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Posts posted by muskifest

  1. So if I have to have my hips broken and repositioned, I can get the doc to suck out some of that fat around my ass? YEAY!

    Seriously, I don't care if he had a little lipo for his chin fat...but I think it's interesting that he said that the chin fat was leftover from the Paxil---he's always has a little under there---even when he was a skinny boy! Genetics, I assumed.

    In any case...it'll take me a little longer to get used to MaxHeadroom Clay! :cryingwlaughter:

  2. I think Idol only really had magic when people believed the kids were truly unknowns seeking a once-in-a-lifetime lightning strike. Now people understand that most of the contestants are coming into the show with a musical career they're aiming to improve or hype -- and the show gets a more professional sheen. But I think the magic is gone now that Idol is nothing more than a showcase -- and when everyone knows you don't have to win in order to really win. Clay was the first to blow that for them.

    keepingfaith...this has been my mantra for years whenever the whole Clay vs AI shit goes down. :bravo:

  3. I did like the guyliner though*g*

    Heh...his eyes are quite arresting, actually---that blue among the dark eyeliner...And he seems to be a good guy, always classy and poised. I like that he's so....OUT there, you know? He's who he is and obviously has been comfortable with that for quite a while...so it's kinda fun to see how he'll dress next and strut, etc.

    Anyhoo...I'm still :hubbahubba: and waiting for Clay to strut again....sigh. It seems very odd to once again watch a summer come and go without a concert. :cry4: Of course, with Clay, who the hell knows? Heh....the OFC could have an entire tour schedule posted tomorrow.



  4. Where is that blog?
    tribeca, I'm sorry, I don't know. I can't remember if I saw it through a Google Alert or on a board. The blog wasn't about Clay, per se; it was just someone's blah blah about AI in general---the good, the bad, etc. And Clay was only mentioned in that one context---with Justin Guarini. Called them both has-beens an then went on to other bullshit.
  5. Did he sing ... I'm gonna give you every inch of my love?
    Yes, he did, kf...and I was wondering how many guys watching were having a 'squirming' good time hearing him sing those words, too! :hahaha:

    The man can sing..no doubt. And he's quite an entertainer, too. I do think that if he has any 'flaw' it's that he's pretty predictable. That is, I know that at some time during any song that he rocks out on, he's going to go for that 'tongue-sticking-out-mouth-wide-open' screaming high note...Yep, he can hit it square on every time. It's just that I don't NEED to hear him do it every time, you know?

    He's still mad talented, though. In his way. He'll be successful, for sure.

    Someone posted a link to a blog in which somebody said that "Justin Guarini and Clay Aiken are both has beens" (talking about the success/failure of past Idols, etc.)...and I was very happy to realize that reading that did NOT make me upset. I just :cryingwlaughter: It was just so ridiculous to me that anyone would put those two people in the same category!

    Night and day.

  6. ldyj...life is so ironic. I haven't been around here a lot lately---so much real life asking for my time. I checked in here before heading to bed and saw your post about your mom. I'll be thinking of you tonight. I know we've talked about our moms and how we care for them. I just want you to know that I've always smiled while reading your posts about your visits to see your mother. Your words have always been so loving and caring and they so clearly expressed how much you loved her.

    I have no doubt that your mom is at peace now. I hope you can feel peaceful, too. You've been a wonderful daughter and I know you must have made her life brighter. :friends:

  7. I see that my smutty artistic friend, 00lsee has her priorities straight...first there's a pic of Clay's crotch, then his chest, then his smiling face... :cryingwlaughter: Love his sideburns in that pic, not crazy about his hair, but then I don't have to be, do I? B)

    I have a four-day weekend! :manynanas: and if the weather continues as it has the past couple of days, I'm going to get my fat ass outside and enjoy it! (the weather, not my fat ass)...Carrie's supposed to pitch in a two-day tournament Sat and Sun and we hope she can---she's been under the weather with a cold for over a week.

    Have fun in San Diego, Couchie! :BlowKiss:

    Oh...So my older daughter Alex got accepted at four of the five universities she applied to, so now we just have to figure out how to pay! :Ahh:

    Oh, and my boss just told me yesterday that I HAVE to take some vacation days, that I have too many saved up.

    See what happens when Clay doesn't tour? :blink:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! And never forget that.... :DoClay:

  8. liney!!!!!....OMG...this is sooooo weird. :unsure: I just came back to my hotel room for a break and was going to come on here and post the same question you did about moving iTunes to an external drive!


    Our home computer has a small hard drive and the two daughters' iTunes libraries are making it s-l-o-w (t/m Clay at Pala)...With their 16 and 8 gig collections, their extensive iPhoto libraries and tv show downloads, and the various other space-hog applications...our poor little 40gb drive just can't deal anymore!

    Oh...and one of my favorite naughty bits from Clay was actually something he said in "sotto voce"--in Pala after the discussion with Artquest about Flat Clay and she'd told him that she folded him and put him in her trunk, the music started for the next song. While everyone was still laughing, etc., he looked over to Quiana and mouthed, "It's a fold"...and just kept grinning.

    CMSU! :cryingwlaughter::hahaha:

  9. So wait a minute....that UK singer's wardrobe malfunction was that the PADDING he had in his pants to make his package look bigger found its way above the waistband?


    You kiddin' me?



    Well, that's one thing we don't ever have to worry about happening with OUR singerman boyfriend, huh? I mean...as that Rhode Island YGAF pic (one of my faves of all time! :hubbahubba: ) says as clear as the boner inside his pants leg....ain't no fake padding goin' on in Clay's pants....


    not a fold. :sleezy:

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