickets I'm pretty much done so unless I luck out the first time it ain't happening. Life's a bitch. I wanna be a millionaire and look like Tyra too but that ain't happening either.

  7. Wow, YSRN, this is great information. I feel so encouraged this week because I've lost 7 pounds. Now, I'm quite aware that 5 of those was probably water heee but still.. I really was a wreck last week when my scale after two year, well the middle digit of my 3 digit weight went up a number. Then my doctor called to tell me my labs were the highest they've ever been (cholestoral, diabetes). It was not a good week.

    So this week I tried the smash fat diet -- and really to me that diet is just to get people eating veggies on a regular basis. I stuck to it for 5 days before I reached back into the recesses of my brain to all the stuff I learned in my Weight management Kaiser course which is really all about changing the way you eat. See I know everything. I know what I'm supposed to eat and not eat. That isn't the problem. The things I did this week that broke bad habits had really gotten into:

    Got up in time to eat breakfast and pack my lunch. I had oatmeal (NO BUTTER) with 1/2 cup of milk. I got used to the no butter by day 3. Now I don't miss it. The running out of the house late everyday with no food in my stomach always made me starved by lunch time and then I'd go eat fast food, usually something greasy.

    No Soda. There's a diet pepsi on my desk and it's been here all week. Not even tempted to drink it. All I've had to drink all week is water, 2% milk with my oatmeal I ate everyday (can't go any lower than that cuz it's too nasty), one glass of lemonate (which was cursed because the next morning I dropped my cell phone into my 1/2 cup of drink and now it doesn't work). I didn't even drink juice this week. I want to add green tea to the mix and so I think I'll go make me some right now....

    NO fast food: Now this is a biggie for me. I've been known to stop at Jack in the Box on the way to work and get a breakfast sandwich AND french toast sticks. Although I've been trying to make it a habit for a long to bring my lunch from home I still go out to lunch every day. Common lunch places are KFC, Dairy Bell, Togos, a Mexican place I love, and I have about 4 favorite chinese places that I love and I'm not eating the steamed veggies. And even for dinner sometimes when I don't feel like cooking I'll grab something on the way home, either from Safeway deli or the aforementioned chinese places or the simple have a pizza delivered.

    For lunch every day I had either a garden salad or the vegetarian chilli that I made over brown rice.

    I went to the farmer's market last Saturday and I intend to go every Saturday.

    I power walked instead of strolled.

    I did my walk away the pounds video two days...but my car is getting fixed today and I intend to start going to the gym every day on my way home from work. Hell I pass by it every freaking day on the way home. And I'll still get home the same time that I did while taking the bus.

    I didn't eat after 7 PM. This is a biggie for me because I have been known to go fix me something to eat at 11 PM cuz I'm still up.

    I'm going to continue to try to improve my diet. I think making a veggie soup once a week willl really help. I will add chicken and fish back a few times a week but will try to stay away from red meat. Maybe twice or month or something. Sorry cow but I love steaks and hamburger.

    For the first time in a long time I feel encouraged. I may even try tofu! LOL.


    Good luck, couchie! You can do it!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Laughn Standing O Dawg!!! OK you deleted your beautiful post. I dont' know why it was an inspiration. Thank you. I'm glad i saw it. OK that's rude hee.

  8. ooh thanks for the suzie book. I need all the help I can get.

    2 more days on the bus...jesus I want to go hug my car.

    Jenna..I enjoyed your rant to...and your little I love Clay Aiken at the end. Made me smile this morning. We know so little about Clay's actual life..it seems like we know everything but really... nope.

    I've watched the news clips on youtube a million times this morning. Love it. only 2 1/2 more months to go!

  9. Every year I start out watching this show and end up giving it up fast. WHERE IS THE DIVERSITY? I guess they are going after a certain audience and apparantly it ain't me. Season 2. The only season I thoroughly enjoyed. I don't think I"ve ever made it through any other season..except the all star season.

  10. You know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see Jimmy Kimmel figure out a way to have Clay "on his show" on Valentine's Day. Seems kind of sad to let such a fun "tradition" pass by just because Clay is in Spamalot. Anyone else hoping for a taped interview or "bit"?

    Maybe Jimmy can do a skit about not having Clay around for Valentines and him missing him terribly. THat would be a hoot.

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ah man ..way to short.

  11. Play seems to me this is more about hatred for other fans than eagerness to share. But I'll wait to see how this plays out. I don't go to the swamp for my news or to people that play in it apparantly for whatever reason they may have to do so.

    We have a lot of lurkers and for now we won't be adding fuel to any fire. PM me if you need any clarification.

    Gibby glad things worked out.

  12. Thank you guys. I did good today but I was starving. My own fault for not bringing enough food to work but I didn't want to go off it by eating something I wasn't supposed to. Tomorrow I'll be better prepared. I'm making a vegetarian chili and brown rice tonight so I can take some of that for lunch. I think my brain is finally in the right place and right on time because my doctor called me today and told me my labs were the worse they have ever been. I have no choice. I have to do this. Iv'e seen what diabetes has done to my mom.

  13. Being annoyed by OTT enthusiastic young fans is totally acceptable. Slamming those fans on the message boards, not acceptable at all, IMO. Why can't the fandom just accept that there will always be annoyances and just suck it up as what the nature of being fans is all about for some people? At the Pala concert I went with a male friend of mine who was not a fan. If I shared his impressions of the women who shushed him so they could give their cellcerts or get their videos or those who made him feel like an outsider, I think some would be really surprised. BTW, I'm not talking about anyone here, honestly. But there really is an aire of insider/outsider at these concerts and for newbies, like my friend, it was very uncomfortable. I just can't get upset by a few young women, who Clay seems to like or at least accept. He can definitely take care of himself and he does.

    I was at Pala and yeah it was appaling to me how people were holding conversations while Clay was singing. Not even a couple of glares could shut them up. They were yakking on about something or other...about a bracelet or ring clay was wearing and how the boards were going to explode..while Clay was singing. He was singing, did I say that? And my sister in law was at her first Clay concert. I think we care about NJU in theory only because at every concert they are their and Clay can clayvert them all on his own if we could just give him the chance. I don't like the hard sell clayverting either at concerts.

    Sorry I missed you.

    Now for something way more important...the article. I just love it. I loved every single answer. I love that he plans to stay true to himself when it comes to music. I think it's important to just pick the best songs he can. Songs that he loves and let the marketing plan come once you have the product. He has his head on so straight. This is why I just don't worry about him at all. He really has it together. Sounds like he has found a new temporary home and he is enjoying himself.

    His opening night thoughts were insightful and funny. "They probably should have asked me to dance." BWAH

    Also cracked up at this:

    I can't hear the audience for the amount of breathing that's going on in my ear [laughs].


  14. I'm sorry, I know we are "stalkers" but how on god's green earth do we know who has or hasn't been to the show. Are we watching at the door as they walk in? Do we have the entire theater covered. Are we watching to see when Clay arrives an exits? I mean how on earth can we know this? We can't. And I won't even start on whether somebody else is busy, has a life, has a sick relative, can't afford to travel, has a job, etc. This is the kind of thing that bugs me.

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