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Posts posted by bottlecap

  1. I don't know much about what happened at CV about Wackyjacky, but my understanding was that he/she posted a "from Clay" message and Dancermom immediately read him/her the riot act, erased the post and banned further posts. She was then contacted by "Someone" who informed her that the posts were coming from an unidentified (at least to the Board) person on Team Clay and gave enough proof that she and the other admins were satisfied. She reinstated the posts and put a bag over her head.

    No clue who any of the backstage people were, but that was the story as it played out on CV.

    Interesting, I am a member of CV and never heard any of this..the infamous back channels again? Personally, I think there was some major over-reaction going on and no need to read anyone the "riot act". People are free to say whatever they want about Clay and his career, choices and decisions...I figure he or his team should have the same right.


    No backchannels - that all played out on the main thread at CV pre-tour.

  2. The wackyjacky post bemoaning Clay’s relative lack of followers on Twitter is the impetus behind much of the discussion, IMO. If you think Clay was wj and / or approved of wj’s posts (and the CV mods seem unanimous in believing that to be the case), the obvious solution to gaining followers is to, you know, actually TWEET and start building an audience for what are essentially short quips and one-liners.

    I have to admit that my twitter feed is pretty shallow. I follow CNN and NPR, but the rest of the 50-some twitterers that I follow tend to be either funny or engaging in some manner. And yes, I have started following people on the recommendation of others in my feed. I have also unfollowed the feeds of twitterers that are too prolific (I’m looking at you, Roger Ebert) or too heavy on the self-promotion at the expense of being entertaining. It’s kind of an ongoing process of curating a feed that I find enjoyable and informative, without being too time consuming to scan through.

  3. For ausdon:

    Via agatha1960 at CV

    Tried and True Live is going to be shown on free-to-air TV in Australia on Sunday, March 27th at 3pm. It was shown three times on Pay TV last Saturday.

    It's on SBS One, a minor channel which has a fair bit of foreign language content but also lots of interesting documentaries etc. which is a change from the tripe served up by the big three commercial channels.

    The CD and DVD are also available for purchase at the SBS online shop.

    SBS schedule

    SBS shop - CD

    SBS shop - DVD

  4. Bottle your desk is too damn clean!

    Hee. That's partly corporate policy (anything with client information or whatnot is always locked up and not left out on the desktop) and partly because I straightened up and rearranged my desk a bit before I snapped the picture.


    DON'T FORGET THE TIME CHANGE TONIGHT!! That effectively makes tonight's concert even later for those of us in the eastern time zone.

  5. One year ago today, a huge group of us were here....


    Waiting to see this....




    It was a really great night, and how exciting was it when the curtain went up, and after so long, there was Clay, with his back to the audience, ready to spin around and break out with Mack the Knife?

    And then there was the whole WTF is up with his suit and why is it soooo shiny? :imgtongue:


    Have a blast tonight in San Francisco and make sure Clay knows he can't go away for very long!!

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