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Posts posted by KAndre

  1. Now see, I love Top Gear - especially when they accidentally (?) set fire to things...Pern ruled! Sometimes I just love really silly, stupid stuff (Buckaroo Bonzai in the 23rd Century anyone?)...I think the only genre of movie I'm willing to assume I like are the old Technicolor full blown musicals - like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and High Society or funny ones with Cary Grant like Arsenic and Old Lace. Apparently many of them were/are Broadway productions too - I just don't wanna see them on Broadway....I don't think even Clay could make me like POTO (or Les Miz) I've read Pride and Prejudice and thought it was sort of "ok"..don't quite get the intense passion over it. It was full of annoying people (even those making "ten thousand a year" - what the hell was he doing, selling opium?). Speed Racer (the cartoon, not the movie) was utter perfection. I prefer the Adam West incarnation of Batman to all those who followed. And I liked the M*A*S*H books better than either the movie or the series. Two of my favorite recent books are One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw and Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color That Changed the World (sometimes I am just too geeky for words; but I loved the books). I like my history with a little story telling, which is why I have whole shelves of Roberta Gellis and W. E. B. Griffin (any dude who joins not one, but two chapters of the Flat Earth Society is interesting). And until Saturday night, I had never heard of the "one foot on the floor" rule. And can't believe people apparently utilized it.

    Y'all wanna do Thursday for Vietnamese?

  2. Up the duff? WTH is "up the duff"?!?! It sounds so porny!

    Guinea pigs bite people, so nuh uh for me.

    As for movie/television commentary...yeah, I'm one of those people that if something simply doesn't make sense (and not some sort of fantasy genre) I have to comment. Like people getting shot in the top of the shoulder and still using that arm instead of bleeding out when the subclavian vein gets hit...and don't get me started on that damn ghosthunters show.

  3. View new posts? Why of course we do! Because we are good mods/admins/minions....

    Well, I know I tend to go into detail as to why I like or dislike various pop things (see Shrek the Incredibly Lame Musical - but I am totally indifferent to where I hear it from or how popular it is or if the "masses" love it...pop music is a prime example. As kf has discovered to her well hidden horror, I love old school top 40 hits...if it didn't make the charts, I probably couldn't name it, except for Clay's stuff. I am totally indifferent to most Broadway thingies - mainly because I don't think I would go anyway because most of the stuff sounds like chick flicks...and I hate chick flicks. I know y'all will find the hard to believe but I am neither particularly romantic or semtimental. Go figure. GTWT annoyed me because to this day I can't figure out why Scarlett is the heroine - she annoys the hell out of me and I think Rhett could frankly do better. Forrest Gump was interesting to watch once, sort of like Billy Joel's We Didn't Start The Fire, I like the historical stuff more than the "love story" and the fact that Sally Fields played Tom Hanks' mother was hilarious. I don't read the non trashy NYT bestsellers because I find most of them to be too pretentious for words (but of course the trashy, bodice-ripping bestsellers occupy places of honor in my library). I don't like subtle and multple layers of meaning, which is why I don't read Shakespeare, but love Branaugh's stuff. I watch Denzel for the eye-candy factor. Can't stand House but love Scrubs because Scrubs is truer to reality to me. Science fiction is the pinnacle of literature for moi. I can watch sports if I am appropriately bribed, and now prefer football to basketball since football has retained the skin tight pants and basketball has switched to big-ass baggy shorts. Meat should always be cooked totally and completely dead unless it's sushi. I hate dark chocolate, but will eat it if it's the only thing available. Love Hershey's. With Almonds.


    I forced myself to read the first Harry Potter book, because my child was eating it up like candy. Man, I hated it. With a passion. Can't stand Harry. The Twilight books, same thing.

    Eh, weak women, weak men in the movies...as long as bad things happen to them, and the moral is "don't be freakin' WEAK", I'm fine.

  4. I now have Dragon NaturallySpeaking and I think this will help me in doing my recaps. So far it's not making any mistakes I don't think.

    This is excessively cool of course now it turns out that I should have read the directions a little better because I'm having a hard time correcting stuff. But we will see. I am going to install this on my laptop and hopefully ramble on pointlessly about Shanghai.

  5. KAndre jauntily tips her beret to just the right angle and sez...

    Simplement parce que cette fille parle le français comme une chèvre mécanique ne veut pas dire que tu ne peux pas l’aider. Le plus vite tu la renseigneras, le plus vite elle la fermera. Ha HA!

    Clay couldn't say that! Of course, I can't say it either (I had a Bretonne friend write it to me and I printed it out and showed it to people. They laughed, and were amazingly helpful.)

    Yay for tonight! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  6. KAndre rubs her hands together gleefully (having totally forgotten she had such awesome admin/mod/dominatrix powers but we won't mention that)....her finger hovers over the "prune spider log" toggle...realizes if she toggles the damn thing, it'll probably take two years for anyone to notice (unless actual spider infested logs are sent to random members) and by then even she won't remember what the hell she did. Never mind.

    Gala looks interesting....

  7. Dum de dum dum dum....

    A gorgeous weekend, with a gorgeous celebrity boyfriend...who could ask for more? Well, a tour, of course, but Lord knows I'm a whiny bitch. One Mr. Clay Aiken, of "Ah'm the next American Idol" fame, has done pretty damn good, if I do say so myself and I did with my one whole vote back in aught three. Hee!

    And the fans I like are pretty damn good too! Woo Hoo!

    I feel a bout of wanderlust coming on....

  8. Top 3? Narrow it down to the top three?


    1) Scrubs. I just love it with a sick and total love.

    2) Moonlighting. Again, own all the DVDs.

    3) Star Trek TOS of course was my show, but a close second was It Takes a Thief. I have a thing for incredibly handsome dudes, which is why Fantasy Island, Welcome Back Kotter and Speed Racer also spoke to me. I loved Soap an incredible amount too.

  9. Make sure to tell us when the toe is better, kf! And my girl know quotes I like.

    But quotes I love:

    'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!

    No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.

    I love Army of Darkness

    Bad Ash: [punching Ash] You're just a goody little two-shoes, a goody little two-shoes, a goody little two...

    [Ash takes his gun and shoots Bad Ash in the face.]

    Ash: Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.

    Ash: Maybe, just maybe, my boys can pull this off. Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.

    Ash: Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand things with alloys and compositions and things with... molecular structures.

    Well hellooo Mister Fancypants. I've got news for you pal, you ain't leading but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town.

    And you might as well just quote every episode of Scrubs:

    This is the reason why your headache didn't go away: That's actually pronounced analgesic, not anal-gesic. Sir, the pills go in your mouth.

    Ted: And you know what else? I quit!

    Dr. Kelso: No you don't!

    Ted: Well I'm leaving early today!

    Dr. Kelso: No, you're not! You're coming back to my office to do busy work!

    Ted: Fine, but I'm getting a soda first!

    Dr. Kelso: Whatever.

    You'll fart, poop, pee, and scream, all in front of ten complete strangers, all of whom are staring intently at your vagina, which, by the way, has an 80 per cent chance of tearing.

    Pregnant Wife: [to her husband] You do it.

    Not a movie quote, but one of my top three of all time, from the one and only Mae West:

    Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
  10. Ooooo, reminiscing! Well, the Vermont JBT audience was sort of weird compared to other Clay audiences - it was almost a cariacture of New England reticence...I honestly couldn't tell if it was mostly NJU or simply the most reserved Clay fans in the world...me 'n PerusingOne couldn't give away good seats to the people way in the back...apparently we looked too...umm...."street". Yes. Very street. They acted like we were gonna pop a cap in their asses at any second. And I swear to God that the clones from the couple in "American Gothic" simply surrounded us ... or maybe it was the grown-up children of the corn...they simply had the most muted reaction to anything Clay did...until the Felix gaffe...then they let loose.

    The CH has a thread dedicated to recaps...it is especially complete for the early concerts...they are full of those little details and explanations of insider jokes...I'm afraid (well, not really afraid, just pretending to be polite) my recaps have always mostly been about me...but there is some Clay stuff in 'em!

  11. I had to laugh when I read that article - I have read most of the authors (except the one who wrote the article). It just re-emphasizes to me that Clay's fandom, with all of its crazy, isn't particularly unique. The biggest online battle between and author and her fans that I know about is with Linda Hamilton - that's gotten personal. Entitlement is rampant in all fandoms, but I think the hard core comic fanboys take the cake for total insanity.

  12. Scarlett, you know me so well - I couldn't stand Dr. Zhivago (even though Sharif is one of the cutest things ever on two legs - people need to either fish or cut bait!) and I did think Lara's Theme was sweet.

    I didn't even know there was a movie Against All Odds. Huh.

    I'm gonna have to try the Outlander series...I've been seeing the books around for years...

  13. KAndre eyes Scarlett with suspicion....

    You're not talking about ...chick flicks, are you? You know I don't do chick flicks!

    I can do romance though....hmmmm

    Movies: Léon (The Professional); Bladerunner (director's cut); The Philadelphia Story

    Books: This is harder because I'm just not into "romantic" books - The Warlord series by Elizabeth Vaughn; The Blue Sword/The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley; and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, The Black Stallion!

    Songs: Unchained Melody (Righteous Brothers or Amici Forever; I love Clay with my whole heart but these versions bring tears to my eyes); Nobody Knows by the Tony Rich Project or Forever and Ever, Amen by Randy Travis; Against All Odds or I Will Always Love You (Either Whitney or Dolly, both good in difference ways); For Clay, the most romantic one is As Long As We're Here.

    Oooh, let's make it fun! Defend your choices!

    I know I'm a complete heathen, but Casablanca never did anything for me...I sorta thought Rick just found an easy way to get rid of Ilsa...

    It's easier for me to do songs - I can be romantic for 5 minutes at the most...

  14. Man, I work my fingers to the bone to get ready for a garage sale and y'all start talking about any and everything!

    I found Scarlett's question and y'all's answers interesting...

    A. Personal

    Since we now have many online friends, we need to be able to trust their identities. If someone were to hack into your friend's account, how long do you think would it take before you realize it? (1 post or email, 2-3, 4-5, more?)

    Honestly, I have no clue. Beyond the Clay fandom, I am probably one of the least social people running around, so most of the online people I really deal with a lot, I know in person. And it doesn't help that some of those I know in person did seem to go totally whack, but then that was in person too. She wasn't whack to me personally online. I have absolutely no interest in Facebook or Twitter or whatever the hell next social thing comes along...I think I did a MySpace page back in the day...haven't checked it in years.

    B. Celebrities

    How do we classify our sources of information? If 1="I will probably believe it", 3="I'll take note and watch for other sources", 5="I won't believe it"

    I am very much a cynic and have been known not to believe stuff straight from the horse's mouth so you can put me down for "3" for everything...everybody has an agenda, good, bad or indifferent...Lord knows I do. I gotta agree with jamar about people's inherest biases...

    I am always appropriately rude...up to and including assault.

    God loves the wackos and posers too - God knows I don't have to.

    Libraries! I myself am mildly fond of books - I only have about a thousand or so...libraries were a lifeline for me for years...but I simply have a voracious appetite for entertainment...and honestly I'm looking forward to getting a Kindle as soon as the price becomes more reasonable...$400 for a device that only does one thing (it does it well, I admit)...not happening yet.

    Clay's career? Haven't worried about that since he first had the #1 CD in the U.S., which put him ahead of the majority of working musicians today.

  15. KAndre pries one sticky eye open, chugs another mug of Thera-flu, unplugs couchie's toaster, and hands it generously over to the newest newbie!

    We still need to do the Vietnamese place (as soon as I can frickin' breathe) - but other party planning is good. Though being sick, I have discovered Spore. I love it all to pieces - though large numbers of species are oddly enough becoming extinct in my vicinity.

    I've been bopping to WYSYLM - what can I say, it's just a sweet jam. Though I will soon have live versions of ISY on repeat (Clay owes me for not putting a live version on the new CD, dammit!

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