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Posts posted by muskifest

  1. :Iluvclaysbutt: Ha! I accidentally hit the button for that emoticon before I even starting typing, but then realized it's quite appropriate for my purpose, which is to say to merrieee

    :happybirthday05: and


    And on a sad note, we just adopted a gorgeous orange tabby cat from our local shelter less than two weeks ago and last night he found a weak screen in one of the windows and got out. He's lost with no collar or license because I had an appointment for this afternoon to get his shots and then his license and tags...I'm putting up posters all around our area, but I'm afraid that since he's still kind of skittish and scared and hasn't yet gotten the sense that he has a real home, he's going to be hard to find. Wish us luck. (Poor Carrie doesn't know yet...she went to school in a hurry and very early this morning before anyone knew Simba was even gone.)

  2. Interesting...#1 the outfit that disappeared after one show (some say because the shirt clingy goodness was too revealing of his nipples...heh)...and the Miami WDC grind that was felt 'round the world. I remember a radio interview after that show when he said something about maybe he got a little carried away dancing with Angie or something like that...ah...the best was yet to...er...come, wasn't it, ladies?

    #2--the profile, the sideburns, the eyelashes and the open lips (gah)...but that hair for me seemed dead and over-processed and then, of course, there's that danged nosehair again :cryingwlaughter: Although I do love the grown man (ahem), I gotta go with the yammy face and the shirt of clingy goodness and yummy jeans of the Miami show...

  3. Oh, gimme Mr. Youthinkyoucanoutsnarkme? Aiken anytime! :hubbahubba: Plus any pic that shows full frontal Clay is a winner...and yep, I like that concert hair, too.

    The man can wear a suit, that's for sure.

    Of course, it would be oh-so-much-fun to take the damned suit off of him, too. Slowly, with little body activities happening between each layer removed....


  4. Oh, gawd...#2 by a Clay Aiken-sized (heh) mile! That was one of my favorite public Clay looks--that GMA...that three piece suit? Vest? Kill me now. And then the whole hand-over-the-mouth parody with Tori Spelling? Priceless! He looked extra yummy that day...and this smile says soooo much...yep.

    Guess which one I voted for. :cryingwlaughter:

  5. That "Sex on a stick in the grass" pic was my work computer monitor background for a long time. In fact, I got a surprise when I moved computers. I turned the new one on and there he was! My work buddies knew of my obsession with interest in Clay, and one of them had put this pic as my background as a surprise!

    I also remember this pic because one day a co-worker, a gay man, was in my office and when he saw the picture, he said something about the "is he or isn't he?" conversations going on about Clay. I told him that so far as Clay had said, he wasn't gay so that's what I was going with. He looked at me and said, "Amy...LOOK at that picture. He's gay."

    Gay or not, it's a breathtaking picture of a beautiful man...the eyes, the smirk that promises fun and laughs and naughtiness..the freckles...gah. I loved it then and I love it now.

  6. Neither one of these pics makes me weak in the knees, but I'll go with the second one because #1 doesn't LOOK like Clay to me... I know it IS the man- I just still associate him more with the look he had for five of the six years I've 'known' him instead of how he's looked for the past months after the surgery and lipo and whatnot, I guess.

    Plus, I like the look he's giving in #2!

  7. kf, I was just gonna copy and paste your whole post. Lord knows I love Clay's stubble and other things, and #1 IS quite lovely--but those pesky nose hairs ruined many a close up for me! Before or after Cotton's surgical skill :), once again I have to vote for #2 because of what I associate with it. When I saw that brooding, hands-in-pocket, long-legged, wide-stanced Clay, I went all a twitter. (And I use that word in the meaning it had BEFORE the social networking reference!). Then, when our various photo wizards did the zoom and crop and whatnot and we got a close up of those LIPS!



  8. I absolutely LOVED that AI appearance, but absolutely HATED the hair. HATED. I remember how my heart went ZING upon seeing that bearded Clay pic, though. Loved it. So this wasn't too hard for me.

    #1--the event was a winner of monumental proportions; but the pic isn't for me. (Although I flove that big smiling one, too, kf!)

  9. Oh. Number 2, please. The profile. The lighting. That sideways look. The hair. And those fingers fondling Ms Microphone again (lucky beyotch) He's wearing my favorite concert outfit of all time and BEING that hawt singer man that always slays me dead. I MISS the concerts! And that time. Gah....I can still revive that flutter I felt when he was standing there like that.


  10. Crap! Might be the toughest contest yet! Love the up close profile, but I'll join Couchie with #2. I went to that San Jose concert, too, and took my mother! We were in the first or second row of the balcony or mezzanine and when Clay walked out in that outfit, my body parts did fluttery things. He looked sooooooo good. :hubbahubba:


  11. BWAH! I remember all the :Thud: going on when those Wango Tango pics were posted! :cryingwlaughter: We joked that the cameraman certainly had that big lens pointed at the right spot and we kept hoping for a breeze to blow the shirttail up to see the exposure those lowriders might give!

    Ah...good times, good times....

    The sideburns, of course, might suggest springy-type hair elsewhere that might put SOME people's minds to wandering down smutty onramps slopes cough00lseecough, but I gotta go with the PANTS! :hubbahubba:

  12. I'm choosing #1 but for a strange reason: there are so many stagedoor pictures that are cute or hot or funny or 'special' that I'm a bit numb to them. But that one of him on the stool---legs spread (gah), a look of "Heh...yeah, right. Go ahead and look, ladies, but don't touch!", that boot hung on the stool rung, the jeans and hands...

    What tickles me about the pics during this time is how his shirt always seemed artificially placed--that is, as if he had purposefully pulled it to cover up the goods, you know? BWAH!

    What a doofus...as if he could.... :hubbahubba:

  13. Oy! Another tough one. FLOVED his first Kimmel appearance--his outfit CMSU. :cryingwlaughter: But mainly, I just loved seeing him be a smartass with Jimmy and watching Clay win him over with his wit, his charm and his snarkiness...

    However, I remember that Solitaire appearance. I was in Georgia, having taken my mom to visit my aunt. We'd gone out to dinner and I was SOOOOO aware of the time. I knew Clay was going to be on AI, but I HAD to sit in some diner with these two old ladies who had all this 'catching up' to do and I was about to go freakin' nuts! I kept looking at my watch, thinking, "If I miss Clay I'm gonna commit 'old-lady-cide', demmit!

    Finally, after telling them that "no, I don't want desert tonight" fifty times, I dropped them both off at my aunt's place, then broke speed limits to get to my cousin's house, where I was staying. Fumbled with the key in the lock, grabbed the remote and clicked.

    Un-fuckin'-real....the picture came on to that tv just as Shitcrest announced Clay's name. I basically lost my footing as I watched him stride out on that stage to the microphone stand, dressed in black and looking so very scrumptious. NOW I was ready for desert! :hubbahubba:

    Then he opened his mouth and....:Thud: ....I was still breathing heavily from rushing to get there, but I pretty much held my breath for the next three minutes or so....and then...after getting dizzy from that great camera work...when he held that note?

    Gah. Gah. Gah. And I loved that smile that came through while he was still holding it, once he knew he'd nailed it....Loved it.

    Gotta go with number 2....you know, just in case you hadn't already figured that out. ;)

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