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Everything posted by Scarlett

  1. Just fyi, Minnesota Orchestra is a definite no. No, I didn't call them (*yikes!*), they called me because they were wondering if I had moved to Texas recently...
  2. Oh absolutely, luckiest! FromClaygary, Yes, it sounds like I would have had the grandest time! Between your festivals, the lake, health care and data privacy laws -- I'm this close to moving there! Or how about if we arrange for a way to spend spring & summer there and fall and winter here? Have fun!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hee! *bends halo back into shape then puts it on at a jaunty angle*
  3. I agree this would be great, to show them up for their unprofessional and lazy reporting, but not a good plan for a man whose business relies on ( or at least goes better with) the medias cooperation and attention. Since being nice to the media doesn't help much, maybe showing them up can. It's not like he released this. He just kept silent which is his right. That second one has been on my desktop forever. Thanks! Also, luckiest, I can drive a motorcycle. I won one in a raffle back in high school. Does that help? (Never wore a helmet while driving, though ) Yes, I love having the lake so near! Where I grew up~in BC~we lived right on the shore of the lake, and when we moved to AB I really, really, really missed it! Every vacation I ever took away from there was to someplace with water. Camping~have fun! I don't do camping unless it has running water, a shower, wireless and a manservant. :lmaosmiley-1: FromClaygary, I'm glad you had a great time!!! Love your rainbow pic. I live close to a lake also and have only begun to appreciate it. One of these days I'm going to bring a hammock to the park next to it. I missed ya! And I guess miss the man too! Thanks for the memories, couchie! LOL! I remember organizing a Houston Pre-Concert Party '06 in June of that year! I'm confident that he'll be back in a big way but I've been somewhat sadder this year. I guess those blogs and polls helped even if they didn't have much content. I remember complaining royally about the most boring OFC poll ever -- which vegetable does Clay hate the most -- and in in order to illustrate this, created my own poll of something we're interested in: Which part of Clay is most ticklish? (a) ears (b) neck (c) sides (d) feet (e) the trail (f) umm (g) kneecaps The difference to me this year is personal (& ok a tad bratty) -- the last time I saw him in Dec 30 in Clearwater, he said "See you next holiday" and closed with his trademark 2 fingers. This year, the last time I saw him he didn't say anything and he closed with an afterthought of a wave -- he'd already turned to leave, stopped, turned to wave once and was gone. My ideal goodbye? Does anyone have a copy of the photoshop that they made of this with Clay?
  4. The only way I would ever read a car manual willingly is if it were printed directly onto the fabric of THE PANTS! At Pala, KAndre and I skidded into the gas station (backwards, I think) just as the concert somewhere in the ravine below us was starting. We were frantic to squirt in just enough gas to let us slide down the hill but we could.not.get.the.gas.tank.open! We pulled and pushed and twisted everything that would move on the dashboard, the console, the bottom, sides and in between both seats -- NADA! Then we pulled, pushed and twisted everything the other way! Still nothing! KAndre said to get the ****ing manual. I said no. She said it again. I said, "No, let's look again." I was imagining that I could hear the strains of HYCA coming out of the ravine and still I wouldn't open the ****ing manual. We could have used some help from James Bond at that point, especially the Pierce Brosnan one. I got out of the car to examine the sides of the gas tank cover. That's when KAndre reached over, pulled out the manual and started reading. "Nooooooo!" I said. "We'll figure it out!" Miraculously, she found the page that said something to the effect of, "Find the compartment in between the backs of the two seats. Open it. There will be a red button inside. Push the button". How were we supposed to guess that?!! And it was an unlabelled red button. For all we knew we were starting World War III! And the manual to my car? It stayed in the glove compartment *grins smugly* because Solo was the one driving us from Houston to the Tulsa DCAT and I was in the passenger seat zealously guarding the glove compartment. In the end, we figured out on our own how to switch on the audio/AC for the people in the back -- there were only 5 of them anyways, what were they complaining about? See, life is more exciting when you don't go the easy route. That would be the best thing that ever happened to the media -- and I would be so proud that it was our guy who showed them up! There you go talking dirty again, sb, 2 nights in a row! But so glad you're hoooooome! Here's a nice cool drink. (And no, I've never opened the hood)
  5. {{{{Caro}}}} Thanks for all the good advice!!! I went and re-checked the car. The 27% part was on a message, "Engine Oil Life 27%" on the dashboard. It was in green and it's probably not the same as having only 27% of the oil left, so I have some time to decide if I want to go to a quickie place first thing tomorrow or get an appt with the dealer next week. I'm still very tempted to go with the quickie. Unfortunately, that's the problem. Solo and KAndre both know how I difficult it is to get me to read a car manual. I cleaned out my box of connectors and found that I had 8 extra firewire cables, in assorted combinations 6-pin to 4-pin, 4-pin to 4-pin, 6-pin to 6-pin, etc. If you haven't bought one, I could send you one. Let me know which kind via PM.
  6. Oh, and I'm with KAndre and Liney on the Pierce Brosnan love. Even watched "Manions of America" just because...*smiles* Also loved Colin Firth in the Mamma Mia movie -- he makes an adorable Harry Headbanger and sings more credibly than Pierce, though I'm speaking in relative terms of course. Compared to Clay, they'd be like the tiniest insignificant specks of nothingness in the singing department. ETA: annabear, hope you had a splendiferous birthday! :F_05BL17blowkiss: And... HBD to Tijala!!! :7252:
  7. ETA: Chardonnay, thanks for the tip! I use Firefox but I think a lot of people in the fandom are on IE. ETAA: luckiest! Just wanted to add that most of the time, if I really had to choose, I prefer Quiana's voice to Angela's but they're both great. Listen is an exception. I think people hear a "screech" more because they're performing with Clay and he always sounds so sweet so that what would be normal for other peoples voices, sounds like a screech in comparison. I think it's very risky for a person to sing with Clay. I also think the Broadway Cares Prayer was remixed on the DVD, perhaps because of this. On the fan-recorded clack version, I hear Clay's voice up front and clear and that's why I use that .mp3 for my audio. ETA - Just wanted to add.. on the Clay's voice "up front" -- I don't mean to imply that he was whoring himself on the live performance. He's always a very considerate duet partner, because (I think) he has the confidence in himself to know that he sounds gooood!
  8. Hi everyone! Aww, I just missed my s.b. when I went to the other computer to continue the Merrillville rendering. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Stay cool today!!! And I know you can't help me on my question -- I woke up early because I was going to have an oil change (car oil was reading 27% -- that's pretty bad, right?). So, where do y'all get your oil changed and about how much should it cost? FromClaygary, I think you posted recently about this. I'm not asking my teammates at the office because although every single one of them is as frugal as can be when it comes to electronics (eg. they wait for a 10% off coupon before buying the $5 HDMI cables so that they come to $4.50, never get the "Monster" ones, and are disappointed that Bennigan's is closing because the $4.99 lunch will be gone), they get their oil changed at the dealers (ha!) because the "car is worth it" -- yes, they're all guys. So, where should a reasonably cheap and willing to drive to get a good deal gal like me get her oil changes done? Anything else I should do with it like a car inspection? (Sorry about falling asleep on the Merrillville rendering last night, luckiest1 & goldarngirl. Will finish today!) Thanks for the bigger picture, luckiest!!! ETA: On the current topic, the Sterling Heights Listen is very special to me because Clay took what could easily have been a disastrous moment (would any of the "popular" performers take a chance like this?), trusted Quiana and relied on what he knew she had in her and delivered a spontaneous, blow-your-mind-away performance! In general, though, I think Angela's version is perfect and I'm sorry that the clack police got to us right at her moment in LA -- would have been a great gift to give her family if we had recorded that one!!! ETAA: I guess I need the $50 one too -- thanks for the tip. I was planning on the $30 deal.
  9. Cotton & Caro, thanks for bringing the Paula Clack!!! Still wallowing rolling about in old but glorious Clack -- what a show Merrillville was! 'night, everyone! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  10. Left the office early for a drs appt but now i'm too early! Stopped at the park by the lake instead. Best of the NAT while watching boats... the best! I love it when you talk dirty, sb !
  11. *squints at luckiest's post...* I could have sworn that said If I had your job, I wouldn't mind working late on Friday AND Saturday!!! Would even do OT everyday for free!!!
  12. TY will grab first thing tomorrow. The mp4's for these have been uploaded in addition to the earlier mp3's and xvid's. Link News? I'd be happy to see a clip of him reading or watching the news... or even snoozing under a newspaper/magazine.
  13. goldarngirl, just uploaded the jazzymedley, cw, wtow and angela's wciak here. HBD, annabear and Claydydi! :bday: Thanks for all the beautimous pictures you bring day after day, annabear!!! Wishing you the best in this coming year!!!
  14. Come to think of it, would you actually order clams if you're having dinner with the cute guy? Or pasta or potatoes? It would be so much better to have something you could nibble at -- chicken lollipops? Or ice cream so that you could lick the spoon suggestively? Or something you could share -- like fondue? (he'll probably like the cheese, at least) ETA: It's really nice to be rendering again... having so much fun!
  15. But what else comes in flat little shells? Shell pasta? So Couchie, so how about it? (the Friday thing) <small voice> couchie? </sv>
  16. Couchie, you can declare it to be Friday in FCA Land! C'mon!!! Then we can break out all the drinks...
  17. ClamsorConchorMusselsorSnails? *be still my heart* And those shoulders are very broad... Thanks for the pic, Cotton! And too! ETA: Couchie, it's Friday in Baku! *blows a kiss to Kareneh* ETAA: Yes, they look like clams!
  18. Hey, CM! Got any more of those knotty/naughty lessons from last night? :sm227: ETA: Hot day, sb? Here's a cool drink... When it's gold, won't it be metallic and cold to the touch? Brrrrrrr! Guess that's why the soft red one seems to be preferred... ETAA: Nice that you have some grand old trees. When I was in Ohio during that huge storm last month, it was sad to see a lot of tree damage.
  19. I always loved extended birthdays!!! HBD to your son, luckiest1! :00000430:
  20. Emmanuel "Jesus Medley" MDYK & MCWL have been uploaded here! --> Note: these are only my work files (XviDs, mp3's and mp4's). This Clack is already on its way to the CH/CU vault and that's where they'll permanently be. Miss you too! Have fun!!!
  21. Nite, Cotton & CM! ETA: goldarngirl, I'm beginning to upload but it's slow-going. Tomorrow, they'll be here.
  22. Ummmm.....CM.......ummmmm......remember what happened to Pinocchio???? Pinocchio? I wonder, CM, did you ever tell a lie while in the process of tying? *tries to imagine* ETA: Chardonnay, we'll miss you! Hurry back soon! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ETAA: goldarngirl, I *am* rendering -- just waiting for the avi's. EYATA: It won't feel like Christmas this year w/o a JNT... and this sign:
  23. goldarngirl, I take it back -- he looked awesome! Sounded wonderful too! *in heaven*
  24. Oh alright, I don't think I can get past those rules anyway. Averting eyes?!! And no recording? (that's the toughest part) --- you two are worse than the Greek vestal virgins. Warm hands are the only thing I can qualify for, so I'll stay safely away where I can get Clack! But have fun, (if you can call it that)!! *puzzled look* :cryingwlaughter: (CM, didn't mean to offend -- still looking forward to meeting u and hearing your wine recommendations!)
  25. Oh, I can hold the bow for Claymatron while she imbibes -- and she can take as long as she wants... LOL! (Looking forward to meeting you in October, CM!) :wetkissf: goldarngirl -- at your service (now that I've said hi to my sb ) ... runs off to lose myself in Clack... it won't be as good as Solo's Minneapolis, though -- I was rather schmoopie that night, sorry!
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